Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
Zenyatta, I am happy to hear that you and your stallmate Tasty are coming along well in your pregnancies. When the pregnancies are followed to their logical conclusion, your foals will be born perfectly healthy and happy and will become perfect friends. So John and Dottie are in Ocala checking on their horses and seeing how they’re doing. I wish them all luck and hope they win tons of races once their training is complete. Look where you are, girl!
Hi Dear Zenyatta, So glad you are doing well and looking forward to being a mom.. Can’t wait to “see” your little one.. I am so excited… I had had a couple of rough days.. was told I had breast cancer, then go to surgeon today and find out.. its not totally positive if I do or not but have to have surgery this Thursday.. Well in prepping in getting all my paperwork last night to go meet the surgeon today.. I ran across a pice of paper I had where I had written down the Mayberry Farm information, with Jean’s, Aprils telephone numbers/farm address… I live within an hour of Ocala (Eustis,FL) and was hoping to call and see if I could visit the farm and watch some training.. I thought I had lost the paper.. Anyway for some reason I had put it in with my Doctor papers last night and when I got home.. going through things it dropped out.. I had just read todays posting… I got this crazy idea.. I said don’t put off the things you really would love to do.. cause you never know if you will get the time/circumstances to do them.. Something just said “Give Mayberry Farm a call… ” I took a chance and did… Ms, Jeanne herself answered I explained who I was, how much I loved you, and how I had hoped to visit the farm oneday… and she said “Come on up.. We start at daybreak and finish about noonish”… So I am so excited I am going up on Wednesday morning to meet your “Mayberry” family and talk alot about you.. in between watching some training, etc… Who knows maybe I will get lucky enough and run into your John and Dottie…. That would be the icing on the cake!!! Your post always lift my spirits so every time I read them… And to get to see your early days stomping grounds the day before surgery is just what I needed….. on special note.. My dog Molly has watched you on my computer and I do believe she has picked up the “Zenyatta” Dance… Especially when she wants a treat…. LOL… So looking forward to meeting your Mayberry Family!!! Take care dear one!!! ooops… ONES!!!
sharon in seattle
have a great visit!!! Your spirits will be soaring as you go into your surgical intervention – that’s great news! all the best to you
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Oh, Catherine! I’m sorry to read about your cancer…. we’ll send good thoughts and prayers to YOU.
If you get to meet JOHN and DOTTIE, you will find them to be the NICEST PEOPLE!! They are very generous; love to speak about Our Queen.
Judy G
Terry Crow
What she says is true, but it also goes for our JAG.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
How very special!!!! Wishing you the best!
Suzanne G (IL)
Wishing the best for you Catherine. So glad you found the Mayberry paper and will have an opportunity to visit and pick up lots of positive energy!
Wonderful! A fun day out with a totally different focus.
Let us know what happens post-op.
Prayers coming your way for a good outcome.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Catherine, hooves are crossed, hoping for good news, I did it twice with good outcomes both times so I’m thinking and sending positive vibes, Enjoy your visit to Mayberry.
Stephanie in San Diego
Catherine…will be praying for you <3
Enjoy Wednesday…sounds like such fun!! Can't wait to read about your visit.
and….even more when you announce that you are cancer free.
God Bless
Doreen in CT
Catherine – enjoy your day at Mayberry Farm. Wishing you the very best on your surgery and a positive outcome.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Have a great time at Mayberry, Catherine. And best of luck with your surgery.
Abigail from Montreal
Catherine: I am SO EXCITED for you! And your “urge” to call the Mayberrys is a perfect way to combat your worries. You are one STRONG woman. HUGS!
Marty R / Colorado
Catherine, I’m so happy you found that paper and made the call to the Mayberry Training Center. I just know you will have a wonderful time there. I hope you get to meet John and Dottie.
Best wishes regarding your surgery. Prayers for a good outcome.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Catherine, I am sorry to hear about your current health scare, but I will be thinking nothing but postive thoughts that everything will turn out fine. You will be in my prayers!!! I have often talked about the magic of Z-love. It seems to touch our lives in miraculous ways when we least expect it. To have the information for Mayberry tucked into the papers for your doctor is just amazing. I know your visit will be fantastic and very healing for your soul!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it! Enjoy every moment and please let us know how you are doing. We will be here for you every step of the way!!!!! Love and hugs, Dawn
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend some time putting the “uncertainty” aside. Prayers and best wishes for a good outcome on Thursday.
I haven’t heard of Eustis FL in years, but when I was in college, a classmate and I used to travel (by bus) from Ohio to Eustis to visit her grandmother who lived in Mt. Dora! I’m sure the bus went through Ocala, but I don’t remember much. NOW I know that there are all of these horse training facilities. My sister and brother-in-law live in DeLand so maybe I will get to see the area sometime in the future when I visit them.
@ Sandy.. I am on the Mt Dora side of Eustis… only 5 minutes away from downtown Mt. Dora.. There are still quite a few farms in Ocala.. BUT not like the haydays of the 60’s, 70’s 80’s and 90’s… Especially the ones that back up onto I-75.. I always loved going through there on the way to my grandparents farm and to college.. Was a absolutely beautiful drive… It would be horses all the way down both sides except were woods were… Now it is sad to go through that way… more broken down farms up for sale.. and few horses.. Hope you get to see it one day.. Take care and thanks for the good wishes..
Deborah Richman
Catherine, your finding that piece of paper was more than a coincidence I’m sure. What an amazing and wonderful time you are going to have!
And I am sending hugs, love, and positive thoughts your way for the best possible outcome to your surgery.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Catherine H.:
Wishing you all the best. Have a wonderful time visiting the Mayberry farm. Hugs, JB
We’ll put you on the prayer list too. It sounds like you are going to have a really wonderful Wednesday and I am so glad for you!
Good Luck with your surgery; it is a good thing to be sure.
Diana Stuart
@Catherine Hicks: Many on this site can attest that Zenyatta and anything related to her is great therapy for clobbering cancer and other health issues! All of our thoughts will be with you (but we’re jealous too for your visit to Mayberry) and we look forward to a positive update from you. Your positive attitude rocks!
diastu in tempe
Marshall (in NC)
Wishing you nothing but good news and hoping all goes well. Having gone through the breast cancer surgery 12 years ago, I know what you are going through. My tumor had not spread into surrounding tissue or gone to the lymphatic system so I was/am very fortunate. Will be thinking of you and sending you prayers for a quick recovery.
Take care!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Catherine you are in my prayers. I will be praying very hard for a good outcome for you I hope you have a wonderful time at Mayberry. I want to go there too. i am only about 2 1/2 hours from Ocala, north of there. I just absolutely love the area. I am going to the Ocala Breeders Sales in March have you ever been there? The sales are just great. Such beautiful horses. Did you know that Barbaro and his siblings were trained in Ocala at Stephens thourouhbreds. If you ever get to the sales be sure and check out the Thoroughbred Clubs Cake sale. Delicious. I also want to visit Stonewall Farm, Leroidesanimaux is there. Such a beautiful Stallion and I believe Animal Kingdoms Dad. First Dudehas also gone to Fla, also, I think he may be at Stonewall, too just not possitive on him but I know he’s in Ocala. They are working on getting top notch Stallions for the Fla mares. Only thing about visiting the stallions is that the breeding sheds are opening and some want let you visit at this time
Catherine God Speed and again have a wonderful time at Mayberry.
Dotty and John have a wonderful time.
Love You All, Peggy
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dear Catherine,
I will be thinking of you. Isn’t that amazing that the Mayberry’s info paper fell out of your medical papers! Just what you needed! Have fun and let us know how you are doing! <3
Celeste in TX
Isn’t it called serendipity when something like that – the paper with the info on the training center falling out of other papers- at a time when you needed a brighter spot? I may be just going off on a tangent, but any way…I am so glad to read that you found the training center info and made that call. What a wonderful pre-operation prepping for your soul – a visit to Zenyatta’s old training place and a chance to see young horses in the sunshine. My good thoughts, best wishes and prayers go to you for a safe surgery with a successfull, cancer free outcome.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Catherine Nicks; Good luck to you with your upcoming surgery. I will pray all is benign.
Have fun at the Mayberry Farm!! I will be down in March and wanted to get to Ocala around the 13th & 14th. Could you drop me a line with Mayberry’s phone no.?? (I suppose I may find it on internet but wasn’t sure. Keep positive Catherine.
Thanks for all the well wishes!! Here is the info on the Farm:
Mayberry Farm
9500 North US 27
Ocala, FL 34482
Farm Telephone: 352-732-2914
Cell #: 352-208-8502 Not sure which Mayberry the cell phone is for: Jean, or one of the daughters, April or Summer… Call Farm Telephone first…
Thanks again!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thank you for the info Catherine. Hooves crossed for you with a prayer.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Catherine, I’m getting to your post a day late, but wish to send you best wishes for a fabulous time on Wedneday at the Mayberrys’ and every success with your surgery on Thursday. You go, girl! High hoof!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Catherine – I hope you have a wonderful visit at Mayberry. It sounds like it will be a very special time. Positive thoughts going to you from Southern California regarding your surgery.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
@Catherine – Have a wonderful time at Mayberry, and be refreshed for your surgery. Two of my friends have had breast cancer surgery in the last month, and both went better than their worries.
Sue Colvin -NJ
i hope you had fun the the farm <3
i pray that the surgery will go well & smoothly so that there are no more problems in the future.
Was anyone else impressed with Awesome Feather as much as I was? Could the sport have a new Royal Member? I think AF will carry the torch Queen Z lit to the up-most of her abilities and I forsee a perfect season. Anyone else?
sharon in seattle
very impressed!! Perhaps AF follows in the royal footsteps – she certainly has given every indication – let’s keep our eyes open and our hooves crossed!!
Terry Crow
If Awesome Feather continues as she has been, the owners and trainer will have a problem as to whether to enter her in the Kentucky Derby or the Kentucky Oaks.
Awesome Feather is four I think now…she doesn’t qualify anymore, but I see why you would say that. :)
Terry Crow
Pati-I stand corrected. Thank you for your post.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I too, LOVE Awesome Feather. Been following her since the first time I saw her run Kentucky Derby weekend last year.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
I have followed AF since her 2 yr season. I just love this pretty girl and wow, she was sooo very impressive in this last race. I hope that she stays sound, healthy and happy and continues on her streak!!
Mary Jo/Davie, Fl
I am a HUGE fan of Awesome Feather! I have a picture of her in the winner’s circle at Calder (Oct 2010 – her last race there) on the wall of my cubicle at work. I saw her win the Juv Filly BC the following month – went to the BC to see Zenyatta, and AF’s win was an added treat. She’s been in my Virtual Stable since 2010. I was so thrilled to see her at Gulfstream on Saturday. The crowd loved her too. She has a lot of fans down here. I had forgotten what a little thing she is. I just love her!
BTW, she has a FB page.
Celeste in TX
Yes. Awesome Feather has star quality and I’ve been very impressed with her so far, but I still just can’t get my heart around another horse right now that has the excitement of watching our Queen, Zenyatta. I keep hoping some one else will come along that will thrill me almost as much, but so far it hasn’t happened. I’m just too spoiled by the memories of joy that watching Zenyatta’s racing brought to me – lol!
Darlene Daniels
Celeste, No one (other horse) will ever replace Zenyatta for me, but because of her I have learned to appreciate the talent, beauty, and “specialness” of other horses, I may have never noticed if not for Z and this website.
Kelly J. /ND
It`s great to hear that you and Tasty are doing so well XOXOXOXO!
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Congrats to MMM, Awesome Feather, Black Cavier and Algorithms! Another lovely colt by your Bernie!
A week without any updates? Ugh, how will we survive? LOL
Safe trip to your John and Dottie and looking forward to pics of the 2 yr olds in training. I’m so happy to hear that Rachel and her colt will be home soon! Sigh of relief!
Glad you mentioned Bernie.
Here is a comment by Steve Haskins
One Bernardini (Algorithms) loved the sealed track and two Bernardinis (Consortium and Casual Trick) hated it. Go figure.
Isn’t that the truth; I believe Bernardini won the 2006 Preakness in the slop.
TOO CUTE; counting all the Bernies; they are all different.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
On a side note.. Remember my friend Freddie who was attacked? Here’s what occured Sunday! There was a fund raiser for him ..
I could not believe how many people showed up to pay tribute to our Friend! At any given time, there had to be 300+ there (we got there at 1:45pm and it lasted until 5pm). There were huge groups outside because, they couldn’t get inside. People that were driving by stopped to ask what was going on and they would come and participate as well. It was like a sardine can, nowhere to move! Five current Council Members showed up, past Council Members, Mayor, Merchants etc. They sold almost 200 Steak Dinners at $10 a pop and they even ran out of steak at one point. Before we left, it was announced that over $12K was raised yesterday alone! I’m sure by the end of last night, it will be close to $20K! It’s so amazing how the community came together to help support Fred and not just Fred but, coming together as an entire community for a specific cause! A merchant came through with cowboy (straw) hats to sell at $10 a pop. Cindy and I bought ours and then, sold the rest that they had. Which was about 30 and that all went to the fund as well.
Then, drum roll please……. Guess who dropped by!!?!?!! Freddie!!!!!
I could not believe my eyes!!! After everything he’s gone through, he looked pretty darn good! I also got to meet his Sister who lives in Texas. As far as I know, there were no mis-haps. Even with the huge crowd, everyone seemed to get along and be respectful.
It is a wonderful thing when the community unites!
Now, the true healing begins and I’m sure that Freddie will be just fine!
Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughtful wishes, they are paying off!
Heidi, Missed the original story. I’m a late comer. But, what a positve outcome. Keta
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Keta…. About a week and a half ago, Fred was walking home, was mugged and beat with a baseball bat. Shattered part of his skull and had to have a titanium plate put in. Then, his brain swelled more and they had to do another surgery. They were afraid that he would loose his left eye too but, they were able to save it. He also has 4 broken ribs. The severity of the beating is ruled as a Hate Crime more than just a mugging.
When I saw him yesterday, I was shocked and so happy at the same time and was afraid to hug him too tight! He left the party/fund raiser early to go have the staples taken out of his head. But, it was such a relief to see him in the flesh! Even if he has a little hitch in his giddy up! :)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wow- I can’t believe Fred is out and about! That’s wonderful! So glad people pulled togther.
Sue Colvin -NJ
wow. glad he’s ok now. or doing better i should say.
i’ll keeppraying for healing<3
Kimberly Potter/Montana
That is wonderful news about Fred. Thanks for the update!
Debbie G/Kentucky
That’s wonderful news Heidi! I’ve been thinking about Fred and wondering how he was doing. Thanks so much for the update!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Heidi, that is absolutely amazing!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful news!!
Jan S. / Houston
So glad to hear about Freddie. Miracles do happen.
Deborah Richman
Heidi this is wonderful news!!! Thank you for updating us. May his healing continue :)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Heidi K
So glad your friend, Freddie, is doing so well. Hugs, JB
Celeste in TX
Good news, Heidi! Thanks for sharing with us.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Heidi–thanks for the uplifting report!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Yes, the power of pray really works. What a great story with a pretty good happy ending. Hope Fred has a full recovery.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
That’s fantastic, Heidi! High hoof to Fred, and to you and the Vallejo community! Well done!
Marilu V
Dear Zeny:
Glad to hear you and Tasty are doing fine. I will be out of the country again as I had sad news this morning. My mom passed away. I was blessed to see her and family for the New Year although she has been in Intensive Care since December 25. I will fly back to the Philippines tomorrow and be with the family for ten days. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Marilu
Marilu, my deepest sympathy. Safe trip. Keta
Eveline / Maryland.
Marilu, my condolences. Hope you have a safe trip.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Marilu, so sorry for your loss. Have a safe trip.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Condolences to you and your family Marilu. Have a safe journey.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Marilu – I’m so sorry for your loss. Mother’s are so special – she will always be with you in SPIRIT. My sincere condolences… {{HUGS}}}
Judy G
sharon in seattle
safe trip Marilu and my sincere condolences
Stephanie in San Diego
Marilu …so very sorry for your loss. Have a safe trip and you and your family will be in our prayers.
My prayers are with you at this most difficult time.
Doreen in CT
Marilu – my condolences to you and your family. Have a safe trip. My thoughts are with you through this most difficult time.
carol in utah
so sorry for your loss….prayers go out to you and your family
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
My sincere condolences on your loss.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry about your mother, Marilu.
Abigail from Montreal
Marilu: My condolences to you and your family. I will be thinking of you. Hugs, Abigail
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I am so sorry for you loss Marilu…..may you find peace and comfort while being surrounded by your family….take care of yourself.
Love and Hugz
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sincere condolences to you and your family Marilu. Have a safe trip. Hope you have some healing time with your family in the Philippines.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Marilu, I am very sorry for your loss, there are no words. It was wonderful that you did get to spend some time with mother recently. Travel safely, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Love and hugs, Dawn
Marty R / Colorado
My condolences to you, Marilu at the loss of your mother. May you and your family draw peace and comfort from each other. Safe travels.
Jan S. / Houston
My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your mother.
Deborah Richman
Marilu, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Have a safe trip, and know that there are lots of us here who will be thinking of you in your loss.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marilu:
So sorry for your loss. Love and Hugs, JB
Our sympathy goes with you during your journey.
Diana Stuart
@Marilu: I am so sad to hear of your mom’s passing. I am thankful you were able to spend time with her over New Years. I’d give my right arm to have my mom back – so many things to share with her! You and your family are in my thoughts.
diastu in tempe
Terry Crow
Marilu-I share Diana S’s sentiments. You were fortunate to be able to spend the time with her over New Year’s. Try to remember the good times. As long as you remember your mother, she is not gone.
Marshall (in NC)
Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. Have a safe trip to the Philippines All our thoughts and prayers go with you. Hugs.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Marilu- so sorry for your loss. Be safe. <3
Celeste in TX
Oh, I am so sorry for your loss.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
My deepest sympathy to you & the rest of your family. I think of my mother often, even though it has been over 3 yrs now. Some how, she will still be with you.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Marilu – My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Have a safe trip.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Condolences, Marilu, to you and your family. Go with God.
Sue Colvin -NJ
you have my condolenses marilu.
may your mother rest in peace now :)
hugs/prayers <3
sue and tony
Hi Zenny, we’re glad to hear you and TT had a wonderful weekend. So YOUR John is going to see the babies at the training center. It must bring fond memories of your time with the Mayberrys…they surely set you on the right path to a wonderful life.
Stay happy and enjoy these next few weeks before your little Z/B arrives. Tell your Dottie how much we appreciate her attention to this diary. So many of us would be lost without a Zenny fix during the day.
Carole #42 Eagle, Wisconsin
Kinberly, praying for your friend and her son.
Catherine, prayers to you to at this difficult time.
Zenyatta and TT, what are we going to do not hearing from you for a week? Love to the both of you and your foals and kiss each and every night on your soft noses.XOXO
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Glad to see I have a fellow Zenny fan living so close
Hi Zenny, You and TT seem to know how to relax and enjoy life. Good for you! Thanks for letting us know that your John and Dottie will be seeing the babies at the training center. John must be so proud of them all…after all he is the best trainer EVER in our eyes.
Tomorrow begins a new month for you with the anticipation that March brings little Z/B to your side. What an awesome Mom you will be. I can’t wait to see the first pictures of you two!
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
I was just checking our local newspaper and, on the cover is my pal, my buddy, Freddie talking with his dear friend, Carl outside of the tavern Sunday. Since so many of the dumplings prayed and lit candles for him, I thought it would be cool for you to put a face to the Man you’re thoughtfullness helped! Here’s the link…
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m thrilled that Fred is doing so well! I was going to write you a post and ask how he was doing. He’s been on my mind. What wonderful news!
Marty R / Colorado
Heidi, This is such a “feel good” report both about your friend, Fred, and the community as a whole. To realize he has come so far in about a week’s time is astonishing to me. Now, if the authorities can just find the person responsible for the harm to Fred, he and the community can feel safe again.
What a story! He is lucky to be alive.
All for a cell phone and an empty wallet.
Heidi Kruckenberg (vallejo, ca)
Zenny, see this is one reason this site is so special! We can come here and gather as a group to support those in need, whether two legged or 4 legged. When, I found out about my Friend, I was able to get support from the Dumplings and all of their prayers, well wishes, candle lighting, I believe made a Huge difference in my Friend’s well being. There is soo much love and understanding here and that’s all because, You, Queen, showed us the way! YOU brought us all together.
Marshall (in NC)
Great news about Fred! All the Best!
So glad Fred is doing well. Have seen so many assault victims even recovery is
not very pretty. Fred looks great !!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for this great news, Heidi. Please give our best to Fred as he continues forward.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Heidi, how wonderful to see him up and around! Never underestimate the power of prayer!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Heidi, thank you for putting a face to a name. I am so glad that Fred is recovering. Loved your post, I agree, Zenny’s diary site is an amazing place made up of remarkable individuals!!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi sweet Zenny, Dottie, Tasty, Babies & Zen-sters:
What a fun time YOUR JOHN and YOUR DOTTIE will have in Ocala! I can’t wait to see the photos of these 4-legged dumplings in future diaries. Glad to see both you and Tasty too. Even though you’re both at a distance, you do look fit and that coat is unmistakably gleaming! It’s all getting SO EXCITING, Zenny….as Brenda S. says, only tonight and Tuesday night and then we’re all in to FULL-BLOWN FOAL WATCH! I’m sure, too, that you’re keeping up on news about Rachel and her little fellow, and share our happiness that they will be home by tomorrow. Peppermint kisses from me, Big Girl. I love you.
@ ALL: Does anyone have any news about OUR KARI, CYNTHIA H. and/or SUSAN in TN? Each day without them I worry….and then worry some more. If you are checking in, Zenster siblings, but unable to write, my thoughts are with each of you. I miss you & I love you. Sending you SERIOUS HUGS!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’ve been wondering the same thing (and ditto re worrying). I’ll add my thoughts and prayers if any of you are checking in.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, our Susan posted above, but I have not heard anything from Kari or Cynthia H. I pray that everything is well with them both!!
Stephanie in San Diego
Abigail, I am right there with you. So glad Susan is back…but have been afraid to ask. So have just been praying that everyone is ok.
Deborah Richman
Abigail, I have been wondering about Kari and Cynthia too. Have been thinking of them a lot and hoping they are ok.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Abigail- thank you for thinking of me and our other Zenster siblings. I am doing better. I truly hope Kari and Cynthia are okay. What a family this is!
Terry Crow
Susan-You are definitely missed when you don’t post. BTW, how is my man Chester?
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Terry! Your man Chester IS the Man! He is doing great! I posted an update on his Facebook page today, along with some pictures I took yesterday. He is so smart and funny- and a great communicator! If you don’t do FB (Chester and Friends), I’d be glad to email you some photos. My email is: carothers.susan@yahoo.com. I could send them to someone else to forward to you, also(?).
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Abilgail, strangely enough yesterday I was thinking of them too as well at Patti (N). But I did read a post from Patti a day or so ago.
Darlene Daniels
I could be mistaken but it seems as if Kari and Cynthia H went missing about the same time John and Dottie may have left for Florida. Could they all be together? What fun would that be. Hope all is well. Z, do you know something we dont know??
Terry Crow
It would indeed be wonderful if it is so. Hope we hear something soon.
Abigail from Montreal
@ALL. Rachel & her foal are back home!
HIGH HOOF, right Zenny?
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Joan Walls
Beautiful Zenny! What a gorgeous day in the Bluegrass! I hope that you and Tasty were able to romp a little out in the paddock. The foal watch will soon be on! Take care! Love and hugs!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Hi Z Family. I will also pray for Eli. I am so happy for Fred. May God continue Blessings on both.
@ Today in school APPLES for ZENYATTA !!!! Children loved it. I even let 5th period eat them in class. It does not hurt and they can eat and work. It helps them focus.
@ Z Family have a good day tomorrow.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Thank you Shari Voltz….Eli needs all the prayers he can get.
Marshall (in NC)
Thoughts and prayers sent for you, your friend and her son, Eli. Take care and all the best. Hugs.
Mary Copelin
I was grateful to know that RA and her baby are back at Stonestreet Farms. I hope they are truly okay. However, I thought the news blackout regarding her condition was unfortunate.
It serves as a stark reminder of how incredible and rare Dottie and the Mosses are in terms of their willingness to be open in sharing significant news about the Queen and all of the other horses in their care.
As Zsters and horse lovers, we are blessed to have such openness.
There might have been nothing to tell; the bloodhorse article said no one could name
a treatment they did to her; maybe she did not even get any medication and had
a trying first 6 days; a fiesty colt 6 days postpartum may not be the easiest thing
to deal with and the first time yet. !!!!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Hello my beautiful love!! I am so glad that “all is well” with you and lovely Tasty. How wonderful that Penny Chenery enjoyed her birthday messages. It was such a joy to write a greeting for her, she is loved by so many fans around the world!!!! I enjoyed the racing this weekend. It is so exciting to start to see some of the three year olds making their debute, everything is building up to the first Saturday in May. Yippee!!! How fun that John and Dottie are off to Florida to visit the youngsters at Mayberry and the Harris Training Center. I wish them a wonderful, safe trip. It will be great to see some of the pictures John takes while they are there. So many dreams, so many possibilities!! Sending my love to you Zenny!!! Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOO
Can’t wait to give my plushie a big hug for you my love!! TOO CUTE!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I am very happy that Rachel and her foal are back at Stonestreet. Everyone is taking such marvelous care of them both and it is lovely to hear what a great mother she is!!!
Paula Higgins
Have a wondrful trip Dottie and John! I hope all the 2 year olds are in fine form and healthy. Zenny and Tasty keep eating for 2 and keep warm in this cold weather. Very glad Rachel and her boy are doing well now. Can’t wait for The Queen’s foal. It will be great fun watching these youngsters grow up.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. It is just wonderful seeing you and Tasty in the paddock – I really missed seeing her by your side. So glad to hear that Rachel and baby will be going back home. Congrats to Black Caviar (just ordered her t-shirt), Awesome Feather and all of the wonderful horses that raced this weekend. I am sorry but I love Hansen and was so upset he did not win; the track was horrendous and he did bobble a bit at the start, next time. Can’t wait to get my plushie – yea! Love you gorgeous mommy to be; please stay toasty and comfortable, you and Tasty eat well for two and just enjoy each other. Looking so forward to seeing your babies playing together. Will you stay in the same paddock? Love you Angels.
Elizabeth in NM
YOU and Tasty look so serene and happy! Counting the days! Much love to You and Tasty and everyone there at Lanes End – They take such good care of you.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Welcome Barbara – It’s a wonderful, supportive family here in Z nation. To all of you facing challenges and sadness in your families at this time, my sympathies and prayers for all of you. We are with you in spirit.
I look forward to giving my Z plushie a hug when it arrives.
I was hoping to see Hansen come in; but Bernardini’s son sure did a great job. Track looked scary when I watched the replay.
Yeah Awesome Feather! I too, have watched her since a 2 year old. Go little girl, you remind us of another beautiful lady.
Does anyone know when Rachel Alexandra’s colt will be named? Or when the name will be announced?
Zenyatta, you always look so content in your pictures. You have a wonderful life; you deserve it.
Enjoying all your posts and can’t wait to hear the news of your foal’s birth.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
ELI Update: He is still stable and fighting!! He is not conscious but has body movement and twitching which is a good sign of brain activity. He had an MRI and does have brain damage to the right side of his brain, but the left is still alive!!! The swelling in his brain is the most important/dangerous issue right now. It is a waiting game to watch Eli fight and heal himself!!! Send out all of that love and strength!!!! Fight Eli!!
Deborah Richman
Deeply praying for him right now, Kimberly….
Keeping Eli in my heart and prayers.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Prayers going for Eli <3
Kim S in Tampa FL
Kimberly, sorry so late in posting still trying to catch up, sending more thoughts and prayers to Eli. Also to you, as a wonderul friend and your vigil for your friend.
Lotsa love
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
You both look comfy and content in today’s photo. Both so beautiful. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Dear Zenny,
Sure hope you had a wonderful relaxing day. Mine was tooo very hectic and crazy so it is so good to come on this site for some peace, solance and wonderful company and friendship. Love the races this weekend; so sorry Hansen did not win, but it seems hard for the 2 years olds to stay on top as a 3 year old and some mature more quickly than others so they are at so many levels. Think he might have ran too fast for a while like a two year old during the race (22 1/4); he is so very cute. I hope he can go the distance. Am really excited about seeing Union Rags soon, too. Sorry about Rumor,Mikey said she did not show up and she did it in a very tricky fashion and let everyone think that she was. You horses can trick us sometime and even some of the best of us like your trainers.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta – Great article about your “Bernie” and his Pop AP INDY….http://cs.bloodhorse.com/blogs/hammertime/archive/2012/01/30/2011s-Top-Commercial-Sires.aspx
Great link Delrene; so glad AP Indy produced a son to carry on his great
legacy; TOO BAD he de throned STREET CRY, who I also love very much.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Delrene, thanks for the post, I loved it. He is the man!! I am so glad Lane’s End is keeping him there in his original stall. They sure love him.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Delrene, great info on our man AP!!
Dear Zenny,
You are both “mowing the lawn” in the photo. Tasty does look like she is getting
round, rounder than you, but I think that is because she is a beautiful grey.
So glad your Bernie’s boy Algorithm won this week end. What a talented and
mature Bernardini colt; Bernie had some two year old problems and did not run, but
his “dad” AP Indy ran like the wind as a two year old.
High Hoof to your “dad” and his son who broke his maiden in Zenny style, with those very long Street Cry strides. He is very gorgeous, big, muscular and hopefully as talented as the two of you.
Sweet Dreams.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
So glad you’re back. Very funny jokes. Thanks. Hugs, JB
This a TOO CUTE photo of a foal in the ICU at Rood and Riddle hospital;
he is loving his bed of straw and looks good.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Poor little thing. I wonder what happened to her?
Dear Laura J;
I think this foal is a “grower”; the ICU’s are filled with them; babies/foals that
are healthy but may not be getting enough milk or growing quickly enough.
Soon he will be big and strong; he is sooo very cute in his beautiful
straw bed.
This is a video of a very new foal; mom is cleaning him and he is squeaking.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Awwww, adorable! Love the little squeak.
The Kennedys in San Diego
That little squeak is beyond TOO CUTE!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
SO CUTE. What a darling little baby. His Mom wants him up.
sue and tony
Now this is just “too cute”.
I missed the comment from Rood and Riddle Hospital:
They said it was the foals first bath; and that is true.