Happy Tuesday, Everyone!
It is so great to hear from ALL of you in your loving Diary responses. As you can see, I am really adapting quite well to my new environment. My pals here at Lane’s End want to give ME ample time to do so before my big day arrives.
Horses DO sense change! We are creatures of habit… schedules and patterns DO matter to us in our lives. The familiarity with the people we deal with on a daily basis is also extremely important. All of these things help create a strong ‘comfort zone’ for us to bond to as we enjoy each day!
I was on a very specific schedule when I was at Barn 55 and an in-training athlete. I ate, walked, trained, bathed, grazed, and took my naps on a very definite schedule. I depended on these things being done with and for ME on a regular basis and would literally know what was happening next in my daily routine.
I fondly remember that each afternoon I would literally sense when it was getting close to 3 o’clock. I’d actually wait with my head poking out of the stall door and check everything out waiting for Mario to ‘appear’ and take ME out to graze. I so loved spending this time outdoors…grazing, relaxing, and just looking around. I simply KNEW when it was time for ME to do this! It is all so interesting…..animal instincts are so STRONG!
The same concept applies to my life here at Lane’s End. My schedule is organized and very specific. I eat, get groomed, go out to my paddock to relax, exercise, and graze at the same time each day. Then when it is time to go back into the barn and eat and rest, I can sense it. TASTY and I literally walk over to the paddock gate to wait for our handlers to come and get us to bring us back into the barn!

I really love all of this…and the comfort of knowing what is happening next in my life is exceptionally important to ME!
In the upcoming weeks, I am beginning to sense I will have many NEW EXPERIENCES ahead of ME! Nature is such an amazing thing! I can’t thank my pals here at Lane’s End enough for encouraging ME to be properly prepared for these moments in such a relaxed, happy and confident manner. Everyone is so thoughtful!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for your ‘cuddly’ comments about MY PLUSHIE! I must say, I think it is not only TOO CUTE, but it also has a rather ‘nurturing’ overall feel to it!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ 97,853 Face Book Friends & growing. Thank you!
Especially Horses / Southern California
I’m happy for all my Z friends who received their Plushie, but feel chagrin for myself as I’m still waiting. I hope “mon Plushie” arrives today! But after reading about Diastu’s missing certificate when her Plushie arrived I’m concerned about a Fanfreluche-like kidnapping! Please whoever may have my Plushie I beg you, S’il vous plait, return my mare and foal Sain Et Sauf (Safe and Sound). No questions asked.
Darlene Daniels
I feel so bad for you. Hope you get it today. I thought some were getting theirs through UPS, could it be at a neighbors or possible outside your house somewhere where you may not look often, like by a door you dont normally go in through. UPS once left a package of ours inside a vehicle in the driveway. We had no idea it was in there. Just trying to help. Good Luck.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Haven’t gotten mine yet, either! I smell conspiracy…
Janie (in L.A.)
I got my second Plushie yesterday (the one I ordered for my sister’s birthday) and I’ve got to say, both packages were barely held together with the tape, in both cases the tape which was supposed to close the box itself was also attached to the plastic covering the Plushie inside because the box wasn’t closed completely – I’m actually surprised they made it to my door. It’s almost as though somebody opened both boxes and then very clumsily re-packaged them. I wasn’t going to mention it after the first Plushie arrived on Saturday like that, but I felt I should after the second one was in the same shape. The Plushies were fine (and adorable) and they both had their certificates, but someone on the packaging end needs to do a better job.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Mine arrived fine, but they do seem to be having some problem with the packaging — normally a box has 4 flaps on top to close it, but on mine, the two end-flaps were cut off before closing (as if what was inside would be too thick otherwise, or to lighten the weight). So there were only two flaps, from each long side, taped with clear packing tape on top. But then the packaging would be a bit more vulnerable to accidental or forced entry.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Oh no! If mine doesn’t arrive today I’m going to be beside myself! I ordered within the hour of their availability. I’m going to call my husband and tell him to call me immediately if a package arrives. Crossing my fingers.
Cheryl Y
My plushie was delivered by my postal carrier,I live in a rural area,so my mail is delivered by auto,it was to big to fit in my mail box,so she beeps and I go out.She told me to check and make sure everyhing was there as it was delivered to them opened , the tape just hanging there. Thank God,everything was there.Apparently the packinging needs to be improved as they all seem to be delivered in that condition. I still haven’t figured out exactly the proper place of honor for mine,but I am so totally thrilled to have my plushie. Dear Zen,you look a little tired today in your photo,I see it in your eyes,hang in there sweetie,your time is coming soon ! Love you so much !!
