In life, it is so important to keep in touch with dear friends and long-time associates. I love the fact that my dear pals from California and Barn 55 always keep ME current on what is happening. After all, being with these people on a day-to-day basis for several years has played such a tremendous role in my entire life!
The adorable girl riding ME at the L.A. Zoo in this photo is Penelope Pegram. Her father, Brad, is a very close friend of mine and Barn 55 as he is MY MIKIE’S jockey agent!
In our business of thoroughbred horse racing, every jockey has an agent. The agent’s role is to ‘book’ or organize the mounts for his/her jockey to ride each day. They do a great deal of ‘homework’ studying horses, the past performance charts, and class levels of various races all of the time. The job of the JOCKEY AGENT is to get his jockey on the best horse in each race as much as possible.
In Brad’s case, Mike is a jockey who rides horses who compete at many venues throughout the United States. Thus, Brad needs to constantly study the races not just running in Southern California…but those taking place all over the country. He needs to familiarize himself with all of the competition to always be ‘on top of things’ when reviewing and evaluating the status of various horses for Mike to ride.
Each jockey is paid a percentage of the purse earned by the horse he is riding when finishing first, second, or third in a race. When the horse finishes other than these places, the jockey is given a flat fee. The HORSE’S OWNER is the person who is responsible to pay the jockey for his ‘ride’ in each race.
The Jockey’s Guild…the group which represents the jockeys and their interests in areas of discussion and negotiation…in conjunction with the various racing organizations establish these set fees and percentages a jockey is paid per mount. All fees are paid to the jockey via each race track’s ‘Horsemen’s Bookkeeper’ or ‘Paymaster’. This is the official accounting office which handles the distribution of purse earnings per race for all owners, trainers, and jockeys.
Each agent works for a particular jockey. It is the jockey’s responsibility to pay his agent for his services. Within our industry, the norm is that an AGENT is paid a fee based upon a percentage of what his jockey earns. There is a basic industry ‘scale’ for this, but the precise amount is something that is worked out privately between each jockey and his agent.
Unlike the entertainment industry and other professional sports, where an agent can collectively work for several major stars at once, in our business, a jock’s agent is able to represent 2 jockeys at one time. This may be 2 journeymen jockeys (meaning those with years of experience) or a journeyman and an apprentice rider.
It always amazes ME how many different types of jobs there are in our industry…and how many people it takes working together each day to ‘MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN’. This is truly such an interesting SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Yeah, Penelope…hope you had fun at the ZOO with ME!)
Hi!!! what do you think you may name your foal if its a colt(hope) our filly
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Mama Zen, didn’t get to post yesterday, but that stall of yours, wow, Chez the Ritz!! So happy you have these Queenly accomodations……after all, it’s who you are.
Todays pic is just adorable….. it takes me back to my childhood when my mom would take us to a fair I’d head for the carousel and the horse. If they had only zoo animals I’d refuse to ride, and pitched a fit (so I was told), I find that hard to believe.
So much good info on jockeys and agents today all part of our continuing education into your world. I pray for Mikie to have safe rides and reach his goal of 5,000. He’s the Man.
Has anyone definitely heard if our beloved “Bernie” is back in the states and hard at work (no pun intended)? I haven’t heard anything but the girls are lining up.
Well you two girls have a good day, kisses on your noses Auntie Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick and Z Fans:
As Mikey is closing in on his 5000th win, thought you all might like to see an article and photo tribute to him by Barbara Livingston. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh Judy you are unbelieveable at finding the great links. What a hot guy he still is with that million dollar smile. Great pics from Barbara she’s tops. Thanks so much, Hugs. Hope your hubby is doing well.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Judy, Not only is he the most awesome jockey and is SO CUTE.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S. and Sue Fredrick:
Glad you enjoyed BL’s tribute to Mikey; she does fabulous work. Wasn’t he Too Cute with his thick black head of hair! He’s still handsome though. Always was one of my favorites. Sue, Russ is doing well. Thank you for your kind words. Love and Hugs, JB
Jill in Jersey
Thanks for the info. It has always been my dream to breeze a racehorse. Hey, I’m only 52, still may have the chance to do it. After all, I ride (and get dumped) by my TB all the time. He doesn’t mean to do it, he spooks – so when he zigs, unfortunately, sometimes I zag!
