Good morning dear friends,
Yesterday, we had a bit of snow on the ground. It is actually quite beautiful and we certainly have had a much more ‘mild’ winter this year compared to last. The temperatures are brisk, but comfortable. My coat has grown a bit and I must say it keeps ME nice and cozy!
TASTY and I now have our favorite places to ‘stand’ and ‘look around’ in our new paddock. We have adapted beautifully to our new space. Here you can see us just hanging out together and enjoying our time outdoors.
Several mares at the farm have foaled already…so the 2012 Season is in full bloom. The activity at the stallion barn in relation to the breeding shed will not begin until the mid-point of this month. Everything is getting completely organized in that division of the farm for each of the Lane’s End stallions right now.
Breeding Season is a very busy time of the year at a farm. Every new foal brings promise, hope, anticipation, and excitement!
It is so much fun to think about WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS!
Have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina N.:
Beautiful Birthday Poem. Hugs, JB
Debbie G/Kentucky
I want to thank everyone again for their thoughts and prayers. I just now got a chance to look at all the posts regarding Rachel and Roscoe and I’m deeply touched. (Terry Crow – I really liked what you said about animal lovers in prison.) I saw Jim at work today and he was doing pretty well. He took Oliver over to Jason’s house last night and he said that that seemed to improve his spirits. He said that Jason was doing better than he thought we would be. No word yet on any arrest being made. I’ll let you know if there are any more developments. Thanks again. All of you are incredible!
@Brenda and Keri – Happy Birthday!
@Trina Nagele – Your poems to Brenda and Keri were beautiful.
Terry Crow
Glad to hear that the family is doing so well so soon. I know I wouldn’t be.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I just learned that the stage production of “War Horse” is coming to L.A.’s Ahmanson theatre in June and July this year (June 13 – July 29). Seats are going very quickly, of course. I was able to order, because on their mailing list from a past year. They go on public sale Feb., 15, 2012. http://www.centertheatregroup.org/tickets/productiondetail.aspx?id=15492
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Great news!!! Thanks!
AJ from CA
Vicki B – I just saw the movie Warhorse and thought it was pretty awesome but I heard that the theater production is actually better so really looking forward to that.
Abigail from Montreal
The Theatre Production is AWESOME!
I like Spielberg, but everyone I know who has seen both says the play is FAR SUPERIOR!
Will be interested to hear how you compare them!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Thanks, Vicki, just got in touch with a friend with a season subscription asking her to get tickets for us.
Terry Crow
Thanks for the heads-up.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’re all welcome. A friend visiting from London saw it recently, and they too liked the stage production better than the movie. My friend had to work really hard to get tickets at all, the only available had “impaired sightlines”, so she was worried, but it turned out to be very little problem. She also said the articulation of the (puppet) horses’ legs and movement, was incredibly accurate. Really made me want to see it. No idea it was coming here so soon, but I’m surprised it only runs 6-1/2 wks. L.A. is their first stop touring the country. Also starts tomorrow in Toronto!
Zenyatta, I’m happy that you and Tasty are enjoying the weather. It helps that you guys have grown your fur coats since that helps you endure cold weather. So you say that foaling season is upon you. You also say that many foals at your place have already been born. This must be pretty exciting. Too bad I’m not there to see it myself. You’re right that new foals bring lots of promise. You and Tasty will have yours next month and that will increase the promise that they bring even further. Your California/Barn 55 buddies-human and horse-are doing an excellent job of keeping you posted on what’s going on.
Lori K
Hi Z! Wow, just a little over two weeks to go! Wonder how close you will be to your due date. Hope you are feeling good. And, I bet you are anxious to have your foal. It will be nice not to carry all that weight around. It is very Spring like here in CA. The rain we were to get didn’t happen. But it is very nice riding weather. Have a wonderful evening Z. Sending both you and Tasty smooches! xxoo
Date range is Feb 27 to March 12 plus or minus
10 to 11 days
Paula Higgins
The Queen and her friend Tasty look like they are doing well with the cold weather. I hope they have their “winter coats” on. They live in very beautiful country even if it isn’t warm.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
A step in the right direction:
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J.:
Read that article and hoping it will be a big step toward mandatory funding for TB retirement. How wonderful for Better Step Aside; he bobbled at the start and still won his Maiden by seven lengths. It’s those Eddington genes. Hugs, JB
I hope this means he’s put it together mentally. Maybe now that he’s had a taste of winning, he will decide he likes it and will keep it up. Now to see if he can beat other winners.
Kim S in Tampa FL
Zenny, you stand out so beautifully in the snow. So glad you and Tasty are having a great in your new “home”.
Happiest of birthdays to Brenda S and Keri and kudos to Trina and her poems.
Great posts today, checking out the links now.
Everyone have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend.
