In life, it is so important to keep in touch with dear friends and long-time associates. I love the fact that my dear pals from California and Barn 55 always keep ME current on what is happening. After all, being with these people on a day-to-day basis for several years has played such a tremendous role in my entire life!
The adorable girl riding ME at the L.A. Zoo in this photo is Penelope Pegram. Her father, Brad, is a very close friend of mine and Barn 55 as he is MY MIKIE’S jockey agent!
In our business of thoroughbred horse racing, every jockey has an agent. The agent’s role is to ‘book’ or organize the mounts for his/her jockey to ride each day. They do a great deal of ‘homework’ studying horses, the past performance charts, and class levels of various races all of the time. The job of the JOCKEY AGENT is to get his jockey on the best horse in each race as much as possible.
In Brad’s case, Mike is a jockey who rides horses who compete at many venues throughout the United States. Thus, Brad needs to constantly study the races not just running in Southern California…but those taking place all over the country. He needs to familiarize himself with all of the competition to always be ‘on top of things’ when reviewing and evaluating the status of various horses for Mike to ride.
Each jockey is paid a percentage of the purse earned by the horse he is riding when finishing first, second, or third in a race. When the horse finishes other than these places, the jockey is given a flat fee. The HORSE’S OWNER is the person who is responsible to pay the jockey for his ‘ride’ in each race.
The Jockey’s Guild…the group which represents the jockeys and their interests in areas of discussion and negotiation…in conjunction with the various racing organizations establish these set fees and percentages a jockey is paid per mount. All fees are paid to the jockey via each race track’s ‘Horsemen’s Bookkeeper’ or ‘Paymaster’. This is the official accounting office which handles the distribution of purse earnings per race for all owners, trainers, and jockeys.
Each agent works for a particular jockey. It is the jockey’s responsibility to pay his agent for his services. Within our industry, the norm is that an AGENT is paid a fee based upon a percentage of what his jockey earns. There is a basic industry ‘scale’ for this, but the precise amount is something that is worked out privately between each jockey and his agent.
Unlike the entertainment industry and other professional sports, where an agent can collectively work for several major stars at once, in our business, a jock’s agent is able to represent 2 jockeys at one time. This may be 2 journeymen jockeys (meaning those with years of experience) or a journeyman and an apprentice rider.
It always amazes ME how many different types of jobs there are in our industry…and how many people it takes working together each day to ‘MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN’. This is truly such an interesting SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Yeah, Penelope…hope you had fun at the ZOO with ME!)
#1 New England fan
could I possibly be first today? You are such a good teacher, Zenyatta! One of the things I like best about your diary is how much I am learning about the racing world. Thank you for taking the time to explain things so well.
Best wishes for a wonderful Wednesday to all in Zenny-land!
So glad you are #1 today. You have made so many important and informational
contributions to this site. YIPEEE !!!!!
Zenny…That is so beautiful…I am going to the LA zoo just to say I got to ride you at last<3
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL # 21 & 22
Hi Zenny – Happy Tuesday. I have ridden you at the Zoo too!!! Too Fun!!!!
How much fun was that !!!!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Me too!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Me too. I believe I rode the Zenyatta Carousel on 10/29/11.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Me, too!
That picture is adorable! Zenny, I’d love to visit you at the L.A. Zoo. Wonder if I’m too big to ride you??? I wish everyone a wonderful Wednesday.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Adults have ridden her – including me! I’m sure you could…
Terry Crow
You may have, but if I tried I’m afraid “Zenyatta” would break down.
That is why she does not go up and down.
Awe come on Terry. We want to see a photo
Posted of you on Zenny !!!
Vickie A Dana Point
Hey – let’s go! I am trying to get there next week! – I AM RIDING Z!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
A-W-W-W I heard through the grape vine that someone close to Mike visited your carousel – she is TOO CUTE!!! :-D
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
p.s. I wonder if Penelope was sore when she got off of you – lol – I was!!! BTW I’m sure the people who run the carousel are getting used to the Frequent Riders – they have been kind and patient with the requests to ride YOU! ;-)
MARCH 9th………………………………………….One month from tomorrow (wink wink)
Vickie A Dana Point
March 12…wink wink and wink
carol in utah
Making me smile …
Sorry for shouting. It was meant as fun and emphasis. It wasn’t shouting to be mean!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th ♥
Terry Crow
Don’t mean to piggyback on your sentiment, but for all that I know it represents, amen.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Dear Zenny,
First post of feb. 8th.? Thanks to everyone for answering my questions yesterday regarding Life Is Sweet. Yes, I stand corrected the magnums of vodka @ S.A. are Grey Goose. Zenny a few more questions for you and Dottie. Who deals w/ the jockey’s agents for the Mosses horses Dottie or John or both? What info. is considered as far as which jock selected to ride each horse? I know that Mikey, V. Espinoza, J. Rosario-Zazu and Chantal most often get the mounts for the Mosses.