Can’t wait for Baby Z and Baby TT – it’s all I can think about – hang in there girls!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jill in Jersey:
Loved your post. Hugs, JB
Shema Satya
Dear Z, very much enjoyed your “lesson” today, I’m learning so much from you! This is a great photo of “you” at the zoo. So pretty, and pretty little girl, lucky girl, too!
carol in utah
CIGAR SIGHTING…..munching around his paddock…sigh
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Carol, I wish I was there I will loves to see him, Ingrid.
Kathryn Dube
Hail To the Queen! My Zenyatta plushie, and mini plushie, arrived today, and absolutely no problem with the packaging and signed certificate. I hope I get to see you, Queen Z., one of these days. I sincerely hope both you and Tasty are safely delivered of your babies. Hope they become “best buds,” at least for the short term!
Terry Crow
@Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Ariuzona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you vacuum the bed instead oc changing the sheets. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if the rear tires of your car are at least twice as wide as the front ones. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you think papsmear is when your daddy gets wiped out in a wreck. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if you are a lite beer drinker because you start drinking when it is light. @signofthetimes, president, and Barbara Wood, charter member of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you go to garage sales to shop for Christmas gifts @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if you still celebrate your birthday in the playhouse at McDonald’s. @Sandy in Northern Ohio, president, and Shari Voltz, charter member of Ohio chapter-You might be a redneck if your mom has to shave more often that your dad. @Brenda S, president and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if you think prop fishermen are gods. Also, if Quebec secedes, you think that Newfoundland will fly off into space. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be redneck if you’ve ever been arrested for loitering. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you think nitrates are cheaper than day rates. @Sue Colvin, president of New Jersey chapter-You might be a redneck if your family reunions consist only of ex-husbands. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you smoked during your wedding. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you think the Bud Bowl is real. You might be a redneck if you think your brother is sexier than your husband. You might be a redneck if you use your floor as an ashtray. You might be a redneck if you have ever attended a knife and gun show as a dealer. You might be a redneck if you were expelled from Sunday School. You might be a redneck if your favorite song is “Old McDonald had a farm.”
Shari Voltz from Ohio
LOVE YOU Terry !!!!
Terry Crow
Ms. Voltz-I am but a silly jester. As a teacher, you are one of the most important people alive. I wish I could contact all of the teachers who made a difference in my life and thank them.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
rofl terry. good 1’s :)
i will vacuum my sheeets just so i dont have to change them.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Good jokes, Terry! My Electrolux salesman demonstrated for me that THE latest model can vacuum up a disgusting amount of “stuff” from the mattress, just after vacuuming it with my mom’s, putting her older but quite serviceable model to shame. Otherwise it would never have occurred to me, to vacuum a mattress, until today’s redneck reasons.
Terry Crow
Sue and Vicki-True rednecks would not do it any other way.
Terry am I a redneck if I DON’T drink alcohol???
Terry Crow
Margaret-If you wanted to be a member of the club, I can’t think of a better reason than being a teetotaler. Redneck is more a state of mind than actual actions. You could be sort of the designated observer of the scene. Remember, all of the jokes begin with you MIGHT be a redneck. You are welcome anytime and I would be proud to include you in our ranks..
Denise in AZ
sooo… cowboy goes in to convienence store to buy condoms, the clerk asks if he wants a paper bag, he replies, “Naw, she aint that ugly”
Terry Crow
To all of those who commented, thank you. I really appreciate your sentiments. As for Sue Fredrick’s comment ab out Hints from Heloise, I think they are more like Martha Stewart’s hints when she was in prison. Stephanie-My nephew used to work at a jack in the Box when the drive through customers had to actually talk to the clown. The stuff he told me that they said could never be repeated on this site.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Marty, We can’t allow Quebec to secede, Abigail would have to move!!! Also, the people on the Rock wouldn’t ever take off.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Terry, I know you started this out as strictly jokes to entertain us, but its become much more than that. The housekeeping tips remind me of “Hints From Heloise” she always had many good ideas. I’m going to try some of your ideas at home, I’ll let you know how it goes. Keep up the good work! Hugs
Debbie G/Kentucky
Too funny Terry! I will never look at pap smears the same way again……
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Too funny. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
Terry — you’ve gotta be the sweetest devil! As for Quebec seceding: YAWN. This was a far greater danger in the 1980’s-1990’s than it is today….but it’s only going to become evident to the rest of the continent when the alienated baby boomers who launched the separatist movement are all in retirement!!!!