Stay warm Z and T.
Lotsa love to all.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Z Family Thank you again for embracing my students. They read the posts and they get so excited. Your Zenyatta’s voice. You make me cry. You are ALL wonderful.
@ Terry do stuffed barnyard animals count ?
@ Happy Birthday to Brenda and Keri. May God Bless you both with many more.
@ Hi Dawn. The Plushie was a BIG BIG HIT !!!
@ Sharon I will email you. Thank you : )
Terry Crow
Yes. However, the rule can be waived if you purchase a redneck certificate for $250.00. Hurry, they are going fast. And, it will be signed personally by me.
Oh no !!!! What a crack up Terry.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Another beautiful picture postcard of you and Tasty, just gorgeous. So happy you and Tasty have adjusted so well to your new paddock. Looking so forward to you and Tasty giving birth. Cannot wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. And then the name – wow! This will be another great weekend of racing. We are leaving tomorrow for Arizona for some racing, everyone please have a wonderful weekend of racing. May everyone be safe. Good luck to Black Caviar and Shackelford. I am taping everything. Love you and Tasty, please stay toasty, eat well and have a great time with Tasty. Love you, Angels.
Lillian L
Saw on Bloodhorse.com that there will be an open casting call for the series “Luck” this Sunday. If you live near Santa Anita, it would probably be a great experience to be an extra on a tv series, spend some time at Santa Anita and get paid for it too. I hope to visit SA one day – looks like a beautiful track.
I watched the first two episodes of “Luck” and found it to be such a “dark” show and I don’t like how most of the characters seem shady. I was hoping the show would bring some interest to the sport, but hate to see it portrayed this way. Guess people wouldn’t watch it if it was all warm and fuzzy. Just wondering what other people think of the show.
I thought the second episode was much better than
The first and I think as things evolve it will be better.
I think if you knew the real characters from Santa Anita
It might be better as you would know why they were selected.
Don’t like the gambling part, but that is what racing
Is about.
Lillian L
At least some of the characters (such as Nick Nolte’s) are portrayed as people who seem to really love the horses. Regardless, I’ll keep watching.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Linda from Chicago–thank you so much! Your reply brought me to tears. Horse and Man is a great blog! Z. has inspired us all to be better, love more, fight injustice harder, pray more for each other, and to be more thankful for each day!
@Debbie G/KY–thanks for the update. Please keep us in the loop.
Funny that War Horse should come up tonight. I have a link to share. I receive the Farriers’ Greeting Cards HoofPrints.com newsletter. In the one I just received, it talks about how the story of War Horse came to be. Thought you might like to know.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great link, Barbara. Thanks for sharing this example of the special communication between horse and man, or, as in this case, child, particularly those with a special need.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
HEADS UP TO ALL DUMPLINGS – If you have confirmed reservations at the Best Western Pasadena for the Breeders in November be prepared for them trying to cancel your reservation. I have just received a phone call telling me that they “have to cancel as they will be undergoing renovations” and suggesting that I contact the the Quality Inn “just down the street”. I threatened them with legal action if I found alternative rooms at the same price, arrived in Pasadena and then found the BW Pasadena open for business at much higher rates. Within minutes I received a second phone call from the Manager, telling me that “corporate had signed contracts for renovations which may or may not be completed” at the time of the BC. I pointed out that I had a confirmed reservation, dated November 21, 2011 , and I expected them to honor that, also that I knew several people who also had confirmed reservations and that BW would be facing a truck load of legal actions if they tried to get away with this.
When I pointed out that no business would chose to close down for renovations at a time when there was a major tourist attraction in town the Manager assured me that they would not be cancelling my reservation. She also asked me for the names of my friends who also had made reservations – I refused to give that information. I smell a skunk here so please be be on guard if you’ve booked at the BW Pasadena.
I am so thrilled to think of you, Beautiful Zenny, gazing across a lightly snow covered field…thinking about her little foal who is coming soon. SO EXCITING!! I haven’t seen any name suggestions… have tyou already decided? Dancing Memories would be nice.
Dear Brenda
Hope you had a wondeful B-day with
Your family and friends.
Debbie G/Kentucky
@JAG – On yesterday’s post you said you lit a candle for Rachel and Roscoe (RnR). Could you post a link so that I could light a candle too? I tried to find it, but I’m not very good with computer stuff. Thank you so much Judy. Hugs, Debbie
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Debbie,
JAG lit a candle on the “ZENNY” group page. I’ve started a new group for Rachel and Roscoe using JAG’s suggestion “RnR” to identify the group. Here’s the link:
Good evening Zenyatta,
you lucky horse, you.
