Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
My heart beats everytime I click on “Z’s website to see how she is doing. I feel like a Grandma waiting for her little grandchild to be delivered. Prayers everyday for you Z. Love you all!
sue and tony
Zenny, Tomorrow we are officially on foal watch. Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
All the Nannies in Waiting… pacing!!
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Pacing, biting nails….. LOL
There is a long time to go; at least 45 days !!!!!
Feb 27 to March 12 plus or minus 10 to 11 days for maidens.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
@Diana S. Loved your redneck pilot jokes.
You might be a redneck pilot if:
You typically answer female controllers with titles like “sugar” or “little darlin’.”
She responds with the words “Honey” or “Big Guy” then she may be a redneck.
The preprinted portion of your weight and balance sheet contains “Case of Bud.”
Zenyatta – I am standing by my previous guesstimate of your foaling date – February 25.
Terry Crow
Rosemary-Good ones. You are a worthy successor if the need should rise.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Hi Z Family I just wanted to let you know that Madame Mistletoe made the school wall of PRIDE. This is a first time for a horse. If you would like to see Mistletoe’s post to the children click on this link http://www.peppermintpal.com
@ I also wanted to know what some of my family thought of Luck. I love the horse footage but don’t like the language. i could really do without that. I also think it is dark. I didn’t like the part of the horse breaking down. That really upset me. I have never seen this happen in person and I hope I never do. I don’t know if I will watch this show again.
I hope all have a good night.
Celeste in TX
What a cool website and how wonderful that they respond to the children to help them! I say congratulations also to Mistletoe for being on your school wall of fame. Too cute! I have not had much desire to watch Luck, having read so much about its focus on the darker side of racing, so I can’t comment on the first episode. I don’t think I would appreciate the foul language either.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for the link, Shari. We always want to keep up with what you are doing with your students.
It makes me ok with the fact that we don’t get HBO when I see so many not enjoying Luck.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
As I mentioned last week, although I was looking forward to seeing “Luck” because of Santa Anita the horses, and jockeys, I was concerned that it might “linger with fascination on brutality”. I didn’t find it as bad that way, as I feared, but I was even more disappointed that the show focuses so much on sleazy people, and their gratuitous foul language. Frankly, I am known (among my friends) for using cuss-words freely and passionately, but there’s always a point to it. On “Luck”, the “bad language” just seemed like habitually angry, rotten sleaze — and pointless. I enjoyed the gorgeous, beautiful photography, the horses and jockeys — but it’s all mixed with a lot of the characters nasty, vicious swiping at each other, which just wreaked my enjoyment. Not what I want to spend my precious time on.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for sharing, Vicki. I signed for HBO just so I could watch LUCK, and I did record the first episode, but I haven’t watched it, and now I don’t think I will watch any of the series.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’re welcome, Trina. I’m still thinking about the show, how the way the people talked about each other, sniping, reminds me of chronic family squabbling — bitter stuff. But it also occurred to me that I could watch the show with the sound off! That mute button might allow me to enjoy the cinematography in peace. But that’s just a reluctant possible compromise, to avoid the garbage.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Vicki, I was thinking too about watching with the sound off! And fast-forwarding through the parts that didn’t have shots of the horses…
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the link Shari. I missed the beginning of the story re Mistletoe and always wondered when you mentioned him – now I “get it.” And it was interesting to see that the “peppermints” are the standard red and white variety that we all love (I wasn’t sure about that either). At the risk of sounding totally ignorant, where is Oakland Park?
carol in utah
oaklawn park is in hot springs arkansas…..lovely place…my mom lives there…she will make 90 this yr…so we are all going in july….not during meet…sigh
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the info Carol (and for gently correcting the spelling). Arkansas seems like a very warm place for horses to be running. Maybe they do it during the “cool season”?
Terry Crow
The fact that Luck is dark should come as no surprise. The producer, David Milch, also produced a show named Deadwood a few years back. It was not a Roy Rogers western.
Very strange show; the breakdown scene was not at all realistic; very contrived !!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shari- that’s so exciting! I’ll check out the website again. <3
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you for the wonderful link, Shari. I always love hearing from Mistletoe, she is one sweet horse. Can’t wait until you and I are there to give her a pat and kiss on the nose! I have not seen any of Luck.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Rednecks; I left a response to Sue Fredrick’s above
The Kennedys in San Diego
Tiznow — What a guy! A great story to retell at Super Bowl Parties! We saw him in 2010 — he was in his stall. Our guide’s opinion — he was the greatest racehorse in the last several decades. However, it was the only time the guide insisted one not get within his striking range.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
He is the most powerful looking horse I’ve ever seen. What presence! (Z excepted of course).