Love all these jokes, really made my day
Filled with travel now with laughter. Working on
My valentines jokes soon to be posted. Thanks
For getting us all involved and injecting humor
Into this wonderful site. YOU ARE THE BEST !!!
Stephanie in San Diego
Terry…you really make my day so much more enjoyable!! thank you.
ps. my local McDonalds just removed the playhouse to upgrade. No more red and yellow bouncy balls. Next birthday Jack in the Box. gotta love the clown.
Lisag in Texas
@Laura J:What does this mean?
Uncle Mo was scheduled to ship by van Monday afternoon from Churchill Downs to Ashford Stud, the North American division of Coolmore, which purchased a majority interest in Uncle Mo from Repole in August. Repole, who purchased Uncle Mo for $220,000 as a yearling, will retain an interest in the colt as a stallion.
I know if anyone can get to to get it, you can.
Ease my mind, LauraJ, thanks, Lisag
Repole is not in the breeding side of the business, he is interested and focused on racing and besides it takes a great deal of effort to launch the career of a young stallion prospect.
Repole sold the majority interest to Coolmore, meaning that Coolmore now owns and controls Uncle Mo as a stallion prospect. Repole retained an interest in the colt which can mean a lot of things, from he will simply gain part of the revenue from Uncle Mo’s stallion fees or perhaps in time if he wants to send a mare to Uncle Mo he will not have to pay the stud fee.
Coolmore is based in Ireland but they have major stud farms in Australia and the United States (there may also be a branch in Japan, I can’t remember). Ashford is their United States farm. Uncle Mo will stand his first North American hemisphere here in the States. If there is interest in him in the Southern Hemisphere he may shuttle to Australia and then back to the States.
Repole is sending mares to Uncle Mo.
He has a small broodmare band.
It’s Darley that has a branch in Japan. It’s fairly new.
For anyone interested, here’s Mo’s stallion page from the Coolmore website:
He’s standing for $35K. Good luck to him!
Also, you can see pictures of him in his new digs on his Facebook page. He is going to be very comfortable.
Lisag in Texas
Thanks! He is still Uncle Mike, that all I wanted to know. What a relief. I have alot of questions all the time going thru my head. Another one is, will Jess Jackson’s kids keep Rachel and Curlin’s colt or will they sell?
Thanks again, appreciate it.
Margie from SoCal
What great posts today (as usual). Lots of education happening on our Zenny’s site. Saw the photo of Hansen – what a hunk he is! lol Have to watch Kari’s newest video and probably cry as I always do when watching them. Guess it’s just being overwhelmed by the beauty and greatness of Zenyatta. Love seeing the posts from Mrs. Voltz’s class. Clearly, she rocks as a teacher! JAG, you may reach your 3/9 goal with a foal (sorry, couldn’t help it :-). Congrats to Mikey, and to Mr. Commons, too. I’m glad I canceled my HBO – wouldn’t watch them now for anything. To Tasty, you’re part of our Z Family and I’m so grateful Zenny has you for her BFF. We’re pacing for both of you. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone. Zenny, love you forever.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Hi, my adorable Zenyatta, what cute girl she looks so adorable on top of you, I think she is enjoying the ride.
My grandson live in LA, I ask his mammy to see if she can take him to the Zoo, and to see the carousel, and I ask her to please take a photo of my grandson on top of you, I can not wait, I hope they go soon, but you know sometimes people they don’t like to please the in-laws. Love you Ingrid.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Fortunately, the agent depicted on LUCK is atypical (although there are and have been some very colorful characters in that profession)! Not unlike a good marriage, some riders develop a long-standing, loyal relationship with their agent. Others seem to switch fealty as quickly as Mrs. Voltz’ class might play musical chairs! It is a fascinating, albeit sometimes cut-throat, part of the business, and a big “thank you” to Dottie for her superb way of spotlighting these often hidden corners of racing and bringing them into the limelight!
