In life, it is so important to keep in touch with dear friends and long-time associates. I love the fact that my dear pals from California and Barn 55 always keep ME current on what is happening. After all, being with these people on a day-to-day basis for several years has played such a tremendous role in my entire life!
The adorable girl riding ME at the L.A. Zoo in this photo is Penelope Pegram. Her father, Brad, is a very close friend of mine and Barn 55 as he is MY MIKIE’S jockey agent!
In our business of thoroughbred horse racing, every jockey has an agent. The agent’s role is to ‘book’ or organize the mounts for his/her jockey to ride each day. They do a great deal of ‘homework’ studying horses, the past performance charts, and class levels of various races all of the time. The job of the JOCKEY AGENT is to get his jockey on the best horse in each race as much as possible.
In Brad’s case, Mike is a jockey who rides horses who compete at many venues throughout the United States. Thus, Brad needs to constantly study the races not just running in Southern California…but those taking place all over the country. He needs to familiarize himself with all of the competition to always be ‘on top of things’ when reviewing and evaluating the status of various horses for Mike to ride.
Each jockey is paid a percentage of the purse earned by the horse he is riding when finishing first, second, or third in a race. When the horse finishes other than these places, the jockey is given a flat fee. The HORSE’S OWNER is the person who is responsible to pay the jockey for his ‘ride’ in each race.
The Jockey’s Guild…the group which represents the jockeys and their interests in areas of discussion and negotiation…in conjunction with the various racing organizations establish these set fees and percentages a jockey is paid per mount. All fees are paid to the jockey via each race track’s ‘Horsemen’s Bookkeeper’ or ‘Paymaster’. This is the official accounting office which handles the distribution of purse earnings per race for all owners, trainers, and jockeys.
Each agent works for a particular jockey. It is the jockey’s responsibility to pay his agent for his services. Within our industry, the norm is that an AGENT is paid a fee based upon a percentage of what his jockey earns. There is a basic industry ‘scale’ for this, but the precise amount is something that is worked out privately between each jockey and his agent.
Unlike the entertainment industry and other professional sports, where an agent can collectively work for several major stars at once, in our business, a jock’s agent is able to represent 2 jockeys at one time. This may be 2 journeymen jockeys (meaning those with years of experience) or a journeyman and an apprentice rider.
It always amazes ME how many different types of jobs there are in our industry…and how many people it takes working together each day to ‘MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN’. This is truly such an interesting SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Yeah, Penelope…hope you had fun at the ZOO with ME!)
sue and tony
Zenny, thanks for the interesting post today regarding jockeys and their agents. Your Mike sure hit the lotto with you…big time. You must have added to his wealth greatly over the 4 years he rode you. We cannot imagine how awesome it felt to be on your back, tearing down the backstretch at 40+ MPH. What a special team you were. Big hugs to you and TT.
Lisag in Texas
@LauraJ, since this is educational post today, I have been wondering, and watching to see when you would be here, as I know you know the answer to this…I do not get it.
Mike R kept the Racing Rights of Uncle MO, but sold him? If Uncle Mo is retired, why the Racing Rights? And why did he sell him?
I, like I said, do not understand this. Help, Laura J
He didn’t sell him. Just because a horse stands stud at a particular farm does not mean he’s been sold to the stud farm. Curlin, for example, still belongs to Jess Jackson’s heirs even though he stands at Lane’s End. I suppose he kept the racing rights in the unlikely event Mo turns out to be infertile and/or there’s a miracle cure for his liver ailments.
Lisag in Texas
Thanks, Laura J, I just knew I read somewhere that he sold MO. Glad he did not, I was disappointed in Mike R if he had…I have alot of admiration and respect for him. Lisag
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I believe what he did was sell part of the breeding rights to Mo. Now that he is retired he is partly owned by the farm.
He wanted to control his racing career. Keeping
The rights mean you have control of that piece of
The horse. Perhaps he does not want him to race
Unfit. He sold the breeding rights. There are many stallions
Lure comes to mind who had a 10 million dollar
Insurance policy out on breeding; if he can’t breed
The farm gets the 10 million; Lure then went to Ashford
For some intensive veterinary fertility work, he remained
Sterile and Claibourne had him return home to
Spend his days teaching the yearling he has in his paddock.
