Happy Tuesday, Everyone!
It is so great to hear from ALL of you in your loving Diary responses. As you can see, I am really adapting quite well to my new environment. My pals here at Lane’s End want to give ME ample time to do so before my big day arrives.
Horses DO sense change! We are creatures of habit… schedules and patterns DO matter to us in our lives. The familiarity with the people we deal with on a daily basis is also extremely important. All of these things help create a strong ‘comfort zone’ for us to bond to as we enjoy each day!
I was on a very specific schedule when I was at Barn 55 and an in-training athlete. I ate, walked, trained, bathed, grazed, and took my naps on a very definite schedule. I depended on these things being done with and for ME on a regular basis and would literally know what was happening next in my daily routine.
I fondly remember that each afternoon I would literally sense when it was getting close to 3 o’clock. I’d actually wait with my head poking out of the stall door and check everything out waiting for Mario to ‘appear’ and take ME out to graze. I so loved spending this time outdoors…grazing, relaxing, and just looking around. I simply KNEW when it was time for ME to do this! It is all so interesting…..animal instincts are so STRONG!
The same concept applies to my life here at Lane’s End. My schedule is organized and very specific. I eat, get groomed, go out to my paddock to relax, exercise, and graze at the same time each day. Then when it is time to go back into the barn and eat and rest, I can sense it. TASTY and I literally walk over to the paddock gate to wait for our handlers to come and get us to bring us back into the barn!

I really love all of this…and the comfort of knowing what is happening next in my life is exceptionally important to ME!
In the upcoming weeks, I am beginning to sense I will have many NEW EXPERIENCES ahead of ME! Nature is such an amazing thing! I can’t thank my pals here at Lane’s End enough for encouraging ME to be properly prepared for these moments in such a relaxed, happy and confident manner. Everyone is so thoughtful!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for your ‘cuddly’ comments about MY PLUSHIE! I must say, I think it is not only TOO CUTE, but it also has a rather ‘nurturing’ overall feel to it!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ 97,853 Face Book Friends & growing. Thank you!
Dear Zenny,
Routine is so very important for horses along with familiar surroundings.
Glad you are getting settled into your new “home” inside and out.
Soon you will hear the patter of little hoofs; Have you started knitting
those hoof booties ????
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Dear Zenny,
So love to see all the straw, a soft bed for your “baby” to come into the world;
foals love that soft straw to lay in. PS: so does mom.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Sandy (NE Ohio) The border crossing wasn’t bad at all and there was a bonus when I got to the post office, the parcel from my daughter containing my b’day present was there so it wasn’t a wasted journey. I also got very lucky when I went to the Galleria shopping mall (you drive past it on the I90) – J.C.Penny’s was selling all their coats and jackets for $20 so Vic now has a really good ski jacket to wear when she starts her school co-op program in the barn where she rides, and you can’t beat $20. You may want to do another geography lesson, the campus Vic will be attending is in Clinton, almost on the coast of Lake Huron. The closest town of any size is Goderich which was almost destroyed last summer by a tornado – fun place to be. We’ll still be in Fort Erie this summer so maybe you can think about stopping off in Buffalo on your drive east and we can get together.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S.:
Congrats and good luck to Vic in her college experience. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This may be too late for you to see (I’ll repost if necessary) but I know EXACTLY where Goderich is. Many years ago (the year of the Andrew/Fergie wedding), a friend and I did a tour of the Canada side of the Lake Huron shoreline and we stayed in Goderich. In fact, I was looking over the area again for another possible trip in the fall! The “small world saga” continues :-).
Glad your trip over the border wasn’t a total waste (and I saw your later post that the plushie is “on the way”). I wonder if JCP HERE is selling coats for $20? That would be enough to get me out of the house on this very bleak day.
Terry Crow
Need I repeat the redneck plushie certificate offer?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta All I can say is your so Beautiful. Every picture you take is so perfect. This one really gets to my heart. I hope you and Tasty have a good night. Lanes End is a very special place and I am so glad your family picked them to take care of YOU !!!!. I want to tell my Z Family that my Plushie came and the box and tape was fine. I just love my Plushie so much. Well I have homework and giving the children a test tomorrow. I hope all have a good night. I love you Zenny forever. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Terry Crow
I take it that you don’t need a redneck plushie certificate, but keep it in mind just in case.
