In life, it is so important to keep in touch with dear friends and long-time associates. I love the fact that my dear pals from California and Barn 55 always keep ME current on what is happening. After all, being with these people on a day-to-day basis for several years has played such a tremendous role in my entire life!
The adorable girl riding ME at the L.A. Zoo in this photo is Penelope Pegram. Her father, Brad, is a very close friend of mine and Barn 55 as he is MY MIKIE’S jockey agent!
In our business of thoroughbred horse racing, every jockey has an agent. The agent’s role is to ‘book’ or organize the mounts for his/her jockey to ride each day. They do a great deal of ‘homework’ studying horses, the past performance charts, and class levels of various races all of the time. The job of the JOCKEY AGENT is to get his jockey on the best horse in each race as much as possible.
In Brad’s case, Mike is a jockey who rides horses who compete at many venues throughout the United States. Thus, Brad needs to constantly study the races not just running in Southern California…but those taking place all over the country. He needs to familiarize himself with all of the competition to always be ‘on top of things’ when reviewing and evaluating the status of various horses for Mike to ride.
Each jockey is paid a percentage of the purse earned by the horse he is riding when finishing first, second, or third in a race. When the horse finishes other than these places, the jockey is given a flat fee. The HORSE’S OWNER is the person who is responsible to pay the jockey for his ‘ride’ in each race.
The Jockey’s Guild…the group which represents the jockeys and their interests in areas of discussion and negotiation…in conjunction with the various racing organizations establish these set fees and percentages a jockey is paid per mount. All fees are paid to the jockey via each race track’s ‘Horsemen’s Bookkeeper’ or ‘Paymaster’. This is the official accounting office which handles the distribution of purse earnings per race for all owners, trainers, and jockeys.
Each agent works for a particular jockey. It is the jockey’s responsibility to pay his agent for his services. Within our industry, the norm is that an AGENT is paid a fee based upon a percentage of what his jockey earns. There is a basic industry ‘scale’ for this, but the precise amount is something that is worked out privately between each jockey and his agent.
Unlike the entertainment industry and other professional sports, where an agent can collectively work for several major stars at once, in our business, a jock’s agent is able to represent 2 jockeys at one time. This may be 2 journeymen jockeys (meaning those with years of experience) or a journeyman and an apprentice rider.
It always amazes ME how many different types of jobs there are in our industry…and how many people it takes working together each day to ‘MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN’. This is truly such an interesting SPORT!
With Love,
Hugs to all~ (Yeah, Penelope…hope you had fun at the ZOO with ME!)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Quite a tough decision for Jockey Javier Castellano. Hugs, JB
Sure is a tough one. Oh!! To be riding horses
Of this caliber.
Abigail from Montreal
It’s late after a crazy day, so it’s entirely possible that these were already posted above…..but if not, or if you’re not on Facebook, here you go:
Rachel & her baby boy in the first snowfall:
Hot Dixie Chick and her newborn:
These ladies of the turf are both just glowing!!!!
Sweet dreams, Zenny & SERIOUS HUGS to my Zenster family!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail in Montreal:
Thank you so much. Hadn’t seen these photos before. Just adorable. No doubt about it, Dixie Chick’s baby is a Chestnut like his Dad. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
so much sweetness!!
So glad Stonestreet is still posting photos of RA
Her foal and Hot Dixie Chick. Thought with all
Of the negativity toward them when they sent RA
To the hospital, they might quit posting photos.
These are very cute.
I think they’re smart to do so. Best way to defuse any remainng suspicions on the part of the conspiracy theorists.
I need to go check it out. Haven’t seen Dixie’s baby yet.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Good article by Jay Hovdey on Black Caviar and some of our Champions here in the U.S.
Hugs, JB
Love this link, Judy B.
Lisag in Texas
JB, good read. I love Lady Black Caviar
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
Halloooo Zee & Tee,
check it out:
rough stuff. :(
You lucky horses, you.
Sleep tight & dream sweet
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Both of Curlin;s babies look to be chestnuts, just like Dad.