I could not take my eyes off of him. They tell me Rock Hard Ten is similar?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Barbara, I was thrilled that I have seen Tiznow several times at Winstar. He is definitely a impressive figure. This last trip to Lane’s End. They brought out Rock Hard Ten. He was amazing. Both are such big strong stallions. You have to be pretty careful around Tiznow (which in some degree is true of every stallion), but Rock Hard Ten was very sweet.
Terry Crow
Tiznow was certainly a great horse, one who was at his best in the big races. Greatest of the last several decades? You would be asking horses like John Henry and Affirmed to step aside. Was Tiznow ONE of the greatest? No doubt.
OH MY, Tiznow is gorgeous and the his 3 year old running now is an ADONIS (GREEK GOD); so big, beautiful with lots and lots and lots of presence.
Love this link; thanks so much for finding it.
Hope you had a great ski trip.
The Kennedys in San Diego
More on Mucho Macho Man — here’s hoping he has a great 2012 campaign.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedy’s in SD:
Thank you for the link to MMM. I think he’s going to do really well this year. He’s filled out beautifully. Love this boy. Hugs, JB
Thanks for this link; I sure hope he does well at a 4 year old and is a real standout
this year.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Zen Nation~ UPDATE on Eli: The last update I posted was inaccurate and written by Eli’s sister who is in complete denial of Eli’s situation. The truth is this:
Worst case scenario ~Eli stays the same, stable and on complete life support;
or Best case scenario ~He imerges into a “trapped coma”, maybe opens his eyes, but no one is home.
MRI showed severe brain damage on the right side, less on the left. The movement and twitching is completely involuntary and has nothing to do with brain activity, so I’m told.
My friend, Eli’s Mom, is in a battle that I wouldn’t wish on my own worst enemy. Eli is single, so she and his Dad (they have been divorced for 25 years and do not get along) will be responsible for any decisions.
Please continue keeping this family in your prayers…. and remember to always let the ones you care about know how you feel….everyday!
Love and Hugz to each and every one of YOU!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, Kimberly dear, it IS a really bad situation. In a case like this, we hardly even know how to pray. But please be assured that many are! Love and hugs.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
BW~ I know….I guess what I am praying for is that this family can unite together, find strength……. and do what is best for Eli….. whatever that is…… I just don’t know….
Love and Hugz
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Kimberly; Oh my word! I will continue a prayer for Eli, but in Eli’s case, time will tell, and God will do what is good for Eli I believe.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
@ALL~ I just want to thank each and every one of you who have said prayers, sent well wishes and are keeping this family in your thoughts. It really does mean the world to me…..I am sorry if I can’t name everyone……but please know how thankful I am for Zen Nation….
Love and Hugz
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Kimberly, I’m so sorry for this tragedy to strike your friend and his family. Like you, I will pray for the family to find strength, unity and wisdom in these days of sadness.
Terry Crow
I was in a similar situation with my friend Don. God bless Eli’s mother in this trying situation.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
So sorry Terry you had to go through that too.
Terry Crow
Thank you. Diana S was a confidant during that trying time and helped me a lot.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kimberly P.:
Prayers for your friend, Eli, and his family. Love and Hugs, JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Oh, I’m so sorry. Eli and his family are in my prayers. <3
Jan S. / Houston
Continued prayers for Eli and his family.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Celeste in TX~ I am so sorry for your loss of Mojo……
Kathy P. from NY
I love hearing the baby posts. I remember all to well all of the fun pregnancy stuff, your gonna do great Big Momma!! Please send us a nice head on shot of you and your ROUNDNESS. It is TOO CUTE.
Lots of love!!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Kennedy’s. If that was your question re my post. Yes, it was Dynaformer. and besides being a very tall horse – Yes, to use the Stallion Assistant/or vet/ and or vet. tech who was in attendance, he is a big boy in every sense. I thought the female looked so small next to him that when we were allowed to ask questions, I asked how many hands the female stood. She was 16 hands and was dwarfed by Dynaformer.
and the commotion going on in the adjoining barn? Oh my, we were told that one of the stallions and now I forget, would get a whiff of Dynaformer and start breaking /kicking in his stall. We were there 1 week after the Kentucky Derby ( the year Barbaro won) and we were there before the Preakness so it must have been the the 2nd weekend in May. And I would “bet the farm” the mare was Vertigineux. Whatever baby came from that day is a full brother to Barbaro. The name at the time wouldn’t have meant anything to me, but I remember it sounded very French. The whole thing was taped; the dr. checked for live sperm and the representative of the mare witnessed the cover . They said he was booked for the day and the rest of the season. As good a looking horse as Smarty Jones is, Dynaformer was the “man” for sure. I saw some ladies cry when they saw Rahy. I of course,started to cry when I saw Smarty in person. As I have gotten all teary and trembly around Zenyatta. What is it about these beautiful animals that bring such happiness and joy and all these emotions burst forth. I know that day that Zenyatta won at Del Mar, we were hugging and kissing people we didn’t even know other than we were all Z fans. It’s just a great feeling. Smiles and tears all around! Great memories. At that time he stood for $150,000. and Smarty for $100,000.
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVA, DELRENE! We love your graphic descriptions of the events and are so envious.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Great description, Delrene!
Thanks for sharing that experience in the breeding shed Delrene.
I understand Dynaformer runs everyones show, Human and Equine there and
there must be some Equines that don’t like it. I am sure is is very very very hard
to handle and when he comes into the shed “the sea must part”.
Just watched an Inside Information about Theatrical; it is so interesting to hear
the breeding farm talk about these stallions; he is very much a man, even at 25,
struts in and does and quick cover and struts out all puffed up. Theatrical really
enjoyed his breeding job; and what man wouldn’t !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene and Z Fans:
Here’s a short video of Dynaformer in his paddock. Handsome fellow. Hugs, JB
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
and now I know that Z is taller than Dynaformer….http://www.bloodhorse.com/stallion-register/sr_sire_page.asp?refno=1049059&origin=singlesearch
You are an amazing girl Zenyatta. Mike was right. Really no guy is worthy, but Bernardini sure was a close to perfect suitor for you.
Maybe your baby will be born on Valentine’s Day….
The Kennedys in San Diego
You (and Mike Smith) are so right — no guy is worthy. However, Z needs one therefore Bernardini was a great choice.
Dynaformer is way way way to big for Zenny.
Not a good match at all !!!!!
Remember her mom “Z” has very large foals; and Zenny probably will too.
Good thing her weight is staying stable.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Hi signofthe times: Hope you didn’t think I was ever suggesting Dynaformer for Zenyatta. NEVER! Agreed. Way too big, and not a good match for other reasons too. I want her safe and sound for a very long time. I was just pointing out that our girl is even taller than Dynaformer. When I saw him at TChimneys, I had not had much experience around horses and he seemed gigantic. I saw Zenyatta up close a number of times and she seemed very large, just amazing to know she is a such a big girl and sweet tempered . Great genes and loving owners,trainers and handlers.
Official foal watch! Dear Zenyatta, we all wish the safest of deliveries and healthy colt or filly! We will all be over the moon for you and your foal.
Great link to Dynaformer. Love his expression, as in better keep your distance.
Candi E. Carter
my queen zenny, I lived in Ocala fl. at south east hyway 475 area a small ranch here, I like to visit mayberry and meet john and dottie. Be careful Zenny regards to TT as well Love always candi.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Please excuse my lapse of lineage recollection. It was a French name that I did hear- La Ville Rouge, it came to me while I was showering….. Gee, not Vertigineux ( Z’s Mom) La Ville Rouge is Barbaro’s Mom . So sorry to give incorrect info. Guess I had you ( Z) on my mind!!!!!
Sweet dreams to everyone.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! That was “epic”! When I saw how long it was, I thought I’d have to wait and come back later to view it, but once I got started, I couldn’t stop. Thanks for the link. Do you know who put it together? I didn’t recognize any of the names and wondered if it was one of our “Zensters.”