Zenny, you ARE the best and deserve the best. I’m glad to see you are getting it.
lee white
First let me thank Dottie for all the time and work she has put into this project. It is really appreciated. I have a SUGGESTION !! I have seen many of my mares foal but many of your readers have never had this wonderful experience. I am sure you will video the birth of Zenyatta’s foal. It would be wonderful if you would put it on your website for the many people who are fans and will never have this marvelous experience. Keep up the good work. We love Zenny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think your request is The Mosses decision.
Not sure that is how they want Zenny to be seen.
We have had many videos mares foaling on this
Site and personally I hope they do not have any
Videos of he labor and delivery. That is a very private
Special experience.
Darlene Daniels
I agree with signofthetimes. Zenny’s birth is a very private matter. I love her so much, but I do not need see her most precious private moment. Photos after the fact will satisfy me just fine.
Lisag in Texas
I do not want to see the video of the birth of the Queen’s First Born. Yes, it would be wonderful, but I do not want to see her in pain. I think they should and probably will video the birth for the Moss’ private library. I would like to see her when she first lays eyes on her precious baby, that would be great. I never thought about that until someone wrote that their mare looked so surprised when she saw her baby. It was yesterday or the day before. Too Cute was that story.
Lou in Tx
I’m sorry everyone had trouble with their packaging. Mine arrived in good order. Box closed and taped very nicely. My plushies were in perfect order and my signed card was also inside nice and safe.
Queen Z you look so beautiful standing in your paddock. I’m soo glad they are taking such good care of you. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses. Love you sooooo much.
Lou in TX
Kim S in Tampa FL
What great accomodations and roaming space you and Tasty have, Miss Zenny. Don’t think there’s much else you girls could ask for.
Just catching up again and what great reading, links, good news and some sad news.
@Brenda S and Vic–Congratulations and how exciting.
@Terry Crow–you are too much! Some of your “jokes” really strike close to home, no matter where we live :)
I received my Plushie, #121, on the 6th. My receipt was dated 2/2/12, can’t remember when I ordered it. So hang in there everyone, yours should be coming soon.
It is worth the wait.
Zenny, waiting patiently (yeah, right) for the clippity-clop of little hooves for you and Tasty.
Prayers and good thoughts to everyone. Lotsa love to all.
Terry Crow
KIm-We could use a charter member from Florida.
Marty R / Colorado
This morning we got up to find that everything that was clear of snow yesterday got covered again during the night. Fortunately, not as deep as last week and at least the main streets were clear again before noon. Zenyatta, I’m so glad you, Tasty and the other expectant mares don’t have to make your way through snow and slippery surfaces carrying your precious cargos.
I always liked routines, too while I was working. Since I’ve been retired it sometimes is too easy to say, “that can wait”.
I’ve so enjoyed reading everyones’ horse stories. They will never be boring.
As always, a big thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Moss for allowing us all this access to Zenyatta’s life and to Dottie for putting it all into words. Thank you to her two photographers, John Shirreffs and Sarah Campion. And thank you to Lane’s End for also allowing us all the access and insight into what is going on and will be coming up in Zenyatta’s life. To all the people who have physical contact with Zenyatta, thank you for your kind treatment of her. You all are so appreciated.
To my fellow posters, you teach, you share, you create laughter, you comfort, you create change…what a country Zenyatta Nation is!!
Guess what, we’re going to get more snow this coming weekend!! Right now it is rain in California and it will be heading our way in a more solid form. I’m delirious with excitement!!!
Terry Crow
Marty-I know what you mean. I’m sure I have been retired much longer than you and my new motto is never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. What a beautiful picture of you and the farm. You are simply gorgeous. I received my “plushie” today. I started to cry. It is so beautiful. I have it in our living room, keeping it in plastic for the time being. Just love it. Love hearing about your days with Tasty, enjoying your time grazing and relaxing, waiting for the new experience of becoming mommies. We know what wonderful, nuturing, and dancing mommies you will both be. Counting each day on the calendar!! Love you big girl. Please stay comfy, eat well, relax and draw strength from each other waiting for the big day to come. Love you, Angels.
