What a sweet photo this is! Our pal, GIACOMO, is now residing at Magali Farm in California. Here he is cuddling up to a friend of ours, Geri, who was recently visiting the farm with her family.
Can you imagine what a lovely and dear horse he is! As a stallion, “G” is so warm and friendly. Geri commented to Dottie, “you can tell he has had a great deal of handling and love during his life.” “G” spent his entire racing career at BARN 55, then started his stallion career at Adena Springs in KY, and now he’s at Magali.
I know GIACOMO was adored at BARN 55! MY JOHN spoke of him often with great love and respect. To this day, “G’s” photo crossing the finish line and winning the Kentucky Derby is on his stall door of his home at the barn. Everyday when I’d walk around the shed row either getting ready to go to the track or cooling out afterwards, I’d walk by his stall with see his photo on the door! It was very inspirational!
While at stud at Adena Springs in KY, Bill, in their stallion division, did a video showcasing Giacomo. It illustrated so many of his special qualities. In this presentation, Bill commented “G” was a stallion on their tour that he could always count on to entertain the fans, run with joy around the paddock for them, and even stand there politely and let young children pet him. (He adores peppermints!) Now, at Magali, he continues to demonstate these same genuine and loving qualities!
There is no blanket statement about stallions that one can make …but overtime, it has been noted that a stallion can often become very independent and quite aloof. It is just the nature of many stallions. That is why it is especially endearing to see “G” interact with people with such affection.
Per Geri, “he worked his way straight into my heart….he is a very special horse.”
It is amazing how GRAY horses often turn SO WHITE as they get older. GIACOMO is getting lighter and lighter each year. ZAZU, another one of my MOSS pals, is also “gray”. She has just arrived back to the track from her RNR…and from all reports, it appears she is getting to be quite ‘light’ in appearance. I can imagine that those colored saddle towels will look FABULOUS on her when she returns to the races!
All BLESSINGS to GIACOMO at Magali! It looks like he has settled in beautifully!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Kari Bussell and I share an affinity for the grays, and we believe that Ann Moss does, too, often referring to her assortment of misty-colored beauties as “Ann’s glorious grays.” I like to call them, “God’s poems,” because they seem to carry their own magic, as they move across the track with an exquisite balletic grace.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lovely image.
Terry Crow
Cynthia-You have a way with words that makes one envision what you are writing.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Terry-Thank you for a <3 which is receptive to my words. You are the most eloquent redneck I have ever met (besides Kari).
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
*said with great affection and playfully!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Oh Zenny just seeing your buddy Giacomo gives me chills. I am so glad my hubby and I went to Adena in April so I saw this hunk before he left for California. They were so nice at the farm and I got to touch him and, boy oh boy, he does love his peppermints. They put him in his paddock and we got to watch him gallop around until he saw something interesting and stopped to pose on a hill. Just stunning! I have my pics with him for memories. Love it.
Hope you guys are staying warm down there, it’s arctic up here now for the next couple of days, don’t even let the dogs out too long. My rescue cocker Gracie didn’t want to go out in the snow the first day we got some, and then it occurred to me she is a southern girl from S. Carolina and had no idea what it was. Now she likes it!
Stay warm MAMA Z and TT counting the days.
P.S. Does anyone know when our Bernie is coming back?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Frederick:
Think Bernardini should be back in Kentucky at Darley soon for breeding season. Hope so. Sure love that boy. Hugs, JB
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I would think that all the shuttle stallions are back by now. The season starts in less than a month.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the repost of the video on Giacomo. I think it’s the one Dottie referenced in today’s diary. For some reason it didn’t work well the first time I linked it. Sorry. Hugs, JB
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
A close relative had a sizeable wager on Giacomo in the 2005 Kentucky Derby. She had been following his career, and came to the conclusion that John Shirreffs was bringing him up to the race “just right.” Giacomo won at odds of 50-to-one, and that was the last time I ever ignored a piece of advice offered by this particular person!
My passionate love of grays dates back to early childhood, when the first great horse I ever saw and loved flashed across our state-of-the-art, black-and-white Philco TV. His nickname was “The Grey Ghost,” and a more apt description could not be found for the magnificent Native Dancer, who stood out as an angel among earthlings in the 1953 Kentuck Derby, the only race he ever lost—-but should have won.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautiful post, Cynthia!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you, Trina!
Terry Crow
Talk about images from old TV’s. Was there a better looking white horse than Topper, Hopalong Cassiday’s old steed?
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Paula Higgins
OMGosh I love this picture of Giacoma’s head in Geri’s hand! What an incredibly sweet picture this is. He is clearly a sweetheart and a handsome boy at that. Thank you for this blog Dottie. Judy Berube thank you for posting the video of Giacomo.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Paula Higgins:
You are so welcome. Hugs, JB
Awww, so sweet. Giacomo looks beautiful. Love Ya Big Z, you look beautiful too of course.
Mary Copelin
Julie- You brought so many memories flooding back into my senses. I too remember the many experiences and sights you so clearly described. Thanks for the walk down
memory lane. I hate to live in the past, but there were so many things about it that
were warm, personal, spontaneous and flat-out wonderful. You truly brought those aspects of Santa Anita to life.
