Good morning dear friends,
Yesterday, we had a bit of snow on the ground. It is actually quite beautiful and we certainly have had a much more ‘mild’ winter this year compared to last. The temperatures are brisk, but comfortable. My coat has grown a bit and I must say it keeps ME nice and cozy!
TASTY and I now have our favorite places to ‘stand’ and ‘look around’ in our new paddock. We have adapted beautifully to our new space. Here you can see us just hanging out together and enjoying our time outdoors.
Several mares at the farm have foaled already…so the 2012 Season is in full bloom. The activity at the stallion barn in relation to the breeding shed will not begin until the mid-point of this month. Everything is getting completely organized in that division of the farm for each of the Lane’s End stallions right now.
Breeding Season is a very busy time of the year at a farm. Every new foal brings promise, hope, anticipation, and excitement!
It is so much fun to think about WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS!
Have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
My dear Zenyatta and dear TT, I cannot wait to see your babies, love you Ingrid.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Lovely pictures Zenny, enjoy the snow but please, please be careful, Tasty too. Pregnant ladies have to take extra care not to slip, just like more mature ladies, which leads very nicely into thanking Trina for the absolutely wonderful poem for my birthday.
Dear Trina, you are so talented and you always incorporate such personal tidbits about the birthday person into your poem. I thought I was being a bit pushy when I christened you the Poet Laureate but the title is so well deserved and so thank you, thank you for my poem and b’day wishes.
Abigail, I did get the e-mail and photos, they were amazing and Vic loves them all especially the Barbaro one which you sent especially for her, thank you from us both. I couldn’t chose a favorite, Nijinsky as a baby, my lovely girl Dance Smartly or Danzig. When you love them all how could you chose?? Thank you also for the good wishes for my b’day, nothing special today but am going out for lunch tomorrow.
Sandy, I can hear the cheers coming in from the lake, it’s at the bottom of the street, so they sound really clear. Thank you so much. Wore a $20 coat today, Vic thinks it’s pretty good so she “may just borrow it” which means it probably won’t be mine much longer.
Terry, great jokes, the days wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you for b’day wishes.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
You are very welcome, Brenda! I’m glad you liked it.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
You all may already know this, Bernie came home the last day of December and is “starting to work” this weekend. I didn’t ask when Rachel was going to see him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S.:
Happy Birthday. So glad Bernie’s back in Kentucky. Hugs, JB
No rest for the weary !!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
So true. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Brenda thanks for the info on Bernie, I’ve been asking and asking but no one answered my question. I left you a Happy Birthday message at the end of yesterdays post. Hugs
Anita in SoCal
Hi Baby Girl. Thinking of you & Your Girl Tasty so much these days. Love & Prayers 2U both. Thank you Dottie for all you do 12 <3
Oh wow, just got my Zenyatta Plushy in the mail. #299, how cool is that?? The box was in good shape, didn’t look any worse for the wear here.
Hi Z!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Santa Anita Race 8 @4:36 p.m. (pt)
Good Luck and Safe Racing to ALL!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Typo! meant SHIRREFFS :o)
Hi Zenny
Could u tell your John that I finished your painting of you and Mario at Churchill for Mario. All I have to do is vanish it next week. I can bring it to him when he or one of the team is in town. That was one of the most exciting mornings of my life getting to see you train. My email is jjohnson@donjacobs.com. I work in Lexington but I drive thru Versailles everyday
Joanna from TX
So you’re getting more snow! To echo others, be careful.
I too saw latest pix of RA’s boy and he’s still looking adorable. I also saw Rachel’s BFF Hot Dixie Chick had her son by Curlin just recently. Not sure what the actual date was.
So we’re all PACING for you, Zenny and TT. Boy oh boy…activity at TB horse farms must get crazy when foaling and breeding times overlap!
Take care <3 <3
Trisha from VA
Oh boy snow. I love snow don’t you. Enjoy the beauty of the snow but you keep warm and dry ladies.
Love hugs and kisses
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
I wish we would get some snow here in Central Virginia……we have not gotten any here in Lynchburg. Year before last we got about 40 inches…..about 6 last year…..nothing this year. I do not want 40 but a few would be nice. I love seeing the pictures of you and Tasty outside. I see you cutting those eyes around in the one at the fence….you love that camera. Hugs to you Z……… and thank Sarah for taking the pictures that are shared with us fans who love you so much!!!
Margie from SoCal
Hi Zenny, another lovely photo of you and your pal Tasty enjoying the new digs. Just popping by with an I Love You and a hey to Tasty. Stay warm and cozy and have a great day.
@Trina – you should do a collection of your poems and publish them! :-)
Enjoy the day everyone…
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you for the encouragement, Margie!
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
ok – we are at 98,000 Facebook fans as of right now 2/9/2012 2:24 pm Pacific Time – SWEET!!!! Only 2,000 more fans needed to reach 100,000.
Way to go Everyone!!!! Let’s keep it up – spread the word ———– Zenyatta Rules – Girl Power!!!
sue and tony
The Kennedys in San Diego
More on the filming of “Luck.”
Great link; so glad these unsuccessful racers are getting
A second chance to be stars; the two breakdowns
Are sad, but sounds like everyone has made an
Effort to improve protocols and the will all be given
A third chance with new owners and new careers.
They are probably quieter than the usual TB if they
Can have flags waived in their faces.
Jethro was so funny, someone had a really big
Summer lounge chair right at the rail. It took quite a while
To get him to trot and canter by without spooking.
