Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
Rachel and colt back home at Stonestreet; I loved the link someone posted of her
colt running in the paddock at Rood and Riddle; he is going to be a handful;
Glad she got a little TLC at the hospital. I am sure they were spoiling her to death.
It is so very wonderful to have a healthy patient at the hospital once in a while !!!!
Great job Stonestreet !!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Thanks for the link on RA. Glad she and baby are back home. Hugs, JB
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
LOL he is a little pistol, isn’t he?
I hope that in a few weeks she can be pastured with some more experienced mares and their foals. First-time moms don’t always know how to discipline their foals, and that little guy is going to need some, I think.
Definately agree; I think he is taking full advantage of his new mom who does
not have skills, yet, to deal with such an advanced level foal.
An older more seasoned mare needs to give him a lick and a promise and
then give him back to RACHEL. She is such a very sweet horse; I bet having a
foal for a horse is the same feeling as a human having a baby; RACHEL is just
filled with so much love and has not learned how to make it “tough love”.
It will come with experience and I hope the same some more experienced
mares guidance.
Beautiful Zenyatta and Baby Z, you and Tasty look content and ready. I am looking forward to when Your John comes back from Ocala and we get to see some of his wonderful pictures. He has quite an eye for taking pictures that are interesting and they are full of content. We all learn so much as we have the opportunity to come to your diary. Thank you Dottie for making sure we learn about Zenyatta’s world.
@ Terry Crow: Always enjoy our comments and jokes. Thanks for posting.
Terry Crow
DMCQ-Thank you. Noted is the fact that you are located in Alabama. This makes you a natural for the redneck club. Are you willing to be president of the Alabama chapter?
Deborah Richman
Beautiful Z, you and Tasty are TOO CUTE! I’m so glad to hear that things are progressing well for both of you.
I hope your John and Dottie have a wonderful time in Ocala! Can’t wait to see the pictures and hear about how the youngsters are doing.
And the little girl in me is jumping up and down in anticipation of receiving YOUR plushie!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
jackie from California
Good Evening Queen Z and Tasty,
Although I read the posts daily I often find very little time to write. I so enjoy reading all the updates and posts. It seens there is a lot of bad news lately. To all those having health issues, and major events in their life making things difficult I wish you all the very best. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
So glad you and Tasty are doing well. Good news on Rachel and her baby colt. Hope Dottie and John enjoy their trip in Fla. I am sure they will have a blast. Perhaps there might be a suprise visit for Z?????
Wishing everyone well. The support and love on this site is so specail!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Jackie. My hobby’s illness is causing me to post less also.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Barbara, so sorry to hear of your husbands illness, I shall put him in my prayers. Miss hearing from your more often. Hugs
Barbara, {{{ }}} for you and your husband.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Barbara- I didn’t realize your husband was ill. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. <3
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Barbara, sorry your husband is under the weather. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs, Dawn
Barbara Wood (Texas)
That would be “hubby”. I’m hopeless at typing.
Diana Stuart
@Karen Gogue where are you???
@Madison: Belated birthday wishes to one of the cutest little girls I’ve ever met (and Zenny and Mikey agree)!
@Kari: Thinking of you and hope you are okay. We all worry when we don’t see a post from you.
@Charlotte Farmer: Thank you for your thoughtful and wonderful little surprise!
@All: Will post tomorrow about some BC 2012 ideas. It’ll give us something to do while we wait for Ocala news.
@Terry Crow: Your jokes today were some of the best yet. Bravo. But DRAT! the 27th came and went and I wasn’t being very redneck at all. Did the mud wrassling happen and determine the presidency of the chapter? Was there moonshine? Tobackey spittin’? Do tell.
@Anti Drat: I was mucking out horse pens on the 27th – does that count even a little???
diastu in tempe
Karen Gogue Baby Bump-ling's Nanny and foal watch Granny
Darlene Daniels
Karen, I think all the anticipation of waiting for Z’s baby has flipped you over the edge. (I say this with love). TOO FUNNY. Terry has big competition with you.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
You gotta love this post! You’ve outdone yourself.
Maryp (New York)
Karen, That is one of the funniest disertations I have ever seen in writingt!!! You are a scream!!! Lots of laughs….I could imagine the voice of Granny on the Beverly Hillbillys spoutin off! Thanks for laughs!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
TOO FUNNY!! I just can’t let this go without a comment. Unfortunately Sally and I can’t have the contest until the frozen tundra thaws. She does have to shave her legs in spring and does it in a bucket outside (just screams REDNECK doesn’t it). So we can’t determine the Presidency yet.
TERRY CROW, just wanted to know if there was any fallout on the enormous response (I did my part) of flushing done on CRAPPER DAY. I didn’t hear anything on the news, so I was a little disappointed on the lack of coverage in the media. Anyone else hear anything?
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I too was disappointed at the lack of media coverage on CRAPPER DAY. I think I saw a banner mentioning it at the bottom of my TV screen during our local news, but it went by so fast, I could be mistaken.
Terry Crow
I tried to get Bill Dwyre, sports columnist for the LA Times, to mention our group but he said it was against the paper’s policy. Therefore, I invoke the Crapper curse on the LA times.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
@ all rednecks: If any one should read of a missing person last seen TRYING to balance on a three wheel bicycle, it will be my friend Sue Fredrick!! ha
Terry Crow
I wouldn’t make fun of Wisconsin rednecks if I were you. However, your dissertation definitely makes you a member of the California chapter. Move over, Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, not a problem! Always room for one more fool.
Love it Karen !!!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Sue Fredrick & I are still tryin to get in shape for this mudd restlin, if that’s possible. I might have to shave my legs too after the winter months! ha
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I was going to volunteer to take part in the the rasslin’, but if we have to shave our legs, forget it!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary McCauley and Karen Gogue:
You are both TOO Funny. Laughing out loud. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Not to worry. The match is open to Wisconsin rednecks only.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Don’t forget to wear your fascinators.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Oh My!!! I am laughing so hard right now! What away to entertain our selves while we wait with baited breath!!
Terry Crow
Any comments about the club are always welcome. Could it be that we are turning the corner on this site? We welcome all new recruits.
Terry Crow
I’m sure Mr. Crapper would heartily approve of you mucking out stalls on his day.
Marshall (in NC)
Good evening, Zenny!
Always good to see you and Tasty out relaxing! Sure hope Dottie and John have a great time in Florida. I know they will enjoy the “babies”!
Take care of yourselves, you and Tasty T., and the little horseys inside, too!
Sweet dreams, hugs and kisses on your soft noses!
Marilu V
@ From Marilu:
Dear Z Friends: Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me and my family. No matter how prepared I felt when I left last week – it was very hard to say good bye to mom knowing it might be the last time. I am leaving tomorrow night and will be gone until the 12th.
Thanks again for all your messages. Hugs, Marilu
@ Zeny: Take care of yourself while I am away.
Darlene Daniels
Marilu, You and your family will remain in my prayers. When you are feeling lonely, lost and sad, just remember all of us here love you. Safe travels and God’s Blessings to you. Darlene Daniels
So good to see you had a very relaxing weekend. I am looking forward to hearing about the new “babies” coming on from the training stables that John and Dottie are visiting this week. I am so happy to be part of the Z dumpling Aunties on foal watch with you. This is such an exciting time for you! Love and kisses to you and Tasty.
Celeste in TX
Any time there is a new photo of you greeting me as I look at my computer screen my heart is uplifted and I am thankful for this wonderful site and the daily entries in this diary. But today my heart is sad. My sweet Mojo kitty passed the rainbow bridge yesterday and I am filled with the sadness of missing her but grateful for the years of joy that she gave me.
Darlene Daniels
Celeste, So sorry about your kitty. One of my greatest losses was my dear Cosmo who passed to the Rainbow Bridge. I still miss him, but I still have his sis and she is 17 years old. I will be thinking of you today. The first day or so are the hardest.
Abigail from Montreal
Oh, Celeste. So sorry to hear this news! I’m sending you many, many warm hugs. With love, Abigail
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
I am so sorry about your lost, I know how you feel because few years ago, we lost ours two beautiful cats, and we have only one now, hugs Ingrid.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
So sorry for your loss.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Celeste, sorry for your loss. We lost our Pixie Bob (Smokey) last year. He took his last breathe in my partners lap on the way to the Hospital two towns over. I still get teary eyed when I think of him. Just know that with time, you will feel better and just know that you’re kitty will be waiting to greet you once, you cross that Rainbow Bridge!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Celeste, so sorry about your loss, I lost my beloved Holly year before last. I know I will see her again but i still miss her every day. Know you will see your Mojo again. Blessing Peggy
Alex Bowdoin in MA
@ Celeste, I am sorry to hear about your kitty Mojo. You will meet again….
Eveline / Maryland.
Celeste, I’m so sorry you lost Mojo.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Celeste, I’m so sorry for your loss. HugZ.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Celeste- I’m so sorry for your loss. <3
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Celeste, I am so sorry that your precious Mojo kitty has passed away. It is always so hard to lose our dear friends!! I agree with so many others, that you will be together again one day. Bless you!!
Sue Colvin -NJ
sorry for your loss celeste.
big hug/prayers <3
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@CATHERINE HICKS, ELI, FRED–continued prayers for you all.
@Marilu V–I can so empathize with your loss. It is so hard to lose a mom! Stay safe and to all of you, know you are missed when you are gone and that we all have a huge extended family here.
@Kari B.–miss you–do pray you are ok. Hugs.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
@ Barbara Wood
Was hoping that your hubby was improving, but what you wrote above suggests otherwise. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Anything we can do?
(And do you really have a horse?) I know you don’t have time to go back and look through all of the comments.
The Kennedys in San Diego
An entertaining blog on Dynaformer. Still covering mares at 27. We are so happy we got to see him at Three Chimneys in 2010. He was in a good mood that day.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
He was much more quiet when we saw him last summer than in 2009. It was a very humid day and he looked very lethargic and so we mentioned it to the tour guide who agreed and made arrangements for him to be checked. We asked about him before we left the farm and he was fine, just feeling the heat and humidity. It was nice to see that he hadn’t kicked the bars of his stall out of shape.
Thank you for this. Dynaformer is one of my favorites. He knows that he is the King.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Kennedys! Dynaformer was in a very good mode the day I got to see him at Three Chimneys, too. He had been playing with a towel when we walked up. How funny! They brought him out and he stood for the camera’s beautifully. Head up, ears forward, looking right at us. His size and presence is awesome in person!
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVO, MUCHO MACHO MAN! BRAVA, AWESOME FEATHER! Two of our favorites giving spectacular performances.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
MMM has always been one of my favorites too. So happy for him. (Although I love ‘um all). Awesome Feather is a wonderful one too. Hugs, JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
Any additional news on Rachel and colt other than their returning to Stonestreet? I do love fiesty foals but they are particularly trying on a first-time mother.
I think he is really a handful,too ; that video from Rood and Riddle really told a story and
he was only 10 days old. RA looked so sweet and loving the first day or two and then so very tired. So glad they gave her a little break to recover from delivery and get back
to mommy hood full time. I also suppose the barn personal are handeling him and giving her a break.
But can you imagine putting RA and her determination and heart and Curlin with his
same characteristics; I hope someone really speical handles this colt because he is
really going to be a handful all of his life and maybe even as a geriatric horse.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Zenyatta and Z Family. Thank you all for welcoming Tyler and my other students. They really do have good questions and sometimes really suprise me. Diana Stuart thank you for the compliment. You made me cry. I hope they remember all the things I taught them while having fun. I also hope they take the love of Horses with them forever.
Zenyatta I hope you and Tasty enjoy the Beautiful sunshine. I love you. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Hi Dawn : )
Terry Crow
Reading your posts takes me back to the time when I was in school, and that is not a short trip. Believe me, you will be remembered by all who come in contact with you. I have not forgotten my teachers.
Celeste in TX
Shari, I definitely agree with Terry and Diana – such teachers will be remembered. It has been a very, very long time since I was in fourth/fifth grade and I still cherish the memories I carry of my teachers of those times. Neither one of them ever mentioned horses, but they did not discourage my little girl love of horses either so if you have found a way to share our Zenyatta with your classes and teach them through that, that is truly wonderful!
Dear Zenny,
Hope you and TASTY are having a great day; relaxing, grazing and growing those
beautiful foals. FOAL WATCH starts tomorrow. Wishing you both the safest,
and quickest journey is delivering your wonderful, beautiful foals.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Since we are Lovers of Nature – and pacing the floor for Mommy To Be Zenyatta – I wanted to share this link again. Over 214,113,243 live views!!!!
These eagles are in Iowa – they had 3 babies last year (one born on 4/2!) They tagged one of the babies and are keeping track of her.
You will love the nesting Mommy and Daddy – they are SO BEAUTIFIUL!! To eduate yourself, read the material shared on the link. To the right is a chat room. Some school children are observing the nest – TOO CUTE!
Enjoy!! :-D
Judy G
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Judy, My friend and I watched them every day. We’ve also watched a pair in British Columbia, Ma and Pa Sidney, for the last three or four years. We have both been accused of starving our families, too much time spent sitting at the computer, no meals prepared. Ma and Pa may not be seen this year, they have relocated their nest and the owners of the property have refused permission for cameras to be installed. The web site is still good, lots of other eagles, check “Hancock Wildlife Foundation”.
Sorry I can’t post it, to computer illiterate.
Bobbie Graser
Glad you both had a good weekend===me too. I saw a race video on HRTV that showed Tasty finishing second in a race, She was really moving.
Question: At 125 lbs, was RA’s foal unusually large for a newborn? What is the average weight for a thoroughbred foal? He was born a little early too.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Rachel’s colt at 125 pounds was a normal sized healthy foal.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Thinking of you and TT and praying for easy, safe foaling. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Hey zen! glad you had a fun weekend! thanks for the update! And congrats to black caviar! another encredible mare! have a great day zen!oxoxoxox FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Celeste: So sorry to hear of your kitty’s passing, but I know that she had a wonderful life with you and her sister/ or best buddy. Perhaps when the grief has lessened you might consider another furry presence from a rescue group. It’s such a nice thing to honor her by opening your heart and home to a little rescue kitty ( just a suggestion and ONLY, when you feel ready to do so.)
Here is a wonderful story of a lovely rescuer of “groundhogs” or woodchucks and other outdoor critters. Enjoy….http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-groundhog-man-20120130,0,5075130.story?page=1
Z and Tasty – Enjoy a wonderful Tuesday and hope you are feeling grand. We auntie’s/uncles/grannies/nannies are so interested in your every day lives.
@Kennedy’s – Isn’t that Dynaformer something????? Lucky enough to see him at Three Chimney’s too -a few years back. They told us he was “a stinker” sometime. We were invited to stay and observe the “cover” I was so impressed with Three Chimney’s and their personnel. The stallion barn was immaculate and every precaution for safety of mare and stallion was in plce. All went well without incident. Very scientific and extremely sterile. We were able to see Rahy too. Many others including Smarty Jones. All participants, human and horses well behaved and no “off color remarks”. I did feel a lot of sympathy for the mare when she was hobbled though. One could have dined on the floor of that stallion barn. The barn kitty had quite a personality too.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I felt the same way about Three Chimneys. Flower Alley was the one we watched in the breeding shed. I was amazed that they let us in there. They are great.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Barbara, I wonder if we were at Three Chimneys at the same time, right at the end of the season. We saw Flower Alley cover a mare who came and went in what seemed like five minutes.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
That was the year we were there in May. It was ’07. Then we went again in May ’09 but didn’t get to see a breeding that time. Would have been fun, though.
