Happy Friday!
Another week! Wow, the time truly passes by so quickly. Thus, we often get so caught up in our various daily activities that we forget to say THANK YOU to those people around us…..who care so much and work so hard to make our lives special!
Today, I’d like to take the time to do so! MY JOHN and Dottie receive lovely notes all of the time from so many of you. They asked that I personally THANK YOU for them. The time you take to write them…and the words expressed so graciously do mean a great deal to them and all of MY TEAM. YOU ARE SO KIND!
Last Saturday, Victoria Racimo was visiting Los Angeles from her home in New York. Steve Haskin (who you all know as he writes for The Bloodhorse) emailed John asking if she could visit BARN 55. Victoria had been at Keeneland the evening I arrived in Lexington and stood in the 17 degree weather for hours to see ME. She commented to John that she “still remembers rubbing ME that evening and feeling the warmth of my body”.
Victoria has a friend, James, who is 10 years old and receiving chemo treatments for a rare form of Leukemia. His parents work in a Feed Shop in Paris, Kentucky, and are very involved working with and following horses in our industry.
Per Victoria, “James has followed and adored Zenyatta from when she first started to make her mark. He is only 10 years old now.”
There are so many wonderful moments to Victoria’s visit to BARN 55 and her follow-up note to John. One very special and touching part was hearing about James and being able to visit with him. MY JOHN called him. At that very moment when MY JOHN called, he was in the hospital receiving treatment. Per Victoria, “James has been over the moon since that day.”
MY JOHN also gave Victoria MY DODGER BILLBOARD for him, the one he had standing on his desk. It is on his way to James right now. Victoria commented, “it took me a while to package and wrap so her ears would be safe.” (Thank you, Victoria! I appreciate that!)
In her note, Victoria went on to state, “I want to let you know how meaningful your good works are to so many. You, Dottie, and the Z Team continue to be a life force carrying on Zenyatta’s magic—the magic that has made the difference in thousands upon thousands of lives. I thank you for the kindness of that day. You are blessed to have met Zenyatta and she you and in the rest of the scheme of things, we are all winners because of your presence and grace in this world.”
To Victoria and All of YOU….WE WANT TO SAY….. THANK YOU! The true beauty of all of these experiences is we have all met each other and been able to share in so many special moments and friendships! THANK YOU for your kindness and the difference YOU have all made in our lives as well.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special HUG this morning for you, James!)
Lorri (waxahachie, tx)
Momma Z what a great story! I am so glad that James has been uplifted during this most trying time in his 10 year old life! YOU and YOUR connections, ALL of them, are so kind and generous! And that kindness and generosity pays it forward such as in this heartwarming story. YOU are truly a MIRACLE! Tell TASTY I said hello on one of your outings in the paddock! I love hearing about HER too! xoxo
Dottie, YOU are a great person!
Wow…such a heart-warming story! A wonderful way to start my day. I’ll be thinking about James today–what a brave young man!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Zenny, thanks for sharing the wonderful experiences with Victoria and her young friend, James. His is one of many thousands of similar stories about how you have touched the lives of so many people. My prayers and good thoughts for James to come through his illness and for a quick return to health.
Before retiring for the night last evening, I spent a wonderful half hour reviewing a post at TVG Community board. Of course there are several posts and threads about you, sweet girl, but one in particular caught my eye. I had reviewed it before, but it includes a History and Photo section about your “gifted ancestors” and our own Abigail Anderson’s response to Steve Haskin’s “I Lied” column. What is so special about this particular thread is it posts Abigail’s column and photos of many of your ancestors have been added. Here’s the link….it may require a sign-in or registration, but that may be required only if you want to post comments, so hopefully, you won’t have to do anything except browse through these wonderful old photos of your “family” and review Abigail’s memorable prose. http://community.tvg.com/t5/History-and-Photos/ZENYATTA-quot-S-GIFTED-ANCESTORS/td-p/424235
Hugs, sweet Momma! Ann Maree
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Abigail’s prose is at the end of the second page of this thread. Those photos are so wonderful, and I found several where your ancestor reminded me so much of you! Roberto, Prince Rose were two that stood out. Towards the end of the second page is the most breathtaking photo of you, with an oval frame. Hope everyone enjoys this trip down memory lane.
Ann Maree, thank you so much for posting the link.
What a history lesson in horses!
Learned a lot and also brought back memories of past greats.
