What a sweet photo this is! Our pal, GIACOMO, is now residing at Magali Farm in California. Here he is cuddling up to a friend of ours, Geri, who was recently visiting the farm with her family.
Can you imagine what a lovely and dear horse he is! As a stallion, “G” is so warm and friendly. Geri commented to Dottie, “you can tell he has had a great deal of handling and love during his life.” “G” spent his entire racing career at BARN 55, then started his stallion career at Adena Springs in KY, and now he’s at Magali.
I know GIACOMO was adored at BARN 55! MY JOHN spoke of him often with great love and respect. To this day, “G’s” photo crossing the finish line and winning the Kentucky Derby is on his stall door of his home at the barn. Everyday when I’d walk around the shed row either getting ready to go to the track or cooling out afterwards, I’d walk by his stall with see his photo on the door! It was very inspirational!
While at stud at Adena Springs in KY, Bill, in their stallion division, did a video showcasing Giacomo. It illustrated so many of his special qualities. In this presentation, Bill commented “G” was a stallion on their tour that he could always count on to entertain the fans, run with joy around the paddock for them, and even stand there politely and let young children pet him. (He adores peppermints!) Now, at Magali, he continues to demonstate these same genuine and loving qualities!
There is no blanket statement about stallions that one can make …but overtime, it has been noted that a stallion can often become very independent and quite aloof. It is just the nature of many stallions. That is why it is especially endearing to see “G” interact with people with such affection.
Per Geri, “he worked his way straight into my heart….he is a very special horse.”
It is amazing how GRAY horses often turn SO WHITE as they get older. GIACOMO is getting lighter and lighter each year. ZAZU, another one of my MOSS pals, is also “gray”. She has just arrived back to the track from her RNR…and from all reports, it appears she is getting to be quite ‘light’ in appearance. I can imagine that those colored saddle towels will look FABULOUS on her when she returns to the races!
All BLESSINGS to GIACOMO at Magali! It looks like he has settled in beautifully!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Linda M
Hey everyone; I just found this lovely clip of G at his new home with his 1st visitors. You can really see how white he is now. And Z, you and G have a similar pose when you tilt your head to the side :)
And by the way, another great testiment to YOUR JOHN; John we LOVE you!!!
PS Zenny and Dottie – does Adena now own G?
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks Linda. What a nice video of Mr. G.
Linda M
You are welcome – it was the first I saw of it and thought it was special. Hangin our with G :)
Linda M
ooops, hangin OUT with G!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Great video of the beautiful boy!! Thanks.
What a sweet, sweet picture!!! He really has a wonderful temperment and such a kindness in his eye. It’s so nice to see him enjoying life. Obviously, he has had a lot of love and it shows! Barn 55 is a great place to be!
What a lovely description of sweet G you have provided. He is beautiful! Hope you are having a wonderful day Z! Looks like rain is coming our way in CA Z, but as much as we need it I am also not looking forward to it. Got all the patio furniture covered. Do have grain in the truck that we have to take to the barn for Dozey. Have a wonderful evening Z and Tasty! xxoo
Great updates on Giacomo and Zazu! I can’t wait to see Zazu run again. She’s fun! I hope all is well with Queen Zenyatta and she is relaxing and enjoying her life. We are getting so close to junior being born!!
He is getting so light! It’s so nice to see you follow up on other retired race horses. They are vital to the industry too. Thank you for always sharing your stories with us Zenyatta. Hope things are going well for you in Kentucky.
Zenyatta. Giacomo is a handsome horse. His eyelashes are superb. Apparently, he always could tell when his family was about to arrive at Adena. According to Bill in the video, he likes red peppermints and small carrots.
As to Zazu, I like the way in which she runs. Best wishes to her for her return to racing.
How is your other gray pal, TT?
Janie (in L.A.)
What a sweetie pie Giacomo is – and a cutie pie, too! One of these days I’d love to go visit him and I cast my vote with the others who want you back in California someday, Zenyatta.
Always have loved the looks of Giacomo. I’m kind of sad he is in California now though. That is farther away from where I live and I would have liked to meet him in person in Kentucky.
sue and tony
Hey Zenny, do you think G is wondering where his lady friends might be? He sure looks handsome and thanks for sharing current news about him with all of us.