Great questions, Dan. So glad that you are taking an active role posting.
Lots and Lots to learn and lots of great folks here. !!!!
Enjoy the Vodka; Grey Goose sponsors a Breeders Cup race !!!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I believe the jockey’s agent works mostly with the individual trainers, although I’m sure owners have some input.
Owners definately have a say in who rides their
Horses. TP had Calvin Borel working Stay Thirsty
In hopes of getting him as the Derby mount. MR
Would have no part of that match and too bad Stay
Thirsty may have won the Derby with Borel on top.
I think that it is pretty much of a collaborative effort; the “buck” stops with the OWNER’s
for all aspects. Of course some owner’s are more hands on than others and participate
in many different ways. So they have the final say on all of the topics you brought up; trainers and racing managers know what things are OK to do without owner’s consultation.
EX: Dottie does all the research on possible mates for Zenny and then gets together with the Mosses and they make the final decision; of course John will be involved as wells since he trained and knows Zenny so well. They all actually went out to see
“E” before deciding on Bernardini; because she is the closest to what Zenny’s foal will look like, act like etc…..
Kathy S.
Dottie, you are a WEALTH of information. It is fascinating for all of us Z-sters to get all this background.
Happy Wednesday Zenny and Tasty and everyone!
Tressia in Phoenix
I wonder who the other jocky is that Brad Pegram represents…anyone know?
sharon in seattle
also, I wonder if Brad is any close relative of Mike Pegram? anybody know?
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I think as of the Del Mar meeting, he was also handling Victor Espinoza’s book, but am not sure if that is still so.
Very interesting information! Your Mikey deserves the best.
@Judy B and anyone else interested, “Step” finally broke his maiden last night. Yay!!! He won by 7 lengths.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Congratulations, 7 lengths is awesome.
Congratulations !!!!!
His record is now 14-1-5-2 with a bit over $26K earnings. He’s been in the money more than half the time.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
thats great laura. :) is step ur horse?
He used to be. I owned 10% of him in a partnership. He was sold because he was displacing his palate and the managing partner decided it was not worth doing surgery. His new owners got him for $1000 and are probably pleased with their purchase. Although this was his first win, he has been making money fairly consistently.
sharon in seattle
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Loveable Z! Mikie and you made an awesome team riding. In life one makes choices, I am sure glad your connections choose Mike! Penelope is one lucky gal riding you Z. Some day I hope to get there. It is a good thing that an agent is allowed just 2 riders to work for. They can concentrate on doing the best. Thank you for all the info. Ummm, boo hoo, I came home from doing staining work at my son’s home and no package for me! No Zenyatta plushie!! Gee, I ordered on 1-8-12. Boo hoo. Guess I’ll just dream of you, but I’d rather be dreaming and cuddling you.
Another day closer!!!!!!!! You will be such a loving mama.
Love, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great–congratulations! Is that his real name or just part of a name?
His full name is Better Step Aside.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
LauraJ, congratulations!!! Way to go Step!!!!!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Wow Laura that is just so exciting. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to own a racehorse………and have it WIN. High Hoof!
Unfortunately, I don’t own part of him any more. i wish I still did. :-(
Terry Crow
When my mother raced her horses, time stopped when they ran. Of course, in those days, there were a lot less racing dates and, therefore, less chance to recoup your investment. The expenses were somewhat less, but not as much as you would think.
Darlene Daniels
Laura, That’s great. Where does he run? I’ll start looking for him.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof to Better Step Aside! You can put him in your free Virtual Equibase Stable, Darlene. He usually runs at Charlestown. http://www.equibase.com/virtual1-nostable.html
Love the Photo Zenny !!!!
Lisa in TN
Thanks for all of the info. So much goes on behind the races. Happy Wednesday to all. Have a great day. I know pace, pace, pace. The mares never seem to be bothered by the time table. Lucky them!!!
Elizabeth G.
The true ideal and inspiration of horse racing is captured by this touching picture— the great Zenyatta and the love of a little girl.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Elizabeth in NM
Elizabeth G and Dawn,
Well said… by you – both!