Have a great weekend1
Cindy M. Ottawa, Canada
Thankyou I really enjoyed reading about Zenny’s ancestors.
Zenny my best wishes to Victoria and James, thanks for sharing such an amazing experience.
Hope you and Tasty have a great w/e:)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ann Maree
Thank you SO much for this link (EVERYONE – do NOT miss this post if you didn’t read it back when Abigail first wrote it). Great pictures (added later by Zenfan) and a wonderful look back at Zenny’s history!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks so much. Ann Maree! You and Abigail are treasures!
Celeste in TX
Thanks for posting the link to Abigail’s post with the added photos. I had not read that wonderful piece since Steve first posted it on his blog and it is still so touching and so beautiful. Thank you!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ann Maree – How fantastic to see our Abigail’s amazing piece on the history of Zenyatta’s pedigree posted on TVG!! I love reading everything she writes, but of course this piece holds a special place in my heart, because it’s about our Zenny!!Thanks for the link so that we could enjoy it again.
Look forward to your posts every day!!! Cant wait to read them. Hooked here in SC! I would like to compliment you on your lovely writing…I know that you have a very kind and helpful staff that helps you write your daily posts. Here is a special HIGH FIVE to all your assistants!
Julie Ann
Thank you for the great updates and news! “Mamacita”, you ARE looking wonderful!
Elizabeth G.
Indeed, John, Dottie, and you Zenyatta have touched our lives so significantly… all of you represent a special treasure. Love to all.
Nancy Freeman
Thanks to you and your team for continually putting a warm, positive and approachable face on your sport. Reaching out to others and providing continual education for all of us keeps us informed and updated on its many activities–as well as feeling all warm and fuzzy inside!
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
WOW – — —— Tears!!!! Thank YOU DOTTIE and JOHN and to EVERYONE on TEAM ZENYATTA – and to JAMES and VICTORIA
You ALL have made a differance in my life and those around me – Thank you!!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Zenny, your John IS one in a million million! How touching and kind of your dear John, and you Dottie! Hearts of golden dreams in the human form of John and Dottie Shirreffs. Thank you for James – that meant more to James than what all the medicine in the world could do for him … the MAGIC of ZENYATTA ….. what could be better than that magical dream dust one is sprinkled, showered upon when Zenny touches the heart? Her extraordinary power to influence the heart and spirit, the magnitude which cannot be measured nor explained, lifts the soul, transends all known boundries and is incapable of failing ones inner most being. Angels do indeed spread their wings over our souls once in HER presence … the essence of life lives in HER and in us once SHE touches the heart – which is so longing for that intimate stroke of contact, elusive no more once the exhilaration of spirit SHE has exclusively bestowed upon one has ‘touched’ that core spirit. It exudes in all directions after, following places in the heart thought never possible … God bless James and allow him to follow those places of his heart forevermore … in this Zennyland of our dreams one can live and dream, dream, dream …..
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Wow Karen… Love this!!
So true of the MAGIC of ZENYATTA.
Thanks for posting
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karen Gogue, you too have a way with words. Love the post. Hugs Sue
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear, Karen. Hello my gorgeous, talented friend. Your words were beautiful, just like you!! Zenyatta’s magic is truly amazing!! Love and hugs, Dawn
Terry Crow
Karen-You do have a way with words.
Monika Paulino
What a lovely story. Horse like you, Z, help keep the magic alive in our world.
I remember briefly meeting you (Dottie/Zenyatta) at Barn 55 before the move to KY, and saying you’d make a great motivational speaker. Your posts on this site confirm this a hundred times over…do you even have any idea how many people you’re encouraging and giving hope to with your kind words? I read your posts daily, not only to know how the greatest thoroughbred in history is doing, and gain insight into the horse racing world…but also to start each day with some positive, loving words. Thank you.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sandy – I couldn’t agree more. Dottie motivates us all with her remarkable words on behalf of our Zenny! She is a beautiful woman inside and out!!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Good Morning Precious Zenny.
What a heart warming story. Prayers for James on his journey to being healthy again.
Hugs go out to Victoria. Thanks for being so caring.
And what can we say about YOUR John… He’s PRICELESS!! Such a remarkable person.
Thanks Dottie for all that you do. You are a Blessing
Zen and Z Team,
You have changed so many lives and continue to do so. I don’t post often, but the kindness and concern that you have shown to James touches me deeply. Keep up the good work. And a note to Z, I don’t care if you have a colt or a filly. Just a good delivery and a healthy foal is all that matters. As I watched you, Zen, with tears in my eyes, I will watch your baby run its races when the time comes for it to shine!
