Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
FOAL ‘s are so very amazing; they come out like just a little version of their parents;
able to go on a van ride, run in the paddock, nurse and do crazy things, including
bugging their mom.
Human babies just lay around flat for quite a few months. Are not allowed outside the home for 6 weeks. They take at least 9 months to even walk and 5 months to even smile; so much more dependent.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta My name is Emily,and I havent came up with a name yet,but i will soon. :)
(P.S. congrats on the baby)
Terry Crow
Emily-We hope you continue to visit this site. Like Wilbur said in Charlotte’s Web, this is a good place.
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Dear Zenyatta My name is Morgan Bouscher, and I can’t wait for the baby. I love it when Mrs. Voltz talks about you in class. You are such a pretty horse. PS. i hope your baby is a girl.
Terry Crow
Morgan-Thanks for posting. Do you have a suggestion as to the name for Zenyatta’s foal?
Shari Voltz\Ohio
hi this is Katie roberts
i love you and i hope the baby is going to be cute . And i thought a cute name would be ziny that would be cute . i forgot the other name but i know that one was cute to but when i think of it i will telll you. talk to you later katie roberts !
Terry Crow
Katie-That is a good name. Would fit either a colt or a filly. If you think of the other name, let us know.
ALPHA stands out in the Withers this weekend !!!
ANIMAL KINGDOM’s return to the track in TAMPA BAY STAKES !!!
Maryland jockey club to honor Rapid Redux and his connections;
How very kind and thoughtful.
Jan S. / Houston
COOL… Well deserved.
Zenny I was lucky to see you race live 8 times. Did you know that during just your SECONG RACE the Hollywood Park Announceer called you a “FUTURE SUPER STAR”.
I like to look at videos of you on youtube. I found one where you flew to Arkansas to race at Oaklawn’s Apple Blossom. When you arrived at the barn, those Arkansas horses were heeing and hawing at you. I heard one of them call you a “California Nag!” What ever happened to Southern Hospitality?
sharon in seattle
I remember that “future super star” call, even though I wasn’t there. Boy, did that guy now what he was talking about!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Marcinsac: I assume you are joking with the Southern hospitality comment on Zenyatta’s arrival at Oaklawn. Zenyatta’s arrival both times at Oaklawn was very much anticipated. The officials and the horsemen stood and stared at her in awe as she got off the van from the airport. Before the last Apple Blossom she ran in at Oaklawn, the local newspaper even reported (jokingly) that Zenyatta planned to stop at the eighth pole during the race to sign autographs.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute! Thanks for sharing!
Southern Hospitality exists, some people(or horses) haven’t neccessarily embraced it yet.
I read Zenyatta is being moved into the foaling barn today. NOT TOO MUCH LONGER!!!! EXCITED!!!
sharon in seattle
Cigar is in the paddock!! 4:59 PM EST
carol in utah
At last
Especially Horses / Southern California
Sharon, what link do you go to watch Cigar? The link I found to the Kentucky Horse Park does have a link to Cigar’s paddock webcam,but it wasn’t a close up of the paddock. Only once did I see what I thought might be a horse out grazing and it looked like a “dot”.
sharon in seattle
I go to Kentucky Horse Park webcam — the first picture is pretty small so I use the Zoom In feature in VIEW a couple of times to get a better look. good luck!
carol in utah
I also have to use zoomm…
Dear Great One and Tasty T,
I would like to send you some beautifull GREEN grass to eat for your little ones!
Your humble J
Kimberly Potter/Montana
ELI UPDATE: Eli began breathing on his own around Noon pacific time. The respirator that he is on shows how much the machine is doing and how much Eli is doing. Right now it shows 100% ELI!
Now if we can get him to WAKE UP……Wake up Eli….Wake Up Buddy…..
Again, words can not describe my appreciation to ALL of YOU……thank you just isn’t good enough……
Love and Hugz to ALL
carol in utah
prayers can move mountains…go eli
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Still praying!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Kimberly- what positive news about Eli! Prayers coming from TN.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Yes….thank you so much!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kimberly, what great news about Eli. The power of prayer is an amazing gift we all can share!! Bless you both!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Great News !! Eli has been in my prayers everyday. God Bless Eli :)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kimberly P.:
Great news about Eli. Hoping he keeps improving. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Eli, wake up! Your friends and family are waiting for you. Many prayers here to guide you back.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
@ Dear Kimberly Potter/Montana – Such positive news. I do hope things continue to improve.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thank you Delrene….and Everyone!
carol in utah
Why does cigar always have a coat on? Zenny and Tasty don’t. Is it because he is older or do they not want him to get a fuzzy winter coat? I am older….do not like being cold.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Just saw the sad news from Darby Dan Farm that Repriced, one of the last remaining sons of Roberto has passed away at the age of 24. I made a point of visiting beautiful Darby Dan to pay my respects to Roberto, who is buried there and visit with Repriced. Darby Dan is an absolutely beautiful place with a lovely equine graveyard. Repriced was a pretty amazing old man standing there in the sunshine that day!! They brought him out so I could get close to him, I loved it. I am so glad that I got to see him. My condolences to all of his connections. Abigail, thank you for introducing me to the Roberto line in your wonderful Vault.