Terry Crow
Very nicely put. The fact of the matter is that if the agent’s client is not getting on good horses he (the agent) suffers a lack of income. Agents should be good handicappers as well as someone the trainer can deal with. A lot of what they do is smoozing.
Well said. Guess that is why Angel Cordero
Had an initial hard time as an agent. He loved
To ride so much, smoozing was too passive
For him. He is such a delightful character.
Well I have some very nice news to share.
My plushie came today! I was sitting here online browsing and there was a big knock on the door. It was the mailman with a HUGE box.
I was figuring weeks cause I didn’t order mine til last week. And here it is already.
For a stuffed animal its as cute as can be. BUT I have a question.
Who here has snipped that little tiny cord keeping mama and baby together???? I’m curious to know if I’m the only one who wants to separate them. Not big separation just little.
Oh my I can feel it getting closer. We’re not there yet but we’re a whole lot closer than 10 months ago!
And because my calculations were not just off BUT WAY OFF I have a new prediction for the due date. 330 days will be Feb 26. I’m gonna go with March 3rd. That’s day 337. But we shall see what Mother Nature intends.
And another horse baby fact…
When mares are in stage 1 of delivery they can stop labor. If something doesn’t feel right, they get scared–whatever–there body can shut labor down. But once her water has broken there is no turning back. I think Mother Nature started this back when horses were wild as a way to protect mama and babe.
When a mare is in full labor (I’m talking about delivery being imminent) she is TOTALLY VULNERABLE. That’s why so many times you hear horse people say–they’ve waited 3 weeks and just when they couldn’t keep their eyes open the mare went off and had the baby. Or they finally went to the grocery store. It happens all the time.
Again do not be afraid for Z. When she is outside she is checked every 15 mins. This is no different than any other mare at Lane’s End. Plus at night there night watchman is constantly walking the aisle checking mares. Be assured and be comforted that all is being done that can humanly be managed. I know its scary. I think most of us if we spoke honestly and truthfully would say–there is some apprehension knowing what’s coming. Please be assured that Z is in the best hands possible.
And if you haven’t seen the videos from last week–please go over to backside 55 at fb. There are 3 videos that Donna from LE’s did to help us understand all this stuff. It’s about 20 mins total but is so informative and helpful. You’ll walk away knowing more and feeling a little more educated. With that knowledge and education the fear will lessen.
And I admit I’m definitely a pacing auntie!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Margaret – I kept my Plushies together – I didn’t “cut the cord” (pun intended). I like the way Zenyatta is looking down at the foal. But they would be equally cute separated too, I think.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret :
Thanks for all the info on mares and foaling. I guess we’re all nervous Aunties and Uncles. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Rosemary, after 1 day, I cut those nylon strings, then I also cut off the brand-tags from their backsides. Then I could really hug ‘Zenny’. And now I can pose them various ways. Thanks for all the horse foaling info.
Jane Flanders
The carousel at the L.A, Zoo is exquisite, and YOU are the best part!
Super cute Zenny hope you have a good day.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo,Ca)
Zenny, thanks for the Jockey Agent info. I was training to be a Jockey myself before, a major accident knocked me out of contention. Shattered my pelvic bone and had cracks through each hip socket. Partially paralyzed on the left side from the hip down. Was told that I would never ride again and that I’d be lucky to walk in over a year. Guess what? Since, I was so fit, I healed on my own with no surgery and I was back riding in 4 months time. However, I still couldn’t walk very well on my own without the help of crutches. About a year later, I had another accident then another and decided, it was time to hang up my helmet and whip. What an experience it was though! Something I will never forget.
Read the article on “Luck” drf and TT. Also the paulick report. I don’t understand how horses can break-down on set? Just doesn’t sound right to me. I haven’t seen it because, I don’t get HBO and was going to add it but, after hearing about this, I refuse to do so! I know that this is part of the sport but, on a TV Set??? Sounds fishy to me. I hope that no other horses are injured or hurt during the show as it goes on.
On another note, Hot Dixie Chick had a colt by Curlin. No pics yet though. Soon, it will be your turn and TT’s too. My hallway carpet is getting a lil thin! Pace pace pace! LOL
Love you big Mama to be!
Denise in AZ
pictures are up on facebook – Stonestreet’s page, among others
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
Very Cute – I just love this time of the year – all the foals being born is such a treat!!! And now with Facebook to share all the photo’s from different farms and fans is just the best!! Thanks everyone for sharing all the wonderful horse news – great job.
I know I sound like a broken record about Zenyatta and her Facebook page getting to 100,000 before her foal is born in the next few weeks – but I really think it would be VERY TOO CUTE!!! to do this for Zenyatta and her connections. We are just about at the 2,000 fans to go to get there. YES – she is at 97,936 only 2,064 more to go. WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!
Darlene Daniels
I’ve been recruiting! Got 2 of the girls at work last night to hit “like”. Had to explain all about Zenyatta but they understood once they saw her. One said ” a Zen what? you will have to spell that for me”. I will keep working.
Terry Crow
Heidi-So sorry your career ended the way it did. How many winners did you ride during that time?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta and my Great Z Family. Thank you for writing to the children. It is like you are becoming a voice for Zenyatta. They are asking to post on their own. They love to read what you write back. I love you all.
Zenyatta I wish my classes and I could take a fieldtrip to this zoo. Wow what a fieldtrip that would be. We all would take turns riding on you including the teacher. I hope you and Tasty stay warm. It is getting cold here in Ohio and Kentucky. Zenyatta you and Tasty have a good night. Hugs and many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Dawn I left a reply : )
@ Lisa G I also left you a reply : )
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy/ So. CA (Plushie #33)
This breaks my heart ♥ !
Pet rescue Japan nuclear zone
Paula Higgins
What an adorable picture of Penelope riding The Queen! It’s pretty amazing how much the carousel horse looks like Zenny, especially the ears. Thank you for the information on agents Dottie.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy/ So. CA (Plushie #33)
I have Zenyatta as my cell phone wall paper – TOO CUTE!! She is adorable in person :o)
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
JAG – I too have Zenyatta as my cell phone wallpaper. It is a beautiful photo of her with Mike up in the paddock (and she’s dancing!) Mario leading her and John to the side and slightly in front of her. It was the Santa Margarita Handicap at Santa Anita on March 13, 2010. It was an overcast day, not cold, but no sunshine. We had our place right next to the paddock fence and next to Zenyatta’s number. As Zenyatta was led by Mario into the paddock, the clouds parted as if on cue and the sun came out and stayed out. It was another great day for the QUEEN.
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
I have Zenyatta as my wallpaper on my cell phone, my laptop and my work computer… people always ask if she is my horse – I say no, and then tell them all about Zenyatta and how much fun it has been following her career and all the excitement she has brought me… then I show them even more pictures on my cell phone and computers – she is everywhere I am – work – home – my car. My room is filled with Zenyatta memories…
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
LOL! You must have me on closed circuit tv! You describe me PERFECTLY! I keep telling myself it’s too early, don’t be in such a rush. Everything is going fine. But it seems like with a sec we’re getting closer and I’m getting crazier!
Back to pacing.
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
ABOUT HANSEN–the owner is either daft or is marketing his horse. The horse is terrific, so why reduce him to clown level?
ABOUT ALL THE NEW FOALS–is it an unwritten tradition in TB births to NOT name the foal until a certain period of time passes, like 3 months, because of the fear of mortality? I am guessing, as I am not a horse person, but all of us want to know the names of these foals and–nothing yet! Coincidence or custom?
DEAR DOTTIE–you should publish all of your Zenny messages that teach us about a particular aspect of TB racing. Great tutorials–fascinating writer! Wonderful fundraising idea for Zenny’s favorite charities! TB Racing Lessons from the desk of Professor Zenyatta!!!!
Skip from Equi-Army-NDO
Jan S. / Houston
I totally agree with you. Hansen is a professional TB, not a clown.
Well The Jockey Club gets into it. There is a whole long laundry list of things you have to do in order to name a foal.
For the time being Zenyatta’s foal will be called Zenyatta whether she’s a boy or a girl. This is part tradition I think.
Then there are names you can’t use–like Secretariat.
But some names can be re-used after a certain amount of time passes. For instance Nijinsky II imported to this country. There was already a horse named Nijinsky. It was a “simple” matter of putting the Roman numeral 2 to his name.