Rest well & dream sweet
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Zenny how about naming your foal Zerry for your dad Jerry, if it is a boy, or Zann for your mom Ann if it is a filly? Doesn’t sound right? JerrZ or AnnZ? I like keeping the Z in there somewhere – although I do like Zweetie, that was Too Cute!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
WOW! I am two days behind reading posts! I’ll get there – starting with this one! :)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny, It’s the end of the day for me, time for bed. I have to say thank you to everyone for the good wishes today, it’s a wonderful thing to be a part of this caring Zenny family. Sweet dreams, hugs and kisses dear girl, Tasty too.
We are at our swim meet and our ladies kicked butt!!!! Our team won the first conference for our school in it’s history and it is our second year of domination!!!! We are the two time champions, going for three!!!!
Glad you got some snow, as we got nothing here in North Carolina. :(
I have started a new piece but this one will take me a while to finish, so sorry if it takes me a while to post it but I want this to be good, as many people find my stories to be kinda decent, and I hate not giving my best.
Have a good day!! Happy horsing around and enjoy the snow!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof, Pati! True Zenyatta spirit!
Janet Newman
I am so thankful everyday that Zenyatta is loved and taken such care of. The Louisiana Horse Rescue Association is in the midst of a bad rescue. A farm in Many, LA had starving thoroughbreds, among them Dance Recital a daughter of Dynaformer who gave birth to a 40 lb filly they named Jewel. Three Chimneys had this posted to their facebook. To find out more you can go to horse and man.com under their bucket fund. The pictures are painful to see. Z you are one very lucky girl!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo,Ca)
what is the actual link? I tried: horseandman.com but, no avail. How sad!!!
Janet Newman
To Heidi Kruckenberg (CA) , try http://www.horseandman.com There should be a horse ans man group February Bucket and will need to scroll down and find the story. Hope this works for you.
Irene Caty
Zentatta, the waiting game is on and you and Tasty are doing great. We will wait as each day progresses and pray that all goes well along the way. I hope to see you and Tasty be in a state of awareness on a daily basis and I believe that comes instinctivly. I feel that all will go just perfect and both you and Tasty will foal with no problem. This is such an exciting time for you, your loving owners Ann and Jerry, and for John and Dottie who love you so much, for Mike who rode you through your wins and all your fans who will never forget the winning days of Zennyatta. You are now the Queen of them all and we bow to you in thanks for all you have accomplished in horseracing and capturing the hearts of so many fans who will always remember how great you really are. I love you so much my dear Zenyatta and wish you God Speed.
I think we all need to make a list of names that we think would be good along with what day we think the foal will be born. I might start this on the next diary page if you respond I will start to make a list and post it once the foal is born.
Zenny, you and Tasty look great in the snow. I hope you enjoy your new paddock.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Guess I’ll ‘cough’ up the $250.00 for that Redneck Certificate. Maybe it will make a nice birthday present for somebody!
Happy Birthday Keri and Brenda S. – be on the look out for the mail for your redneck certificate from Terry Crow, personally signed by him too! I am told that they are the genuine article for entrance into the offical redneck club! Enjoy!
Great poem Trina, once again!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Debbie/Kentucky: I just read a couple of yesterdays posts and I saw yours. I am a day late but believe me I will say prayers for Jason & his two beloved dogs. He will see them some day at the rainbow bridge. How cruel of this burglar!! Just terrible! I hope the guy is found and arrested. My heart feels sad for Jason.
Happy Belated Birthday Brenda; Trina sure wrote a great poem for you!!
My loveable dear Z So you had a little snow. That seems unusual since Wi. hasn’t had any in a week; a dusting tomorrow they say. Stay warm in that nice big paddock. I had a feeling you’d adjust quickly, Miss Congeniality. It is late & I am pooped but I just had to check in!!! Sweet dreams lying in the warm cushiony sweet smelling hay.
love, hugs, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
P.S. I should be getting my Plushie possibly Sat. I was becoming concerned mine was lost in mail so I called your Zenyatta Shop. Spoke to a very nice gal and she indicated that she remembered my name & package as I had two plushies ordered & felt it shipped out Weds. She said they had been very busy filling ALL the orders of your plushie Z!!!! I can’t wait!!! Yippee
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you so much Sally. Your prayers are truly appreciated.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Terry Crow, bad news! Cannot confirm! Doesn’t exist! WHAT!?
I took that there redneck certificate to the antique roadshow down the road yonder, and they ’em tole me that it was sooo old (how old was it?) it was sooo old that George Washington had nott lost all his upper an lowers yet when it was signed!! Now figger that? Thank goodness I paid you in them there confederate $$$! Geez, never put a deal together width them there out-of-date redneck gezzers from LA, they git y’all all the time!
Love <3 you Terry – your jokes are Z best!
Terry Crow
I never dreamed that anyone would take one to the Roadshow. Foiled again.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
We need more of these: