Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
My thoughts are with Rachel Alexandra and baby. I’m sure they take every precaution but I’ll be glad when she is back home!
Congrats to Black Caviar and MMM! Also- Awesome Feather and Algorithms, although I was pulling for Hansen in that one.
@JAG: Glad you got to meet Elena and hope she is doing better.
carol in utah
I think Hansen will be back….and win
Terry Crow
Agree. Hansen had not raced since the Breeder’s Cup and will be much tighter for his next race. The horse that beat him was in tip top racing condition.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Ah- didn’t realize that!
Stephanie in San Diego
I thought Hansen looked like he had mature quite a bit physically over the past few months. Which is to be expected during this growing time, but sometimes the physical changes can take a little adjusting to as well. I agree with Terry…next race Hansen should be back.
But you gotta love the way the Bernardini’s are showing up…book ends to Hansen that day.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Susan!!!! It is always wonderful to hear from you!!!! Hugs!!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Dawn! I appreciate it! I just can’t seem to stay caugh up and want to- I miss everyone. Hope you are well! Hugs back to you <3
Wonderful to “hear” from you!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, DMCQ! <3 and hugs!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Susan–so glad to see you back!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Barbara! I’m glad to be back, even in a small way. Miss you guys. Looks like Texas had some rain recently- I always think of you! <3 and hugs!
Hansen was definately not at mature as the winner; running a quarter in 22 shows
he is still not settling very well.
Lisa in TN
John and Dottie have a safe and productive trip. Hopefully the weather will be wonderful. Zenyatta time is ticking and waiting is hard on us. I can imagine your people are getting anixious also. Have a wonderful week all.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ You are such an inspiration to me. Glad to know you and Tasty are doing well. Any other way will just not do…. Looking forward to hearing about your John and Dottie’s trip to Ocala. How exciting!
Zenyatta and ALL Z’sters~ I got some extremely bad news on Friday. My best friend since highschool’s son suffered a blood clot on his brain, which in turn caused a stroke. He is 31 years old and lives in Hawaii. Yesterday morning, they were told that he had no brain activity…… I am asking that you pray for a miracle…..
I know how strong Z’sters can rally…..thank you from the bottom of my heart!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Sending good thought and prayers for your dear friend!
Judy G
Darlene Daniels
I will be praying and holding good thoughts.
many, many prayers coming to you for your dear friend
Carol in Georgia
Kimberly, I am a strong believer in the power of God to heal, and will be praying for your friend.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Kimberly: My thoughts are with you, your best friend and your best friend’s son.
Maryp (New York)
Kimberly, I am praying to God for your friend’s son to pull through this serious condition and to help the family as well. I too am a strong believer in the healing power of prayer. Blessings to you also.
Praying for your Kimberly.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Positive thoughts and very best wishes from Canada.
Jan S. / Houston
Lots of prayers for your friend.
Abigail from Montreal
Kimberly: I’m praying for a miracle. Hugs, Abigail
sharon in seattle
my heart and prayers go out to you, your friend and her son
Marty R / Colorado
Raising positive thoughts and prayers for your friend and her family.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
THANK YOU ALL so much…. I knew I could count on you. UPDATE: They have taken Eli out of the medically induced coma. He is not breathing on his own nor has he woken up yet. This time is critical, to see what he can do on his own.
Love and Hugz, please continue the prayers. I will keep you posted as I learn new things.
Doreen in CT
Positive thoughts are coming Eli’s way from Connecticut.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m praying for Eli.
Deborah Richman
Praying for a miracle for Eli….healing, positive thoughts coming his way.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kimberly Potter:
Praying for Eli. Love and Hugs, JB
Diana Stuart
@Kimberly: My thoughts are with you and your friends. Please let them know how many of us are swirling super positive karma in their direction.
diastu in tempe
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Kimberly- prayers and positive thoughts for your friend and her son <3
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Kimberly healing prayers are being sent from me in Wisconsin!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Kimberly, Praying hard for Eli.
Terry Crow
Prayers coming from California.
Thoughts & prayes are with you at this very difficult time.
Stephanie in San Diego
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kimberly, how very sad, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be with you both!!
Oh Kim! I am so sorry! Certainly you and your friend and his family will be remembered in my prayers. I’m sure that many of us will be accepting your request!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Praying with you for your dear one. I know you will keep us posted. Hugs.
Celeste in TX
Good thoughts, prayers and best wishes for your friend’s young son.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I am praying right now for this 31 year old son.
Sue Colvin -NJ
this is a little late but i will pray that he gets better/healed. may god’s will be done. hugs <3
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Zenyatta some of my other classes are asking about you. Tyler is from 4th Period. He is a horsey boy. We are going to eat apples in honor of you. A good idea from Margaret
We love you Zenyatta. We are all excited for the baby. Hugs and Kisses, Mrs. Voltz, Homeroom 215 and 4th Period. XXXOOO
Terry Crow
Perhaps you can encourage Tyler to post. A good teacher like you can accomplish much. It is always good to see a post from you.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Terry Thank You. I will encourage Tyler to post on his free time. He has come along way with his behavior since being introduced to the Power of the Horse :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How fantastic that Tyler is doing so well. Your students are so lucky to have you in their lives, sweetie!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Hi, Shari! I’m a big believer in he power of the horse- big surprise :) Lucky kids! <3
Always love to “hear” from you about your students and from your students. Tyler makes us smile with his interests in Zenyatta.
Lovely picture of you and Tasty! Just about one more month to go, now! We are all eagerly awaiting the Big Day!
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Zenyatta,
Can’t wait for Your John to bring back pics from Florida and the training barns. The babies are such fun to watch as they learn to become true race horses! I’m sure you remember all that schooling so well!
It’s wonderful to hear that both You and Tasty are doing so well and how nice that the two of you get to share each step of this new motherhood thing together. You girls will be bonded for life! :)
Hope your week is starting out well and that you have nice weather to graze and meander around the paddock.
Love and kisses,
Susie Cartwright
As always I was glad to hear from you today. I still love you. SC
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Hi Zenny,
Haven’t written for awhile, but always continue to read. Winter is a quiet time around our household. Love seeing the pics of you & Tasty. Most of the country has been blessed with mild weather so far this winter. I have heard the phrase “winter draught” used around here. Not good. Lack of ample moisture in the ground for planting. We’ll have to wait & see. Meanwhile, we can all enjoy or deal with whatever Mother Nature chooses to share with us. Prayers & love to RA as well. She looks like a great big hug (((( )))) wouldn’t hurt. Beginning baby countdown calendar for you & Tasty. By the away, which team as your support this weekend? Giants???!!!!!
Peace & Love
Happy Monday to you and Tasty!! You both look fabulous!!
Patty in NYC
Bloodhorse reports that Rachel and her colt are fine. They will return to Stonestreet today or tomorrow.
Sorry reposted from the bottom up.
Dallas from Texas
Good morning baby girl. Sorry for I have not wriiten in a while. I’m really getting excited as we draw closer to your big day. You have a wonderful week. I love you baby girl.
Jamie Smith
Safe travels to Dottie and John…. Enjoy your “lazy” time Zenyatta, for soon you will be very busy taking care of your new baby. Love YOU!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Z– you and Tasty are looking good. Hope YOUR Dottie and John have a great time and a safe trip.
So glad to hear that Rachel is better. It absolutley breaks my heart that foals are born every day and very, very few receive the love and care that our Z. does. She should be the norm and not the exception. Wish I could have been there when our Money was born somewhere in Oklahoma.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi Barbara,
Does this mean that you HAVE a horse?? If yes, I must have missed that (but then I missed a lot of things there for a while). How cool! Hmmm – how far is it from Cleveland to Waco? LOL
Terry Crow
Cleveland and Waco are on different planets.
Definately unless you are talking about Cleveland, Texas and Waco, Texas
there are some similarities there.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I beg your pardon???????? Somehow I think this isn’t working in favor of Cleveland :-)
Terry Crow
Cleveland-One of our great cities. It has major league reams in all sports, a great river running by, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, great museums and just about the best of everything. Waco-The Baylor Bears. If anything, Waco is the loser.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m sure you meant major league “teams” (although “reams” isn’t entirely inappropriate given our losing history in EVERY sport). And now we have Kyrie Irving from my favorite basketball school, Duke. Maybe things will start to turn around.
This turned out better than I was expecting – thank you :-) And don’t forget, Waco has Barbara Wood!
Do you have any “you might be a relative of a redneck” jokes? There’s my . . um . . er . . nephew . . .
Terry Crow
You are correct. It should have been teams. I will work on relatives of rednecks jokes. And, indeed, Waco has Barbara Wood. We don’t have a charter member from Ohio as of yet. Would you be interested?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hmmm . . . my first thought was that northeast Ohio is a bit . . . well . . . “north” for a chapter, but then I remembered the chapters in Wisconsin and Canada which are even MORE “north” – perhaps its more a state of mind rather than geography . . . so . . sure!
I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio; and at one time it was called
“the mistake on the lake” and the Cuyahoga river, which runs through
the middle of Cleveland where all of the Steel plants used to “live”
frequently caught on fire.
Things have definately changed, but it is still a blue collar town like Detroit
and Chicago; with a wonderful ARTY district.
There are no rednecks in Cleveland, Ohio;
but Cleveland, Texas is another story.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Sign . .
I’ve been here through it ALL (and remember, we both went to CWRU :-). It definitely has gotten better – lots of rebuilding where slums used to be, but still lots of problems. The latest “to do” is that a new Innerbelt Bridge is being built, and once that’s done, they are planning to take down the original (already deemed unsafe) and build a second (so one bridge for eastbound and another for westbound). The state dept of transportation has just announced that they won’t really have the money to even START the second bridge for maybe 10 years!!! Everyone is in an uproar – especially the poor merchants and restaurant owners on the near west side (Tremont etc) who have been counting on better access sooner than the distant future.
Marty R / Colorado
I spent seven of my “formative years” in the Cleveand area. Four were in Rocky River and three were in Lakewood. I was a happy kid, even swam in Lake Erie. Yes, it was ok to get in the water waaay back then. Euclid Beach amusement park was the highlight of the summer.
Terry Crow
Your post has encouraged many closet Clevelanders to respond, including charter members of the club. You are, therefore, designated president of the Ohio chapter.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Marty R
I grew up in Lakewood!!!! (Go Rangers!!). What a small world! Now we have to find out what part of the city “Sign” is from. Hope we hear from her.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
@Kimberly Potter- I am SO sorry about your dear friend!! I certainly shall pray for a miracle. How tragic to have such a thing happen at such an early age!! Hope he had done a lot of “adventuring” and had done a lot of things he loved. Things like this surely make us realize how much we need to treasure each and every day and do things which bring us joy!!
Speaking of things that bring us joy,I got to go see Casey on Saturday–he is looking so great and is always so happy to have company–especially when the company is bearing goodies!!He loves his apples and pears!! Didn’t taqke watermelon this time,but I will soon. It’s like buying truffles this time of year,but he is so cute when he tastes it. His hair is getting so long,since it has been below zero some days here.I keep telling him that I’m going to start braiding it,if it gets any longer!!
Saw “The Descendents” this weekend–what a great movie! Last weekend,I saw “Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy” and it had such a convoluted plot that I told a friend I wished I’d been able to go to “War Horse” for the 5th time instead!!Hope to see “The Artist” next weekend,but am rehearsing for a Valentine Cabaret show I’m singing in on the 11th,12th,and 14th,so don’t know if a movie will have to wait until after the 14th.
Z, hope you and Tasty are having nice weather and that you have some sun on your back and a soft breeze to ruffle your mane. Soon it will be spring! LOVE YOU!!
P.S. Safe and happy travels to Dottie and YOUR JOHN!!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Sue Noel~ Thank you so much! Eli has lived a great and adventurous life. He played college football for 4 years….and has been living in Paradise for 5 years or so. I believe in miracles….. thanks again.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
He sounds like an amazing man and wonderful friend. I believe too!!!!
Trisha from VA
When do the 2yr olds receive names? I know you received a VERY special name due to your superior speed and size and because you are so so special.
I hope you and Tasty are warm and happy. John is such a “shutter bug” and Dottie is the best. What would we do without her?
Love, hugs and kisses
Valeria Cannon/ Illinois
Susan, she and the little prince came home this morning according to Stonestreet.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks! Good news!
Doreen in CT
Zenny – I hope you are enjoying your day with Tasty. To be quite honest, I was a bit worried about Tasty because she wasn’t in a lot of the pictures of late. It’s a relief to know that she is doing well.
It is also good to know that Rachel is doing well and has returned home or will be returning home today or tomorrow.
I hope that all the two-year olds are doing well and that John and Dottie have a safe and enjoyable trip. Is it possible that some of the more mature ones – by birth date and/or how they’re taking to training – will be racing in California later this year?
We can’t wait to get our plushies!
Mary / Lynchburg, VA
I love seeing you and Tasty …..never get tired of pictures of you two. I cannot wait to see the babies……so exciting!!! Hope John and Dottie have a wonderful trip. Hugs to you Z….. off to walk my two dogs…..beautiful day here in Central Virginia.
What fun it must be to go visit the 2 year olds and see these precious youngsters full of hope for the future, just as we are full of hope for you and Tasty as your pregnancies are nearing the time for birth. It’s lovely to see the photo of you and Tasty enjoying your lives together.
Maryp (New York)
Zenny, You and TT look so content just grazing in your paddock. Hope you have a nice week and although John and Dottie will be away in Florida, I am sure that you will be communicating with them while they are there. Hope they can enjoy nice weather in Ocala. Be happy and safe. Love you lots and lots. A kiss on your soft nose.
Queen Z,
Happy to see you and Tasty together and relieved to know that
Rachel and her colt are okay. I am so looking forward to seeing
the “babies” real soon.
Love both of you lots XOXOXOXO.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Sounds like everything is going great for you and Tasty-such good news. Am looking forward to hearing what your John & Dottie have to say about the young ones in Oscala and of course the pics too. Always enjoy John’s pics and Dottie, oh my, things just wouldn’t go on here without her, she is absolutely the best.
Take care Zenyatta and have fun
Love & Blessings to you!
Terry Crow
Been missing in action dealing with IRS issues. @Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you are driving a car with no original body parts. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if you use your shoe as a tobacco can. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if you thin k the WWE is a romantic sport. @signofthetimes, ;president of Texas chapter-You might be a Texas redneck if you think Texas A&M is a root beer. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you think people with electricity are uppity. @Debbie G, ;president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if you spit on your own floor. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if you take your dog on more vacations than you do your husband. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you shop-lift from Goodwill. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if your wedding toast was made with a quart of Old Milwaukee. @Brenda S, president, and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-Y0u might be a Canadian redneck if you’ve ever valet parked a snow plow. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if your dog has ever brought home something that you cooked for dinner. You might be a redneck if your care ashtray is so full you can’t get it out. You might be a redneck if your church has a happy hour. You might be a redneck if you have more deer heads on your wall than family pictures. You might be a redneck if you’ve ever been rushed to the emergency rook because you swallowed your Redman.
Darlene Daniels
Terry, As usual, you have outdone yourself. And may I add, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, YOU A REDNECK if you pop your gum during a funeral.
Terry Crow
Very Funny. I would imagine, then, that if you also blow a bubble, you are a double redneck, if there is such a thing.
Stephanie in San Diego
OMG…it’s happened. I am officially 100% Redneck based on this one.
And…would appear I have been one for many many many years
Darlene Daniels
Maybe , just maybe, a double redneck is the equivalent of a hoosier. Maybe?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, popping gum at a funeral is something I have barely avoided — I think it was a wedding, instead.
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Terry. You gave me a really good Monday chuckle but…unless something changes…the only signs of winter in Montreal are: icey sidewalks, sand & salt, freezing temperatures & snow as hard as rock (and looking rather worn, I must say) ! Nothing worse than a grey, cold, bare environment instead of a sparkling, snowy landscape. Even Daisy is fed up!!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Very funny as always! I especially related to the snooties with electricity during the before mentioned camping trips.
Diana Stuart
@Terry Crow: Fess up – it weren’t the IRS but the rev-en-oo-ers y’all were dealing with! I warned you about that still in the FRONT yard!
@Redneck Pilots: Heard there was this new category awhile back but jest getting to it: You might be a redneck pilot if you’ve ever refueled your Cessna with moonshine. You might be a redneck pilot if your bass boat is a float plane. And you water taxi it out to the middle of the lake to fish.
dia-old-pilot-stu in tempe (and reformed IRS “confidant”)
Terry Crow
Diana-I can’t fool you. You might be a redneck pilot if you have to jettison your cargo over Arkansas due to orders from Bill Clinton.
Maybe Texas A & M is a rootbeer ????
Great jokes today; my toilet is on strike after flushing so many times
at NOON on the holiday, January 27, 2012.
Terry Crow
signofthetimes-I knew I could count on you. Texas needs the moisture.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Terry Crow!! I had my morning laugh thanks to you.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry, I think I’ve seen one too many sci-fi shows, lately, as I read “if you are driving a car with no original body parts”, and found myself thinking “YOU” or the “CAR”?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Maybe there’s such a thing as a Redneck Zombie. I think that’s how I feel some days at work.
Terry Crow
Very good, Vicki. I never thought of it the other way but it would sure apply.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Great ones!
Terry Crow
A woman living in TN giving me a thumbs up? Praise from Caesar.
cynthia stanley- va
My dad has eight deer hanging in th living room.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy Monday Zenny, only two more sleeps until the official Baby Watch begins. Please thank Sarah for including Tasty in the picture, I was getting quite worried, wondering where she was, so it’s a relief to see her munching away. As an Aquarian I’d be delighted if you both gave birth to Aquarian foals but I don’t want want your little ones to be preemies so a couple of Pisces will be just fine. Safe travels to YOUR Dottie and John when they go to visit the youngsters, do horses go thru the “terrible two” phase? It seems to me that everyone at Barn 55 is extremely well behaved so I guess the early schooling is most loving and effective. Say Hi to Tasty, hugs and kisses to you both.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Forgot to say that I went to Buffalo again today, still no plushie in my mailbox!!! I phoned the customer service number and a very nice lady reassured me that it will soon be on it’s way. I guess lots of Dumplings have been just as anxious.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
The last paragraph of today’s diary entry states that the plushies will be shipped at the end of the week
Love those plushies !!!!!
Such a wonderful idea and they are soooo very big; like Zenny.
Maybe we need one of Tasty and her foal so we have Zenny’s
equine BBF.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
@signofthetimes – Ah, I like that! Then Zenny and Tasty could stay together with both their foals in my “stable”!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wouldn’t that be fun?!
Two days until baby watch! I am so excited! I hope everyone is doing well! I am going to start commenting more often but I have been reading everyone’s post everyday!
Love You Zenny and Tasty!
Oh forgot to mention I hope Dottie and John have fun seeing all of the two year olds I know I want to see pictures!
Well Zenyatta you are looking big!!!! Awww I wish I could see in person…. I have your breyer!! That about it….. I have been counting down sence day 1 about you haveing your foal!!! Aww its gana be soooo cute!!!!!! Well have a great day Zenyatta!!!!! And tell tasty I said she is lookin good!!!!