Thank you, Mary
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
You are very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed my memories. Santa Anita has always been such a big part of my life and one of my favorite places in the world. I am so lucky to live so close to The Great Race Place!
Marty R / Colorado
This is another really nice entry today. I am also very drawn to the grays. I was excited to hear that your Moss pal Zazu has returned, Zenny. Your Mikey had a picture on his Face Book page today of him on Mr. Bossy Pants after their win Monday. And, Mr. Bossy Pants is a gray. ( I think his name is TOO CUTE )
I didn’t look in on Cigar today to see him and what the weather is like there. It was beautiful here in the Denver Metro area.
Did you hear about the injuries Tim Tebow sustained in the third quarter of the game against the Patriots? He received rib and lung injuries, yet completed the game. He’s a tough guy.
You and Tasty enjoy your time in your paddock and stay safe. It won’t be much longer and you two will know why your shapes have changed and what all that wiggling is about in there.
Saw G at Breeders Cup in 05, became big fan, he has the look of a champion. His face says it all, I won the Kentucky Derby
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. What a gorgeous picture of Giacomo – he is so handsome. I just love that the gray horses turn white as they get older. I love Evening Attire and saw him in New York a few years ago. Did not get a chance to see his dad, Black Tie Affair, at Old Friends though. When I was there, he was sick and was being treated by the vets. Unfortunately, he passed away before I had a chance to get back there. It is great having Giacomo as a stallion at Magali in California. It would be nice if more of the CA stalions stayed in CA and not go to Kentucky. California needs to have more great stallions – just look at Unusual Heat – wow, awesome!!! Looking forward to seeing more of Giacomo’s babies. All of the horses at Barn 55 was showered with such love that it will be carried on with them for their entire life, being so kind and gentle with children and people. Barn 55, you are the best!! Love you big girl, you and Tasty stay warm and comfortable, eat well for two and enjoy each other. Counting those days!!! Love you, Angels.
Vickie A Dana Point
GREAT to hear Giacomo is doing well! California needs more quality sires! Best of luck G – and welcome back to the state that loves you!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi my lovely mama(to be) Z! Giacomo sure is a handsome boy. He seems to be very happy. I think inspiration is everything and I am happy for you G was one of yours. There appears to be a pattern of sweet, happy & kind horses, such as G and Eb and you my Z from Barn 55!! That is, the real true love and treatment of them during growing up and training. Perhaps it is to them just as this is to our pet dogs etc. Of course, the breeding may have something to do with sweet personality too. Do you agree with me Z?
All I know is I love you for all that you are!! Stay warm if you go outside and keep yourself excercised. love you, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
Met Giacomo several times at Adena Springs. He is a true sweetheart. Wish him THE BEST in his new home!
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of Giacomo, Kentucky Derby Winner!! He was a very gorgeous gray back when he won his thrilling Derby, but he has become such a luxurious shade of gray now that he is older. I loved learning about his sweet personality to match his beauty. Thank you for sharing with us and enriching our knowledge of your family with the Mosses and Barn 55. We are so fortunate that you are all so kind and generous! Thank you!!
Denise Skladany
Those are the pictures that steal the heart. What a sweetheart he is.
Memento Vivere
He’s such a handsome boy!!
Enjoyed seeing how beautiful G is. Truly handsome and obviously has a wonderful temperment.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Nice to have a KY Derby winner standing in CA. Welcome back, G Boy!
First time to see the new website. Seems faster.
Best of luck to all in 2012!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
@ Cynthia – You have such a beautiful way of writing so expressively about your memories. It brings back so many of my own. Giacomo, you are such a handsome fellow. I’m a “sucker” for these gray/creamy white horses. They stand out so when they are running around the track. My nephew and his Dad and friends were at the 2005 Derby and he called me and asked me “Aunt Delrene, give me your picks and I’ll put some $ on them for you. Of course, because I worked in the legal field for so many years and he is an attorney I said, $2.00 across the board on Closing Argument and I know a District Attorney named Giacomo so $2.00 to win on the horse named Giacomo”. Family lore now , how he calls me after the race (I’m watching it on t.v. and screaming my head off) and he says, “Aunt Delrene, you are the woman!!! We will be calling you for our picks from now on…. and I was only picking that time by names alone. Such a great memory and a nice little check from him when he came home. Both my nephews have been to the Derby a few times now and I’ve never been as fortunate as that time. I definitely will go visit you buddy, now that you are in sunny Ca. Zenyatta and Dottie thanks for all you do for us.
Sweet dreams and have a great Friday.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great story, Delrene!