Paula Higgins
Zenny, you have the most beautiful face/ head of any horse I have ever seen. I compare them all to you and you always come out on top with your noble profile. You are simply magnificent. Yes, horses are creatures of habit and so am I. I like staying in my comfort zone too. I totally get that.
Mary Copelin
For what it is worth, my Plushies arrived yesterday, and it is a miracle that they arrived at all. The box was partially open on the back, on two sides and partially on the top. My mail carrier said it was the most shabbily wrapped package she had ever delivered.
She suggested that I carefully inspect the contents to make sure all parts were inside.
Fortunately for me, everything was inside, although the tape from the outside was stuck to to receipt, the Plushies and to a corner of the certificate’s envelope.
I am truly grateful that they arrived, but there is no excuse for such sloppy wrapping.
Janie (in L.A.)
Hi Mary – it looks like some were packaged just fine but yours, mine and a few others were not. Weird, huh? I hope whoever was responsible for that shoddy packaging doesn’t last long in that job!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
The full moon in March is March 8. (Wink, wink……)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy an Russ
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I was just wondering (and hopefully someone has an answer): do mares tend to foal the same way their dams do? For example, if the dam tends to shows lots of signs early or shows no signs at all, will her daughters do the same? Just wondering if knowing what Vertigineux’s typical foaling pattern is will help the folks at LE predict when Z is likely to foal.
Did all of you know that Vertigineux is foaling a full sibling to the Queen this year? Can’t wait to hear about that one, either!
Hi Zenny. I so glad everyone at Lanes End is making sure you feel safe and secure. This is a very important time for you and you need as much support as possible. So does Tasty. You look to each other for security and whats going to happen next. Just keep up the good work and go along for the ride. Everyone loves you and is taking great care of the both of you. Lots of love to you always. Alene
Kelly J. /ND
I am so glad to hear that your pals are taking care of you so that you feel very comfortable XOXOXOXO.
Gloria Jeanne - In The "O.C." SO CAL
Hi Everyone- Zenyatta needs your help in getting more Facebook Fans before she has her first foal in a couple of weeks…. we need a little more than 2,200 fans to reach 100,000 please go to her Facebook page and “Like” her. Please help by telling friends and family about the Legand of Zenyatta –
Thanks for your help.
Hi Zenny- I’m so excited, I can’t wait for Baby Z to make his/her appearance. I have my Zenyatta & foal Plushie on top of my bookcase, where I can look at it (and where my kitties jump up to visit you!) I laughed when I saw my “number” -24- the number of my all time favorite baseball player, the “Say Hey Kid”, Willie Mays! Can’t wait to see your baby- I’m still hoping for a Leap Year/Sadie Hawkins Day filly! A special day for a special foal, just like its MAMA!!!!
Rose Edwards
Queen Z ….hope you and Tasty are enjoying your time before foaling. Your stall looks large, is it 20 x20 or larger? My foaling stall for my quarter horses was 16 x 16 with a 100′ run attached. It worked out great for the first few of days for the mare and her foal. After a couple of days we turned them out in a large paddock with lush grass for them to enjoy. Hope both you and Tasty foal about the same time so you can be turned out together with your babies
I would be suprised if Zenny isn’t rebred within 30 days if all goes well with this foaling. It will be interesting to see who will be the lucky stud next time.
M. Kern
Thanks for the update. I am so glad that you and Tasty are happy and love the new area you are in. I love you and have fun outside with Tasty.
Good Evening Queen Z.
Your stall is fit for a QUEEN. So glad you and Tasty have had such good care. Funny I think humans and animals all need routines. I don’t know if I could have been a working mom all those years without having a routine. Having a routine has kept me sane!