Mike Smith rode Lure.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Zenny Mommy In Waiting
I’m sending tummy rubs to you and Tasty. Soft kisses on that gourgeous nose of yours! XOXOXO ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ (nine hearts for March 9th)
Lisag in Texas
Auntie Judy, I love ya, I do…so if the First Born of Queen is not on March 17, I hope it is on March 9…for you. LOL, good luck to us both. Lisag
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Thanks – good luck to both of us – and to the other hundreds of fans who have upcoming birthdays LOL
Lisag in Texas
LOL, I just love celebrating Zenyatta.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
How did you make those hearts? They have just started appearing in posts, and if there was an answer on how to do it yesterday, I must have missed it.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
I just copied them and SAVED them to use in the future! The instructions were to hold the alt key and type 3… didn’t work for me! We used to be able to use the < with a 3 and it made a heart :-(
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Judy. What a good idea to save them! When I first started reading the diary, I kept seeing the <3 and wondered what in the world all of these "less than 3" notations were about! Ha Ha (I taught statistics so that side of my brain was kicking in). One day I must have turned my head a bit and finally "saw" the heart.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, how I envy Penelope. She is such a lucky girl. How is your afternoon, you and Tasty? I am wondering why a pic is not posted of you as well, nah, too early, right??? I love you so, and miss you…will check back later. Hugs in abundance, Lisag
Love these bits of info about the racing industry. Keep em coming and as always
my best to you dear Zenyatta and Tasty too!
Your Friend,
Does your farm allow visitors every?
Maryp (New York)
You are so kind to share your knowlege with us about the different facets of racing. I found it very interesting about how the jockeys are chosen and that they have agents, etc. Stay warm and comfy in your “maternity suite” Queen Z. Love to you.
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Zenny, Dottie, TT, Babies & Zen-sters:
Thinking of you, big girl, and wondering what you’re up to right now.
I just posted a new “thumbnail” on THE VAULT. Bronwen Healy contacted me to say that she loved the articles on Nelly & So You Think and told me she had 4 new journal entries of special times with her “pony” Black Caviar. The photos in each entry are extraordinary — Bronwen is just SO talented! So I wrote a short text on Bronwen’s photography and posted links to her blog, “The Image Is Everything” where the photo journals appear. If you love thoroughbred photography, you’re going to love Bronwen’s work! She even has an entry on Coolmore stallions that features YOUR BERNIE, sweet Zenny!
Lisag in Texas
Absolutely beautiful, Black Caviar is amazingly beautiful, and the looks of it, spoiled as she should be. What a lady, Lady Black Caviar.
Jan S. / Houston
Zenyatta is my #1, and Black Caviar is my #2..
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, my wonderful Abigail!!! Great story and beautiful photos!!! You continue to share such truly amazing stories, photos, history and information with us. I can’t thank you enough! You are a wonderful gift to us all!!!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail in Montreal:
Thank you for the lovely article about Bronwen Healy and photos of Black Caviar (Nelly). Australia loves their Queen as much as we love our Queen. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
thx for sharing abigail.
i subscribed to the vault cuz u do a great job writing it <3
Celeste in TX
Wow! Thank you for sharing the new information and the links and photos! Black Caviar is another awesome filly to follow. I’m just wishing there were more hours in the day for me to spend sitting here delving deeper into Bronwen’s website and blog. As you said, her photography is amazing. Something that I truly, truly just really am awful at – lol! Those photos in the sea – wow! Thanks!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Moran: Hansen, the owner, needs to come to his senses
@ ALL I’d like to know your feelings on this? IMO it’s rather whimsical. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to the sport OR to the horse. This is non-toxic paint!! Think about the pink used for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Thanks.
Lisag in Texas
Geez, I do not know about this. I have often been upset when I see a pink or purple poodle…Lucy, my canine baby is a poodle. I have this weakness for Grey horses, I just love them all to pieces. If he, the owner does color Hansen, what color would it be and would it be for something, such as Breast Cancer or Prostate Cancer..making a statement? Um, I am mixed on this one, JAG.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
In my opinion, there should absolutely NOT be any painting (or dyeing of manes and tails) done on race horses. They are not circus horses, or carousel horses or trick riding horses. They are athletes through and through and in my opinion would only make them appear trivial. When people dye their dogs colors, these people are almost always ridiculed and if you listen to people looking at the dogs, you will hear them express sympathy for the dog because they feel the dog must be humilated. I agree that Hansen’s owner needs to come to his senses.
Sounds kind of fun!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
If he didn’t want a grey horse then he shouldn’t have bought him. You don’t color the mane and tail without good cause. And right at the moment I can’t think of one.
Plus I didn’t read anything about toxic or otherwise in terms of coloring.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
I doubt they would use any harmful paints on him! In fact, if it rains the color would probably wash right out – no shower needed :-P
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
A colorful Hansen for the Kentucky Derby?
Lisag in Texas
This link has just a beautiful, I say beautiful picture of him….he is magnificent looking…I love the Greys. The comments in this article are mostly for the color change for many different reasons, and one reason is to get more people interested in HorseRacing again. I just do not know, he is so beautiful being Grey.
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
Hansen is perfect and very BEAUTIFUL just the way he is. He’s very stricking and such a sweetie – I hope they don’t dye his fur or color him in any way. BOOOOOO
Especially Horses / Southern California
Ummm. Yes, ummm, No, ummm, Maybe….Final thought…no. He’s just too majestic to “tamper” with.
First of all Hansen the human is a physician,
Which says it all regarding this issue. They
Are taught to beat to a different drummer and
Don’t very much care about controversy. I think
He is trying to get children involved in racing.
He already has Hansen the horse in the Tru Nicks
Program so he can see who is intetested in breeding
To him and he can select the best mares.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA (Plushie #33)
I agree – let the children have fun with racing!! Geez!
A friend sent me an email – Dr. Hansen DONATED money from his winnings to a horse rescue organization and will donate futher earnings. So much for people thinking he’s into racing for the PR – bull!! He does have an interest in his horse AND racing! It is not meant to put on a show or circus……. !! I’m getting off the Soap Box now lol
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
hmmm.doesnt sound like a bad idea. might be fun -that is if the stewards allow it. some animals like the extra attention too.
Celeste in TX
I have mixed feelings on this. I’ve seen it done to other horses – for parades or free-style reining and more whimsical stuff, but for racing….I don’t know. It is definitely getting people’s attention, though, and evidently that is what Dr. Hansen is trying to do. Hmmm?? I think Hansen, the horse, is just gorgeous as he is, but he isn’t my horse – lol!
Anybody remember this?
I love learning all these things from you. Thank You so much!
Heather from Maine
LOVE all the insider info! I just love horse racing but i don’t really know alot about the inner workings of it. Thank you for taking the time to educate us all! I truly just love this blog! It’s the bright spot of my day!!! Hugs to you all!
Ms. Z — it was just the other day at Santa Anita that I was trying to find our how this all works and then — BOOM — you go and explain it all for us!! As always, you are on top of things. Thank you. And I saw YOUR MIKE win with Mr. Commons last Saturday — what a thrill — I gave a high five to YOUR JOHN when he was returning from the track after the win, going through the same tunnel you traveled so many times going as a contender and returning THE WINNER!!! YAY!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Z–thank you for posting the great info. and picture. I hope some of us non-California Dumplings can go see the carousel at BC 2012. It never occurred to me that an agent could only represent 2 jockeys. But that is a LOT of homeowrk to do on a daily basis.
It is so sad about the deaths on the “Luck” series. I’m not sorry now that I don’t get HBO.
@Hannah J.H.–Happy Birthday Friday!
Whoa an agent can only have two jocks at one time!? Guess they really need to stay on top of things. And that’s good. Unlike trainers who can have several assistants and hundreds of horses all over the country.
Well MIKEY is working his way to 5000 wins! Best of luck.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
You certainly are a wealth of information so I have a couple of things to ask you. What is an OTTB? It must be a horse, and I think I can guess what the TB stands for but not the first part. The other question is inspired by watching Kari’s latest video (which always make me feel like I am right there with you, watching you dance! – thanks, Kari!). What is the purpose of the other horse when you are getting ready to run? All of the “runners” are accompanied by a second horse and rider. Again, I could guess that it’s to keep you calm, but I’d like to know the story.
I’m so glad that things are going so well for you and Tasty. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of your stall and hearing about your routines yesterday. Glad to know that you know when it’s time to go in and take a rest because (as has often been mentioned here), you may be a little short of rest in the upcoming days.
Today’s picture of YOU and the adorable Penelope is just great too! Sure wish I could visit the zoo and take a ride (that might be a safe starting point for someone who has never ridden. Take care dear Zenny. Are you getting ready for Valentine’s Day? I bet a lot of LOVE will be sent your way.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Brenda, S. Ontario
I know EXACTLY where Goderich is. Many years ago (the year of the Andrew/Fergie wedding which we watched on TV while there), a friend and I did a tour of the Canadian side of the Lake Huron shoreline and we stayed in Goderich. In fact, I was looking over the area again for another possible trip in the fall! The “small world saga” continues :-).
Glad your trip over the border wasn’t a total waste (and I saw your later post that the plushie is “on the way”). I wonder if JCP HERE is selling coats for $20? That would be enough to get me out of the house on this very bleak day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy (Northeast Ohio):
OTTB stands for Off Track Thoroughbred. It’s means a Thoroughbred that is an ex-racer. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Judy. That’s pretty much what I was guessing, but it’s nice to know for sure, and I’m always glad to add to my “horse vocabulary.” :-)
Is a retired racing TB that is hopefully going
To get a new career. Hunter/jumper dressage
The other horse is called a pony and is an
American tradition. Euro horses don’t have ponies,
But their tracks are the turf more wide open spaces
So horses are not so over stimulated as the are on US
Tracks. The US tracks are very busy and noisy, TB
Are very sensitive to hectic track here so ponies
Keep them from running until it is time to.
Great example of how over stimulating the US track
Is, was when Master of Hounds came to Belmont
To run. Euro barns are also divided by sex, so there
Was lots of action with a bunch of fillies and mates
Walking by and he started screaming and acting real
Studdish. But he finally calmed down.
Morgan R
I love reading your infomercial snippets, Queen Z!
carol in utah
Hello zenny…hope you and tasty are having a relaxing day…I agree that the info about jockeys agents is very interesting…maybe they are limited to 2 clients because there is so much data and info out there…
….read the vault about “Nelly”….I think she runs again on friday…GIRL POWER!!!
Kisses for your soft nose….some for tasty too
Nicole from New York
Some troubling news that I would like to share witin the horse community, It appears that two horses were killed while filming the HBO series “LUCK” both of them former racehorses HBO will not release the identity of either horse. PETA who I usually shy away from due to their radical approach has found out about the deaths and has been after HBO to (1) release the idenity of each horse (2) provide complete disclosure to how these animals are treated on set…… I for one say we all boycott this show and HBO until we are shown and it is proved that all the horses used are cared for properly and are safe at all times!!! Apparently if you go to the PETA website there are more details. Such a shame.
Lisag in Texas
NO HBO FOR ME, thank you for this info, I thought this show was going to be great. I will go to the PETA website, maybe there is a petion of some kind to sign. I do not like this kind of thing and do not like knowing about it..The movie people are supposed to protect all animals.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Where has the Humane Society been during the filming of Luck? Have they been around? I thought it was a requirement. I don’t watch it because I don’t get HBO and wouldn’t pay for HBO to get this show anyway. I would like to find out more about what happened and how.
Nicole from New York
I believe it you go to the PETA website they released the news on January 27, 2012. I am not sure where the Humane Society was or has been during the filming of this show, I can tell you I refuse to watch it.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
The Humane Society was present on the set. The two episodes that were being filmed when the horses were euthanized will NOT carry the “No animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture” disclaimer at the end but will have a notice saying that the Humane Society was on the set.
Unfortunately, breakdowns are part of the sport. Horses are so fragile that there are many injuries they simply cannot recover from; this is just the way they have evolved. It is sad but something that every horseperson has to accept as part of life with these amazing creatures.
Nicole from New York
Julie, I am sorry still unacceptable – neither of these horses had to die. Yes, breakdowns are sadly a part of the sport like it or not, however, neither of these horses were competing they were filming a tv show, how sad is that. Perhaps, better precautions could have been taken to ensure the safety of the horse / they ensure the safety of human actors correct? As far as I am concerned everyone should boycott HBO.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I also believe these horses didn’t have to suffer injuries that resulted in their deaths. I doubt that these horses were trained for several months before leading up to these racing scenes and I doubt that they were fit enough to participate in a mock race. Also, how many times were they made to run in these mock races in what period of time? They very likely, in my opinion, not monitored by a qualified horse trainer to ensure that they weren’t run over and over in an attempt to get “the perfect shot.” Accidents happen, that’s true, but TWO horses suffer accidents and have to be put down in the relatively short period of time this show has been filming? I’ll step down from my redneck soapbox now, but I had to state my opinion on this. There must be another way to film a race scene without running these horses into the ground.
Julie there has to be a better way. This is one of the many reasons Hollywood doesn’t make so many horse movies. Insurance for humans is sky high. Plus usually it isn’t a huge money maker like Star Wars was because it more dedicated to a certain set.
The “new” Flicka movie–two horses died during the filming of that movie–so I never watched it. Besides its so off from the book and the original that I couldn’t even fathom taking the time to watch.
If Lee Majors could “run” mph in the six million dollar man–with a whole bunch of help from special effects–then they could simply have these horses canter-and then have them move faster through special effects.
Shame on Dustin Hoffman for not speaking up about this!!!!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Margaret – You are absolutely correct about computer generating the speed of the horses. Look at the computer generated scenes in War Horse. I agree with the comment on Dustin Hoffman not speaking up. But perhaps he will, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I’m not saying that the deaths of these horses is acceptable, just that any time horses are involved you have to be prepared for these things to happen. The folks who are working with these horses need to monitor them very closely, and the safety of the horses should be the primary concern. Let’s hope that oversight and rules will be strengthened on the set and no more horses are harmed during filming. I’m just afraid that groups like PETA will use this as an excuse to attack the sport of racing again.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
This article I found had the most detail: http://www.observer.com/2012/02/breaking-hbo-responds-to-racing-show-luck%E2%80%99s-real-life-horse-fatalities/
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Here’s a link from TB Times:
Two horses euthanized during filming of HBO series ‘Luck’
Lisag in Texas
@JAG, thanks for this link. @Anyone that goes to this link, read what Gina from KY has to say in the comment section. This is sad.
Lisag in Texas
@Kari, I am slowing not catching up, but reading backwards and found that you’ve a new video…will watch this weekend…I know it is amazing and thank you. Lisag
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Wednesday to you. Hope you are having a good day. All the information on the racing industry you/Dottie provide is so interesting. Keep it coming. What a cute picture of Penelope and you. xoxo.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I just wanted to say I think your foal should be a girl so she can be a queen of racing like you. I love you so much !
your friend Morgan Bouscher
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Morgan. How sweet you are to let Zenyatta know how much you love her! That is very special. I think a little filly would be pretty remarkable too. Loved reading your diary post!!
Marty R / Colorado
Hi Morgan, It is good to see you writing to Zenyatta again so soon. I think it would be great to have another queen of racing, too. I’m sure Zenyatta is happy to know you love her so much.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
A special star for you, Morgan! ★
hi Z! What a cutie riding YOU!!! Have a wonderful Wednesday with Tasty! Thanks for all of the info, so much I’m learning;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. What a sweet picture of Penelope riding “you” on the carousel. That has to be such a fun experience, her beautiful smile say’s it all! Thanks to Brad Pegram for sharing such a special picture of his lovely little girl. Zenny and Dottie, the information about jockeys and their agents is great. I so admire our Mike!!! Not only is he very talented, but he is a remarkable man and he loves you very much. He will always be known as your partner in the “dance” Zenny, much like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers!!! There are so many individuals doing so many different jobs that make up the whole of the horse racing industry it is amazing. No wonder that there are literally thousands of stories that could be told. I enjoy hearing and reading them very much! The history is fantastic!!! Hope you and Tasty enjoy the rest of your day, my love!!! Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dawn, Your posts are so beautiful! I love how you phrased that “partners in the dance…”
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
That is a cute picture of Penelope riding you at the zoo. Yes…Z…you have had a very exciting life…….and through all that excitement…….you bring it to us fans who adore you. So many wonderful people made all this possible for us to enjoy you…..Mr. & Mrs. Moss, John, Dottie, Mike, Mario…….. all at Barn 55……and oh David………who said to buy you…..that was the beginning. We love you Z…..hugs to you and all your team.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
dear Zenyatta my name is Trey Estimot in Mrs.Volts homeroom i heard you are having
a baby i thought that was awesome i wonder what its name is going to be let me know
what it is also do you think bigfoot is real i do you were the best racehorse ever you
are the queen of racing i will try to race you one day im pretty sure ill beat you maybe
you will be in front the whole time i will write again sometime sincerely Trey Estimot
Lisag in Texas
Trey, of course, BIGFOOT is real.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Hi Lisa Are you the same Lisa G that loves Uncle Mo? I am hoping to see him this summer. My class still talks about Uncle Mo. I just love that boy. I wish I had the money to buy him but I could never keep him in a fancy place. He would have to go to a regular Ohio farm. If you have time write back. Thanks, Shari
Lisag in Texas
Yes, I am Lisag that shares the love of Uncle MO with you, WAY ALOT OF LOVE FOR THAT CUTE AS BUG, COLT. I will go to this afternoon’s post and let you know again it is me. I am going backwards to ‘catch up’!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Trey. It is great to hear from you. You are very lucky to be part of Mrs. Voltz’s class and learn so much about Zenyatta and other race horses. We are all wondering what the foals name will be too. You keep up the good work in class and write again when you can.
