Good morning dear friends,
Yesterday, we had a bit of snow on the ground. It is actually quite beautiful and we certainly have had a much more ‘mild’ winter this year compared to last. The temperatures are brisk, but comfortable. My coat has grown a bit and I must say it keeps ME nice and cozy!
TASTY and I now have our favorite places to ‘stand’ and ‘look around’ in our new paddock. We have adapted beautifully to our new space. Here you can see us just hanging out together and enjoying our time outdoors.
Several mares at the farm have foaled already…so the 2012 Season is in full bloom. The activity at the stallion barn in relation to the breeding shed will not begin until the mid-point of this month. Everything is getting completely organized in that division of the farm for each of the Lane’s End stallions right now.
Breeding Season is a very busy time of the year at a farm. Every new foal brings promise, hope, anticipation, and excitement!
It is so much fun to think about WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS!
Have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dearest Z–what a lovely , peaceful picture of you and Tasty in the KY snow. I am so glad your winter is milder than last year’s. One day closer to foaling day for both of you.
I cannot let the day slip by without mentioning a new little foal who needs our help. Please go to http://www.horseandman.com and read of little Jewel’s birth. She is so lovely and she really needs help. Precious baby. Hugs to all and thanks!
sharon in seattle
Barbara – I love that you keep us posted on such matters. THANK YOU!
Especially Horses / Southern California
There are far too many stories out there like little Jewel’s story; they always leave me teary eyed.
“It doesn’t matter if an animal can reason.” “It matters only that it is capable of suffering and that is why I consider it my neighbor.” Albert Schweitzer
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautiful quote! Thanks, Especially Horses!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Especially Horses, the quote is amazing. How I wish more of mankind lived by it’s sentiments!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
A miracle indeed! What a sparkling little Jewel she is!!! That perfect little face just melts the heart! Thank you for the link Barbara. This site and the people involved in the rescue efforts are remarkable!
Celeste in TX
Barbara, thank you for posting that. I was seriously thinking that tonight I would go ahead and order the Zenyatta plushie that I’ve been wanting, but instead I think I will send a donation for the little miracle foal, Jewel. Looks like she is going to need a lot of specialized care and probably more than I need a new stuffed animal in my house. Maybe I’ll be able to order a Zenyatta stuffie before they are all sold out, but this little foal needs our help now.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof to you, Celeste!
Elizabeth G.
How beautiful to see and Tasty enjoying the new snow flakes.
We wait in wonder for the baby foal – but always remember Zenyatta that YOU will always be the biggest excitement and the biggest promise-fulfilled of all racing! We love you and are so fortunate to be able share your own hopes and dreams an , of course the thrill of your off spring!
Stay warm Z !
Katie Clawson
Hello lovely Zenyatta :)
How is you’re little sister doing?! Eblouissante is just BEAUTIFUL! Is the plan still for her to make her first start at Santa Anita? I’m sure we would all love to see some new pictures :]
Have fun in the snow! (if it hasn’t melted away yet)
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
morn Z <3
you & tasty look like you're having fun monitering the farm. ;)
@Brenda S. Ontario – happy bday! god bless & have a wonderful day <3
@trina – beautiful poem you wrote for brenda. loved it :)
hugs/prayers Zsters
Keri Mattingly
We didn’t get any snow on the ground here in Louisville. But, as I celebrated my 40th birthday yesterday I thought about you and wondered what day would be your little one’s official birthday! Enjoy your day Z!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Happy 40th!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
happy bday altho its a day late :) hope it was good <3
Terry Crow
Keri-Happy birthday!
Robin - Ventura CA
Happy Birthday! Keri! I loved the 40’S!!!! Enjoy
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keri, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!! A special milestone I hope you had a wonderful celebration!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Keri,
Welcome to Z’s sweet sanctuary!
We hope your birthday was merry
With nary
An adversary
To make you wary.
What else can we say
But happy belated birthday—
We hope gifts extraordinary
Came your way,
And we’ll end with “Santé!”
Happy happy happy B-day, Keri !!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keri M.
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
Celeste in TX
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy Birthday Keri, how cute that we share the same day.
Stephanie in San Diego
Happy Birthday Keri…hope you had a very special day that continues through out the next year.
Zenny, you look so content and serene in these photos. I hope you and TT are enjoying these precious “quiet” days until your little ones arrive. After that it will be constant activity…which I know you seem to like!
sue and tony
Zenny, we would love to send you some special treats after your big day…do you have any favorites?
She loves bananas. (Also carrots, mints, and anything else edible.)
Catherine Hicks Eustis, FL
How do you send such and address so that it gets to her?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So nice to see you posting, Catherine! I hope your surgery a week ago turned out superb for you…lots of prayers going your way.
Contact info for Lane’s End, where Z is, is as follows:
Lane’s End
Box 626, Versailles, KY 40383
Phone: (859) 873-7300
Fax: (859) 873-3746
E-mail: lanesend@lanesend.com
sue and tony
We’ve sent things to her attention or Sarah’s at the LE address posted on the web.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Catherine, so glad to see you back and I hope all went well you continue to be in my prayers! Hugs
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I was told that she LOVES pears.
As I recall, there was a charming video of Z eating pears in her stall at Lane’s End.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Here’s the video you referenced of Z eating pears. She’s really enjoying them. Hugs, JB
Carmela B
Lady Z–counting down…March 1…but whenever your little one arrives will be an AWESOME day! You & Tasty look so content…hope you’re getting some extra groceries to keep you from burning too many keeping warm…I know you’ve got people who are all over your care & well being, but you’re a SoCali girl, that snowy stuff takes some getting used to, especially when you’re in the family way. Hugs to you & Tasty & your little ones waiting to arrive!
Sharyn - Vermont
You “girls” look right at home out there in your new paddock!! How exciting it will be when you each have a foal out there with you! Will you and Tasty and your foals still be together?
I saw all the pictures Lane’s End posted on facebook yesterday with the snow. Just gorgeous pictures – gotta say you certainly are living at such a wonderful place!!
Enjoy your day –
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
You and Tasty look so beautiful in the snow! Hope you’re having a wonderful day today!
The new babies being born are the racing dreams of the future—and Baby Z will be the biggest dream of them all.
Enjoy the snow!
Love and kisses,
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
EMERGENCY SITUATION IN THE EL PASO AREA…Equi-Army-NDO would appreciate knowing if any of Zenyatta’s fans live in that area. Please–if you live near there, leave a message for me on http://www.equi-army-ndo.com. This is so important for our horses. Thank you.
Thank you so much to Team Zenyatta for sharing … makes my whole day!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sharon in Seattle–thank YOU! Hugs.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Zenyatta – it looks very beautiful but also very cold there. Sorry to tell you we are expecting high seventies here today. Wish you were still here.
Here’s a Redneck (of sorts) Pilot joke: A photographer for a national magazine was assigned to take pictures of a great forest fire. He was advised that a small plane would be waiting to take him over the fire. The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. Sure enough, a small Cessna airplane was waiting. He jumped in with his equipment and shouted, “Let’s go!” The tense man sitting in the pilot’s seat swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air, though flying erratically. “Fly over the north side of the fire,” said the photographer, “and make several low-level passes.” “Why” asked the nervous pilot. “Because I’m going to take pictures!” yelled the photographer. I’m a photographer, and photographers take take pictures.” The pilot replied, “You mean you’re not the flight instructer?”
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
hahaha. thx for sharing
Terry Crow
Very Funny. You might be a redneck pilot if you received your license by attending on-line classes.
You might be a redneck pilot if you fail your
Yearly DOT exam
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary McCauley:
Too funny. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Good one!
Shannon J. in Seattle
Queen Z,
So nice to see you got a sprinkling of snow…I know you horses LOVE to kick up your heels in the snow and have fun. PLEASE be careful (both you and Tasty) when you are frolicking…gotta take care of those babies! I wonder if any have any predictions for Z’s birth date?? I know she is due a specific day but it would be fun to TRY and predict the day the foal will be born (for her & Tasty) and determine what the sex of each foal will be. My prediction? I prediction that Z will foal on March 1st (exactly one month before momma’s birthday) and it will be a BOY!! I predict Tasty will foal on March 4th and she will also have a boy. Candy Ride and Bernardini colts to light up the track. Of course I would be thrilled with ANY birth date and ANY sex, boy or girl. Just a fun prediction. Anyone else wanna take a stab (kinda like figuring out who is going to win the Derby). LOL!
Also, SO excited about Eblouissante! She is just as gorgeous as her big sis! And if the way things have been going for the Bernardini’s are ANY indication at all, I think she will be one tough girl just like Queen Z! Hoping and praying her first start is soon and she lights it up…she sure looks the part. Love that Z’s John takes such amazing care of her. Did anyone see her workout where you can “ride along”? SO COOL! She seems to have a very nice stride to her. I hoep she has a phenomeal debut year, stays around as long as Z did to thrill us all and most of all I hope to get the chance to see her up close and personal at Santa Anita on Breeder’s Cup weekend if she’s ready!
Has anyone heard where Z’s little brother Souper Spectacular is these days?? Haven’t heard a lick about him in a long time. Thanks for any info you can give me.
Big Z,
Can you give us the scoop on Blingo in John’s barn??? I am VERY curious about him.
Judy from South Carolina
Hi Sharon……I have been following Blingo….this is what I know:
He is by Artie Schiller out of the Sure Blade mare, Wassifa (GB). He isn’t a Moss homebred but was bred by B.P. Walden Jr. and B. Ray.
He broke his maiden at Hollywood Park on 11/25/2011. His only other start was on 12/17/2011 in the Cash Call Futurity where he finished 6th.
His last workout was on 2/3/2012 at Hollywood Park.
I know he is Triple Crown nominated.
That’s all I know about him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shannon in Seattle:
I’m guessing a colt too. Although, like you, the only thing that matters to me is a safe and healthy foaling. I did see that workout video of Eblouisantte. She’s gorgeous and fast. Looking forward to her Maiden race. Souper Spectacular, Vertigineux’s colt by Giants Causeway, last rant on 1/9/11 in a Grade III Stakes and finished 4th according to Equibase. No recent workouts listed. Can only think he may have sustained an injury and isn’t ready to come back yet. Hope that’s all it is. Here is the latest article I could find on him dated August 17, 2011. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Sorry for the typos. Meant last ran and Eblouissante. Hugs, JB
Martha (Zowie) Wentling
Good morning! Have you and Tasty had a chance to discuss possible names for your little ones? I know it will probably be a while, but it will be nice to know what name everyone will be screaming as they come charging down the stretch in either one of the Triple Crown or Breeders Cup races. I know your little one will make you very very proud.
Have a wonderful day beautiful Zenyatta. I love you.
Lover of horses
New foals are always so exciting! You look more beautiful each day, Queen! Have you been thinking of a Valentine’s present for Bernie? Love you so much, lovely girl!
Abigail from Montreal
While Kentucky has snow, Montreal has sorry-looking yellow grass appearing on lawns there’s so little of the white stuff on the ground!
Good afternoon Zenny, Dottie, TT, Babies-to-Be & Zen-sters:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend, BRENDA S. from ONTARIO!!! You haven’t posted yet, so hopefully you will see these b-day greetings. Also, please go to your email. I shipped you some e-photos of horses we’ve talked about, including a Barbaro pix for Vic. I hope you have a WONDER-FULL day filled with family, friends and a saddle-full of love. XXXX OOOO
Sweet Zenny and BFF Tasty — Enjoy your “paddock days” and try to get in a little light exercise (other than meditating on happenings around LE)! I can hardly wait for your respective Birthing Days!
Love & hugs
Thank you for taking the time to let your adoring fans know whats going on with you.
I am seeing such cute pictures, and hearing about some brand new foals with famous parents.
The world awaits your foal, Zenyatta. Fun for you and Tasty to be moms at the same time.
Hugs and Prayers to you and your pal Tasty
Crista Worthy
Did everybody see the story on Mike Smith—soon to get his 5,000th win!!! He will be only one of 25 ever to do so. And of course, Zenyatta you are in the article too–how could you NOT be?
There is also a photo of him riding Mr. Commons!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Crista W.:
Nice article and photo of Mikey. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Maryp (New York)
Be careful when stretching your legs in the snow covered paddock and remind Tasty too! Have fun and enjoy looking over the farm. You look beautiful as always and soon will have a little beauty beside you! Getting closer…..how exciting!!!
Terry Crow
Abigail made me think about Bat Masterson, a historical figure from the wild west. He eventually made his way to New York City and became a sportswriter. He had a heart attack at his desk, and in his typewriter was this “They say that things even out in the end. I guess that is true. The rich man gets ice in the summer and the poor man gets it in the winter.” Hope Brenda S has a great day. @Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if pigs refuse to eat your slop. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if your picture is on the wall at more than three bait shops. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if your favorite NASCAR momento is the result of a wreck. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if you used your shower curtain as your prom dress. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if you have ever misspelled something in your Christmas lights. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if you brought a date to your wedding. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if you sell rabbits out of your car. @carol in Utah, president of Utah chapter-You might be a redneck if you own a homemade fur coat. @Sandy in Northern Ohio, president, and Shari Voltz, charter member of Ohio chapter-You might be a redneck if barnyard animal live in your house. @signofthetimes, president, and Barbara Wood, charter member of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you dated your mother’s current husband in high school. @Sue Colvin, president of New Jersey chapter-You might be a redneck if it doesn’t bother you when you walk through a barn barefooted. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you keep Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap in your bathroom.@Brenda S, birthday girl and president and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if your daddy ever bought you a Christmas gift out of a gumball machine. @Susan In TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if your car horn plays Dixie. You might be a redneck if your cross country flight plan uses flea markets as check points. You might be a redneck if you ever stole clothes from a scarecrow. You might be a redneck if your husband used a tampon to plug a leak in the bathroom sink. You might be a redneck if you run out of room on your arms from the tattoos of all your ex-husbands’ names.