Alia Abu-Bakr
Hello Beautiful Queen Z!! I am glad you are so wonderfully taken care of. You deserve to be. I can’t wait until Prince or Princess Z arrives. I know you will be the most amazing mom ever, and raise such a special child. I LOVE you. I will be order my Precipus Queen Z plushie soon. SMOOCHES-MUAH!!
Maybe you did not get your PLUSHIE today, but you are #1, which is a
very super achievement.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Thanks signofthetimes (you are one of my favorite posters BTW).
Sigh, it’s the end of the day (almost) and no Plushie to fall asleep with, I guess kitty and hubby will have to do, lol.
Sweet dreams Big Mama Z.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I’m glad that life is good for you Zen. We all enjoy some routine in our lives. You look fabulous and very content. Take care.
Good morning Zenny!!! I’m glad that you are happy and content. Yes, you have big changes coming soon. Wow, we are all excited for you and can hardly wait for the new little bundle to arrive. We are all on Baby watch!!!!
It’s raining here in Socal.. So it’s gloomy but reading your blog and just looking at you brightens up my day. Have a great day everyone…
I love you Zenny!!!!
Somehow I’m getting in pretty quick! That hasn’t happened in the longest time!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Your PLUSHIES have gone around the world! TOO CUTE! Our LOVE for YOU spans the globe, too! You brought us fans together and we are grateful for that!
Have a beautiful day, My Queen! Think PINK…………………….. March 9th (wink wink)
{{{HUGS}}} and peppermint kisses to you and Tasty XOXOXO
Judy G
p.s. Dottie – a BIG thank you for all you do!!!
Diana Stuart
Okay Auntie Judy – we’re bragging about our Plushie numbers now??? Not fair!!! I’m handicapped!!!
diastu the numberless in tempe
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
LOL GF!!! I’m a numbers kind of gal… I was hoping for my Infinity #8, or #9 in memory of my Beloved John Henry – however, if you take the the first 3 (in my 33) and turn it around and connect it to the other 3 it becomes an 8!!!!! I know, I’m weird!!! :-)))))
I hope to see you soon – before the BC!!!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
And if you multiply 3 x 3 you get … 9! 3/9 = John’s birthday :)
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
@Julie DuVall
Now THAT calculation is TOO CUTE!!! Thanks! ;-P
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
If this foal is born on March 9 and it’s a colt, I think he needs to have JOHN in his name :D
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I feel your pain.
Stephanie in San Diego
Ok JAG…I give! Can’t compete with the great John Henry…however if it can not be the 9th…….Let it be the 8th :))))xoxo
Judy Idriss
Hi Zenny..So happy to hear all is going so well with you & Tasty. I always look forward to reading your diary. It gives me such a lift each day to know you are safe & happy. Can’t wait for the day we all get to see your foal. It’s so exciting. And thanks to Dottie for her wonderful way of putting your thoughts into words. Great job!
Take care big Momma. You are much loved. Judy
Jo in Nevada
Watched the F-T mixed sale yesterday. They had a 4 day old foal, 9 day old foal, and a foal less than 10 hrs old born that very morning. All with their moms of course, and all TOO CUTE!!
Diana Stuart
@Jo: Did they actually drag that baby into the ring or did they show the mom and foal in a video feed? I sure hope the latter!
diastu in tempe
Jo in Nevada
The foals and their moms were in the ring, the foals and moms seemed quite content as long as they could see each other. These foals are handled from birth and have halters put on them almost immediately even if they are foaled at the farm. These are expensive animals and I’m thinking they wouldnt put any of them at risk. They stated the newborn was up and nursing within 15 minutes of birth.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
:-( sounds tramatic to me…
I too am troubled by the thought of these very young foals being dragged into a sale ring along with their dams who are still recovering from giving birth. I hope they were on a video feed like Diana S. said and were not forced to actually go into a sale ring! To me, that would be animal abuse! Mares and foals need time alone to bond and gain strength. This just is wrong.
Human emotions are meant for humans; not horses.
Foals go where their moms go; and if their mom’s are comfortable they will be.
It is an innate instinct; mom leads and foal follow; it has been going on since the
Equine first came on earth. Only we humans think it is traumatic; I would give anything
to have a foal already used to the being vanned around; when older will jump into
a trailer without a “hitch”.
