Good Morning Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy weekend on so many levels. I hope you enjoyed yours. TASTY and I had a very restful and happy time. We are BOTH doing very well and our pregnancies are advancing beautifully. Several of you have recently asked about TASTY in your responses, so I wanted to be sure and update you on her this morning. ALL IS WELL!
I’d also like to THANK YOU for the wonderful birthday messages sent to Mrs. Chenery. I’ve heard she really enjoyed your gracious comments and warm greetings. She asked that I send you her regards.
The weekend of racing proved to be very exciting. The 3 year olds are really starting to stretch their legs with the hope of moving forward to the Kentucky Oaks or Derby. Congratulations to ALL of the winners over the weekend. The Sunshine Millions races were revamped this year, but it seemed to work out well for everyone. I hope all of your handicapping selections ran well!
The next few days, MY JOHN and Dottie will be in Ocala visiting the ‘BABIES’ at the training centers. They will be going to Mayberry Farm and Harris Training Center to see how the “2 YEAR olds are progressing” in their skills and physical development. These horses have now been in Florida to learn their initial lessons since late September / October. Even though Dottie and MY JOHN get constant updates from Jeanne, April, Robbie, and David, this is the time of the year they go to see the horses themselves and touch base in person with all that is going on with each horse individually.
I’m sending a SPECIAL HIGH HOOF to my pals at Mayberry Farm. That is where I learned all of my first lessons before going to California and BARN 55.
To MY JOHN and Dottie…have a productive and FUN time in Ocala. I’ll touch base with you later in the week when you return. I know MY JOHN will have his camera in hand and take lots of PHOTOS to share with US upon their return. You know curious ME, I always want to keep up with everything!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations to BLACK CAVIAR on #17 last Friday!)
A PLUSHIE UPDATE….I’m hearing the orders will start shipping out from MY SHOP at the end of the week. Enjoy!
Zenny, I heard Rachel had some pain issues over the weekend – have you talked to her? Reports are saying she’s OK, thank goodness. I hope she stays feeling better, and that you are feeling well too!
I heard she read somewhere doing fine, just precaution/normal things to happen with a maiden foal :)
I read is what i meant to type!
Here is a link: http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=19520
I think Rachel’s colt can out run her right now; Hope all of you moms on this site can remember those first few days after birthing your children very well.
Valeria Cannon/ Illinois
Rachel and the little prince are fine, went home this morning! <3
So glad to hear Rachel and her baby are fine and have gone home. Thank you for the update.
Valerie…..where did you read that Rachel and foal went home to Stonerstreet today?
Dear Missy,
Glad you were first on Jan 30; don’t see you post much so this is a great honor
for you.
So good to see someone new being first; so you’
can be special for the day. Congratulations Missy
Denise in AZ
How will we ever be able to go a week with out hearing from you???
Have a great week everyone!!
And it’s almost foal watch time Ms. Z! Can’t wait for all the stories and pictures you will be sending out! And I can’t wait for my plushie! I already have a special place for you in my bedroom!
Jan in WV
Love You ”Z”,,,, You and Tasty take care of each other as you both get ready to foal. I miss my mare having the little bundles of joy, and may get to breed her again next yr ! I am patiently awaiting ”Yours” and Tasty’s !
Hugggzzz to you and Tasty !~!
Jan in WV
Jo in Nevada
Glad you and Tasty are doing so well.
Barbara in CA
I have been reading your diaries now for a while. This is my first time commenting. Your writings always put a big grin on my face, a great way to start the day. I, like so many, are so proud of you, and so looking forward to your next entry, and of course, YOUR BABY!!!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Welcome! :-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Welcome to posting, Barbara! Isn’t it fun? Where are you in California, if I may ask?
Maryp (New York)
Welcome, Barbara.
Jan S. / Houston
Welcome Barbara.
Glad to see you post. Like you, it took me awhile to jump in.
The Zenyatta pool is just fine.
It is a great place to learn and to share.
Stephanie in San Diego
Hi Barbara…so glad you decided to post. Welcome…once here you will never want to leave:))
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Welcome, Barbara. So happy to have you join us!!
Elizabeth in NM
Hi Barbara
So exciting to welcome someone new who has ‘jumped in’ to Zenyatta’s Fan Family! Like you, I hesitated to join in the emails. But how can you resist Zenny’s lovely family?! It is really like love letters from home. We (my husband and I) have lived overseas for so many years off and on, and always loved… relished mail ‘from home’… family, Zenny’s family is so reminiscent of that! And…. it is quite an education in all matters equine! We get to participate in rescuing horses. We get to share our love for Zenny and her family. And now, you are officially one of the ‘Aunties’…along with the ‘Uncles’ – we’re all on baby-watch together… such excitement!
Deborah Richman
Hi Barbara! I feel the same way about reading Z’s posts….her writings always put a big grin on my face :) So do the comments, and yours made me smile today too :)
Diana Stuart
@Barbara in CA: Welcome to the family! Lately, I’ve been too busy to visit and post, but figured I’d better let everyone know I’m still here so they don’t send out search and rescue! (Or throw a party!)
As we approach a certain special and exciting day, it’s nice to have new friends post – we need to take virtual shifts in the foaling waiting room! I am now officially getting “nervous”. Back in the day, I foaled out a few mares and did foal watch at Cal Poly Pomona’s Kellogg Arabian program. Frigid nights sitting cross-legged in deep straw, main-lining black coffee, waiting, waiting, waiting. And sheer amazement and awe when long, tiny legs and a little nose began to appear. Even more amazement when the little bundle managed to collect all those legs and stand and find mom’s milk, mostly without human intervention. I never minded the mess, never even thought about it until I drove home and my then husband reminded me to be thankful I was never pulled over by the police! I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. Who’s got the coffee on?
diastu anticipating in tempe
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Diane; Sure happy to know your alive & well!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barbara in CA:
Welcome to Z’s Dumpling Family. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Welcome Barbara; a friend of Z’s is a friend of mine any time!
Sue Colvin -NJ
ditto to all comments. :)
welcome aboard barbara. <3
i havent been posting long either.
i was shy at 1st about posting but every1 here is really nice & made me feel welcome :)
queen Z diary is a wonderful place <3
Carol B.
Zenyatta, beautiful girl, PLEASE thank John and Dottie for being the kind of owners we wish all you spiritual souls had. It is so nice to see how involved they are with all their horses, as this shows they truly care about their well being.So many need to take lessons on this, as you are all so deserving of the best of care and love. Many blessings to you all. xxoo
John Sherrifs was Zenyatta’s trainer.
Zenyatta is owned by Jerry and Ann Moss.
Your tweet was thoughtful & sweet.
Just so you know we help teach each other
And, we all make typos and/or other mistakes
See my post for a good example
I figure the Z group knows that I meant Happy (not Happt) Monday.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Well said! High hoof!
Stephanie in San Diego
You know I think John and Dottie…are more like Pround Aunt and Uncle at this point. Or Godparents. I do believe she has moved far past the professional side of the relationship and is now a beloved family member. xoxo
Jan S. / Houston
Glad to hear you and Tasty are doing well. Have a fun Monday. xoxo.
Diana Hanson
Looking beautiful! I am as anxious to see your little one as I am mine. I really appreaciate Dottie and her hard work to keep us up to date on you and Tasty. I have one wall in my office called The Queen’s wall. It is photos and poster of you! On the rest of the walls are greats like Secretariat, Thunder Gulch, Barbaro, Big Brown, Racheal Alexandra and none other than Street Sense. I love my office! You and Tasty have a great week!!!!!!!
Katie Clawson
O, Zenny, I am SO excited for late February/early March!! You are going to be a great mother! Colt or filly, chestnut or bay..no matter what, I hope that everything goes well and you both are healthy.
Congratulations to ALGORITHMS in the HOLY BULL S.! Another Bernardini colt scores!
Who are you rooting for in the SUPER BOWL, Zenyatta?
Love, Katie(future jockey)
sharon in seattle
happy week to Zenyatta, Tasty and all their connections! And high hooves to Black Caviar, Awesome Feather and Algorithms!! Safe travels to John and Dottie!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi loveable Z; You seem all chipper this Monday morning, probably because of such great news you could share with us. So happy YOU and TASTY are doing fine!! Are visitors allowed at Mayberry Farm and the Harris Training Center? (just a TB horse lover) I’ll be in Fla. in March and would love to spend a couple days in Ocala, especially where you had your beginning training. Dottie and John will have an awesome time looking at those babies!! John’s so good at pictures I can’t wait, but always love a picture of you. Just think I’ll be hugging my plushie real soon!!
A belated Happy 90th Birthday to Mrs. Chenery as I returned from out of town and missed the day. God bless a kind woman and a wonderful representative of TB racing for many years. She, the Moss’s and Dottie & John are so much a like in this way.
Love you so much, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Kelly, Allentown, Pa ^-^
love you Zenyatta!
Darlene Daniels
Hello my angels Zenyatta and Tasty. Tasty, it so good to see you! I’m glad everything is well. Dear Z, you will always be #1 in my heart, but I have to tell you, I’m falling in love with Awesome Feather too. Please tell your John and Dottie, I wish them safe travels this week. Love to all. Darlene Daniels
Evie S. (Santa Ynez, CA)
Good Morning, Z-sters! I don’t post very often, but I read this diary religiously! I ran across a wonderful opportunity that I thought would be right up this group’s ally. Bloodhorse.com featured a prominent and respected Thoroughbred rescue facility, and a fun (and modest) fundraiser sending a Valentines Day card with $1 in it addressed to the horses at the facility. This is one of their primary annual fundraisers, and apparently they get flooded with V-Day cards to the horses.
Valentine’s can be sent to:
The Horses
Double L Stable Equine Rescue and Sanctuary
9 Tilford Rd.
Argyle, NY 12809
Here’s the Bloodhorse link: http://cs.bloodhorse.com/blogs/beyond-the-blinkers/archive/2012/01/23/ottb-spotlight-xantra.aspx
Enjoy and Happy Monday!
Marty R / Colorado
I sent mine last week. I love this idea and the stories that were shared about rehoming some of the rescued horses.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Evie S. It is a great idea, and a great service for the horses!
Maryp (New York)
I sent mine this past Saturday and I thought I found out about it here! I must have seen it in Blood Horse when looking at another story. It is just a great way for people to help, a card with $1. Every one helps!
Maryp (New York)
Oops! meant to reply to Evie’s post but I guess it’s ok like this.
Stephanie in San Diego
Evie…thank you. Going to get my valentines day card today. What a great idea.
In the mail by morning. <3
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I’ve got my Valentine card; sending off today. This is a great idea.
Kathy B. (SoCal, FL)
I hope Dottie and John have a wonderful time in Florida. It truly is a beautiful state! It is always exciting to fly over Ocala and see oval training tracks everywhere on the ground! Thank you for all the updates Z….I’m glad you and Tasty are doing well. Fingers crossed for a smooth delivery for you both!
Teresa E
Hello everyone! hope all had a nice weekend. The info on Rachel A and her new son has me worried. The photo that the BH has up on their website of her clearly shows a horse not feeling well, just by the positioning of her head, the look on her face, etc.
I am worried about Zenyatta and hope all comes out well, to put it bluntly. She is so big. I read that they already plan to re-breed Rachel already to Bernardini, and do you all think that perhaps she should be checked out extremely thoroughly first without having another stallion jump her already?? I hope and pray this does not happen to Big Z. Have a foal every few years, give them a chance to fully recover, otherwise there is trouble in the future.
I have not been able to read all the posts, but do any of you know if any $$$$ from the plushies is going to the retired horse charities? Thank you in advance for all your answers.
Have a great day, all!!
Teresa E.
Theresa E
You can be assured that Rachel will be completely checked out before she is bred back in the next month or so. Rachel is not the first maiden mare to experience discomfort from foaling and she will not be the last.
Giving a mare a ‘year off’ is problematic because you can run into a greater percentage of trouble getting her back in foal after a barren season. Both Rachel and Zenyatta will be given the best care available to ensure a safe delivery of their 2012 foals and the conception of their 2013 foals.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I agree with Zenyen’s comments. Without getting graphic, a mare will become receptive to breeding within ten days to two weeks after her foal is born. Horses have had this type of “schedule” if you will, for as long as there have been horses. In Rachel’s case, however, since she gave birth to her foal in January (I don’t remember the date) she likely won’t be bred back on her first cycle, since the breeding must be timed so that the foal is born after January 1st. As an example, if a foal is born on December 29, 2011, then that foal is technically one year old on January 1, 2012.
But you can rest assured that Zenyatta and other top notch, very thus valuable mares (not to mention very, very much loved and cared for) will always be given the utmost care and consideration. Again, what Zenyen says about leaving them barren for a year is right, it can be problematic. Don’t worry about the QUEEN. She is in good hands.
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you Zenyen and Rosemary for sharing your knowledge about these things. I did not know that waiting, say a year, could be such a problem. I’m glad Rachel will get a little break before she meets Bernardini so she can hopefully get a little rest and strength built back up.
SH from KY
So you are back ENSIN; under a new name.
