Good Morning,
The temperatures have been changing and the winter weather has definitely arrived in Kentucky. It is still ‘winter pleasant’, though, and TASTY and I are doing fine! Thank you for all of your continued interest in how WE are…and your LOVE! WE so appreciate it!
Last evening, when Dottie and MY JOHN went to Santa Anita to check on his horses there and walk SOPHIE, the film crews were set up and filming at the RECEIVING BARN AREA. There was a great deal of activity. Actually, many different projects are often filmed at Santa Anita. The setting is spectacular! As you may know, the new TV series, LUCK, has been filming at Santa Anita now for quite some time.
In California, the RECEIVING BARN is where the horses are required to go before each race. Each trainer must have his/her horses there approximately15-20 minutes before they walk over to the paddock. During this time period, several things are checked and monitored in relation to each horse. For example, the HORSE IDENTIFICATION person has a copy of each horse’s Jockey Club papers, his/her individual markings…along with photos of the horse…and the tattoo number. ALL of this is closely inspected to be sure the correct horse is there. A BLACKSMITH, who is employed by the racing association, is also on site. His role is to be sure each horse is wearing the appropriate shoes which comply with all of the regulations. Other details of this nature are constantly monitored, inspected, and recorded at this time…all with the goal of making racing a safe sport for horses, humans, and the betting public.
I know this RECEIVING BARN area very well! It will be such FUN to watch LUCK and get an opportunity to see the various locations around Santa Anita utilized in their filming. For ME, it will also be like VISITING HOME! I have such fond memories of ALL of my times at SANTA ANITA.
Have a terrific day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
In the ‘OH DEAR’ department, I was dictating so much information yesterday to Dottie that I meant to use the word…ANOTHER… instead of THE ONLY OTHER. So sorry!
Will be watching Luck at my mom’s as she is the big spender with HBO. I’m sure it will be plenty “gritty” and darj, because it’s on HBO and that’s how they roll.
And “dark.” Duh. Need more coffee, excuse me…
Eveline / Maryland.
A very nice tribute to one of my favorite horses, Buck Jakes. http://www.drf.com/blogs/beloved-buck-jakes-0
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
He is so cute, thanks Ingrid.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Eveline – I can see why he is a favorite. He is one beautiful boy. The story was very touching also. Don’t we wish they could live forever at our side!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Thank you for sharing this story……..what a “Grand Old Man” he was, and with so much character. So hard to give them up.
Marshall (in NC)
Thanks so much for the tribute link about Buck Jakes. He was quite beautiful and such a sweet spirit. Those expressive eyes! Glad he was loved and well-cared for. RIP
Mary / Lynchburg, VA
Hi Z….. The winter weather has set here in Virginia. But we have not had any snow so we really have had a mild winter compared to many others. I have a friend in Seattle and she just e-mailed me about the snow they are having out there. She said it is beautiful. I know what you mean about seeing places or know about things in a TV show or a movie. Secretariat was born in Virginia and the director for the movie of Secretariat went to my high school here in Lynchburg, E. C. Glass……he graduated in 1967 from there and I graduated in 1965. So that was kind of cool to see that.
You and Tasty have a wonderful time outside….like I have told you two…enjoy this time ….because before long ….you two will have little ones right under your feet….but you will love it!! Hugs to you Z….
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Mary – That is cool!
Sandra Bennington
So glad to know that all the Horses are carefully looked after.
You are such a bright light in my life. Bless you and baby Z & Tasty……
and also to all your connections, especially Dottie.
Trisha from VA
I have a question for Dottie , is there ever going to be a time when we will be able to visit Zenyatta? We all realize how very special she is and would NEVER EVER do anything to harm her. Please let me know.
Hi gorgeous Z, yes it is getting cold here as well a strong wind for the last two days has brought us a much colder temperature. You and Tasty be real careful if it snows, no running and romping. You have to take care of the little ones
Love hugs and kisses to all.
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
She runs like a girl, too :-)
Black Caviar trainer eyes Sydney for world record
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thanks for the link on Black Caviar. “She runs like a girl, too”. Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JAG – What a beautiful and talented lady. I think it is wonderful for racing that so many records have been set and broken in just the last few years. It certainly does add to the excitement!