RIP Repriced
Robin - Ventura CA
Hope everything is ok, since we have not had a post in three days! Tomorrow is my Birthday day and I am hoping for another beautiful picture of you Big Girl and add to my collection, that would MAKE my day. As it does everytime there is a new pic, but a very special one would be awesome!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Dottie is out of town and said she would post – I mean Zenyatta would post – in a few days… ;-)
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Robin.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Elena Erdman
Hi Queen Z…. I love your letters. I am so glad you are having such fun. It won’t be long and you will have your little one. I am so looking forward to THE DAY as we all are.
Catherine, my prayers go out to you.
Jag: I look forward to seeing you Saturday at Santa Anita and meeting more Zenyatta lovers too.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
I look forward to seeing you again. If I don’t see you first, give me a shout out, please! :-P
Noon at the John Henry statue!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Elena, Hope to meet you at noon on Saturday, as JAG says, at John Henry.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JAG, thank you for the info on Sir Barton. I am planning another trip and may be going through Wyoming. It will be wonderful to stop by his memorial!
Terry Crow
I’m not sure, but I think that Sir Barton is the last horse to have faced Man O’War. It was a match race in Canada and I believe it was the only time that Man O’War faced older horses.
Jan S. / Houston
Hi Z, hope you are doing ok and having a good night. Love and Kisses.
Great HRTV Across the Board with Dell Handcock
And Claibourne Farms. So amazing this farm goes
Back to the Civil War with her great great grandfather.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Signofthetimes, I go to Claiborne every time I am in Kentucky. It is one of my most favorite places of all time. When I pass through the gate, stand in the graveyard, look at the brass plaques on each of the stall doors, picture Secretariat running in his paddock and put my hand on Pulpit’s back, I am overwhelmed by it’s history and my heart is joyful!!
Greetings Lady Z from Eustis, Fl… I had a fantastic, unbelievable meeting and visit with your Mayberry Family… Jeanne, April and a few others that unfortunately due to excitement can’t remember their names but were so special… AND I just missed your John and Dottie by seconds litterally as I was parking at barn #2 thinking it was Barn 3 and he and Dottie were just outside Barn 3 and getting ready to leave… I saw him as I was coming down the entrance and pondered.. with that hat and the grey hair, height.. I said to myself I wonder if they are here… but stupidly I listened to my friend who said park here..as we got out an SUV with John and Dottie passed.. and I knew I had just missed them.. We were half hour later than anticipated due to filling two request of my friend with me… and she was the one who said park here and walk down.. when I should have listened to my “gut” and gone ahead and driven down ..I guess it wasn’t to be.. We finally found Ms Jeanne and she said it had been John and Dottie.. and she had told them about my coming and they were trying to stay as long as they could..but had to go to one more Training Center and then on to the airport… MSs Jeanne said maybe next year… I still felt priveleged to walk on the foot/hoof paths of GREATNESS in Trainer, Manager and athlete… We had a wonderful out of this world experience of a lifetime 3 hours… Seeing several 2 yr olds taking to the track some were on just their 2nd day of taking the round.. It was so fascinating… Watching, listening and sharing with Jeanne and April… Many stories were shared about you… as well as prodding for some of your “early” secrets…LOL I loved hearing every story… especially Ms Jeannes about her life in the horse business and her dear husband.. We chattered and soaked as much of it in with great eagerness.. April told us about the different working personalities of the between the boys and the girls as they are getting ready for this training.. How in the beginning the girls seem to “get” the routine quicker and have all the right work attitude, active in the paddock and the boys are not so sure and somewhat timid…sort of BUT when they get to the practice “track” all of a sudden personalities change and the BOYS are off and ready to go.. and the Girls are “wait a minute”… But they both said that wasn’t the case with you girl… you were itching to GO!!! and Go you did!!! Then as the morning wound down and every body was back in the barn with coupleof late comers from the track.. We went to each stall talking about each horse the eir sires and dams… I was familiar with all the sires except one.. and with that horse I was familiar with the dam.. so fascinating.. Ms Jeanne said I need to bring carrotts for everyboddy next time… That they all would enjoy it… and that it was okay too… If I had known it was okay I would have… I do know how you like your carrots and “treats”… When we got to the last stall on the left in Barn 3.. we found out it was a “special” stall… yeah you know what stall @ I am talking about… STALL #12… That was your home while you were with Ms Jeanne…. April said that after all you have accomplished they really need to have it specially marked for you… said they had mentioned it to “Plumley” but looked like they might have to do it themselves… She told us the horse occupying it currently had great promise and they were looking forward to seeing how the horse does… hoping that a little “special” hoof dust transcends… to another greatness… I just thought of something… OOOOOOh… maybe “little one” may come here to stay in stall #12 in a cuple of years. or 2… Anyway I had a wonderful amazing time.. Both Ms Jeanne and April said come anytime…April said she couldn’t believe I got her mom when I called the farm the otherday… she said it must have been meant to be… as “Mom NEVER answers the phone and it usually goes to message and I would have missed out… April said.. if you can’t get anybody next time just call me on my cell.. let me know when you are coming… Everyone was so warm, kind, genorous with their time.. said great things about you, John and Dottie and the Moss’s… I gave some extra loving/petting to the Moss’s horses… but the others got plenty too..When I mentioned to Jeanne what I would give to meet you in person.. she said well why don’t you just drive up there and visit her she’s only 11 hours away…LOL…I said I didn’t think you were getting “regular” visitors… She did say well maybe not right now… That really would be wonderful… You never know… DREAMS DO COME TRUE… one of mine did today..!!!! Great therapy/prep mentally for my surgery tomorrow Feb 2…I will be thinking of you and the coming little one as they put me “under”… and thankful for all the blessings I have had… especially todays!!!!! Hugs, Kisses and many thanks to the Mayberry Farms.. Jeanne, April and the rest of the gang… Look forward to seeing you again and all the gorgeous horses…. I see great things to come from that barn!!!! And Good Luck to Ms Aprils horse Winters Coming this summer…. PS Thanks to all for the prayers and well wishes!!!
Love you Lady Z
Cathie in Eustis, FL
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cathie, your story was amazing. I am sorry you just missed John and Dottie. I am smiling from ear to ear absorbing it all. It is like you are sitting in the room with me telling me about your wonderful day. I can picture your expressions and your hand movements. Fantastic!! What a blessing and what a memory you will carry with you forever. Just what you needed my friend!!! Jeanne and April sound like very special ladies!! Dreams certainly do come true!! Thank you so much for sharing your remarkable adventure!! I loved it! Hugs!!!!
sharon in seattle
Cathie ! wow – I can feel your excitement on the “page” and through your words – nothing, not even surgery, can keep you down now!!!! best of everything from Seattle!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Catherine! Just reading of your experiences had me so so excited. What great memories!! Doesn’t it just do wonders for your soul!!? I just have to make it to Mayberry! Yes, I just have to see Z some day too; she is everything. Praying for you tomorrow.
Marty R / Colorado
Your excitement is popping right off the page. Thanks so much for sharing your day with us. The Mayberry women sound like they’re very warm and easy to be around. I’m sure you heard fantastic stories from them. How great you could have this happy experience just before your surgery. Best wishes to you for a very good outcome tomorrow.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Catherine, for the awesome report. Prayers going up for you tomorrow too. Hugs.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Dear Catherine, I’m so happy you had a lovely time at Mayberry, sounds like they were very welcoming. Maybe this positive energy will go with you tomorrow for your surgery. I will send along some prayers too. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Catherine:
What a lovely visit. Hugs, JB
stephanie from san diego
Catherine, such a special day thankyou for sharing, praying tomorrow goes well. Xoxo
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Fantastic report, Catherine! High hoof! And all my best for good results for you tomorrow!
Terry Crow
Catherine-wonderful story. Like Humphrey Bogart said in The Maltese Falcon, This is the stuff dreams are made of.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ I love You Z Family. I love You Zenyatta.
@ Dawn I am going to call soon. I need to talk. Have a good night.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
It will be wonderful to hear from you my sweet friend. I hope everything is well with you and Larry.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mrs. Voltz:
Love the posts by your students. You’re a remarkable teacher. Hugs, JB
I don’t know if anyone posted this already but Zenyatta enters foaling barn tomorrow, Feb. 2…here is link to video from Lane’s End foaling barn explaining things.
Elizabeth in NM
Just am catching up. Thank you for the wonderful link and update on Zenny!
So exciting! Prayers for YOU, ZENNY and your new little one! And many of God’s blessings for YOU and for all of your family! Looking forward to catching up on all of the posts tomorrow. Love and blessings to everyone in Z’s Family – and especially all of you fellow Zensters. Can’t wait to hear the news from John and Dottie… not to mention the photos!
Abigail from Montreal
Bonnie: How on earth did you find this link? Just fantastic! Thanks so much for posting. There’s also a Part #2 on foaling. Here’s the link. This woman (Donna Vowles) sounds wonderful!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Here is a link to the blog post these videos were posted in. There is a picture of ZENNY looking very preggers :) http://www.eventingnation.com/samanthalclark/ The third video, about nurse mares, is very informative as well.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Julie DuVall/Ontario, CA:
Thank you so much for the link with the photo of Z. Oh my, you can really see her tummy in that photo. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Bonnie:
Thank you so much for this link. So interesting. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks SO much for the link – all three videos are GREAT. Very informative to SEE some of what was mentioned in the foaling articles that were posted here earlier. I loved hearing Donna talk (and I think I remember from early on at Lane’s End that Matt is also British – Welch, I think). Interesting.
carol in utah
With all the talk of dynaformer….did a little research…la ville rouge foaled a 4th full brother to barbaro in 2011…he weighed 138lb…sounds huge to me..
I do notknow about horses….but with humans …the ladies size may not have a lot to do with her pelvic deminsions…I have seen some pretty tiny girls birth some huge infants..
Conversely…some tall, larger ladies unable to fit a small one..
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
My special loveable Z; There is something missing here—–and it is YOU and any picture of you. JAG gave us a link of some fabulous pictures of you which did help.
I wish I had my Z plushie at least so I could hug you.
We all are thinking and praying for you Zenyatta. We just want you and baby z to be just FINE and healthy. I know what that last month is like and I do not want you to be so uncomfortable. You will be so close to the best care, thank goodness.
They are “Watching” you dear mama. God Bless you and those that take care of you.
love, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z MISS YOU
Sunny Boyd
Foaling at Claiborne Farm
Sunny Boyd
too old of a page, won’t open. :(
SH from KY
Here it is Sunny; it is a lovely article and I love the fact they can foal outside;
horses are wild animals man has domesticated; they do so much better foaling
Marty R / Colorado
@All going to Santa Anita Saturday….Have a great time and Mr. Commons will be racing. There are others trained by John Shirreffs racing that day, too. I think it should be an exciting day.
I wish I weren’t so technically challenged so I could provide a link. I’ll have to type this site out. It is a list of the foals born so far at Lane’s End including date, sire, dam and (c)olt or (f)illy. http://www.lanesend.com/2012/01/2012-foals.html
Terry Crow, don’t know how you keep them coming. Thanks for the laughs. My good friend today sent me a forwarded e-mail of a redneck mansion. It had lots of pictures and even, “blueprints”. What’s funny is I never mentioned to her I’m a member of a redneck club. She just knows me too well.
Marty R / Colorado
Wow!! It looks like I provided a link after all . Didn’t know I had that talent. LOL
Great job; Marty R.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty R/Colorado:
Thank you for the link to the Lane’s End foals. One of them born January 27th to Candy Ride and Sea Gull caught my eye. The colt was born to Sea Gull, one of Z’s original paddock buddies. Good to know. If you check Z’s Diaries around No. 163, you will see Z make reference to her. Hugs, JB
So we should be able to see when Pirate Queen and Elyse foal also ???
Great link Marty R.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Hope Lane’s End keeps posting the births and then we will be able to track the other mares foals as well. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Judy, I remembered Sea Gull being one of Zenyatta’s original (after Pirate Queen) paddock mates. She was one of the girls enjoying the sunshine. Wasn’t that a great photo!! Another name that stood out to me was Sweet Life foaling a Smart Strike colt also on 1/27. I thought, like daughter like mother. I didn’t realize Sweet Life was also at Lane’s End. I think I read somewhere, probably in one of the diary comments, that Life is Sweet was bred to Bernardini for her second foal. I hope she’s doing fine. Another name I was drawn to was Theodora foaling a Tiznow filly. I think I’m a little smitten with Tiznow so wanted to learn something about Theodora and did a pedigree inquiry about her. What I remember most about that is she is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Moss and she did run a few races. Don’t remember how many or how she did or anything about her lineage. I’m excited about a Tiznow offspring to follow.
Last year Lane’s End kept a list like this one throughout the whole foaling season, so hopefully, they will keep this one going.
Terry Crow
Marty-If anyone doubted before that you are a redneck, you just removed all doubt.
Marty R / Colorado
@ Kimberly Potter- That is amazing news about Eli. I continue to pray for him and his family. God bless them all.
@ Susan Carothers in Tn.-I enjoyed seeing the new postings and pictures from Chester and Friends. They all look great and how wonderful they are doing so well.
@All who have been responding to the children from Shari Voltz’ classes. The responses are all so kind and welcoming and encouraging to the children. They have been so enjoyable to read.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good night, precious Z. We are one day closer now. Love the responses from Shari Voltz’s students, and all the great support for our Kimberly’s friend and the family. No days off in the praying or caring. Hugs to all. Z, love you always.