However, then we have the husband his routines I am not that fond of! Weekends filled with golf balls, basketballs, baseballs, footballs. IF he is not playing he is watching. A routine that is most annoying! Oh well 34 years later I shop! Just kidding. I guess our lives would not be complete without our funny little routines.
Dottie you are a true GEM. Your devotion to this site is truly a joy to so many. Thank you for dedication it is a true labor of love!
All I can say is whatever day you give birth I pray everything goes well. Here’s to a safe delivery. May you and the next Z generation be SAFE!
Hugs and Kisses
I read Zen’s diary posts all the time and I think she is one of the most magnificent horses on this earth. I will be watching to hear of her newborn foal as many of you will be, but as much as foals are precious, I hope that there is more in life for Zenyatta than a baby making machine.Zenyatta is a beautiful mare and her foal will be beautiful but her well being is the most important.I don’t think repeatedly being in foal is good or fair.There is not one woman that I know of who would want to have a child every nine months and why should a horse. The racing industry is a throw away industry. How can anyone guarantee that every precious foal born will not end up in a slaughter house. I love horses and these things bother me a lot.
Cindy, you don’t need to worry about the well being of Zenyatta or her foals. No horse in the world receives better care than she does. Lane’s End monitors her health closely. Also, she is a horse, not a human. A mare’s body is designed to have a foal every year. If she needs a break, she will take one. If she is not well or environmental conditions are not right, the mare will resorb or slip the embryo/fetus.
Zenyatta’s foals will never want for a home. Should any ever be sold, it would be worth millions. I think the Mosses would be very selective about where the foal would go.
I love reading your updates. Very special. I never comment but had to now. Just got my Plushie and I really felt dumb ordering it and thought when I got it I would hide it or give it to my toddler grandson who really loves horses but it is so precious. Mama Z and Baby Z are so cute and cuddly, I need to keep them close. They are on my bed now. My husband will wonder! Anyway, they are special and love the certificate signed by John and Dottie. I don’t collect things, but can’t resist Zenyatta. Wishing Z and connections all the best! Thank you!
Marshall (in NC)
Dear Zenyatta,
Thanks to you and Dottie for keeping us informed! What a lovely stall you have and your paddock is fantastic! Such a gorgeous expanse for you and Tasty — you desrve every bit of it!
Goodnight and sweet dreams, Beautiful Girl! Hugs!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
My Queen,
Lane’s End is taking such great care of you. I am so very grateful to them for the care you and all the great mares and stallions receive there. Can you sense how very. very Loved YOU are by the entire world precious one? Thank you for sharing so much of your schedule with us. Routine is very important. When I was in the hospital, I couldn’t wait to get back home and settled back into my routine. I am a creature of habit too. When my home of 25 years was damaged by the micro burst and we had to move to an apartment it took my Bonnie Blue and Clyde several months to relax.They are 12 and that was the only home they ever knew . I think they still miss their back yard. I LOVE your picture today. Please thank Sarah for sharing her wonderful photos and for All she does…and as always thank your/our Dottie for us. I love you Zenyatta.I snuggled with my plushies all day pretending they were you and dreaming of Baby-Z. I still can’t hardly believe I got #20….the last time you raced….and I got to witness you blow the world’s mind with your heart and greatness. I would not have missed it for the world.
Dearest Dawn Conrad-Your beautifully written words to me left me squalling, I read them around 6:00am Tuesday morning . I have re-read them several times and I am just now able to attempt to reply. I was touched so deep down inside that even now I can’t find words adequate to express how you moved me. I can only hope that I continue to live up to your vision of me. You are such a blessing to this diary. God has blessed you with a extraordinary gift and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it with all of us. Love, hugs and Joy to YOU dear friend.
1 Corinthians 13 is one of my favorite scriptures.
To All who left me such kind words in yesterdays diary- It fills my heart with pure joy when you enjoy the videos I do. I love Zenyatta so much as you all know and I just love putting her dance moves to music, sharing my emotions for her and just basking in her beauty as I try to select the perfect video or picture of her for the music.Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you enjoyed the final product. It warms my heart immensely that you did. Also, thank you for your prayers, kindness and truly amazing support. You lift me up more than you could ever know or I could ever say. Love-Hugs & JOY to you ALL.