Linda M
Sweet Z and Team Z,
You continue to take our breath away. I could not have written it any better than Victoria!
I think sometimes you know when you are in the presence of Angels and Butterflies. So many times in life, one does not understand and meet their “calling”. How special that Z and her TEAM have come into this early in their lives and have been able to fulfull this with such grace and positive impact on others, not to mention what you all do in your mission for horses and the industry.
Blessing to you all – you make us better people and brighten our days!
We love YOU, Linda & George
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Zenny, I absolutely loved this post! What a wonderful story and example John and Dottie are! They motivate all around them to be better people, more caring and nurturing……God Bless them both. They have used your magic to create a whole world of caring, loving people on this website. I will add James to my prayer list each night.
Terry Crow what exactly is the CRAPPER CURSE, my mind has been running wild with possible senarios. Also, I’m thinking that had to be a decimal error in yesterdays post regarding the Certificate, it’s $2.50 right? I’ll take one.
Keta, that was wonderful news regarding the TAA that is being set up, hope it is an answer to all our prayers.
Love to Z and TT and kisses on your nose Auntie Sue
Terry Crow
It is difficult to describe the Crapper curse, but basically it involves diarrhea. The redneck certificate’s price is $250.00. So far, not a lot of orders but I’m still optimistic.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Terry, can we work something out, that’s pretty expensive! Match race, your Plushie against mine?
And so Terry, what charity are were benefiting with the Redneck Certificate
donation, perhaps the “stomach doctor” association ???????
Lillian L
Team Zenyatta is truly the best! As we’re anxiously awaiting the birth, is there any way that a baby pool could be set up on-line? At my former job, when a co-worker was expecting, we had a baby pool. Everyone paid $1 and guessed the date and time of the birth. The closest guess was the winner and the money was donated to the new mom. It would be fun to do a pool (without the money) and see who has the honor of having the closest guess to baby Z’s birth. Just a thought.
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
I like the baby pool idea! Whenever we were expecting a litter of pups, we had a pool, too. Categories were: date, time, number in litter. It was a family/close friends pool. Winner of each category had a big dinner made by everyone else! Lots of fun! Lots of good dinners enjoyed!
I also liked the Magic of Zenyatta comment. Now there is a good name for a foal. Filly or colt.
Simply says it all.
Lisag in Texas
Do you believe in Magic?
I like that as well.
Lisag in Texas
Mia Ragazzina (filly)
Mio Ragazzo (Colt)
M. Kern
Just four words. I LOVE YOU ZENYATTA!
Lisag in Texas
Filleamoi (Filly)
Eblouissante works:
Date: February 10, 2012
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.03:60 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 28/31
Lisag in Texas
Do you think that Z’s John will wait a little longer for her maiden race, than what he originally thought? Whatever Z’s John choice, it will be the right one.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
When I visited E a couple of weeks ago, John said he had no idea when her first start might be. He will let her tell him when she’s ready, I’m sure!
Thanks for keeping us up to date with her works; just maybe not telling him she’s ready yet.
Those of us who have never had a horse on this blog should remember the horse will tell you everything you want to know and then more about themselves if you
are able to (understand horse language ) or desire (those who ignore the “talk”) to LISTEN. These creatures are so very astute, complicated
yet very simple in many ways.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Oh loveable Z, your story brought tears in my eyes!! My joy has expanded because of you and your connections. Your warmth and kindness brings that special magic that comes from the heart. WOW!!
I pray all goes well for young James. After hearing from John I am sure he is thinking very positive; that is important . My best human girlfriend and I stood for 3 hours that cold Lexington day-eve just to have a good spot to see you when you arrived and hopefully touch you Z ; perhaps give you a kiss on that soft nose of yours! (Hand & toe warmers were needed) Do you remember seeing a women with a bright red nose? That was me!! Unfortunately we were not one of the lucky ones, but you can warm me anytime, anywhere!!! I cherish you Z and all that you have brought into my life. I would love to have John & Dotties, Ann & Jerry’s address or are notes just sent to Barn 55?
Our weather man was wrong, we are getting several inches with higher winds and temperatures will be falling into single digits tonight. I’d like to feel your warmth. You and Tasty can keep each other warm and soon you will have baby z cuddling for your warmth & protection. Have a pleasant relaxing week-end sweetie. What cherity would you like me to send to in honor of your new foal?