Would love to see the photos of the moms and foals !!!!
Jane (southern California)
I agree, if the Mom is comfortable, the foal will be too.
Jo in Nevada
They did seem quite happy as long as they could see each other. Once they tried to lead the foal into the ring in front of momma; no go. They switched ’em around and foal went into the ring without fuss; as you say, as nature intended.
Lisag in Texas
I watched a video of a Mom and her foal, not 24 hours after foaling. Mom was running and bucking….captioning..’Whew, glad that is over with’ and her baby was standing straight up looking content and curious. I watched it over and over, it was Too Cute.
Kathy S.
Zenny, it is SO COMFORTING for all of us Z-sters to know your friends at Lane’s End are taking such good care of YOU. Thank you, Dottie, for keeping us all so well-informed. Happy Tuesday everyone.
Okay I commented first and then came back to read the diary entry.
Z your absolutely right. Having a set routine is really comforting. When mine gets messed with by outside forces it’s upsetting. I really like routine. I liked the routine at work, other staff I’d see. Maybe the work I was doing wasn’t the most important or earth shattering. But it was MY contribution to society. It was UNBELIEVABLY hard when I was laid off. I can’t even begin to describe the anguish I felt.
And just writing about starts everything again. But maybe in a good way. I’m beyond the anger and denial and the betrayal I felt. No I’m not ready to work again. But at least I don’t have all that negative energy to deal with.
So I’m with you 1,000,000% routine is FABULOUS! You know what to expect. You know who’s gonna help you with what. Nothing is a unwelcome surprise.
But I wonder how LE’s is helping you understand about the baby on board. How will you know to let the little one nurse, be protective and not hurt the little one? Maybe a lot of that is mixed up with hormones and genetics. Maybe by your mom when you were little–it’ll trigger that mother bonding thing.
It might be good if they brought you a big computer monitor so you could watch MareStare and see what other moms do.
Zen will have the bonding hormone oxytocin coursing through her lovely body. Those of us who have born children had it too. It is as though Mother Nature Herself whispers in our ears, ” This precious life is yours to care for!” Among other things!
Terri Z/ South Florida
Margaret, I wish you all the best and hope that your circumstances will soon change for the better
Hi Z love you love baby z Lets all get Zenny over both humps. Lets make sure she has over a million before baby z comes.
Kathy Baldwin
Thanks for the wonderful photos and information Zenny, Dottie and Sarah! So nice for
you and Tasty to be so well taken care of. And a BIG CONGRATS! to YOUR MIKE AND
MR. COMMONS on their win last weekend, as well as to YOUR JOHN AND BARN 55!
Hope everyone in the Zenyatta Nation is healthy and happy. Sending prayers to those
having issues. Thanks to all for the great links! :)
Peace, Love & Blessings,
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
Forgot to mention that I FINALLY was able to order the plushie last week so mine will be “late” arriving. Oh well! It’s something to look forward too!
harold moore
the big day will be there in no time.Horses are creatures of pattens schedules that is so true and this also shows up in their racing patterns in the form. some horses improve over their last three races and some run a good race and then a bad one.they are what you call in and out horses. Then there horses like you BIG Z THAT NEVER RUN A BAD RACE. YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Harold Moore:
Couldn’t agree more. Z is a ONE OF A KIND SPECIAL HORSE. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Zenny/Dottie. You are TOO PRECIOUS! Thank you for letting us know all about how you and Tasty spend your times and your schedules. It is such a joy to know all about you. Love you my angel. Have a great day!
Shame on those people for putting those mares and their foals through such a turmoil when they are so young, one only being 4 hours old. Thats a disgrace. Both mother and foal had to be scared and still shook up from giving birth just hours earlier. This makes me want to cry for the mothers and those precious , scared little foals.
I mean only 10 hours old, to young to be put through that.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
I am so relieved and happy that you are doing so well and are comfortable in your home there at Lane’s End. They sure are doing a fantastic job in taking the best care of you Zenyatta. So many things coming up in your life and I am sure that they will do their best to make it the most pleasant and enjoyable time of your life.
I received your plushie today and am so pleased with it. Gosh almighty, it is adorable and just want to hug it and feel it. Actually though, it is very nice and I am so proud to be the owner of one. I don’t actually know though where I am going to place it in my home yet, I want it where I see it all the time. I will probably move it about as how I feel each and every day.
You take care dear sweet Zenyatta and enjoy yourself-you are beautiful and you sparkle brighter than any star up above! Sending you my Love & Blessings!