I’d recognize you anywhere; you have been
using a few alias on this site for quite sometime.
Well ENSIN you are back with another name.
You may fool some but not all of us.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
@Julie Anderson; Congratulations on your first baby!! So happy for you. The moment of the birth–it is love at first sight.
@Alex Bowdoin; I am so happy to know that Amy is so positive. She does have my prayers and hugs
@Pati; Your story about God and Zenyatta was one of the best I have read!! It just captured my heart with numerous emotions!! I think it is so true!! When God created Zenyatta, he through a way the mold. Thank you!!
@Terry Crow; I missed reading your post as I had left out of town. However, I do believe I may have honored Mr. Crapper at a BP just shortly after 12, half way to my destination!! ha And, glad to have read your jokes!!
@Is this redneck! You might be a redneck if you use your pajama bottoms under your jeans instead of thermal underwear.
@ all there were so much interesting conversations, poems, links these past couple days; thanks to you all hugs
Marty R / Colorado
Sally, I don’t know if using pajama bottoms that way is redneck or not, but it surely is warm. Yes, I have experience in that regard.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Me too, particularly when I take Vic to the barn at this time of the year!!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sadly, I do well to get ME into my jeans–lol!
Denise in AZ
LOL I was thinking the same thing!!
Diana Stuart
@Barbara Wood: LOL! So now I’m Miz Cram It In My Pajama Pants? I’ve done this, and yeah – kill those skinny jeans before they kill you!
dia-no-skinny-stu in tempe
Terry Crow
I think it is more than coincidental that all replies were made by members of the club.
Robin - Ventura CA
Where is the story about Zenyatta and God? on this post???
It was on Friday’s post.
Lovely to read.
Robin - Ventura CA
Thank you Keta!
Stephanie in San Diego
Sally B…I would claim my title of Red Neck with honor…..if I could fit my pj’s under my jeans.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Stephanie – have no fear – you too can be a Redneck. Haven’t you seen the infomercial about PajamaJeans? Apparently, you can do anything when you are wearing them, work out, ride a bike, do cartwheels, etc., etc. And I’m sure that if the producers of the infomercial had thought of it, they would have included putting them under your regular jeans for extra warmth. Just a thought …
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
All of you sure had me laughing over PJ bottoms!!! ha
Marty R / Colorado
Just thought I would add: The reverse is also true. Long thermal underwear works well for pajamas, particularly when camping. Oh, those were the days….
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, Sally, it is redneck — but that’s a good thing!
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Dear Zenyatta My name is tyler from mrs. volzts class i was wondering if your baby was going to be fast because she is being raised by two fast hores you and Bernie ?
Shannon From Cool
Dear Tyler,
How wonderful for you that Mrs. Volzts has introduced you to Zenyatta’s blog. You ask a very good question and one that all of us here would love to know the answer to. I think the only answer to it is, time will tell if her baby (foal) will be fast. We sure hope so.
Thanks for asking for all of us.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Tyler: Thank you for your comments. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed that Zenyatta’s baby grows up to have the same qualities as its mother and father. We know it will be in good hands. Have a good week in school.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Rosemary thank you for answering Tyler. He really had a good question. He wanted to know if the foal would be as fast as Zenny and Bernie. He will enjoy your answer. Your the best,
Diana Stuart
@Shari: I always love reading posts from the kids in your classes! They are so perceptive and ask great life questions. Just reaffirms something I told you long ago – you are a great and innovative teacher! I’ll bet 40 years from now, every single one of these kids will remember you!
diastu in tempe
It is so wonderful that you are teaching them about horses, racing and
everything that goes with it and using it to creatively teach their lessons.
GREATEST TEACHER AWARD goes to Shari Voltz and her class.
Terry Crow
Tyler-Good to hear from you. We hope that you will visit us often.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Tyler. I am so happy to hear from you. That was a very good question! It would be wonderful if the foal ends up being fast. Hooves crossed! Have a fun week at school!!
Hi Tyler…I’m thinking this foal will be fast like Mom and Dad. Zenny will be an excellent mother and the Mosses will make sure the little one gets the best of everything.
hi Z! I’m so happy YOU and Tasty had a good weekend, I’ll miss not hearing from YOU this week!!! I hope YOU and Tasty have a wonderful week and John and Dottie have a productive week in Florida;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Sharyn - Vermont
You and Tasty look great out there in your paddock!!
Such fun for John and Dottie to head to Florida to see all the babies!!