Things are not that easy. A lot of times you’ll see a combination of names from mom and dad so you can guess the breeding. Other times it comes from no where and you have to look it up.
Names can only be 18 letters long including spaces. And you can’t name a horse for a living person unless you get written permission. And no 4 letter words. The newest fad is the run on names which can be confusing.
I think it was Revor Denman who called this race–it was a couple of years ago. One horse was named The Wife Knows and the other horse was called The Wife Doesn’t Know! Try calling that race!
There are all sorts of rules so don’t feel bad that you don’t get it all. It’s like trying to read a legal brief in 15 secs. It takes time to absorb all these rules and traditions.
That was a great race call by Trevor Denman.
Great information, Margaret.
Actually, it wal Larry Colmus at Monmouth, IIRC.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Some how my response to your post Z got up further. Sorry!. Once in a while my computer plays tricks on me. I did not intend just jump in anywhere.
LauraJ: What is it like to be an owner of a thoroughbred race horse, besides the excitement of the possibility of winning? I like the name, Better Step Aside
Gary Moulton
Hi Carousel Zenny, I love your ‘Blue Plate Shoes’! They sure are BIG! It goes without saying that an 11hh pony will require a smaller amount of metal for a shoe than a real 17hh Zenny, however, it does not always follow that the bigger the horse the bigger the foot. A 14hh cob could have a bigger foot than a 16hh thoroughbred. I wish I could ride the Carousel. Check out this old Carousel trailer.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049055/ – Watch Trailer
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words. They really help in these trying times and mean a lot, thank You. I’m an Easterner at heart because I was born on the East Coast but I love the whole world and could make it anywhere. I really hate to see what’s happening to the planet right now. No Trina, I will be about an hour or so from Sioux Falls in the eastern part of the state near the Minn. – Iowa boarder. Both my Parents are from South Dakota and I have a lot of relatives and friends there. I’ve been there many times and know the land well. First thing I’m going to do is sell my truck and buy a horse, LOL. A lot of my friends are always talking, saying their moving away from the big city, well I’m doing it. I posted this song here before but it fits here to post it again, just change the word Wyoming to Dakota. I hope the move goes well too and my thought right now as head off to tape another box together is ‘Man I got a lot of junk’
Wishing you a safe move and wonderful opportunities
Change brings. Keep us posted.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I hate to be a downer, but I would like to ask my fellow Z’sters to pray for my best friend Jim and his brother Jason. Jason got home last night and discovered that his house had been burglarized, but that’s not the bad part. Whoever did it killed his two dogs. I talked to Jim today and, needless to say, he was very upset and he said that Jason was inconsolable. I asked if he had any idea about who could have done it and he said that Jason, who owns and runs a small farm, fired some guy last week and he thinks that’s who did it. Any prayers you have would be much appreciated.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA (Plushie #33)
Oh, gosh! I’m so sorry! His poor dogs!! There are some real crazies in the world who figure the best way for revenge is to kill someone or somethng close to them. Please let them know that my heart ♥ aches for them – I’d be inconsolable, too!!! :-((((( Please share the names of his dogs. Thank you! XO
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you Judy. The dogs were named Rachel and Roscoe. They were both Bassett Hounds. Jim has one of Rachel’s babies, Oliver, and we were just talking last night about how sweet Rachel is and how silly and goofy Roscoe is, and now this happens. I just can’t fathom someone doing something like this to an innocent animal. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh, Debbie, this is so heart-breaking for ALL of us, and I’m sure Terry Crow will feel extra bad because the dogs were Bassett Hounds. He’ll also say that his beloved Basset Hound Corrie is now greeting her cousins Rachel and Roscoe and introducing them to all the animals waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. That’s a much happier place tonight than this part of the world where such a cruel act has occurred. Prayers and hugZ for Jim, Jason and you. My head feels like it is going to explode…
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
This is so hard to believe, Debbie. Terrible. Heart-breaking. Prayers will be said.