The Kennedys in San Diego
We would love to visit during the breeding season and watch a “cover.” Was Dynaformer the stallion? Understand he is well-endowed and the largest donut must be used. What month was it?
Celeste in TX
Oh, thank you for your kind words. Mojo was a very special kitty who just sort of showed up at our house and decided we would do for her family and that was thirteen years ago. We always felt like we rescued her because she did have some issues so we thought she might have been abused at her former home. At any rate, she was a wonderful cat and I will miss her.
Your visit to Three Chimney’s sounds amazing! I had hoped to go there to see Smarty several years ago, but the tours all filled up before I could make my plans. I learned that it needs to be scheduled plenty of time ahead, but it is still one of the places in KY that I want to see.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Kelim’s Zenyatta
Quote: “A big girl with lots of attitude earned her the name Zenyatta! Zenyatta is a large mare race horse who had an amazing race record. Zenny is the largest girl in her litter, she’s rather a bully too!! We think she’s pretty special.”
I’d take this as a compliment to YOU, Queen Z, except you were NOT a bully :-)))
Eveline / Maryland.
That sure is a performers pedigree! The iditarod is a tough race.
Celeste in TX
How cool! thanks for sharing the link.
JJ from MN
I love husky. There so cute. I own one and her name is Jennifer’s Foxy Roxy but we just call her Roxy.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta My name is Emily and I am so happy about your baby coming. What will you name it? Is it a boy or a girl?
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Emily!! I can see you are just as curious as we are. Mr. and Mrs. Moss did not want to know ahead of time whether a boy or girl. Until the foal is born no body knows!!! What a surprise it will be. They have kept any names a secret for now. What would you like the foal to be named?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Hi Sally I will have Emily answer tomorrow. Thank You : )
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hello, Emily. I am also happy about Zenyatta’s baby. It’s getting very close to time for it to be here. I think it will be beautiful.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Emily. Lovely to see your post. We are all very curious about what they will name Zenyatta’s foal also. I sure they will pick something very special!
Hi, Shari!!!!!!
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
My dear Zenyatta so glad you and TT, are well and together, for a minute I was thinking she was transfer to other place, love you Ingrid.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
I am so happy; Rachel A and her baby is back at home, Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Celestem in TX:
Sorry for the loss of MOJO. Keep remembering all the joy and the bond you had. Hugs, JB
Celeste in TX
Thank you, Judy. She was a very special cat and brought me many years of joy which I know will eventually shine through this sadness I feel today.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
This was probably posted before…
Rachel Alexandra Returns to Stonestreet
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Triple Crown Winner, Sir Barton, Buried In Douglas, Wyoming [VIDEO]
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for this great background on Sir Barton.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Wow! Wow! great link, thanks Ingrid.
Terry Crow
The idea of a horse sweeping these races was unheard of in his time. The term “Triple Crown” came much later and Sir Barton was not feted as the first winner in his lifetime.
sharon in seattle
great link!! thanks – I got sidetracked into about 15 minutes of video on Seabiscuit – sigh!
Terry Crow
if you are to be sidetracked, there could not be a better subject. Truly one of the great horse of all time.
Thanks for the repost; many folks don’t see the first.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks for the link, Judy! When we were at Churchill Downs, I saw Sir Barton’s name among the other greats. A small thing, I know, but I was excited!
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Celeste – I’m so sorry about the loss of your precious Mojo. I know how difficult it is and you’ll always miss him, but it does get easier. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
Celeste in TX
Hi Debbie – thank you for your kinds words. Since I know how we all love Zenyatta I felt this was a good place where I could share my sadness with other caring people. Thank you.
Terry Crow
Celeste-Hopefully the pain will ease and all you will remember are the good and fun times you had with Mojo. It has gotten to that point with my old hound. All I remember now is how she loved me unconditionally.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Celeste- the kind people here got me thru my loss last September, so you’re at the right place. It’s so painful- I hope that part will be bearable and you can think of the joy you had together. Hugs <3