Happy Friday!
Another week! Wow, the time truly passes by so quickly. Thus, we often get so caught up in our various daily activities that we forget to say THANK YOU to those people around us…..who care so much and work so hard to make our lives special!
Today, I’d like to take the time to do so! MY JOHN and Dottie receive lovely notes all of the time from so many of you. They asked that I personally THANK YOU for them. The time you take to write them…and the words expressed so graciously do mean a great deal to them and all of MY TEAM. YOU ARE SO KIND!
Last Saturday, Victoria Racimo was visiting Los Angeles from her home in New York. Steve Haskin (who you all know as he writes for The Bloodhorse) emailed John asking if she could visit BARN 55. Victoria had been at Keeneland the evening I arrived in Lexington and stood in the 17 degree weather for hours to see ME. She commented to John that she “still remembers rubbing ME that evening and feeling the warmth of my body”.
Victoria has a friend, James, who is 10 years old and receiving chemo treatments for a rare form of Leukemia. His parents work in a Feed Shop in Paris, Kentucky, and are very involved working with and following horses in our industry.
Per Victoria, “James has followed and adored Zenyatta from when she first started to make her mark. He is only 10 years old now.”
There are so many wonderful moments to Victoria’s visit to BARN 55 and her follow-up note to John. One very special and touching part was hearing about James and being able to visit with him. MY JOHN called him. At that very moment when MY JOHN called, he was in the hospital receiving treatment. Per Victoria, “James has been over the moon since that day.”
MY JOHN also gave Victoria MY DODGER BILLBOARD for him, the one he had standing on his desk. It is on his way to James right now. Victoria commented, “it took me a while to package and wrap so her ears would be safe.” (Thank you, Victoria! I appreciate that!)
In her note, Victoria went on to state, “I want to let you know how meaningful your good works are to so many. You, Dottie, and the Z Team continue to be a life force carrying on Zenyatta’s magic—the magic that has made the difference in thousands upon thousands of lives. I thank you for the kindness of that day. You are blessed to have met Zenyatta and she you and in the rest of the scheme of things, we are all winners because of your presence and grace in this world.”
To Victoria and All of YOU….WE WANT TO SAY….. THANK YOU! The true beauty of all of these experiences is we have all met each other and been able to share in so many special moments and friendships! THANK YOU for your kindness and the difference YOU have all made in our lives as well.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special HUG this morning for you, James!)
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta!
Yeah Kelly !!!!
You’re #1
Barbara in CA
What a great story, my thoughts are with James and his family. Visiting Barn 55, what a dream come true. Not since Cigar, has a horse touched my heart like Zenyatta. I may just need to make a road trip from CA to Kentucky to pay him a visit.
I can’t wait tell you foal it all i think about! had a dream you had a filly!
but i kinda want you to have a colt… (;
I hope it’s a colt too, so Rachel’s and Z’s can race in the 2015 Triple Crown races! :D
carol in utah
good zenny….hope you and tasty have a safe, warm and restful weekend…
we all have our wishes for you….a safe delivery for you and your baby is my top
but would love a filly…..and she could run in the triple crown races…its has been done before….she would definitely RUN LIKE A GIRL…just look at her momma..
many kisses for your soft nose…some for tasty too….
carol in utah
thats suppose to be “good morning”
Ha! The foal can be a filly and race in all the Triple Crown races! Girl power! They said a filly/mare could never win the BC Classic . . . .
Lisag in Texas
@Audrey, either filly or colt, will be great…it is Zenyatta’s baby and that is all that matters. I feel like she is having a colt. Z fiilly would be fantastic.
I do too.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th ♥
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
♥♥♥, too!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
12th – HEART!
Happy Friday!
What a lovely story of caring & compassion!
Yesterday there was some great news.
Industry groups create Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
A broad-based group of Thoroughbred industry stakeholders announced today the establishment of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)—an organization designed to serve as both the accrediting body for aftercare facilities that care for Thoroughbreds following the conclusion of their racing careers and a fundraising body to support these approved facilities.
Funded initially by seed money from Breeders’ Cup, Ltd., The Jockey Club, and Keeneland Association, the TAA is comprised of owners, trainers, breeders, racetracks, jockeys, aftercare professionals and other industry groups.
Additional support of the TAA has been provided by Adena Springs North, CARMA, Fasig-Tipton, The Jockeys’ Guild, New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association, The New York Racing Association, Ocala Breeders’ Sales Company and Thoroughbred Charities of America. The organization also received staff support from Thoroughbred Charities of America, the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association and the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA). The NTRA will continue to provide that support on an ongoing basis.
Keta note: There are so many great organizations involved. It is worth reading the article.