Dear Shari Voltz- You gave me a extra super charged jolt of JOY telling me that your classroom of precious children enjoy my videos of Zenyatta. they are so lucky to have you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Kari, We always feel BLESSED when you “continue” with your posts! Thank you so much too for your kind words about the trinket. With love always, yours in Dumplinghood, Trina
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Forgive me for continuing, but I am so late commenting that I want to make sure a few more people see my comment so I am doing it the ‘old’ diary way.
****Dear Gary Moulton- I am so sorry for your loss especially at Christmas. I pray your move to South Dakota goes smooth , that it turns out to be a wonderful place for you to live & that your heart mends.
***Dear Lisa g.- I am so glad you are back . I was worried about you. Thank you for all your kindness. You comment touched my heart.
***Dear Terry Crow-LOL! You keep outdoing yourself. You bring me so much laughter and joy . I read your jokes to my husband every day and we just roll with laughter. Thank you!
***Dear Lisa in TN- I love your stories my fellow Tennessean. Please share more of them.
***All- The ‘Love Thing” video also features Zeny’s pacing Auntie, Cigar stalking,provider of great links and stories, Mrs. Mach 9th, Judy (Ann Maas) (Moss) Gadwood Aka- JAG at 3:53…I forgot to mention that when I posted it. ….and Judy, please let me know if anyone ever explains how Tatia did a heart on this site. Making hearts is a super funny subject to me.
*** Dearest Cynthia H.- 12th- Heart…#18 & #20 wowow! Zen-magic shined down on us!
***Dear Trina N. (angel)- I am filled with beyond JOY and think of you every time I look at my “trinket” , which is about a zillion times a day. May you know the same joy and be blessed as much as you and your beautiful poems bless us.
Lisag in Texas
@Kari-Thank you, it is good to be back. I am not feeling 100%, but I’ve nothing to what you are going thru. Even tho I was gone, I thought of everyone, and special prayers for you and Sharon, always, I see that I was in need to add others to my prayers since I came back. Always know, I think of you and you are always in my prayers. God is with You. Love, Lisag
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dearest Kari, most precious friend:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Cynthia 12th ♥
Terry Crow
Kari-Always a pleasure to see a post from you.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
KARI – YOU ARE TOO CUTE!! You are so sweet to even mention my silly self! Thanks for making me smile first this morning {{hugs}}} XO
Pacing Nanny-Stalker Judy Ann Maass Gadwood :-))))
Trina Nagele in So Cal
For those readers who are puzzled by the connections our dear Kari made above to JAG’s name, here’s a “gloss”: Judy used to post with her (almost) full name, Judy Maass Gadwood. Maass was her maiden name, and it’s pronounced, amazingly enough, like MOSS! Judy’s middle name is Ann, so there you are–shades of Ann Moss! And they are both from Utah originally too! Judy later started posted with just her initials JAG for Judy Ann Gadwood. On a second theme, my comment above to Kari was meant to follow Kari’s post below.
Connie O.
Got my “Plushie” yesterday, and LOVE them both. Don’t know how they managed to make such a soft, but strong “Plushie” in such a manner to have “Z” nuzzling her foal. Wonderful!!!!
Hi Zenyatta
Just got my plushie the other day and I love it. cant wait tell you have your foal I think you will be a good mom.
Rose Cola
I took agree that the birth of Zenyattas foal shouldn’t be taped, but will love to see them soon afterward. All I care about is that both mom and foal are healthy and happy.
Secondly, I just wanted to say, that even though I cleared out all my stuffed animals this fall after the hurricane flooded our basement and we were throwing alot of stuff out, I couldn’t resist the Zenyatta plushie. And it was only after I read about everyone being so excited about recieving it that I decided to by my very last stuffed animal. I am a 50+ year old woman, with no children to leave it to, but my love for Zenyatta says this has to be the last one. (It is officially my Valentine gift from my husband. I told him he got off cheap since he didn’t buy me the bronze statue when he could have!LOL!)
Thanks team Zenyatta for sharing her with us.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Too cute–lol!