Darlene Daniels
JAG, Thank you!. That was a wonderful tribute to our beautiful Queen Zenyatta. After her video I made the mistake of watching Eight Belles, which was also beautiful, but I dont have enough tissues in the house for all the tears.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
I have seen this video before. Always enjoy seeing it again. Can’t get enough Zenyatta. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you JAG. Hadn’t seen this one….. Absolutely lovely. She is such a super star.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear JAG, thank you so much for the link to this fantastic tribute. It is always hard to keep the tears from flowing when you watch our beautiful Zenyatta!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thank you JAG! I loved every moment of every picture of Z. She is irreplaceable, I miss her so.
hey Dotty,
i really hate to do this as im not a fan of spammers but,ive been trying for a year (e-bay,craigslist, breeders cup etc) to find 1-2 of the black zenyatta t-shirts that were sold at churchhill during the 2010 BC with no luck so figured this was my last chance, so ifyone has any of those black zenyatta t-shirts in an xl or 2xl(preferred) and would part with it, please email me at yzpilot2@aol.com..thanks !! Kurt
Connie O.
A belated “Happy Birthday”! to Penny-a very special Lady! Didn’t get to post “on the day”, since I had to rush to work. I wish the post “box” started at the top of the page, instead of the bottom, since it takes so long to get to it, that I often don’t get to post. Shows just what a special girl our “Z” is. I do enjoy reading all the comments, tho, when I can.
Darlene Daniels
Connie O. After you click on the “continue reading” line in Z’s post, just hit the END button on your computer and it will take you right down to the post box. Hope this helps and have a nice day.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, precious Z. Wanted to check in before I go feed the puppies. Today is the beginning of FOAL WATCH. One of us will be the first to hear–I wonder who it will be.
Prayers for you, dear Z, to be free of complications and to bond well with that precious little one–undoubtedly the most eagerly anticipated baby in the history of foaldom!
My highest wish is that all moms and babies could be so loved. (This is becoming my theme song.)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Good morning Barbara. I just finished reading your post while sipping coffee in my office. I’m about to start my work day, but I sure wish I were going to feed puppies instead! How’s the weather in Waco this morning? I heard from some of my Fort Worth colleagues that they had a lot of rain last week. I couldn’t agree more with you on the statement “the most eagerly anticipated baby in the history of foaldom!” I just want everything to go like clockwork for Zen and the little one….please no nurse mare. I hope your husband is doing better and on the road to a full recovery. Please forgive me for my next question, I should know the answer, but can you provide me with the link to where I can donate in honor of Z and her foal in order to help horses in need? I have a horse rescue operation that I support in California, but would like to donate to the one you are involved with too.
Foal Watch 2012…..Go Z
Lynn Martin
What kind of puppies do you have? I will be getting my puppy fix in a couple of months when I breed my vizsla. Luckily, she lives with her own “family” but I co-own her and love her dearly. They live close by so I can see them often, but not have to take care of all that mess!!! My time will come next year when I breed my new champion, Brook.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
LOL! We just call them our puppies! One (Charlie)is a lab mix (rescue) who weighs 87 lbs. and his partner in crime is a German Shepherd(Daisy Mae) who weighs 65 and came to us as a stray. They are great friends and the same age and play well together.
I have a friend here who has a Vizsla too.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
I second everything you said. Regards to hubby. Love and Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear friend, Barbara, what a wonderful post. It is so exciting that OFFICAL FOAL WATCH has begun!!! It is such a tense excitment, just like when Zenny was on the track. I always prayed for a safe trip, that was the tense part and yet I was filled with so much excitiment to see her run!! I join you in your wishes not only for all moms and babies, but all horses everywhere!!!! It is a pretty great theme song, sung by a beautiful lady!! Hope your husband is doing better. Hugs!! ((((((( )))))))
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Especially horses–thank you so much. Weather beautiful in Waco this morning. We had rain a while back, and our lake is about back to normal.
Hubby is still undergoing tests to try to cure the cellulitis.We get a report back on Friday from today’s bone scan.
Our Equi-Army group does not have our 501c3 yet, but there are SO many worthy charities. I have a list a mile long.Marlene Dodge’s Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue is one many of Z’s fans have supported, and Marlene is very much aware of the Dumplings. The website is http://www.valleyviewranchrescue.org. The 6 from January have been saved, but there is always a need for feed, etc., and for this month’s rescues. If you could let me know which one you support, I could check and see if it’s on our list and add it if not. THANK YOU! Hugs.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
You could consider a donation to Old Friends, a charity that the Mosses and Zenyatta support. Michael sent out an email yesterday in which he mentioned that February is their slowest month for donations, and that $1 in February is like $2 in any other month. In the spirit of Zenyatta’s impending maternity, there is Our Mims, which is a home for retired broodmares who weren’t as lucky in their owners as Zenyatta.
