Good morning dear friends,
Yesterday, we had a bit of snow on the ground. It is actually quite beautiful and we certainly have had a much more ‘mild’ winter this year compared to last. The temperatures are brisk, but comfortable. My coat has grown a bit and I must say it keeps ME nice and cozy!
TASTY and I now have our favorite places to ‘stand’ and ‘look around’ in our new paddock. We have adapted beautifully to our new space. Here you can see us just hanging out together and enjoying our time outdoors.
Several mares at the farm have foaled already…so the 2012 Season is in full bloom. The activity at the stallion barn in relation to the breeding shed will not begin until the mid-point of this month. Everything is getting completely organized in that division of the farm for each of the Lane’s End stallions right now.
Breeding Season is a very busy time of the year at a farm. Every new foal brings promise, hope, anticipation, and excitement!
It is so much fun to think about WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS!
Have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
I have been playing catch up reading your posts. You and Tasty look comfortable and happy in your new paddock. I’m happy to read that Matt and others helped you both acclimate to the new surroundings. I imagine the new stall is comfortable and more roomy for when that wonderful foal arrives. You look just grand and healthy.
I peeked in on Rachel Alexandra via photos, she and foal seemed to have bonded wonderfully. She looked tired and the baby looked real frisky already. Evidently there was some concern for RA, so she and the baby made a short visit to R&R for a few days. I’m so happy for them.
Baby time is getting close for you now. Please take care! I’ll talk to you soon.
Best to Dottie.
Big Hugs for you and Tasty!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Today Hannah JH turns twelve—-happy birthday, Hannah!
A Birthday Poem for Hannah JH, Future Jockey
(February 10, 2012)
Our dear Hannah
Is a fan ’a
The great Z.
She hopes, as I’ve here read,
One day a jockey
To be,
Many a swift Thoroughbred
As they seek victory.
We look forward one day to see
Her ride
In the famed Derby!
Hannah, never set your dreams aside,
Hold Z’s spirit deep inside
And work toward your goals with inner pride
As you sally forth on life’s thrilling ride.
Happy BIrthday, Hannah, and many, many more!
Especially Horses / Southern California
A delightful poem Trina!
Happy Birthday Hannah and keep running for the roses….life’s roses.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Nice Poem Trina!
Happy Happy 12th Birthday Hannah!!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Good morning Zenny, I hope you had a good night’s sleep. Human’s often have a problem sleeping well when they are close to delivery and you need your rest, there won’t be much when the little one arrives and it won’t be long now. The picture of you and Tasty in the snow is beautiful, it would make a good February page in a calendar. Maybe Dottie could think about a “year in the life of Zenyatta” calendar, there are so many awesome pictures of you and it would sell like hot cakes in your boutique. Have a lovely day with Tasty, hugs and kisses to you both.
Thanks again to Trina for the poem and all the Dumplings who sent good wishes to me.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@BRENDA S–Yikes! I hope your hotel problem gets worked out satisfactorily!
@HEIDI K.–yes, just go to http://www.horseandman.com. The top story today is about Harley, a draft horse who was rescued. Another great story. Then just scroll down, and you’ll find Jewel. She is so beautiful. Weighed only 40 lbs. at birth.There are some real stars in her pedigree, too, which doesn’t seem enough these days to spare any horse. Jewe’ls prognosis is good. Lots of vet bills, though. Thanks, JANET NEWMAN, for posting.
Happy birthday, HANNAH! And thank you, Trina, for the lovely poem. You have a true gift, not only for the desire to write these, but the ability to do it as well.
Good morning, Z! Another day closer. The time really is going by fast. I hope it isn’t dragging for you and Tasty.
Janet Newman
@ Barbara Wood. Thanks for getting the word out on Jewel. She is a little doll baby!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, good, burrr, morning to you. You look rested and relaxed, can barely see Tasty, she matches the snow. Love the Greys. Took another peak at Rachel #12, he looks so cute and curious…looking right at the camera. Who else does that? I love you, have a wonderful day, both of you girls. I love you so….Lisag
Darlene Daniels
Good morning Zenyatta, Tasty. Dottie and all Zsters. Z, I have been to many states in this great USA we call our home and I dont think there is a much prettier place or view than what you and Tasty have at Lanes End. And of course you and Tasty deserve it. Here in North Central Indiana we are expecting snow today, so Zenyatta and Tasty you may get more too. I hope you enjoy it more than I will. I’m not a big fan when I have to drive in it, otherwise it is beautiful. @Terry Crow, do you stay awake at night thinking of the redneck jokes. You are great! @Karen Gogue, you are a riot too! I was semi-casually working on a redneck relative story but it just fell apart. Maybe another time. It seems I sometimes get more creative when I’m hormonal. Oh, sorry, Terry, Rooster in the Zen house, TMI. (whoever it was that first said Rooster in the Zen house, Sorry I stole your line, it was too good not to use.) Terry, yesterday I was behind a pickup truck on the highway and it had at least 50 bumper stickers on it, along with a 10ft CB antennae and the rear bumper nearly falling off. I had to laugh and think of you. That was redneck. On a totally different note. After considerable thought on the subject of Hanson being dyed with koolaid or whatever, it is my opionion, he is a great athlete, a superstar and he is not Dennis Rodman. I also feel that animals do feel embarassment,. I know my dog does. So therefore, I am not in favor of this. OK, I know this got really lengthy, and I’m sorry. Have a great day everybody. Love to you all and especially Zenyatta/Dottie and Tasty.