Dear Zenny,
Can’t wait for March 9th! Wondering if you have seen your old stable mate Life Is Sweet in the foaling barn? If so, please let us know who she is currently in foal to and when the anticipated due date is. Also what does Dottie do w/ all those magnums of Absolute Vodka that Santa Anita hands out in the winner’s circle? lol
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
@ Dan
We don’t know the actual delivery date of Z’s foal… MY WISH is March 9th – I hope I didn’t mislead you!!!!
Especially Horses / Southern California
JAG: Haha. Ever so sublimely March 9th has crept into our Z lexicon!
March 9th, March 9th, March 9th…..
Dan, I hope you stay on the March 9th bandwagon and that Dottie answers your question about the Absolute Vodka, too funny.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
LOL LOL :-))))))
Dear Dan,
Is it Absolute or Grey Goose ????
Zenny is due in “early March”; from Feb 27 to March 12 plus or minus 10 to 11 days, for maiden mares.
Enjoy the vodka, whatever kind !!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
@sign – Then not quite “Pace, Pace” time yet. In spite of all those already wearing holes thru their carpets.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dan:
Life is Sweet is in foal to Bernardini. Since her Smart Strike foal was born on March 23, 2011, she should be due in March sometime. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dan:
Actually, Life is Sweet should be due later this month. Hugs, JB
Dan, that is an excellent question. About the vodka! I say, let’s drink it to wet the babies head (do they say that here)?
Oh, too cute, Z & her girlfriend, Life Is Sweet, both having a Bernardini foal. I wonder if they see each other.
Lisa in TN
Goodmorning Z and everyone. Routine is so important to horses. Mine let me know immediately if I am the least bit late for feeding!LOL I have another funny foaling story for you. Hope I don’t bore. TI was my heart, he was my first stallion and so very special in that he was MY horse. He really didn’t like anyone else. I learned to jump and ride dressage on him, and had the time of my life. I had gotten this TB mare named Mad Brenda (what a name) becasue she didn’t work out the track. I found out why. She didn’t like men. She wasn’t noncompetitive, shw was unaccomadating!Would buck one off in a minute. I could ride her anywhere and she was fine; put a guy on her and boy she turned into a demon. Well, anyway I decided that I wanted a foal by TI and Brenda. She was a big mare and this would be her first foal. So I breed them, and the wait was horrible. This was the foal I was really looking foward to. So as time came nearer we set up different people watching. One of my very good friends was a vet and she took my watch with me and that night we just knew that it was it. She stopped her labor when she realized we were still there. That was on a Thurs. night. (20 something years ago). Since my friend said that that was it for the night we packed it in and went home. Friday went by and nothing. Sat. she(Brenda, by this time she had a fan club) had company come. Another friend brought her sister out to see her. I said I was going up to the corner to get some lunch and I would be right back. By the time I got back Brenda had started labor in the pasture. Not the plan. My 2 year old was following along behind trying to figure out what was going on!! First we got the other mares moved then my vet friend said to just let her foal out here. It was cleaner. She walked for a few minutes and the feet presented, then she finally laid down. She let me go up and help guide the foal out. I was cleaning out nostrils and cleaning her (yea) when Brenda got up and broke the cord and off she walked!!! I looked at my friend and said. I am not raising a foal because Mom just decided she was finished. Brenda acted like she had just gotten rid of a bad feeling and ok, alright, I’m done. Another friend caught her and brought her back, and showed her the foal. She(the foal) was huge!!! She weighed over 130 and tall. She was mostly leg. Well thank goodness Brenda decided that she(Imp) was the best thing since sliced bread. We got Mom and baby back to the barn and both were fine. Brenda was always a great Mom. Sadly she passed away at the age of 27 the day that Zenyatta won the Appleblossom in 2010. I was there to see Z win, that seemed to cushion the blow of Brenda passing. She just went in her sleep. She lived a long good life, and will always hold a very dear spot in my heart for giving me Imp. All have a great day!!! Horses bring such special joys to our lives!!!!
Joanna from TX
What a wonderful story, Lisa! I seem to recall that Mucho Macho Man had a unique foaling experience too…was born out in the pasture and they thought he was still-born. See if you can find out the right scoop; I’d hate to get the story wrong. Thanks for sharing your TI, Brenda and Imp story.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Joanna from TX:
Here’s the article on Mucho Manco Man’s birth. Love this Boy. Hugs, JB
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
I love Mucho Macho Man!!! ♥♥♥ :-)
Love that link, Judy B.