Have a terrific weekend1
Pacing the floor in AZ.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Keta! This is EXCELLENT news! I am so glad these steps are being taken to improve like for TB’s who have left the track. High hoof!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I like that it shows some leadership, which can only be applauded.
Darlene Daniels
Keta, This is the best news I have had all week. Thank you so much for sharing.
sue and tony
Keta, thank you for sharing this info. This site continues to be a wealth of information regarding Z’s industry.
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
Jay Hovdey has an article in DRF.com today about this and I highly recommend his article: “Aftercare no longer an afterthought”. It is a good step forward, but not a complete solution.
Yes, it is just a beginning. Unfortunately, the economy has really affected
the care of horses in general, which is so very sad.
Debbie G/Kentucky
That’s awesome news!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Wonderful news! Thank you Keta!
More good news this evening!
Congratulations, John! What a great choice!
Shirreffs to Chair CHRB Advisory Panel
By Blood-Horse Staff
Updated: Friday, February 10, 2012 7:34 PM
Posted: Friday, February 10, 2012 6:49 PM
Trainer John Shirreffs has been named to chair a newly created medication advisory panel for the California Horse Racing Board to provide consultation with the agency’s medication and track safety committee, it was announced Feb. 10.
Commissioner Bo Derek, who chairs the medication and track safety committee, also named Scott Chaney and Lou Raffetto to the three-member advisory panel. Chaney is a steward on the Southern California Thoroughbred circuit. Raffetto is president of the Thoroughbred Owners of California.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keta, read the article, thank you for the link. I think it is so wonderful to see the industry take this kind of action. I also want to congratulate John on being named to chair the new medication panel. It is absolutely fantastic. He will be such a champion on behalf of the horses! There could be no better choice!!!!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Keta: Hi Keta: Thank you for sharing this great news! This is absolutely fantastic news. For those of us that enjoy the sport of horse racing we can go to the track and enjoy the races knowing that the horses will be taken care of after they leave the track.
I am also happy to hear that John was named to chair the medication panel. We need caring people to speak up for the care of the beautiful horses that run their hearts out for our entertainment.
God bless you and your team for bringing so much joy and happiness into everyone’s lives. A special prayer to James, the little boy who is receiving the chemo treatments. I am sure his journey will be a lot easier knowing that he has you by his side.
I anxiously am awaiting the birth of your foal Zenny. I can’t believe the day is almost here. It will be so exciting to see the first pictures of you and your new colt or filly. I am sure you will be a very loving mommy and what an honor for all of us to be able to share these special times with you.
sharon in seattle
there are so many heart-warming stories in Z-land. and the love manifest in all these posts nurtures and enriches so many people’s lives. Zenyatta and Team Z just radiate this warmth – even literally! — and we have all responded. Thank you for sharing the story of Victoria and James!
Many thoughts and prayers going out to James. WTG John and Victoria for coming together to find a way to bring some joy to him as he undergoes chemo.
Zenny, you and your team are the very definition of class!
Shannon From Cool
A big hug to you Zenyatta to get you through the weekend. Your wonderful posts give us all so much happiness as if you are giving us all big hugs.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Happy Day, my Plushie arrived just in time for foaling season. Dam and foal arrived in great condition. My foal is a filly! She stood and nursed within 20 minutes of arrival. She is a very curious little squirt. She’s been exploring each room in her new environment and because she is so friendly she has already bonded with the doggie and the two kitty kats.
I nominated her right way for THE ZENYATTA CLASSIC. If everything goes as planned, in three years she will overtake JAG’s #33 in the stretch and win going away. Oh, and her name is Zenesque (esque meaning in the manner of or style of).
Zeny I’m anxiously awaiting the birth of the “real” little Z. Also another big thank you to Dottie for a wonderful week of Esprit de Zen insight.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Especially Horses! High hoof!
Lisag in Texas
O, this is way Too Cute, love it. Cannot wait to see JAG’s response. I do not have mine yet, watch out.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Love this post. Nice name for this special filly!! And the competition begins…. This is gonna be fun. I too cannot wait to see JAG’s response
Joanna from TX
I too love the name you picked!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Especially Horses, ha, ha got to throw my #55 colt in the ring too.
AKA Zingular Zensation he is big, bold and bodacious. This could be a real run for the money!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Love it! My #236, Zensational Zurprise, will be ready, when the bugle sounds.
Terry Crow
Vicki-I left a message for you on the last diary entry.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Terry, I already caught it, and left a small reply for you there. I tend to post so late at night, I almost always check back the next day, when the world has moved on without me, usually.