RA’s colt is a bay like his mother, with two white hind socks like his father.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I want to thank all of you for praying for Jim, Jason, Rachel, Roscoe and myself. Your words and prayers mean so much to me. I’ll be sure to pass them on to Jim and Jason. And Jan and Trina, you’re both right about Rachel and Roscoe being at the Rainbow Bridge. It is a much happier place than where we are now.
Darlene Daniels
Debbie, That just makes me so sick, I think those people should be charged with murder. My prayers are with you all.
Linda Henderson
A new reason to revisit the LA Zoo! I want to take a ride.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I just saw this on Facebook!
John Shear’s current status: I went out to dinner with Diane and Sherry tonight and Zenyatta’s astute trainer John Shirreffs and his lovely wife Dottie were there. They came over to our table to say hi. After our meals, the waitress told us our dinner had been paid for. Yep, you guessed it…John and Dottie picked up our entire tab. What top class people for sure.
High hoof to John and Dottie! :)
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Amazing people, all. John Shear and John and Dottie Shirreffs exemplify the best of what racing is. ♡ Thank you for this, Julie.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Excellent! Class through and through!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Terry Crow–lol–I am certain I have received Christmas presents from garage sales!
@Debbie G.–what heartbreaking news. Please tell Jim and Jason that the Z family is grieving the loss of Rachel and Roscoe. Bassetts are such adorable dogs. What kind of people are walking among us? Unthinkable. Praying for them. PLease keep us posted on how they are doing.
@Vampress Sue Colvin–lovely prayer–thanks!
Good night, sweet Z. All the more reason as we hear horror stories of things happening to people and innocent animals that we are thankful that you are safe at LE. Love you always.
Terry Crow
I have, too. And I’m certain that the person who gave me the gift bargained like crazy when it was bought at the sale.
OraJean Stevenson
Hi Queeny-Z & Team-Z,
Thanks for this interesting Post, today. I got my “plushie”–Zenny & Foal– on
Monday, and they are lovely. I also received the ornamental model of you,
and that is my FAVORITE !! Thanks, Dottie and John, for signing the “Certificate”.
Have a great week on “Foal Watch”, Zenny and Tasty. Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
EMERGENCY SITUATION IN THE EL PASO AREA…Equi-Army-NDO would appreciate knowing if any of Zenyatta’s fans live in that area. We want to find colleagues there and we have no travel budget. Please–if you live near there, please leave a message for me on http://www.equi-army-ndo.com. I’ll repost this on tomorrow’s diary as well–that’s how important this is. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Different from the unfortunate stories from “Luck”, here is a good story on the horses in “War Horse”, and their trainer Bobby Lovgren: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ct-onlocation-20120207,0,1900518.story
Lisag in Texas
Thanks, Vicki B, good read and Finder is beautiful.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And enjoy an old link I just found, on the wonderful unlikely relationship between a Crow and a Kitten, documented over months, as the crow feeds the kitten, and protects it, and they play and even wrestle on the ground. (The Crow is not named “Terry”). Quite amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JiJzqXxgxo&feature=player_embedded#!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lovely, Vicki!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Brenda S in Fort Erie, Ontario
(February 9, 2012)
Outside it may be
A day cold and dreary,
’Specially this time of year,
But Brenda up north in Fort Erie
Is still of good cheer
If a new post from Z
She gets to see.
Dear Brenda never gets weary
Of following Queen Z
On her Internet Diary.
For our Brenda,
Checking in with Z
And the Z family
Is ever on the daily agenda—
For her it lends a
Festive tone
To any day
When she not only can read
Zenyatta’s news feed
But also can post in this special tome—
Dear Brenda, you’re surely not alone!
I trust
It’s the same for so many of us!
And I’m happy to say
Our numbers seem to be growing,
Perhaps owing
To Zenny’s approaching birthing day,
For which preparations
Are now underway.
Brenda herself is full of nervous anticipation
Of the arrival of Z’s next generation!
Mind you, Brenda‘s already
Feeling heady
And in the mood for celebration
Since Vic’s high school graduation
Followed by her acceptation
At the premier location
For higher education
Preferred by Vic herself,
The University of Guelph!
There in first-rate courses
Vic’ll gain the desired foundation
To train splendidly swift race horses.
Brenda will make that small
This fall
Together with Vic
So Vic won’t feel alone and bleak.
They’ll have accommodations,
At least for during the week,
Near the shores of Lake Huron.