Terry Crow
Trey-Agree that bigfoot is real. You are probably closer to him where you are than those of us in Southern California.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Trey – I believe Big Foot is real. I am also wondering what Zenyatta’s baby’s name will be. I think Zenyatta will name it a very good name.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
A special star for you, Trey! ✩
Louise Castello
TO ALL: I just saw Hot Dixie Chick had her colt! Does anyone know who she was bred to? Just curious. Thanks beautiful people. So, so excited for our girl, Zenyatta! Nervous, too. Can’t wait.
IIRC, she was bred to Curlin.
Pam Homeier
I think she was bred to Curlin.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Zennyatta I’m Shaylin Stovall everyday I come in Mrs.Voltz’s room looking at your pictures on her wall I think your a beutiful Horse if i ever met you I would kiss your whole face. And I think your baby Will be so pretty/Cute.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Shaylin. So wonderful to see your message on Zenyatta’s diary today. We always enjoy hearing from Mrs. Voltz’s students. I agree with you, Shaylin, our Zenny is a very beautiful horse. We all know she is very sweet too, so I an sure she would love having you kiss her face!
Terry Crow
Shaylin-Thanks for posting and we hope you return often. Zenyatta is, indeed, a most attractive horse and we know she loves kids.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dawn Thank you. I want to kiss her face too : ) What is going on with Uncle Mo?I am trying to find the other post. Can you tell me? Is he moving to another farm? Maybe I did not understand. Thanks Dawn
Racing rights have been kept by Mike
Repole. Breeding rights sold to Ashford.
No new location for Uncle Mo.
Lisag in Texas
Shari, I think we love that colt too much, he is so cute.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Shaylin, How wonderful that you can go into Mrs. Voltz’s room each day to look at Zenyatta. Guess what – I’d love to kiss Zenny’s face too and I’m sure she will have the cutest baby ever.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hi, Shaylin. I agree with you, Zenyatta is very pretty and she would love to have you kiss her face. Say hello to all the students in Homeroom, 215.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Shaylin, how fortunate you are to be in Mrs. Votlz class. Oh how I would have loved a teacher like her. To be taught by a teacher who loves horses and who had pictures of horses I could look at while in class! I would have been in horse heaven. I can’t wait to hear from you and other classmates after little Z arrives. I’m sure you will have lots of wonderful comments.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
A special star for you, Shaylin! ✪
Diana Stuart
Report on the Luck incident from The Paulick Report: http://www.paulickreport.com/news/bloodstock/hbo-changes-protocols-after-two-horse-deaths-during-luck-filming/
Sorry if someone has already posted this above, I don’t have time to read through right now. Some of the comments are telling.
diastu no HBO in tempe
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Thanks Zenyatta (and you too, Dottie), for the great info on another facet of the horseracing industry and how it all works. It sure takes many people to make things all work but it is truly amazing how it is all done. And we all have to remember though, if it wasn’t for the great and fantastic horses like you Zenyatta, none of us would be enjoying this great and wonderful sport.
Hope you are enjoying yourself Zenyatta and that you and Tasty are feeling great! Sending my Love & Blessings with a bucket of kisses your way!
PatB from NM
When my dad and I visited the LA Zoo last fall, it was expressly so that I could ride “you”! After standing in line, when it was our turn, we raced to our chosen horse, but I was beaten by a little girl about the same size as Penelope. She knew exactly who she wanted to be on! I sat next to her, with her daddy standing by, and we got to talking about my visits to watch you race and at Barn 55. I asked her permission to ride you next, and she graciously said yes. Then she and her daddy took pictures of ME riding YOU because I knew you! Unfortunately, my camera ran out of juice so my dad couldn’t take pics of this whole interchange. You speak to all ages, and inspire us all, my dear Zenyatta. Love you always!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
cute story
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Love the wonderful smile on little Penelope’s face. Dottie, thank you for the in depth info on Jockey’s agents. Very interesting. Love you Z and TT and love to all of you, Judy and Russ