Terry Crow
Thanks for the comment, Vicki. That particular “performance” was off the charts fun. I have heard many say that I have a face for radio. As a point of information, I always got a kick out of the name of the actor who voiced the Lone Ranger on radio. His name was Brace Beemer.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Terry, I didn’t know his name. I found you can hear the The Lone Ranger “outcall” immediately on this link: http://bracebeemer.homestead.com/index.html
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I looked up more about Brace Beemer, and found Clayton Moore “was chosen to take over the role for the television series. Although Beemer had the right voice and had made many public appearances as the Ranger, he had no experience as a film actor, as he preferred live action to television. However, Beemer’s voice as the character was so familiar that Moore imitated his sound in the earliest TV episodes.” That’s from Wikipedia.
Betsy McGrath
“Esprit de Zen” sounds like a perfume: another product for the Zenyatta line?
What a touching story and what an extraordinary group of people “inhabit” this website. I wish I had known Zenyatta before the CBS segment. I miss having shared the history!
Lisag in Texas
Esprit de Zen, liking that alot.
Been looking at Italian and some French names myself.
Esprit de Zen, yes, it is good.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Hope I get to see that race, what a classic!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA
What? Huh? You want a date for racing… bring it on girl!! My Filly: Z ONE Z ONLY will take your filly on any time, any day….
Trevors call: They’re at the top of the lane….. and down the stretch they come……. Z on the outside. Z on the inside…. It’s Z by a length…….. but, which one!!! :o)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Especially Horses – Love your post. Certainly brought a smile! TOO CUTE!!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA
What? Huh? You want a date for racing… bring it on girl!! My Filly: Z ONE Z ONLY will take your filly on any time, any day….
Trevors call: They’re at the top of the lane….. and down the stretch they come……. Z on the outside. Z on the inside…. It’s Z by a length…….. but, which one!!! :o)
p.s. I posted this last night, but it seems like it didn’t post as a “reply” to your comment – ? So, I’m trying again this a.m…..
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA
Especially Horses / Southern California
I see it didn’t post again where I thought it would.. I hope you see it, though :-P
Especially Horses / Southern California
Oh, I see it.
Glorious morning in So Cal today (Sunday) isn’t it? I hope it’s as nice a day when Zenesque squares off with Z ONE Z ONLY (great name BTW). It’s going to be a challenging race for Zenesque, after all she is a late foal (#241) compared to Z ONE Z ONLY. But in the ensuing years I’ll be training Zenesque to stick her tongue out just before the finish line AND I’ll have a very upcoming and promising apprentice Jockey, by the name of Hannah JH, in the stirrups.
Oh wait, I just had a flash thought! I think I’m seeing a dead heat. LOL. Not sure who the other horse was; it could have been Z ONE Z ONLY, Zingular Zensation or Zensational Zurprise, BUT the name definitely started with a Z.
Really love your very creative post today.
TOO CUTE !!!!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
I second that — Great Post!!!
Left out one of the most important things–
A big thank you to My John, Dottie, & Zenyatta for all the good you do
♥ ♥ ♥
Another happy Friday note–
11 to go to reach 5000 wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mike Smith on Facebook
Wishing safe rides & more wins this weekend.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Fantastic!!!! Go, Mike!!!!!!
Beth Alexander
What a great story! Thank you so much for sharing with all of us Znactics! Love you always!!
Kathy S.
What a touching post. Feel better, James. You have some WONDERFUL friends. And there is a whole community praying for you. Happy weekend Zenny, Tasty and everyone.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, what a post you have today. The picture shows how intent you are thinking, putting the post together word for word in that beautiful head of yours. It made me cry (Dottie). Such a beautiful post and picuture. You, Ms Zenyatta and Your John, Your Dottie, and all the rest of the Z Team are magical. I cannot stop tearing up. So wonderful, all of you, thank you all for everything that you do. Ms Zenyatta, you have made the world a better place for ALL. I love you so much…Lisag
Eveline / Maryland.
Good Morning Zenny. Hope you have a great weekend.
Dear Zenny
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
What a great message!!! Zenyatta brings out the best in everyone.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY, FUTURE JOCKEY HANNAH JH! I left a birthday poem for you towards the end of the previous diary entry, and Especially Horses left greetings there for you too.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Trina, please re-post your wonderful poem for others to enjoy this weekend. It was Too Cute to be “lost” in the shuffle of yesterday’s post.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you for the encouragement, Especially Horses! I’ve reposted the birthday poem for Hannah JH below at 1:54PM.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, HANNAH!!!!!! Sorry I missed it yesterday! Hope you had a fantastic birthday celebration. Loved the poem Trina wrote for you. Keep working on those future jockey dreams, I know you can make it!
hi Z! happy Friday to YOU and Tasty! have a wonderful weekend! Love YOU gorgeous mama!!! xoxoxo
Lisag in Texas
@Shari Voltz, left you a response at the end of #434. Yes, UNCLE MO, my baby boy. You know what, I do not have a favorite colt that is racing anymore, you know like the ones that steal your heart, like Uncle Mo did. O, I just realized that. Lisag
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisag – Shari and I are planning on going to see your boy this summer at Coolmore/Ashford. Can’t wait to meet him, I’m sure he will be beautiful!