Bless you, love you, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I know how to spell charity! Sorry
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sally B. – Thank you for sharing your memorys of that very special evening in Kentucky. The feeling of pure love expressed for Zenyatta that night must have touched every heart present.
Paula Higgins
I am sitting here with tears in my eyes reading this. John, you are a very GOOD and kind man. That is not something I say lightly. Dottie you are a very special person also. You are both role models for the rest of us and people in racing especially. ,Along with the Moss’ you have changed lives. I hope James makes a full recovery. He will be in my prayers. What a great thing you did for this little boy. Victoria you are a gem. What a kind heart you have. Ditto Steve Haskin, the greatest writer in horse racing (and in the media period). I just made a donation to Old Friends. In my note, I told Michael that it is only because of Zenyatta and her family that I became aware of Old Friends Home for Retired Horses. I make a donation every 2-4 weeks. So Dottie, John, Ann and Jerry, your influence is felt far and wide and it is all for the good. You all had a unique opportunity through Zenyatta to do good things for people and you met that challenge. You are all incredible and so are many of the people who post on this site with their good works and many kindnesses to horses and their fellow posters. Makes me feel very lucky to be a small part of it.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Great post Paula.
Paula Higgins
Thank you Debbie!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Paula – I loved your post. I am so happy that you have found Old Friends through our Zenny. It is a wonderful place, with a marvelous giving group of people doing all they can for the magnificent champions in their care. Michael is a prince among men!! It is a place I visit every chance I get. Do you follow the blog that Val writes? It is fantastic!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Terry Crow–I missed the certificate story. I want one, though!
@ALL WHO WANTED TO DO THE Z-SHOWER AT HORSE AND MAN–I wrote Dawn and told her some Z-Dumplings were interested in helping in Z’s honor.
@Dottie–what a great post. Prayers being offered up for James. None of us would be here, Dottie, without you and our Z. Thank you more than we can say.
Terry Crow
Wow, my first order. You have my e-mail so let me know where to send it. Only $250.00.
The Z Teams shows the way again!
Trisha from VA
Dottie thank you, thank you and thank you for being our girl’s voice and John for his caring and patience while Z was in his care. Jerry and Ann for allowing Z’s fans to be a part of her life. To all who were lucky enough to be in her life. Thank you
Zenyatta you are so loved by sooooo many. Your caring, loving and generous team is one of the reasons you have become the most beloved TB mare of all time. Your personality and gentleness is a wonderful thing to see.
Love you
Love hugs and kisses to all
Linda from Chicago
Lets plan a Baby Shower!
Lisag in Texas
See Barbara Wood in TX or/and Karen.
Jill in Jersey
Thanks, as always, for sharing. I hope James knows we all have him in our thoughts and prayers. Get well. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
I can hardly see to write this. First the beautiful picture of you keeping track of things over your fence, then the wonderful story about Team Z’s kindness to James, then Karen Gogue’s very touching post, then the link from Ann Maree to the wonderful historical piece about your ancestors written by Abigail . . . each one brought even more tears to my eyes. I can tell that there won’t be enough Kleenex in Cleveland when your foal is born! Have a restful weekend and stay warm (it’s definitely going to be winter here for a change).
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Terry Crow
Thank you so VERY much for your kind (if outrageously expensive) offer of a redneck birth certificate for my plushie, but I’ll try to “make do” with the one that came in the box :-)
Terry Crow
OK. The offer is open until the end of the month.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
@ all BREAKING NEWS!!!! I just got my 2 plushies!!!! I am not sure now which grandchild will get the other. My plushie is so soft, like z’s soft nose and the perfect size for cuddling! I don’t think I’ll be sleepless in Wi. anymore!! Whoopie!! (cause I say a prayer for Z and hand things over to God)
I have missed reading a couple posts. What as a group donation or thing on behalf of Z have you been talking about?
Especially Horses / Southern California
Fantastic! So worth the wait.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Zenny, I have never been in doubt about the size of YOUR JOHN and DOTTIE’s hearts and the story of James confirms that they are the most caring, generous people. I frequently forget to thank Dottie for being your voice, where would this Z Family be without her? Another week has passed and brought us closer to the big day, I think we will all be needing tranquilizers soon, the waiting is getting to me. Have a nice restful weekend with Tasty, stay warm and comfy.