Denise in AZ
LOL guilty of having goats in the house for 6 weeks!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
More Redneck than having one transported in the car — 6 weeks!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
awesome terry. u know i have done that a few times too. hahahaha
high hoof to u
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Does my “plushie” count as a barnyard animal? :-)
Terry Crow
Yes. Unless you buy one of my redneck certificates for $250.00. It counts as sort of a waiver.
Dear Terry,
And what charity may I ask is the money
From your Redneck Certificates going to?
These jokes were off the charts to day.
Still laughing !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Thanks for brightening our day. Hugs, Judy and Russ
Terry Crow
Anything for you and Russ.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you for the laughs Terry. It was much needed.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, Definitely Redneck if your car horn plays Dixie, LoL. One of my redneck relatives was guilty of transporting a goat in my mom’s old ’65 Dodge Dart, before I inherited it. The seat didn’t have any holes in it before that! My mom loaned it, not knowing about the livestock usage, and threw a fit when she learned of it.
Terry Crow
Wow. You might be a redneck if your car was ever used to transport livestock.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
“Exactly.” (As Sam Elliott would say it).
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I also liked your Bat Masterson story — good quote. I enjoyed the tv series, although the West was a bit less wild, compared to all the other westerns I watched. I think Hopalong Cassidy was my favorite, altho I also liked Sugarfoot, Davey Crockett on Disney, and The Lone Ranger.
Terry Crow
When I was a contributing member of society, the company I worked for put on old time radio shows at night on a local radio channel. One night the company did The Lone Ranger and I was chosen to do the intro. The daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains fought for law and order in the early southwestern United State. Nowhere in the pages of history can one find a greater champion of justice. From out of the past come the hoof beats of the great horse Silver. THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN! Probably five people heard me do it.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I love it! That’s great! Fame without fortune in a very small corner of the world — but it sounds like you surely had fun, Terry.
Robin - Ventura CA
Have and wonderful and safe day Big Girl!!!
LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER!!!! You are always in my heart…
ps…thanks for the wonderful pictures everyday….DOTTIE and Sarah!!!!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA (Plushie #33)
2012 Dubai Carnival (VIDEOS)
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
This might have already been posted/shared. . .
Hovdey: Australia’s most talked-about female is Black Caviar
Jan S. / Houston
She’s going for #18… ;)
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Zenyatta! I’m Zoe Darby (If you don’t know or remember that) Im SUPER glad that you are having a baby! I just got a kitten not to long ago i named her Charlie. She loves our us all she’s super cute just Like YOU! My mom loves you too! My mom loves horses we have this horse come down are street all the time! The guy who had the horse said i could name it (I wasn’t sure if it was a boy or a gir) And i named it Lucky.The guy told me it was a good name for it. And I hope you have a good day! And the best of luck
Zoe Darby
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hi, Zoe. Thank you for posting and I am happy you got a kitten. Charlie is a good name. I have a dog named Charlie. Maybe you can post again and tell us your cat’s color and how old it is.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Hi Zoe,
Congratulations on your new kitten! I have 5 cats myself and on my bulletin board at work I have photos of each of them … and of Zenyatta too, of course! Their names are Harry, Jasper, Pippin, Timothy and Billy.
You are very “lucky” to have a horse living on your street. I wish I did … :)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Hi Zoe–welcome to the Z family! Love the kitty name!
Terry Crow
Zoe-I am anxious to hear the names, male and female, that you have picked out for Zenyatta’s foal. Of course, Charlie would be OK no matter what.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Zoe:
So nice to read your post and all the others from Mrs. Voltz’s students. Congratulations on your new little friend, Charlie. Hugs, JB
Debbie G/Kentucky
Hi Zoe. That’s wonderful that you got a kitten. You’ll have so much fun with it. I have four cats. Their names are Elsie, Chester, Amos and Leroy. I like the name Charlie too.
Jan S. / Houston
Love the name Charlie. My cat is 15 years old, and his name is Tiger Woods..
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Fantastic! Gotta love it.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Zenyatta, you truly are super gorgeous-you sparkle and shine brighter than any star up above. I love you so very much. Love & Blessings to you always!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
LouAnn – What part of the state is Union? I was born in Missouri, as were my parents. I haven’t been back for a few years but it has some beautiful countryside. Don’t like the winters, though.
Terry Crow
I’ve got a story about Missouri about when I was traveling in that state as a worker. Let me known if you want to read it.