Terry Crow
Darlene-They come to me in my sleep.
Linda from Chicago
Dear Barbara Wood (Texas) – You know I was thinking about this last night and I checked the Horse and Man Group February Bucket Fund this morning and see that they are only $1940.00 short of their goal for little Jewel, her unnamed dam and all other 46 wonderful derserving TB horses that were rescued and . . . . knowing what we know about Zenny being the world’s greatest philanthropist – what if we somehow organized a baby shower for Zenny and Baby Z in the form of a donation to this great cause and wonderful people involved . They have a spot to leave a message with your donation and we could all put a message of hope for this little miracle foal in a way that honors Zenny’s first born. Hope you find my post and let me know what you think.
Darlene Daniels
Linda, I love this idea.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I’m in….we need to have a “Team Name” so to speak so that each donation that’s a Baby Shower gift is “tagged” back to this initiative.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Love this idea!! Count me in!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Me too!
Lisag in Texas
I love this idea. Anything that helps the fouls, retired horses that are not as fortunate as our Queen, I am 100% for it.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sounds great to me! I’ve already donated twice this month, but I’ll write the blog person and tell her to get ready for the Z-sters! THANK YOU ALL!
Many times when I make donations, I mention that it is in honor of our Zenyatta.
Ida Lee
Thank you so much for the information on mares and pregnancy. I have read that it is tougher on mares when giving birth than most animals i’ve heard about. But I’m sure our Zen is being watched like the treasure she is to make sure everyone is prepared for any eventuality. I will say when Rachel was taken to the hospital for a week after she had her baby, I did not have a good night’s sleep until she was back home. Changing the subject, I love the ponies that accompany our champions and keep them calmed down. Have you noticed how gorgeous they are? Of course, probably the most famous pony today is Poncho, Curlin’s old buddy. He accompanied Curlin to Dubai and was as popular as Curlin himself. He had manipulated the quarantine manager into bringing him tacos every morning. And, of course, Curlin was quite hyper when Poncho was not around and they had to bring him to the winner’s circle when Curlin won the Dubai World Cup. But guess what? My Miss Aurelia did not like Poncho, the pony of champions, and thus was given a pony brought in just for her. What a Diva!!! I love it…
Lisag in Texas
Cute story. Love it that My Miss Aurelia wanted her own Pony.
I just love these horses personalities. They are just really something. Curlin and My Miss Aurelia are such very different “individuals”. I guess Poncho just did not soother her
as much as he did for Curlin.
I love when Freddy Head would talk about Goldikova and her “studish behavior
in her “box” (stall)”. If anyone came up to her in her box she would pin her
ears back and try to bite. Freddy loved her so much, but he often said he
had to be careful, but he could always pet and love her outside of her “box”.
Her groom however, those very very talented behind the scenes guys and
gals, knew how to handle her. JUST LIKE MARIO AND ZENNY.
Linda from Chicago
Dear Darlene Daniels and Especially Horses / SoCal – Thanks for the feedback – I agree that we need a “Team Name” for this Baby Shower Project. Even a target date – maybe Valentine’s Day. Keep the ideas coming. Hope we can engage alot of interest – because afterall Baby Jewel needs booties too. And I know Zenny and Baby Z would approve!
Lisag in Texas
@Shari Voltz, yes, it is me Lisag that loves Uncle Mo to the extreme. You are such a lucky girl to see Uncle Mo this summer…I want details. You gotta give him a kiss for me, you just gotta. Uncle Mo Lovers are Cute…Lisag
Lisag in Texas
@Zenyen, LauraJ and Signofthetimes, Thank you all for the info shared on Uncle MO. I understand now, but somehow, it does not feel good to me. What do I know, I am just a blubbering idiot when it comes to the Cute Colt, Uncle MO. He caputured my heart the 1st time I saw him race….Who is the cute thang? So worried when he got sick, and could not continue his brillance as a 3 year old, and now retired..and he is just a boy. Whoa, here I go, my heart mellowing for UNCLE MO. Thanks to all of you. Lisag
Joanna from TX
Me too….Loved the Mo. So very sorry he left the party so soon but understand the circumstances.
Dear Lisa G,
These wonderful TB capture our hearts on and off the track. Uncle Mo is a lovely lovely boy who had some bad luck getting this liver ailment. It is so hard to realize and understand all of the business that goes behind the scenes. I am very sure it is hard
for all owner’s and teams to bridge that gap between their emotional involvement
and their business issues. He is very safe at Ashford Stud and hopefully will make some very talented babies.
I think MR decision was the best one for MO so he could still retain some control over UNCLE MO’s destiny as I think he is one of MR first very talented champions.
Maybe you could go visit him after breeding season and really see him up close. I understand he is pretty friendly so would love to have fans visit.
Your lovely heartfelt emotions are so well appreciated on this site. Thanks for sharing.
and Keep loving these wonderful equine athletes as they are very special.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Happy Birthday little one Hannah! May all your dreams come true!
Good morning Zenyatta, Glad you are doing so well and keeping happy and healthy.
Love to you always and thanks to your family, extended family and all who care for you.