Happpy Hump Day!!!! Well it is a beautiful day in Socal today. Great information today Zenny, you sure are a very informed Momma. Have a great day everyone!!!
Dear Zenny,
Thanks to Brad for sharing this wonderful photo of his daughter riding you
on that gorgeous carousel. She looks like she is having a lot of fun.
Hope your day is going well and you are still able to run around a little.
I know that foal is growing with leaps and bounds; maybe you are knitting
your foal botties today ???? Thanks to Dottie and LE and all of Team Z
for letting us share in this wonderful Broodmare experience. We are so very lucky
because most are not every seen or heard of after racing. Have a wonderful
Terry Crow
There is no greater feeling for a father than to watch his little girl have a good time.
HI Zennie, is it snowing on you today?? There is some falling here it is onlt supposed to be one or two inches. I hope they are right. I remember the weather was going to be just cloudy, there was several inches of cloudy everwhere, if you know I mean. the carousel horse of you is so nice. I would love to have on here at our place. love you..SHERRY
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
A lovely picture of YOU with Penelope, what a keepsake for her, she’ll be so proud to share this with her friends. You must be feeling very comfy by now in your new digs, are you enjoying all the extra attention? It’s nice to hear about all the new foals, at least one each day, but nothing will come close to the day we’re all waiting for except perhaps if Tasty foals first. No birth has ever been looked forward to with more excitement so stay calm and relaxed, let all of us do the pacing and dealing with heartburn. Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty, Love you Zenny.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I’m right there with you Brenda. I don’t think any foal in history has been so anticipated!!!!
I have to tell you again my friend how remarkable I think you are!!!! All that you have done and will continue to do for Vic to insure her a bright future is remarkable. Your love cannot be measured!! I so admire both of you for your ever positive outlook on life. I know you two have had some amazing adventure and I hope those will continue as you are off to school!!! You both deserve the very best!!!!!! Love and hugs, Dawn
Abigail from Montreal
BRENDA: Please check your email. Sent you something!
Katie Clawson
Great Diary post today! My dream is to become a jockey so I have learned all about agents :)
MIKE is getting SO close to 5,000 wins!
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Hannah J.H.
@ Katie Clawson-
It’s good to know there are other kids out there who want to be jockeys!
Hope I won’t be too tall!!!! Wish there were other horses out there as good as Z, at least who aren’t retired.. :( :D
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
good luck in becoming a jockey katie <3
i wish you the best.
my goal was to be a jockey too. i was grooming/exrecise riding racehoreses which i enjoyed. however, a carr accident ended ny dream. guess it wasnt meant to be. :(
i still miss the TB's & riding but such is life.
i'm always thrilled to see some1 interested in horses who wants to be a jockey.
i'll be rooting for you girl <3
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sue, I am so sorry that you did not live out your dream of being a jockey. You must miss being an exercise rider and spending time with the horses a great deal. I do so hope that you have other dreams which have come true and that you continue to be blessed with more in the future. I left a message a few days ago about not utilizing Facebook much, but I did leave you my e-mail. Hope you saw it!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
i got it dawn. tyvm <3
we;l i have a good man taking of me & putting up w/ me.
my new dream is wishing for his dream of getting his computer business plus other stuff off the ground
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Katie and Hannah, I hope that you both are able to live out your dreams. It will be wonderful to see you the winner’s circle sometime in the future. Maybe you will even be blessed to ride one of Zenyatta’s foals, wouldn’t that be amazing!!!!
Terry Crow
Best of luck to these two young ladies in following their hearts and realizing their dreams.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
I love you Zenyatta!
Hannah J.H.
Hey Z!!! Too cool! Your on a Merry-go round…..Wish that was me .:D
SO excited about the foal!!! Any day now! What names have you decided on? When is the Bubby due?? I’ll be checking often!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Speaking of Mike………..
Who was your favorite horse?
Mike Smith: Zenyatta. She was just one of a kind. A really special horse, there’s not much else to say. I was blessed to be a part of her career.
A-W-W-W Mikey is your #1 fan, Big Mommy!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Love our Mike!!!!!! Cheering him on to 5,000!!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Just 14 away… :o)
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Correction! 13 away!!! I saw on Saturday get a win! Dah!
Terry Crow
Mike Smith-One of the truly class acts in racing.
Darlene Daniels
I first became a big fan of Mike when I first saw him ride Zenyatta. Then I became a lifelong fan when I saw how much he truly loves her. That just warms my heart so much.