Brenda and Vic,
You’ll both find you’re on
A great learning adventure—
What a great kick!
Happy birthday, Brenda S, and many more!
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday, Brenda!
Wonderful again ‘Poetess Trina’!
God’s many blessings to you all – Brenda, Vic, Trina and to Momma Z and her whole family
Lisag in Texas
Happy Birthday, Brenda.
As usual Trina is too cool to cool
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday, Brenda!! What a wonderful poem, Trina! Thanks for sharing.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
OH Trina you are just too good at these poems! I’m wondering how long it takes you to compose them?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Sue, Although some poems come really quickly, most take me an embarrassingly long time…I come back to them again and again, so I don’t even know myself how long each took. Thank you for asking and for your compliment. I’m so glad if people enjoy them.
Darlene Daniels
Happy Happy Birthday Brenda!! I can tell through your posts you are one very special, wonderful lady. Trina this is one of your best. You are so talented. And Vic, congratulations on your school acceptance. Very excitiing. I only wish I would have known of such career possibilities when I was your age. Love to all of you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Wow, thank you, Darlene!
Terry Crow
Wonderful poem, Trina. Happy birthday to the president of the Canadian chapter.
Celeste in TX
Thank you for posting and sharing such an adorable photo and explaining all about the function of a jockey’s agent. There is so much to know about horse racing and with you as our guide we are learning so much! Thank you for being not only our Queen but our teacher as well. It is beautiful!!
Marty R / Colorado
Brenda, Happy Birthday!!
@ Trina-Another fabulous birthday poem.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, Z–just checking in before I tear out of the house for the morning. We’re one day closer!
@Brenda–Happy Birthday and wishing you MANY more!
@Trina–Dumpling hugs to our Poetess Laureate with thanks.
Darlene Daniels
I know I’m really posting late here and maybe no one will read it, but I couldnt post yesterday and now I must go to bed in a few minutes. (Night shift, you know, we sleep when the rest of the world lives their life). Anyway, the picture of Penelope looks like she is thinking, “I cant beleive I’m riding ZENYATTA!! Love it. That is the most beautiful carousel I have ever seen. Thank you Dottie/Zenyatta for all the great teaching about jockeys. Whenever I learn something new about horse racing I will spout off to my husband certain facts about this or that, and he will say, “how do know that, or where did you hear that” I say “Zenyatta told me”. He thinks I have gone loco. Have a nice day everybody. Love to all.
Terry Crow
Darlene-I read every post. I wouldn’t want to miss the thoughts of the wonderful people on this site.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Darlene, I second Terry Crow’s comment!
Lisag in Texas
Zenyatta Told Me, Too Cute, for sure.
Crista Worthy
Good morning, Zenny! You and Mikie are all over the Los Angeles Times Sports section today!!!
Terry Crow
Crista-Thanks for the heads-up. I am going to the Times’ web site right now, although I am still upset at Bill Dwyre for not publicizing January 27.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
THANK YOU, all, who commented on my poem for Brenda!
A Zenyatta carousel horse, what an honor. That is so cool! For those readers who didn’t know, these kind of carousel horses are called “standers,” are typically larger/taller than those that move up and down, and the craftsmen responsible for early carousel art designed these “standers” after the thoroughbred. I’ve always loved the races and am a huge Zenyatta fan, but only recently learned this fact about carousel art. I finally understand why I always went straight for the “standers” when my parents took me to the amusement park many, many years ago…..Zen, you make a lovely stander – wish I could take a ride. Instead I’ll keep counting the days until your foal is born.
Lisag in Texas
Too Sweet, Darlene.
That is a great picture of Mike Smith’s jockey agent’s little girl riding the replica of you at the Los Angeles Zoo, Zenyatta. Naming one of those horses after you is a great idea. If I were there, I’d be very tempted to enter a second childhood and ride the merry go round at the Los Angeles Zoo, especially you, Zenyatta. If I understand the jockey/agent/owner relationship correctly, the jockey pays the agent according to how much the jockey makes which depends on whether the jockey wins the race, gets second or third place, or below that. It is up to the owner to pay the jockey. I’m no expert in this area since I do not work at a horse racing track or in the financial industry.