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Big Mommy Z~
I didn’t send {{HUGS}} and peppermint kisses your way… Tummy kisses to Baby Z – I love that Sweetie Pie so much already! XOXO
Auntie Judy G
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Big Names Lining Up For Sunshine Millions
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Champion Lookin At Lucky Sires First Foal
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Charges: Pa. Woman Sold Horses for Slaughter
I read another article about this woman – horrible! Her attitude and flippant profanity remarks are enough to make me go BALLISTIC!! And she’s a mother!
Kelly, Allentown, Pa ^-^
He is another link about the PA women. Very sad. Not to far from where I live.
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
@ ALL ~ this might be a repost… but the point needs to be made!
Lord, help our horses!!!
Terry Crow
She’s a mother all right, but not the type you meant.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Well said, Terry.
Neva Rae Powers
Love the picture of him galloping in the paddock! What a gorgeous creature.
Eveline / Maryland.
Oh no – no more fascinators allowed in the royal enclosure at Ascot, but the Queen can still wear whatever she wants. I’m sure that you Zenny, can wear whatever you want as well. http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/67042/royal-ascot-adopts-new-dress-code
awww! he has just gotten prettier,and prettier!! hope your day is filled with joy!!! love yu hun!!! FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
geri bidwell
I believe that there are certain horses that are old souls. Giacomo is an old soul for sure. And, because Giacomo was handled so beautifully, he trusts the right things — himself, his field and food, and the people with good intentions. I love that he is super smart. You can see it in his eyes = what fine expression! I love the way he did not just walk over to us glaze-eyed or intimidated by his handler. Instead, he pranced up on the lead line and acted a bit like he might just strike or take a bite out of someone. He kept his distance for awhile and so did we. Then he stood up tall, and posed like a show-off, like a fine statue– as they told us all about him. I think he understood all the talk about his glorious past. It was like he was listening to it too — and remembering! Finally, we all could not resist him, and my twin 13-year-old daughters held their breaths and went up to pat him on the shoulder. Giacomo did not seem to mind, but the man who was holding him was careful not to let ANYTHING go wrong. Then, my Mother patted him (— Ronna Hoffman of Tailwind Racing) and you could tell that he just loved her jewelry, her upswept chignon, and her Vuitton purse, and that he was thinking about getting into it for a peppermint or two — ( she is for sure “the peppermint type!”) So, by the time I came to him, he was ready to lay down and have me rub his belly! No, — not really, — but I did I think the shank was probably not feeling too soft on his nose, so I slipped my fingers underneath it and massaged him a little. Then, his perfect grey trimmed ears flopped to the sides and he thrust his head forward —so I reached up for that spot between his ears, ( the poll) and rubbed there too. He closed his eyes, and almost said, ” ahhhhhh! Thanks!” That’s when they took that photo. Eventually, I got his cheeks too, and held his chin in the cup of my hand. He preceded to dump ALL of his head-weight into my arms — so I was holding his entire head up —I swear he was about the most relaxed stallion I have EVER been around! By the time I left, I was covered in tiny white hairs of Giacomo! So, yes – I love the grace of him, and the fact that Barn 55 took such great care of his heart and his trust. He has that extraordinary soul — a noble warrior with softness.
sharon in seattle
“a noble warrior with softness” — there’s beauty in that!!
Jan S. / Houston
So touching.
Abigail from Montreal
Geri: Beautiful post! And I do agree. Giacomo is without question an “old soul.” You see it in his eyes!
Marty R / Colorado
Geri, The photos are spectacular! Thank you for describing in detail your visit with Giacomo. It was like being there, too.
Terry Crow
Geri-Wonderful post. One can look at the pictures, but they are truly completed by the comments of the one who was there. Thank you.
Thanks, Geri for sharing the narrative.
Celeste in TX
Aww – thank you for sharing more of the details of your visit. How very wonderful.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks so much for sharing, Geri!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
@Geri, thanks for the story to go with your visit, it’s great!
Joanna from TX
Geri-lovely description of your experience with ‘G’. Thanks for sharing your story.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I felt like I was there in the moment, and will recognize Giacomo as a friend, when I go to visit. Thank you for your wonderful post!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Geri Bidwel I loved your post!!!!!