Darlene Daniels
Delrene, I enjoyed your post and it reminded me of the time I picked a certain race by names only. It was the only time my husband and I had been to Santa Anita. It was opening day in ’04 or ’05, the crowd then was no where the size of what they had this year on opening day, but anyway, we had a program and had placed bets on several races and mostly lost, close to the last race I told my husband “OK, these are my picks on this race, and he said “OK go place your bet” I headed up to the betting window and the lines were pretty long and it was real close to post time, so I just went back to our seat. Quess what! They all came in just I had picked them! I would have won the superfecta and it was $8000 that day. Anyway Santa Anita was a trip I will never forget and hope to get back there again someday.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you for your very kind words, Delrene. Everything regarding my early memories of horse-racing is situated at the center of my heart. We share a family story which will be passed-down regarding GIacomo’s great win in the Kentucky Derby. This same relative of whom I spoke, also picked Charismatic at 31-to-one in 1999!
Jane (southern California)
What a sweet and handsome guy Giacomo is! We hope to be able to make a trip up to see him someday soon!
So glad to hear Zazu is back and doing better! Can’t wait to see her again!
Have a wonderful day Zenyatta and baby “Z”! xoxoxo
Elyse Mach
I just love Giacomo! It was such a pleasure to meet him and a thrill to stroke his mane and pose for pictures with him while on a tour of the stud farm where he resided in Kentucky. Of all horses – Giacomo was the one chosen to be brought in for a small group of us to meet because he had such a warm and winning personality. What a charmer…and such a sweetheart…one handsome fella. It was love at first sight -xoxoxoxo.
Mary Lee
I still get tears in my eyes when I see his Derby win!!! What an amazing final furlong!
I am thrilled that John, Ann and Jerry Moss, not to forget Mike Smith got their 1st well deserved Derby win!! I agree, Giacomo looks fantastic!
Terri Z/ So. Fla
Thanks for the wonderful pictures and update on Giacomo. What a sweetheart he is.
He and Mucho Macho Man are related through Holy Bull. And Holy Bull’s granddam, Ta Wee, was a small horse who carried incredible weights in handicap races she won. I think that whole Holy Bull line got their toughness and will to win and durability through Ta Wee.
Mucho Macho Man will be running in the Sunshine Millions at Gulfstream on January 28th. He and Awesome Feather are the stars of those stakes. They both have facebook pages. And Awesome Feather’s facebook page is especially artistic and beautiful.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
If you like Ta Wee:
142-pound impost and leading the whole way!
Marty R / Colorado
Wow! What heart. What a runner. Laura, thanks for sharing the video.
Terri Z/ So. Fla
Thanks Abigail of Montreal for your incredible Giacomo/Holy Bull piece. How fabulous it is to see the success of the Holy Bull line. And now, Holy Bull’s grandson, Mucho Macho Man, has filled out his huge frame and has matured. He will be something to be dealt with as a four year old.
Barbara Sanders
I was the first person to “visit” with Giacomo when he arrived at Magali ( he had only been there for two weeks) and I was astounded at his gentle demeanor, although it should have come as no surprise knowing that he had come from Barn 55. He really is much lighter than I expected him to look and he has the most beautiful eyes and face. Lit de Justice is at Magali also and he is as white as a ghost. Magali’s manager said that Giacomo still likes to play the ‘catch me if you can game when he’s out in the paddock but he was acclimating very nicely when I was there. It was such a pleasure visiting him. They brought out another of their stallions that really impressed me Atticus. Tom asked me to guess his age. I guessed 3-5 yrs and was flabbergasted when he told me that he was 21. What a gorgeous stallion. Magali is a great place to visit if you’re in the Santa Barbara area. It’s like a heaven on earth up there with 433 horses on the farm. Well worth visiting. Don’t miss it.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Good Morning Zenny, I do hope that Lexington had better weather than South Western Ontario on Thursday. We had snow and high winds causing white outs resulting in some pretty serious accidents and road closures. Perhaps because of the weather my internet was unavailable. Lovely photo of Giacamo and I can vouch for his love of peppermints, he had several when we visited him last summer and I’m so glad we got to see him before he relocated to California. Vic insists that he said thank you for the treats by licking her hand.
This has been a busy week for me, three days of taking a friend to hospital to get started on chemotherapy so I’m behind on reading all the posts and today I shall be going to Buffalo post office to pick up my Blood Horse 25 and YOUR plushie. I hope the bad weather hasn’t slowed down the US Postal deliveries. Have a great Friday Zenny. Many hugs and kisses to you and Tasty.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
You’re a great help and support to your friend, I’m sure. High hoof, and prayers for your friend’s recovery.
Having been blessed by having an extraordinary stallion in my life I know all too well what you are saying. He was a horse unto himself and I miss him everyday. Take care of yourself Ms Z. Best wishes to everyone in your life.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: I saw that video of G. He is so beautiful. I cannot believe this picture of G with the friend . TOO CUTE!! What a sweetheart. Stallions I thought are usually a handful! He looks so kind and gentle. Zenny, it seems the horses that come from YOUR John’s barn are such nice horses.
Thank you for the update on G. What a day that must have been at the Kentucky Derby when he won! Just thinking about it, I can feel the excitment. It is also so nice the Moss’ continue to appreciate him. He looks so happy. Take care Zenny.
Dear Zenny
Hope you are having a great day; foal is growing
Lots everyday; hay carrots and fruit.