What a sweet photo this is! Our pal, GIACOMO, is now residing at Magali Farm in California. Here he is cuddling up to a friend of ours, Geri, who was recently visiting the farm with her family.
Can you imagine what a lovely and dear horse he is! As a stallion, “G” is so warm and friendly. Geri commented to Dottie, “you can tell he has had a great deal of handling and love during his life.” “G” spent his entire racing career at BARN 55, then started his stallion career at Adena Springs in KY, and now he’s at Magali.
I know GIACOMO was adored at BARN 55! MY JOHN spoke of him often with great love and respect. To this day, “G’s” photo crossing the finish line and winning the Kentucky Derby is on his stall door of his home at the barn. Everyday when I’d walk around the shed row either getting ready to go to the track or cooling out afterwards, I’d walk by his stall with see his photo on the door! It was very inspirational!
While at stud at Adena Springs in KY, Bill, in their stallion division, did a video showcasing Giacomo. It illustrated so many of his special qualities. In this presentation, Bill commented “G” was a stallion on their tour that he could always count on to entertain the fans, run with joy around the paddock for them, and even stand there politely and let young children pet him. (He adores peppermints!) Now, at Magali, he continues to demonstate these same genuine and loving qualities!
There is no blanket statement about stallions that one can make …but overtime, it has been noted that a stallion can often become very independent and quite aloof. It is just the nature of many stallions. That is why it is especially endearing to see “G” interact with people with such affection.
Per Geri, “he worked his way straight into my heart….he is a very special horse.”
It is amazing how GRAY horses often turn SO WHITE as they get older. GIACOMO is getting lighter and lighter each year. ZAZU, another one of my MOSS pals, is also “gray”. She has just arrived back to the track from her RNR…and from all reports, it appears she is getting to be quite ‘light’ in appearance. I can imagine that those colored saddle towels will look FABULOUS on her when she returns to the races!
All BLESSINGS to GIACOMO at Magali! It looks like he has settled in beautifully!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL
Zenyatta is at 96,022 FACEBOOK FANS as of right now!!! Thanks EVERYONE!!! She still has a way to go to get to 100,000 but we are closing in on that number. Keep telling your friends and family to LIKE Zenyatta on Facebook.
This is also a great way for people to get involved in the sport of Horse Racing…. So many of the other Horses now have Facebook Pages and that’s a great thing.
Thank you again and have a great weekend…. Hugs to Zenny, John and Dottie!!!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zenyatta sweet girl I missed seeing Giacomo last summer. Now I could just cry. Larry and I got held up at Our Mims. I hope someday to see him. I hope you stay warm and dry. The weather here got ugly. We even had a 2 hour delay. I love you Zenyatta. Hugs and Many Many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
PS MY Homeroom 215 says HI !!!!!!!!
M. Kern
Oh! Giacomo looks so handsome! I LOVE Gray horses! Every time I see one, I think of my two adorable silver gray miniature schnauzers (Oscar & Felix). Just like Giacomo, they get lighter and lighter as they get older. Thanks for the update. I am glad he’s doing well and happy. I love you Queen Z. Have fun outside with Tasty if weather permits. Love you too Tasty!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Frederick:
Thank you. I have a little more time now to be part of Z’s Family again. I miss all of you and the banter back and forth. So many great posts and links. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I have left remarks for Mary, Patricia (in re: to Trigger)
@all Any one know how Patti (N) is? I don’t believe I have seen her post. However, I must admit I have been coming on the post quite late into the evening.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Sweet lovely Z; We have had more artic temps & more snow this Friday. If it has come your way, please, you and Tasty stay warm and safe, because I know how much you love to be outside. Have a very special week-end .
love, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
also my prayers for Jon, Patricia!
Hi Zenny. I don`t know how but I missed this post. Giacomo is one handsome dude!! He always was. Very glad to see him. Sweet gentleman. Now, how`s my Zenyatta and baby girl?? I`m sure just fine. Hope Tasty is doing well too. She`s a beauty. Have a great time together!!! Love you, Alene
Candi E. Carter
giacomo is so handsome and so adorable!!!!.
Hey Z!
Thanks for the update on G! I got to meet him and a few other Adena stallions when I visited in June 2009. I went specifially to meet him and Awesome Again. It was great to see Awesome Again, but I have to say G won me over. As soon as the groom brought him out, he danced and struck poses as if to say, “Yes, yes! Take my picture!” He was and, still is, simply breathtaking in person!! And very personable when I got to pet him.
Have a good day Z!
Ariel Yve
One of my local horse rescues posted pictures from their visit with him at his new farm. He looked so kind in his photos…I couldn’t help but ask if he was as sweet as he looked. The response: Even sweeter!
G is only an hour and a half away from me, so I hope to have the opportunity to visit him soon. What a special boy he is!