Marshall (in NC)
Thanks so much for the link about Mucho Macho Man! Great article! What an outstanding horse.
So glad that you can post regularly again, too!
Hugs to you and Russ!
Terri Z/ South Florida
I’m crazy about Mucho Macho Man and his connections. I was fortunate to see him in his incredible win at the Florida Sunshine Millions Classic. And it was great to see him with Tim and Cathy Ritvo. And his owners were so numerous, they could hardly fit into the winners circle. It was such a delight to see him since he’s matured and grown into his large frame. And he has a beautiful long stride much like a lovely pregnant mare that we love and admire. Incidentally, there is a video on his Facebook Page of him dancing to his theme song–it is just too cute; the video was made last year.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Loved your story, Lisa! Brenda sounds like quite a character!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Lisa, thank you for the remarkable story about your beloved Brenda and TI. It is wonderful that you and your mare shared so many years together! Love the name, Imp!! Too Cute!
Darlene Daniels
Lisa, I love your stories. Keep them coming anytime.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisa in TN:
Thank you for sharing your story about Brenda and Imp. How wonderful that you were there when Brenda foaled Imp and that she was with you for a good while. It’s never easy to lose one of our special friends. Always remember the joy. Hugs, JB
Dear Dottie (and Team Z, reproductive division),
I just want to whisper 2 words into your ears: Cape Blanco. Think about it! It’s not as farfetched as it seems.
Diana Stuart
@Dottie and Team Z Repro Division: Heck – invite Galileo himself to come vacation in the USA for a season!
diastu in tempe
Really love the idea of Cape Blanco, too.
It would be awesome to have a book in the US for Galileo ????
HUMMM !!!!!! HUMMM !!!!!! HUMMMM!!!!!
Wonder who could do that ????
You know, if they sent Galileo over here to the USA to stand for a season, they could ask $200K for his stud fee and NOBODY would bat an eye – they’d have to line up & take a number to book to him, and would pay it smiling. Talk about a “cash cow!”
er . . .”cash horse!” (Sorry!)
Pattie in Pickens, SC
I got my plushie yesterday!! I gave Momma Z & Baby Z a big kiss :) Thank You, Team Zenyatta for remembering the fans. That means so much to us !! Have a Beautiful Day :)
Joanna from TX
I guess all of us creatures like at least some amount of consistency in our lives. There is a lot of comfort in knowing what’s going on, at least, most of the time. People seem to be able to handle surprises a lot more than our animal friends, but then again, our species is ‘bred’ to pretty much control many factors in our lives. Hopefully, most people who have animals in their lives will do their best to ensure the health and happiness for those in their area of responsibility….critters and kids alike.
Things are going good here in So TX. We seem to be getting some rain now and then and we’re just out of the most severe drought classification. Every little bit helps!
Take care everyone.
Zen and Tasty….rest up now. You may not get a whole lot for a little while once things start happening!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Joanna and our other Texas Zsters- I have been so glad to see some rain falling on your state! Hope it continues!
Lisag in Texas
Thanks Susan, it is bitter/sweet. Went from fried grass to a flood in my house. Texas just cannot find a medium to anything…it is all or nada. My grass is green in the winter and brown in the summer, only in Texas.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you Susan. We’re having a beautiful day today. Going out to see Money later. I think we’re going to have an early spring. Hope that doesn’t mean another awful summer like last year.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I am happy that you are all finally getting some very much needed moisture. Hopefully will continue without causing too much flooding. So sorry Lisa about the flood at your house. Pray everything is alright!
Thanks for the updates so much. Zennie I was looking at Marchs calendar moon phases, if you believe in that, baby should get here right on time. please do not be late. We all love you so much, and I donot think our nerves will take a delay on baby Zs arrival. love ya, SHERRY
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Full Moon is on the 8th!!! That would be so neat to have her foal that night or the 9th…. (wink wink)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Chica, this is no time to deviate from your March 9th contemplation; Even for something as whimsical as the Full Moon.
Jane (southern California)
James’s birthday is February 26th Judy, so that’s what we’re hoping for!! ;-)
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Sherry where in WV do you live? Just wondered.