He looks beautiful and like he’s enjoying running in the paddock
Abigail from Montreal
Good afternoon Zenny, Dottie, Tasty, Babies-On-Board & faithful Zen-sters:
It was SO GREAT seeing Giacomo and MANY THANKS to LINDA M for the great link. He just looks GORGEOUS as he whitens out and what a BEAUTIFUL face. It was also very interesting to hear about the feeling this lady had being in BARN 55 and what she had to say about YOUR JOHN, the “horse whisperer.”
It’s another cold one here in Montreal, but Daisy Doodlebug & I tripped along to the dog run this afternoon. Daisy’s a bit like a thoroughbred, Big Girl — she REALLY needs to run! And run she did….with an adorable black cocker spaniel called Sam. (As much as my big girl loves running, it’s much more fun in company!)
For those “newer” Zensters who might be interested, I wrote something about Giacomo for THE VAULT awhile back now. Photographer extraordinaire Emily Shields provided some magnificent photos of a young and a retired Giacomo. At the end of the article is The Blood Horse video done @ Adena Springs that I believe Dottie was referring to above:
Terry Crow
Abigail-You remain one of the best and most erudite posters on this site. Kudos to you.
Abigail from Montreal
Terry: You’ve gotta be a real HONEY. Thank you!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Abigail, thanks for the reminder about Giacomo at your site…I had forgotten that…will follow up and catch it. Hugs to you!
Abigail from Montreal
Ann Maree: HUGS to you, girl. I just LOVED your last post (on your blog).
Sunny Boyd
In previous entries you have mentioned receiving ‘waiting for moderation’ prompts. I think you’re being messed with.
Sby’s manipulating sthg here. I posted day before yesterday, and my posts were being placed ahead of posts already there, normally the last post entered is the last post on the blog. I tried it twice. I tried to alert the creator of this site, but his website doesn’t exist, so I left a message on Z’s facebook page.
Kate Wheeler
Abigail, thanks so much for the link to your post on Giacomo. It was good to read it again and to remember his very special relationship with John Shirreffs. Your eloquence in capturing his unique place in the hearts of the Mosses, Sherriffs and Mike Smith, as well as your enlightening chronicle of his family history, make “The Vault” (as usual) an important mirror on this special horse’s story. We are indebted to you.
There is a really great photo of Giacomo and John
Sherriffs, before the KY Derby. Looks like they
We’re having a mind meld and discussing how
He was going to win the race. It is a very beautiful
And powerful photo, showing the relationship that
Is built between trainer and horse.
Abigail from Montreal
Sign: I agree. This is actually one of my favourite all-time John Shirreffs photos. I just think it “speaks volumes.”
Celeste in TX
How wonderful to go back and re-read your blog on Giacomo. Thank you once again for sharing your research and knowledge with us!
Joanna from TX
Abigail–WONDERFUL article. I had not read that one before your posting. Thanks for all you do re the research on these lovely horses, and before I forget to mention it, I also loved your series on Z, RA, and Rags about the Xfactor.
Try to keep you and your critters warm up there in Canada!
Dear Zenny – he is such a beautiful boy. I hope you and Tasty are having a wonderful day. Love and kisses beautiful girl.
Terry McNamee
Like many animals, when you show both love and respect to horses, they respond the same way. Giacomo is a lovely fellow. Zenny, both of you are showing the world that Thoroughbreds are sweet, sensitive and wonderful horses when treated kindly!
Carmela B
What a handsome guy Big G is! Some stallions just don’t act like “studs”…either by nature or nurture, they can forget that they are eating & reproducing machines every once in a while & act like horses with personalities…and G sure looks like he’s one of those!
Like alot of you I love the grays too! We have an old gray TB in our dressage barn…he’s probably 20 something, but he’s one of the sweetest and most solid citizens of them all. His collega-age owner loves him to death, as do alot of the kids. They lavish attention on him & he eats it up….says alot about TB’s off the track & maybe even gray horses…???….