Hope it’s a great week for all –
Kathy S.
Have a great week Zenny and Tasty! I will be going through withdrawals with no updates the rest of the week. Mare watch begins day after tomorrow. SO EXCITING! Wishing John and Dottie a good, safe trip to Ocala.
rebecca shain
Hi Zenyatta, I adore you. I am so excited about your foal and so glad that you
have such a wonderful friend as Tasty.
It seems as though Rachel is doing well and her foal is too.
rebecca shain
Hi Zenyatta, I adore you. I am so excited about your foal and so glad that you
have such a wonderful friend as Tasty.
It seems as though Rachel is doing well and her foal is too.
Thank you for all of your very gracious updates hope they will continue.
Best of luck and many blessings for you, Tasty and your beautiful foals.
Very SIncerely,
Good morning Z! So glad you had a nice and relaxing weekend. Above normal temperatures here make it nice for riding! We will miss hearing from you this week, but I know you will be just fine. So glad you and Tasty are doing so well. It will be exciting to hear what John and Dottie have to say about the new babies in Florida are doing. Have a great week Z! Sending smooches! xxoo
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Good Morning Big Mamma!
The local Dumplings had a ball (as usual) at the track on Saturday :-D Of course we missed seeing YOUR JOHN and DOTTIE.
I met Elena and gave her a big hug – she’s the fan who recently lost her husband. We exchanged emails and will stay in touch! Hello Elena!
I’m not sure who all knew that yesterday was Rachel Alexandra’s birthday. I hope she enjoyed her first birthday as a “mommy” and is feeling much better! XO
Back to work. {{HUGS}} and Kisses My Queen and Baby z XOXOXO ———————– March 9th (wink wink)
Judy G
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
p.s. Congrats to all the winner’s of the Stakes Races this weekend – especially to my “MMM” man – MUCHO MACHO MAN – High hoof!!!!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Zenny’s candles…..
Terri Z
Oh my goodness Mucho Macho Man and Awesome Feather put on a show at Gulfstream. Mucho Macho Man has some long stride, like a certain Queen we know. And he has grown up and filled out.
And I went up to Awesome Feather in the paddock at Gulfstream and I asked her if she was the queen. She nodded her head vigorously in response to my question. Oh what a terrific undefeated 4 year old filly she is. See her and her jockey strut back out on the track after her win reminded me of Zenny.
This is an exceptional season of racing at Gulfstream as so many terrific 4 year olds have returned to racing. Shackleford is going to be racing in the Donn Handicap on Feb 11th.
It’s lovely seeing everyone and wishing everyone the best.
Stephanie in San Diego
or the day before :)) wink wink
PatB from NM
Last couple of photos have you chowing down….eating for two, right!
Love you always, Z.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- I’m so glad to hear that you and Tasty are still doing so well. That reassures all of us worry-worts! I can imagine how exciting it must be for John and Dottie to be seeing the “new kids.” Hope we get to see some pictures! Love you, pretty girl <3
It was a good weekend. Weather was fantastic.
John & Dottie, have a safe trip to Ocala.
Can’t wait to hear about the 2 year-olds progress.
Here is a Mike Smith Update
14 wins to go to reach 5000!!!
And, a remember when
1992 Jockey Mike Smith wins 6 races in one day at Aqueduct Racetrack for the second time in the month.
His first 6-winner day at Aqueduct was on Jan. 13.
Happt Monday!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keta, thank you for the info. I am cheering Mike on “all the way”!!!!
Thanks for the update; he really is a great person; so very interesting, a recent HRTV interview of Chantal Sutherland, she said that “Mike Smith took her to the next
level as a jockey; don’t really think she appreciated his kindness.
Judy from South Carolina
Not to rock the boat but why do you think Chantal “didn’t appreciate his kindness”? (I watched the same HRTV “Inside Information:).
Just curious — I am a huge fan of both of them and have heard them BOTH speak of the failed relationship and they always sound like they take equal blame for why it didn’t work plus I’ve also heard Chantal give Mikey credit many times for all that he taught her.
Now if you are talking about her hating to get beaten by him in a race, well I am sure the feeling is quite mutual LOL! It doesn’t happen too often but it DOES happen!
Rachel Prather
Hello Z,
I just loved watching you race you were fantastic. I am glad that you are doing well and enjoying life. I just can’t believe you were trained in Ocala I have always loved living in that area because it’s so beautiful getting to drive by all the farms.
The best of luck to you,