Valley View is cool, too. They are in California so you could perhaps visit them and meet some of the horses we have helped to rescue.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Barbara, I hope that all tests turn out for the good with your hubby. You must be in much more stress with hubby and our Zenyatta!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@ALL: this morning on the Horse and Man blog, I learned that they are in need of a bucket list charity for February. This is a wonderful group, and it is such fun to see the fund grow each day while reading their great blog. Their website has all the details and criteria. it would be great if a Dumpling nominated the charity they will choose.
The link is http://www.horseandman.com. Thanks in advance.
Kathryn G. (East Central, Florida)
Foal Watch is coming soon as “Z” isn’t due to foal until around March 10th if going by her conception/covering date. As such as of today, Feb. 1st 2012 Ms. “Z” is currently 304 days into her pregnancy, which means she has at least 38 more days to go. I’m guessing here but think she’ll probably deliver her foal around the 350 day mark as maiden mares generally do one of two things for a tad bit early or foal a tab bit over their projected due dates. Either way, I’m impatiently waiting to see this lovely little one who has yet to make an official appearance. Someone should start a “Zeternity” (Zenyatta + Maternity = Zeternity) Watch Blog to keep us better informed as to “Z’s” pregnancy and milestones reached. :)
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Not quite true. She’d be considered full term at 320 days, which is February 16th. She probably won’t foal that early, but the broodmare staff will start watching her now, so as to establish a baseline against which to compare changes to her body.
Rachel foaled at 330 days. Her colt was 125 pounds, and I’m sure she is glad he didn’t wait any longer.
Joanna from TX
I had asked the question on Rachel facebook site I think, about the weight of the foal and was told that 125 is perfectly normal. Curlin is a fairly ‘bulky’ boy and with that a pretty good match for Rachel. (Hence NOT so good for our girl Zen as a few had suggested.) So even tho Rach was maybe on the earlier side of gestation, it was probably a good thing :))
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Joanna from TX:
Happy Belated Birthday. Hugs, JB
Yes, Joanna; Happy Belated Birthday.
We also addressed Rachel’s foals weight on this site.
Zenny may have one larger since she has quite a bit more
room to let the foal grow.
Correct, CURLIN and ZENNY might have a behemoth that could
not race and that would not be a good thing considering both genes;
that is why DOTTIE is making her reccomendations for Zenny’s second
mate to the MOSSES.
The first one was easy because they had a proto type in “E” from Zenny’s mom.
I wish it would be CAPE BLANCO, he is awesome, small in size and not too bulky and by the great champion GALILEO. He is a freshman and unproven though.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Happy Birthday, Joanna! Hope it’s wonderful in every way.
Abigail from Montreal
Good morning Miss Zenyatta, Dottie, TT, Babies & Zensters:
I must start off by saying: FOAL WATCH!
And, before I forget, I wanted to thank JAG “Zenny’s Auntie Judy” for the link to the Zenyatta film. If anyone’s interested, I have actually purchased photos from “seanc” and his prints are outstanding & reasonably priced. (It will come as no surprise to fellow Zensters that I have a small but nice collection of Zenyatta photos just waiting to be posted in an album just for Zenny!) I know nothing else about “seanc” except he must have a horseshoe around his neck, because he accompanied Zenny & Mario on the flight that brought her to Kentucky on Dec.6 and got a couple of great shots of that too (as well as the footage you saw in the video). Here’s his portfolio: http://seancphoto.smugmug.com/
Must get on to work now. For teachers who are also Zensters, here’s the website “Literacy Today” that I initiated before I retired and for which I am still doing some writing this year. Many teacher-friendly resources and some great links. (PS: If you go into INTO THE CLASSROOM + click on ILLUSTRATED PICTURE BOOKS and go to WHAT ILLUSTRATED PICTURE BOOKS (IPB’s) TEACH, you can see yours truly from a few years back talking about all that on film!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
@ Abigail YOU are Brilliant. Thank you I will bookmark the site :)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
@Abigail – really cool to see and hear you! You sound so professional and knowledgeable about your field (no surprise to those of us who have been reading your posts and blog).
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, what great photos!! I am sure your collection of Zenyatta prints is amazing! Thanks for sharing the link.
Hey Queen Z!! When are you due? I hear Rachel has dropped her foal, hope everything’s going well with you, Girl!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
She’s due around March 7. Rachel had her colt last week, the 22nd, IIRC. He weighed 125 pounds.