Lisag in Texas
Please, please give him Hugs and Kisses for me. Tell him Aunt Lisa love him. He is my Baby boy. Thank you, Thank you.
Sending well wishes for young James.
Lisag in Texas
@Zenyen, LauraJ and Signofthetimes left all of you a response to the Uncle Mo info at the end of #434, Again, thank you for the info. Lisag
Have a filly for me okay Z I would love it if she won the triple crown run like a girl I hope she takes it all if it is a she. If not I will love him anyways I will love your foal no matter what. When he/she is born may I use a picure for a banner on howrse?
Jeffrey M
You guys are the best.. I’m sure you brightened James day up.
Annie Kissel
Dear Zenyatta and Team–
Hi my name is Annie and I’m from Indiana. I’m in 8th grade. For our poetry unit in Language Arts we had to write an ode about something that we think is important or that is important to us. I wrote about Zenyatta, mainly about the 2009 Classic win. Zenyatta has been an inspiration to my life, so that’s why I wrote about her. I’d love it if you would go to my blog site and comment on my last post. I would love for you to be able to read my ode to our lovely Queen Z! Thank you so much! If any of the commenters here know the Sherrifs or the Mosses personally and have their email adresses, if you could do the same so I could get my poem to them I would really appriciate it!
If you post your ode here, I know that Dottie will read it.
She often comments on the posts.
Also, that would give you a chance to share it with all of us.
I would love to read it. That is quite a writing accomplishment.
Just a suggestion.
Glad you joined us.
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
I’d like to read your poem as well!
Paula Higgins
Love this post! Welcome Annie!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Annie, I love your blog and left you a comment there earlier. I also hope you post your ode here–I’d love to read it. I don’t know of an e-mail address for Z’s connections, but you can write to them at Barn 55, Hollywood Park, Box 369, Inglewood, California 90306-0369. HugZ.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Annie, I would love to read your poem! I hope you post it here for all of us to enjoy.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Annie: I would love to read your poem too. Please post it here.
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
Good Morning Miss Z and Team Z,
What a heart-warming story! But, I am not surprised. That is just the kind of people you have on “your team”.
I guess it is basic. Kind, warm, generous people who work with animals produce animals like you, Zen. Honest workers, eager runners, happy and self-confident. Of course there is a little bit more than normal talent with you, but you were carefully guided, not rushed. Your team cared about YOU, not just winning races. It shows in their eyes when they speak of you. Because of the “goodness” that radiates from you and your team, many people love you and just want to bask in your presence if possible. Your goodness rubbed off on Victoria and she would not be content until she brought some happiness to a very sick young boy. And John, taking something off his desk, something he has gazed at uncountable times, something he perhaps treasured, just to give a young man some peace and happiness. Wow.
Yes, you are one lucky horse to be surrounded by such loving and caring people. I hope that I can use that love you share so generously as well as others do.
Have a good weekend, you and Tasty.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautifully said, Lynn! Thanks for your post!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lynn – Your post is wonderful!!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Lynn: You put into words the appreciation that we feel towards John and Dottie. They are really such wonderful people who have brought a lot joy to our lives.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- your post today made me cry, just because of the kindness of others toward a young Z fan, James. Your John and Dottie are such caring people. I believe that’s why they have such success with horses and, of course, have many friends! Victoria and Steve Haskins are to be commended, as well. Thank you for sharing, Zenny. You remain a bright light in this world, with a tiny light within you. Love you, big girl <3
Terry Crow
Agree completely.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Get well soon, James!! You have a lot of people pulling for you!
Lisa in TN
Z and Team Z. It is always a joy to hear of how you have touched other people’s live’s in this crazy world today. There are not many out there that would take the time to do the things you as a group have done. Always a spark of hope! Sometimes all it takes is a kind gesture to make someone’s day alot brighter. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy days to do that. Know that you do make a difference.
tick tock tick tock can’t wait for baby Z!!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Zenyatta – All of your connections, the Mosses, John, Dottie, and the entire Barn 55 and YOU are all so very special to all of us.
Jan S. / Houston
Ditto Rosemary..