Shannon From Cool
What a great addition to the Merry Go Round. YOU are the star of that show too.
Darling little girl Miss Penelope Pegram is.
Go Mike, you’re getting close to 5,000.
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
What a great photo–thanks for sharing it with us. You and your little rider look beautiful! :)
I hope your day is going well and that You and Tasty have sunshine warming your pretty coats this afternoon. You two girls must be counting the days now. I certainly am!
And speaking of jockies, I often wonder if you think of Your Mikie and ponder on all those exciting races you ran together. You’ll certainly have many wonderful memories to share with your children and they’ll have mighty big hooves to fill if they want to meet or beat Mother’s record! :)
Love, hugs and kisses,
Hannah J.H.
I DOn’t know a soul who knows who you are that doesn’t love you!!!
Even one of my dance teachers uses you as an example to be graceful! Cause there you were on the race track, working your head off, but your were so graceful that no one could tell!!!
Luv ya!
Suzanne G (IL)
Hi Zenyatta,
Thanks for all the great information and the beautiful picture of you and Penelope! Mikey is getting closer and closer to 5,000 wins. You made some huge contributions to that total. Maybe you’ll have a chance to help him celebrate. Hope there is some sunshine around so you and Tasty can catch some rays and find a little of that beautiful bluegrass. As always, thanks to your families for always sharing. Lots of good energy heading towards you and Tasty along with love, hugs and peppermint kisses.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zenyatta this is TOO CUTE !!! I am going to show the children. YEA ZENYATTA !!!! We all want a ride. Fieldtrip to California (we wish). Love Mrs. Voltz and Homeroom 215
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Shari!!! I think you and the Homeroom kids would look too cute riding Zenny!!!! Left a post for you about receiving my plushie, hope you saw it!! Love and hugs, Dawn
Hannah J.H.
It’s be a great present to me if your foal was born this friday- my twelvth birthday!!!
Or if I got a reply…hahaha.
<3 Hannah
Sorry Hannah but if Z delivers now the baby would be VERY premature. And premie horse babies don’t always do well. It isn’t like human babies where they can be put into an incubator. I don’t think you’d want this at all.
Elizabeth in NM
(one day early) Around our house our birthday’s get to last for a week! We call the days after our birthdate our ‘unbirthdays’ that count as part of our birthday.
Will pray for God’s many blessings on your upcoming 12th and ‘new’ year to!
To think! You are celebrating your birthday with Momma Z and her whole family! Off to a great start!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
that pic is too cute Z.
penny looks like she’s having a ball.
@hannah- happy early bday :)
hugs/prayers to all
Joanna from TX
Dottie & Zen: thanks so much for the jockey/agent info. Very interesting! It answered part of a larger question I’ve always had…how a race’s purse money is split up to the 4 upper placements and from that how jockeys got paid. I also wonder about the escort ponies leading the contestants to the gate…who pays them and about how much? I know they aren’t a requirement ’cause I’ve often seen where a horse won’t have one.
And, when earnings statistics are being thrown about, is this really a total of what a horse has earned in some timeframe (i.e. a specific year or lifetime)? So many aspects or the horse racing industry to delve into!
Have a great day everyone.
Trisha from VA
As always, a learning experience. I just read on the news page about the TB ‘s who were injured on the HBO show Luck and had to be put down. Seems to me it is a huge percentage in such a short time. Why isn’t HBO cooperating with PETA? Does anyone know the circumstances concerning these two TB’s. I don’t like the implications at all.
I am so thankful you have caring people taking care of you gorgeous.
Love, hugs and kisses
There is a petition on fb right now. I think it’s asking HBO to stop production. But I could be wrong. I choose not to watch. This show has killed 2 horses already by the way it’s being produced. Someone needs to step in and speak up for the horses.
Maybe the horses need to go on strike until they get fair representation!
Vickie A Dana Point
The SHOW did not = they used footage taken at SA…long ago before the new track
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I just read several articles on Luck’s horses breaking down, this one had the most detail: http://www.observer.com/2012/02/breaking-hbo-responds-to-racing-show-luck%E2%80%99s-real-life-horse-fatalities/
PETA doesn’t score any points with me. They started out by turning dogs loose at dog shows (because the dogs were being “exploited”). A friend of mine has a daughter who used to compete in trail riding. She and her horse won an award but before the ceremony, he was running in the pasture and broke his leg. He had to be euthanized. That poor girl accepted the award sobbing. I guarantee he didn’t die because he wasn’t cared for properly.