Deborah Richman
Runs like a Girl! A new motto! And it sure applies to the beautiful Black Caviar :)
Lisag in Texas
I just love Black Cavier, but I do not want her break Queen Zenyatta’s and Peppers Pride record.
Kisses, Ms Zenyatta!
Rapid Redux already broke it; along with Citation’s 19 wins.
Jan S. in Houston
BC is such a special TB. She is heading to Royal Ascot after the Australia Stakes. I’m cheering her on to #17.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
LOOK what I found, I myself can’t believe this incredible Lion. Now that I know how am never going to stop with the videos ha ha, thank you girls. Ingrid
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid Arnone:
Wow, that video is amazing. Found myself laughing out loud. By the way, nice job with the link. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Kelly, Allentown, Pa ^-^
Very cool video.
Deborah Richman
Sweet video!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ingrid – Amazing!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Too precious! I love lions and all the big cats.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Ingrid; This is amazing; to be hugged by a lion is very rare!! These cats are so big and beautiful.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks so much, Ingrid! I’m very late, so I’m going to post below ANOTHER WONDERFUL lion-reunion-with-humans video, CHRISTIAN THE LION. Ingrid, you’ll love it too!
Terry Crow
Trina-The Christian story is indeed remarkable. It was fun seeing the video after reading the book.
Terry Crow
@Katie Clawson, future jockey-Happy belated birthday. Hope you had a good one. Racing could use a few more young fans such as yourself. @Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you invented the limbo to get into pay toilets. @signofthetimes, president of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you have a reserved cell at the police station. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if your bathroom air freshener is a pack of matches. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if your dog has his own place setting at the dinner table (guilty). @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you found every one of your pets. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if your momma and your dog bathe together. Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if your house and your barn are the same building. @Sue Fredrick and sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if your horse eats the same food you do. @Brenda S, president, and Abigail ion Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if the trunk of your care doubles as a deep freeze. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if your toenails curl before you cut them. You might be a redneck if your idea of home improvement is to rearrange the cars in your yard. You might be a redneck if you can’t take a bath because beer is iced down in your tub. You might be a redneck if you have “male” painted on your mailbox. You might be a redneck if everyone you know has more than one first name. You might be a redneck if your toothbrush has more hair than your dog.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Terry C: You might be a redneck if you have diesel-scented Kleenex :)
Terry Crow
How did you know?
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Guilty also on the (4) place setting(s) for the dog(s).
Great fun; laughing all evening.
Too Good !!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Terry thank God for you, I needed to laugh myself silly after that Packer game on Sunday, actually I don’t know if that was them that showed up.
Terry Crow
Have to agree. They played like a redneck version of themselves. Huge disappointment.
Denise in AZ
… and then there was the Bronco game… none of them showed up- esp. the O-line :( it was a fun ride tho!!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
LOL!- I am guily of at least two of them some point in life……and well Bonnie Blue and Clyde are my babies.-LOL!
matches-really good one!
You give me such good joy and laughter ever day. Thank you!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
LoL — definitely matches in the loo!
Terry Crow
@Canadian rednecks-That should be Abigail in Montreal and car rather than care.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
My adorable Zenyatta, so glad you and TT, are well, please keep warm, and love you Ingrid.
Kathy Baldwin
Thanks for the cool pics taken by Your John. And thanks Zenny and Dottie for the
schooling regarding the RECEIVING BARN. Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week!
Peace, Love & Blessings,
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
P.S. It was nice to see Mike Smith and Bo Derek presenting awards together at the
Eclipse Awards. And Chantal Sutherland looked very pretty. :) Some very touching
Katie Clawson
Zenny, I am needing your Diary post now more than ever. Thank you for today’s post <3
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Katie – Hope everything is well with you! Z-love!!
Katie, Did you see the many birthday greetings to you on #419?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT, Dottie and Z Fans:
Glad to know Z, you and TT, are doing fine. Dear Dottie please do not apologize for anything. You are so sweet to be making this Diary available to us. We so appreciate you. Watched the sneak peek of Luck on HBO last month. Looks like it will be a very good series. The first episode, I should warn you, has a very sad potent scene. The reality of the racing world has some tragedy as we are all aware. Just like life, there is joy and sadness. Hats off to the writers for their honesty. Z and TT, enjoy your day. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Got to sign up for HBO and Versus to see luck and more racing;
heard the first of the series was quite a tear jerker; and confuser.
Terry Crow
I will depend on you for updates and critiques of the show. Dennis Farina, who used to be on Law and Order, is one of my favorite actors. He was a Chicago cop, acting as a technical adviser on a TV show when he caught the acting bug.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Katie Clawson (Future Jockey):
Happy Birthday (a day late). Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
How did you know? She’s a wee bit spoiled. Love the jokes. Hugs, JB
This was tweeted by Humane Society & retweeted by The Blood-Horse.
Quite a story. Quite an award.
Reminds me of the great Snowman & Harry de Leyer
Horse once destined for slaughter becomes USEF horse of the year
This story is certainly no movie, but it could be. Neville Bardos, a 13-year-old, 16.1 hh chestnut gelding, is the epitome of equine perseverance. Several equines in history have overcome terrible odds, but this eventing gelding has faced more than his fair share. Having escaped death twice, the thoroughbred’s grit was finally rewarded on Jan. 13, when he was named the United States Equestrian Federation’s (USEF) horse of the year for 2011.
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/317974#ixzz1jpCkE7Zp
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keta – MY GOODNESS what a beautiful, talented horse. It really lifts the spirits to know he was rescued and that his story is to great!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Isn’t that wonderful?!
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Keta, beautiful story, thanks Ingrid.
Thanks for keeping us up to day with the TWEETS; beautiful horse.
Cheryl Y
Keta,thanks so much for the link about Neville and Boyd!!! At the time of the fire,I had posted on Zen site asking for all of her fans to please pray for Boyd,Neville and all the other owners,grooms,students and anyone else who was grieving about this horrible tradgedy.To me this confirms that God answered our prayers,THANK YOU God and all of the thousands of Zen fans and family!! This farm is 10 minutes from my house and is in the center of horse country in Unionville,Pa and as Zen well knows whenever there is fire in a barn it is tragic to anyone that has ever worked with or loved a horse so it was a very difficult time for all of us in the area. I think this story is also another reason to end horse slaughter,as it proves there is life after the track and this is one of the many 2nd careers a race horse can have!!!!!!!!
Logged on this morning & read your reply. It made me glad I posted the story.
When I read this story, I was almost moved to tears.
It is such a story of survival.
Anyone who has been burned knows how painful it can be.
I can only imagine what Neville went through & to also suffer smoke inhalation.
It must have been so difficult for you & the community to go through the fire & its aftermath.
This is a wonderful story of recovery & redemption.
SIde note: When I read about Michael Matz, the trainer, there is always a flash of memory of Michael Matz, the equestrian show-jumper, and going to Madison Square Garden to see him. These sports are intertwined in many ways.
Have a wonderful day!
Here is a link to Chester Webber’s Jamaica ( US driving horse champion); found in a Belgian feedlot (purchased for $500) as too much to handle as a carriage horse; He won the highest honor in driving a few years ago. And he has a Breyer model named after him. A really gorgeous horse that needed a more demanding competative “job” to unleash his talents.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thanks for the link. Was hoping Neville B. would win. So glad he did. Will be rooting for him in the Summer Olympics. Hugs, JB
Marshall (in NC)
Thanks for the Neville Bardos story — fantastic horse! What a survivor! Long may he enjoy life!
Deborah Richman
Z, when I was at Santa Anita I kept imagining what it must have been like when YOU raced there! I am so glad that I have come to know you through your wonderful Diary. Even though I never had the honor of being in your presense, i can at least get a sense of what it was like from the fans who saw you, from the videos of you (such as those made by our Kari), and from ” your own” words in your Diary.
Please thank Dottie for me for always doing such a great job as your scribe! I’m wondering…. does Sophie ever whisper her own unique perspective into Dottie’s ear when visiting the track and all the horses?