Terry Crow
Debbie-This is so sad. Trina is right. Basset hounds are special to me. Jim and Jason will be hurting for a long time, but when the hurt subsides, they will only remember how Rachel and Roscoe loved them unconditionally and that they are playing with the other dogs at the Rainbow Gate. I hope the puke that did this gets what he deserves. And, there are people in prison who are also animal lovers. Retribution will come.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA (Plushie #33)
Debbie G
I lit a Zenyatta candle RnR for Rachel and Roscoe – in a way they are now enjoying RnR and await their owner at Rainbow Bridge. Blessings to ALL! XO
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
i will definitely pray for them debbie
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Debbie:
So very, very sorry for your dear friends’ loss. No words can describe how they must be hurting. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Debbie. So sorry, we are praying that these monsters will receive the punishment they deserved, Ingrid.
Abigail from Montreal
Debbie: This is a terrible terrible crime against humanity. My thoughts are with you. HUGS to you, Jim, Jason, Rachel & Roscoe.
Jan S. / Houston
Many prayers coming to Jason and Jim. I’m sure his babies are now in The Rainbows Bridge.
So very sad for your friend.
Stephanie in San Diego
Oh Debbie…this is heartbreaking!! So needless and cruel. My prayers are with the Jim and Jason!! I am just so saddened by just how cruel some people are.
Marty R / Colorado
So very sorry for your friends and I’m sure you are feeling pain as well. It’s impossible to understand retaliation against innocent animals. There wil be extra prayers said.
Celeste in TX
Oh, that is so awful. Prayers and good wishes.
Lisag in Texas
Many, many prayers. This breaks my heart and sickens me at the same time. I cannot imagine a human having such hatred that they would murder and torture innocent animals.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny and Dottie, thank you again and again for what you have done in creating this wonderful place for us to get to know each other and become a global family. We get to learn all about the world of thoroughbred racing from the horse and human view as we are making friendships.
Dear Dawn, Your compliments today have reduced me to tears. I don’t think that anything I do is remarkable in any way at all and so I am truly appreciative and humbled . Vic and I are lucky to have you in our life.
Sandy in NE Ohio – How amazing that you know Goderich, people here locally don’t always know where it is. If you plan on repeating your visit to the Canadian side of Lake Huron this fall perhaps we can get together. My plans, as of this moment, will have ME at Santa Anita in early November, hooves crossed. You are so right about the size of the world and it keeps getting smaller here in Zenny’s world.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Oh my I will pray for Jim and Jason. My heart is breaking for them and the dogs. I just don’t understand how these horrible things can happen. All I can say is I will pray hard. I am so very sorry for their loss.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Margaret; How did you get yours you lucky gal you!? I ordered mine on 1-8-12 and am still waiting. Where oh where has my little plushies gone.
I signed the petition!!
I don’t know! But I have some ideas. I know the return address says Kentucky but did it actually ship from Kentucky or Southern CA? Cause if they shipped from So. CA. That could explain the quickness.
Plus I know they started shipping ONLY last week. So standby yours will get to you no doubt!
Z is big! I wasn’t expecting such a big stuffed animal! But she is very pretty.
Next edition please please put her tiny white mark on the right fore on the model. No one has done this. The white marks are right above the coronet band–I think it’s called heel bulbs. There the tiny bumps right under the fetlock joint.
I have the picture to prove that yes Z really does have a white marking on the right fore, cause I took it! I was astounded to see it. She was standing in the grass at Barn 55 and that white just was so noticeable!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
i thought i’d share this w/ you all:
My face is shining upon you, beaming out Peace that transcends understanding. You are surrounded by a sea of problems, but you are face to Face with Me, your Peace. As long as you focus on Me, you are safe. If you gaze too long at the myriad problems around you, you will sink under the weight of your burdens. When you start to sink, simply call out “Help me, Jesus!” and I will lift you up.
The closer you live to Me, the safer you are. Fix your eyes on Me, the One who never changes.
Philippians 4:7, Matthew 14:30, Hebrews 12:2
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vampressqueen Sue Colvin:
Very uplifting. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Thanks for the wonderful prayer,
So very inspiring.
Terry Crow
Thank you for posting this. I am still very upset about the dogs and this will help.
Lisag in Texas
Beautiful, and needed.
judy berube from Rhode Island
To All Mrs. Voltz’s Students:
It’s great to know how much all of you love Z and wonderful to hear from you. Look forward to reading your posts. Hugs, JB
Kelly J. /ND
Love you Zenny XOXOXOXO!