Not a good horse for the show. Mr Spook was his second
Terry Crow
You might be a redneck if you have horses named Jethro and Homer.
Too Funny !!!
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
:Hi Z…Glad you and TT are having fun before the BIG day arrives. Have a great day and thanks for the pictures and all the info. on this site. Love to you and TT and kisses on your soft noses and foal kisses on your belly. XOXO
Nice to see that Barbaro’s name keeps popping up, I sure loved him. Rest in peace Barbaro.
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! You look beautiful! I love you Zenyatta!
Dear Zenny,
You and Tasty look so relaxed. The photo of you
At the fence with your chin on the fence is very
Precious. Maybe you are getting tired. Carrying
Around an extra 125 + lbs is a lot of work. Thanks
Sarah for these great current photos. You and your
BBF look great in the snow. Already found your
Special place. When horses get a new environment
It is so much fun to watch them adapt. We had electric
Fences at our new barns; some adapted quickly
And others not so quickly. It was TOO CUTE, some
Could not figure out what that little buzz was .
Cant wait for your baby!! lovely snow! it has only snowed three times in il! but its been kinda nice though! hope you and tastie are having a great day! love you oxoxoxoxo FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Good luck to Randazo, Barn 55 and Mike Smith!
M. Kern
Lovely picture of you and Tasty. Have fun outside you guys. I love you and Tasty sooooo much!
Linda from Chicago
Dear Barbara Wood (Texas) – Thank you for the link to “Baby Jewel ” and “THE MANY” 60 starved and rescued TB’s – I want you to know that because of your effort I sent my donation to the February Bucket Fund – and hope that all the members of Zenyatta Nation can help create more miracles for these wonderful people and distressed horses. What an absolutely beautiful little foal. God Bless their Souls!
Hope the future holds all the great health and happiness you deserve, Zenny! You will be our inspiration forever!
Nancy from California
What a joy to see you sooooo happy and content. I am very envious of Sarah; she gets to see you on a daily basis and takes such beautiful photos. You and Tasty have a wonderful life and will make terrific Moms. I got your Plushie a couple of days ago and I just love it. How lucky we fans are to have you in our lives. Thanks for all the inside into you give us as well. YOUR JOHN AND DOTTIE must be on pins and needles awaiting the blessed event along with Jerry and Ann. I know we fans are on pins and needles as well awaiting the BIG EVENT. Take care beautiful lady and give my bet to Tasty as well.
Elena Erdman
Dear Queen Z,
You make me so happy, you are so calm and positive. I need to get a Z fix every time you write us. Awesome, wonderful Z
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, she brings a smile for sure!!! :-D
Judy G
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I;m much less stressed about my plushie now that I know it’s on the way but I would love to know who got #19. does anyone know???
Marilu V
Dear Zenny: It is wonderful to see you and Tasty enjoying your new home. From the picture it looks beautiful and peaceful.
I am still in the Philippines because of my mom’s passing. I will return to LA this Sunday. Everything went well. My mom is at peace. Although it was a sad time I saw many relatives and friends. Some friends I have not seen since grade school days showed up to condole us. The island where I grew up is small so we know a lot of people.
The earthquake followed me all the way to the Philippines. The day after my mom’s funeral we had the earthquake on the other side of the island. The island is divided into Occidental and Oriental. I was in the Occidental side. I was having lunch with my family and friends when it hit the island. Unlike California we did not know where the epicenter was until a few hours later. We had quite a scare. There has been over a thousand aftershocks. Another disaster the people of the island cannot afford. Donations and help are slowly pouring in.
I am now in the main island of Luzon visiting my in laws. I will fly to the island of Cebu today to visit my brother and take my flight back to LA through Hong Kong on Sunday.
I am excited to go home. I miss my family and Eddie (our dog – mix beagle). I made two trips to the Philippines since December 27. Can’t wait to rest.
Take care. You and Tasty are always in my prayers. Love and Hugs, Marilu
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marilu V.:
Sorry for all the people and animals in the earthquake vicinity. Glad you were not in harms way. Hugs, JB
Celeste in TX
It is good that you were able to turn such a sad situation into a reunion of sorts by getting to see so many friends and relatives you have missed. Glad that you were not harmed by the earthquakes – how scary. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Marilu, So glad you managed to get through all the sadness and then the turmoil of the earthquake and aftre shocks. Wishing you a safe journey home.
Marilu V
Hello Trina:
Thank you for your kinds thoughts and prayers. I got back safely Sunday, Feb 12 but have been at the Anaheim Convention Center every day from Feb 13 thru Friday for a trade show. It is good to be home. Still tired and it is all just slowly sinking in about mom.
Have been praying for Zenyatta and Tasty’s easy and safe delivery next month. And of course healthy babies!
Hope you are well. Hugs, Marilu
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
In Santa Anita’s 8th Race (post-time 4:36 PST):
♞ #2 MOROCCAN SKY (Smith)
♞ #4 RANDAZO (Espinoza)
Both owned by Mr. /Mrs. Moss.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Whoops! I missed MOCOCCAN SKY when I posted earlier today – thanks, Cynthia!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
In a career like jockey Mike Smith’s, what’s 12 more victories?
Terry Crow
Well written column by Bill Dwyre. However, i have invoked the Crapper curse on the LA Times because he failed to mention January 27 and all that it means.
Kelly J. /ND
Hi Zenny I am so excited about your foal!