So glad you and Tasty are happy and content. Sounds like everyone at Lanes End are taking very good care of you. My horses are very aware of there schedule. I get off work at 4:00 arrive at the barn at 4:15, Kobie and Shadow are always at the gate waitting on me. They escort me to the barn to eat and be groomed, and of course get there peppermint treats. Have a great afternoon Zenny. Love from Tennessee to Zenny and Tasty.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Mommy Zen your baby will be born in the Year of the Dragon… I just had to share this link from the LA Times
The Year of the Dragon is also the Year of the Baby
Quote: “The dragon is also the only mythical creature in the Asian zodiac, a cycle that features 12 animals that embody unique characteristics — a dog is shy but loyal; a tiger aggressive and difficult to get along with. The dragon can swim and fly, traversing the seas as well as heaven. This symbolizes a life with no obstacles.”
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Lisag in Texas
Pacing Auntie Judy, this is too cute and too cool.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Thanks :-P
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Looks like the zodiac is indicating a promising life for Baby Z!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
I hope this isn’t putting pressure on Baby Z !!!!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin -NJ
neat article jag :)
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
JAG, it’s not just the ordinary dragon this year, it is the Water Dragon, which comes around about every 60 years, so her foal will be special indeed if one believes in the Chinese Zodiac!!!!
Shannon J. in Seattle
HAHA!!!! FABULOUS!!! They sure got the FLY part right…..with a Mommy like big Z this baby will hopefully have wings on his or her feet too! That girl could surely fly and thrilled us enough times flying late to the wire!! *SIGH*……Love hearing about her but sure miss seeing her at the track…racing just isn’t the same these days without her.
HUrry Up Baby Z….get here SOON….we can’t stand it! LOL!
Much love, many hugs, and LOTS of Carrots, Pears, and Apples (Honeycrisp of course…nothing less than the King of Apples for the Queen and prince or princess of horses!)
Katie Clawson
Thank you for that LOVELY Diary post today, Zenny(&Dottie)! I always look forward to reading them!
I have a BIG question for Dottie! WHO is the new “boyfriend” for Miss Zenyatta this year? :) There are SO many options! I have even been trying to find the perfect match myself!
Have a great day sweetie!
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Katie- I know, I can’t wait to hear! Must be a hard decision!
Zenny is so lucky; she gets to “play the field” !!!!
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
I hope they give her a year’s rest–skip a year–and then pick Galileo or Giant’s Causeway.
Shannon J. in Seattle
I like so many but if not Bernardini, then I like the following stallions (although I know some are perhaps unrealistic because they aren’t “proven” enough yet).
Giant’s Caseway (YES< YES, YES!)
Pleasantly Perfect
Rock Hard Ten
Einstein (love the Buckpasser influence and it works well with Mr. P lines)
Diana Stuart
Oops. I mistakenly posted this to yesterday’s diary, so doing it again here.
@Plushie Envy: Well, I guess if it comes down to it, I can use the date and time stamp on my credit card receipt to show I was one of the early ones. Doesn’t really matter, the Plushies are so cute I love them anyway. I rescue lots of things that don’t have papers so my Z Plushie and Baby Z will be just as precious to me.
@Zenny and Tasty: I’m loving the different views of that huge box stall with the deep straw! (And the windows where caring human friends can peek at you to make sure you’re okay – wink, wink!)
@TROTT and Second Race: I sure wish I could manage to be there the weekend of March 9 and 10 for the great fundraisers you are holding! (And who knows, maybe a reason to celebrate the birth of a certain heavenly foal?) If I win the lotto – I’m SO THERE!
diastu in tempe
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Second Race is also having a booth on Big ‘Cap Day (March 3) to sell Equine Expressions (paintings created by horses) to raise money for CERF and Second Race. When I find out which “artists” will be featured, I’ll let everyone know. I know that Giacomo did at least one painting but I don’t know if it has been sold yet …
Abigail from Montreal
Diana: I still haven’t gotten my plushie either — although we Canadians are used to inexplicable mail delays. I have to admit, though, it does make me a little nervous when I hear about bizarre packaging & missing birth certificates! On the other hand, Dottie & John don’t have whole days to sign plushies, right? So they must be staggered in terms of mailing dates, I would think……
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy So. CA / Plushie #33
FYI plushies are shipped out of Kentucky… Thank goodness I had no problems with my box or the packaging!!!
hi Z! I’m sooo happy that YOU and Tasty are happy! Have a great Tuesday!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Jan S. / Houston
Your maternity stall suite looks very comfy.. Glad you are on a set schedule, it does make things a lot easier, and you know what to expect daily. Well most of the
time.. ;);) Stay healthy and comfortable as can be. Kisses and belly rubs coming your way..