Actually Zenyatta is due anywhere between Feb 27 and March 12 plus or minus
10 to 11 days for maiden mares.
Terry Crow
@Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of the Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if your mom’s maiden name is Bubba. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if your table cloth is a bed sheet. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if your wedding cake was made by Sara Lee @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-.You might be a redneck if your husband left you for last year’s winner of the hog calling contest. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if your dog can open a beer can for you. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you fish coins out of a public fountain. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you buy tube socks at the flea market. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if you have at least five dogs in your bed at night. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you name your children after the cars they were conceived in. @Brenda S, president, and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if your living room furniture doubles as your camping gear. @signofthetimes, president of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever had to put on a pair of boots to go to the bathroom. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you have ever surrendered to the police in exchange for cigarettes. You might be a redneck if your toilet seat has a sign that says “sit here.” You might be a redneck if your neighbors refer to you as pig farmers and you don’t have any pigs. You might be a redneck if your mother doesn’t put shoes on to go grocery shopping. You might be a redneck if your sister is also your aunt.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
@ Terry you make me laugh and I needed that today :)
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Terry – five dogs in bed qualifies? How about four? That should at least come close. Please inform.
Terry Crow
You are already in and qualified. No need to embellish your resume.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Keep the laughs coming. We all need them!
carol in utah
Do 2 dogs and 2 cats qualify?
Terry Crow
carol-That definitely qualifies. You are now the president of the Utah chapter.
carol in utah
@Terry crow……..I am completely floored by this great honor….will attempt to serve in spirit of “redneckness”…be forewarned….I lived in Louisiana for 7 yrs
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Terry, oh no, how did you know my son’s name was ‘ Chevy?
Terry Crow
I thought it was Yugo.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry – The bedsheet was tie-dyed, so sometimes it was art on the wall, sometimes a tablecloth, and sometimes a bedspread — Triple-purpose!
Darlene Daniels
Terry, Again, some of your best! You just keep outdoing yourself. Thanks for the laughs. Oh by the way, are you a redneck if your husbands pick-up truck has more beer cans in the floor board and bed of truck than a national brewery?
Terry Crow
That is one more joke I will have to remove from my arsenal. The joke generally reads that if you had to buy a new truck due to having no more room in the bed because of the cans chucked through the missing back window, you might be a redneck.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Let the pacing begin……………
Judy G
carol in utah
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Zenyatta 2012 Calendar
I purchased one of these – it’s in my cubicle at work :-D
Robin - Ventura CA
Awesome! Thanks for the link… must be hard turning the pages!!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thanks for the update Kimberly; Thoughts and prayers are with
you, him and his family. This is a very tough situtation to be in
and we all face it sometime with our family members.
Hi, Z
Z you are so smart and technically savvy could you
create a Z alert that goes out after a new diary page
has been added. It would be great to get an email
with your Queen Z Diary page is ready. I am not
real technical so if this is already out there someone
please let me know. I am getting very anxious (like all Z fans)
on any news about what you are doing and baby z.
Do you think Phil will see his shadow tomorrow?
They say his predictions are 66% accurate.
Punxsutawney Phil he is Too Cute!
This tradition has been going on for over 125 years.
Love you Z BB Too
Hi Sue,
You can use Blog Alert to get email notifications when there’s a new diary post.
Just enter your email address and the RSS feed for this website.
RSS feed: feed://www.zenyatta.com/feed
Hope that helps!
Thank you
And here’s another similar service that offers free and paid plans with lots of options:
It has be be entered:
https://www. zenyatta.com/feed
to work.
@signofthetimes: yes, you’re correct that Blog Alert doesn’t want to use the feed prefix. it should be http though, not https.
Thanks for posting that blog alert infromation; I think it worked for me with https//;
However, I played around with it a lot to get it to work.
My above link has a space in it so it won’t work.
Thank you both for helping. You guys are great!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Well we’re all on official “Foal Watch”. So exciting. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
You’re jokes just get better and better. Brightens the day. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy-Thank you. I’m still looking for that football salesman.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C:
Funny you should reference LIR. I just watched it again the other night. Still find it hilarious. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
I think I must have seen it at least 20 times and I laugh just as hard every time.
Dear Zenny,
Hope you are having a great day, today. Warm weather in KY, at least for KY.
Love the lovely photos of you and TASTY grazing before those little ones
arrive to keep you very very very busy. Rachel’s foal is really running around
at 10 days, even in a circle; getting ready for his yearling training.