Diana Stuart
@Zenny: I can’t wait to go visit G with my SoCal Z Dumpling pals! If he nuzzles me like he did Geri, I think I will swoon into a faint! He is so gorgeous! I hope he gets lots of girlfriends – he is most deserving! How is half-brother Tiago doing? I hope he returns to full health soon.
More later.
diastu in tempe
Terry Crow
Diana-How could he help but not treat you the same way.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Hi, Zenny,
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Love the update on Giacomo! I have seen the Adena Springs video many times, and he is one gorgeous horse! He will make a wonderful contribution I know to the future “Cal breds”. Loved the fact that he is advertised at Adena Springs as a star outcross sire. In checking on him, I see at the Adena Springs site that Magali Farms is part of Adena’s California operation. Here is a link with an update on the reception that Giacomo has received at Magali: http://www.adenastallions.com/news/default.aspx?c=1&s=18 It seems that everyone loves this horse and his fans seem to grow just by word of mouth.
Another link to his Stallion Page: http://www.adenastallions.com/stallions/stallion.aspx?id=Giacomo I’ve been following Giacomo’s daughter, Disposeablepleasure, who overcame falling on her face coming out of the gate to go on and win the Demoiselle Stakes in November: http://www.drf.com/news/aqueduct-disposablepleasure-overcomes-stumble-objection-win-demoiselle-stakes It looks like she is pointed to the Davona Dale at Gulfstream on Feb. 25.
Big hugs, sweet girl! XXXOOOXXXOOO Ann Maree
Wow!! Giacomo looks great. Happy to here that he is enjoying his new home. Hope You and Tasty are staying warm, the two of you only have about six more weeks to go. Thanks Dottie for your dedication to this site, and to everyone with Team Z for all the information and pictures. Lots of Love from Tennessee to the Queen.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
(Got the “awaiting moderation” notice, so am splitting my post into three parts!)
Hi, Zenny,
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Love the update on Giacomo! I have seen the Adena Springs video many times, and he is one gorgeous horse! He will make a wonderful contribution I know to the future “Cal breds”. Loved the fact that he is advertised at Adena Springs as a star outcross sire. In checking on him, I see at the Adena Springs site that Magali Farms is part of Adena’s California operation. Here is a link with an update on the reception that Giacomo has received at Magali: http://www.adenastallions.com/news/default.aspx?c=1&s=18 It seems that everyone loves this horse and his fans seem to grow just by word of mouth.
Big hugs, Z…Ann Maree
Yes, you can only post one link per post;
Great links
Ann Maree / Tennessee
More on Giacomo: Another link to his Stallion Page: http://www.adenastallions.com/stallions/stallion.aspx?id=Giacomo
Ann Maree / Tennessee
More on Giacomo….:):
I’ve been following Giacomo’s daughter, Disposeablepleasure, who overcame falling on her face coming out of the gate to go on and win the Demoiselle Stakes in November: http://www.drf.com/news/aqueduct-disposablepleasure-overcomes-stumble-objection-win-demoiselle-stakes It looks like she is pointed to the Davona Dale at Gulfstream on Feb. 25.
Big hugs, sweet girl! XXXOOOXXXOOO Ann Maree
That was an awesome race, she is so talented
To over come that mistake and win at 2 yrs old.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Yes I do remember that day, Ingrid.
Dear Zenny,
What a lovely post today. I am sure it takes a very special talent to make a stallion
so very “loving”. He is such a very handsome “man”. Love him “racing” around
his paddock to show off his racing style. It is so funny how the farm folks share that
the Stallion use the same style of running they used on the track; if they are closers
them run faster at the end of their “play time”; if they are front runner’s they they run
fast through out their “play time”. Love those equines; such a very wonderful species;
just like you. I guess broodmare’s run a little slower; and I guess your closing speed
had lessened; but you and Tasty sure look wonderful running the paddock.
Thanks so very much Dottie for keeping us up to date with all of these wonderful horses. And so glad his winning KY DERBY photo is on his stall; a wonderful
tribute to a very talented “guy”.
Dear Zenny,
You are right white horses sure do show colors so well; love Zazu’s blue blinkers; and her beautiful face when they take them off. Can’t wait to see her on the track.
Here!!! Here!!! to all the grooms that keep these white horses clean as a whistle; lots and lots and lots of work.