Good afternoon, Zen and all……Just wanted to tell you it’s a little nippy in Montana today, with -24 last night and only up to -10 right now at 2pm our time. Not much snow, tho, and a very mild winter, so far.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wow. Stay warm!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s a lovey article (and photo) of Havre de Grace and other Eclipse winners:
Love and Hugs, JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks for the link, Judy! Hugs to you and Russ and Lola Mae :)
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Dear Judy B, love the link thanks, hugs Ingrid.
Really nice link to HDG, she is a talent in her own right.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susan in TN, Ingrid Arnone and Signofthetimes:
You’re so welcome. Love HDG and her trainer. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy from South Carolina
Good afternoon Beautiful Z! Hope you and Tasty are having a wonderful day. And thank YOU, Dottie, for continuing to allow us into Z’s daily life.
I noticed an earlier couple of posts regarding Black Caviar. I have a long time cyber friend in Australia who “introduced” me to Black Caviar last year and I have been following her and her races (thanks TVG!) ever since. She is “their Zenyatta”. If you have yet to see her race, she is going for number 17 on Jan. 27th according to my friend and hopefully TVG will show her race again as they have in the past. It should air sometime between 11 pm and 1 am on Friday night, Jan. 26th since Australia is a day ahead of us.
Sharyn - Vermont
You are too funny with all your dictating to Dottie!! You sure do keep her busy and we are all so happy for that…… Wow, I learned something new today – the Receiving Barn – all so very interesting – thank you!
Enjoy you day with Tasty!!
Joanna from TX
Zen and Dottie–thanks so much for the info on the Santa Anita receiving barn; that was really interesting.
I also just got my Bloodhorse ’25 most’ issue and I loved it! Beautifully done and the articles were well written. The sections about Rachel and Zen were really fun to read. The excitement mounts as foaling time nears for all you girls and your BFFs, Tasty and Hot Dixie Chick. I can hardly wait!
Take care all…there’s nasty weather in several areas of the country. We’re just TOO fortunate out here in S. TX (except for the rain issue), with temps in the 70s this coming week.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Never a worry in our wanting to know how you are Zenny. Words can’t express how much I look forward to hearing from you and Dottie each and everyday!Glad that you and Tasty are still enjoying yourselves even though the weather is getting cooler. Sometimes I’m sure that crisp, cold air just puts a spring in both of your steps. It was great to see the pictures from SA. I know if you were there, you would be the STAR of the show!!! Thank you for the information about the receiving barn. I know I have told you before, but you and Dottie are the best teachers, ever, giving us so much amazing information. Dottie, don’t feel bad about typos, missing words or spelling errors, it happens to all of us! I think it’s just part of being a Dumpling! We just thank you for taking the time everyday to bring Zenny into our hearts and homes!! Love you both so much!! Sweet dreams to you both. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Hi Zenny. Guess what? I don`t get HBO. I`m quite upset to say the least. I love Dustin Hoffman. He`s awesome. Like YOU!!!!You`re prettier then he is good looking. You and Tasty cuddle up and stay warm mommy…Love you,Alene
James from Ohio
What day is Zenyetta’s foal due?
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
James from Ohio
Her due date could be early March to mid-March… My choice is the 9th (wink wink) for sentimental reasons XO
Judy G
Actually according to foal calucators Feb 27 to March 12 plus 10 to 11 days
equals March 22 or 23.
I sure hope there isn’t a test on all of this a some point, because at my age I’m lucky I remember yesterday!
Have a wonderful evening to all!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- more great pictures and information! I love the behind the scenes stuff. I got my copy of the Bloodhorse’s 25 Most Intriguing Horses and People of 2011 yesterday. I LOVE the article about YOU and the beautiful photos! Also loved seeing your John and Mike- it’s like seeing family in a magazine! Love you, funny girl <3
P.S. No apologies needed!!
Terry Crow
Susan-It is great to see you posting again. How is my man Chester?
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dear Dottie,
Thank you for all you continue to do for us and racing. It means so much!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta
After the Eclipse Awards I have watched the SPECTACULAR NIGHT that YOU won. Your Mr. Jerry Moss, his voice was cracking with such emotion, and Your Mrs. Ann Moss, crying and crying and smiling thru her tears. I have watched it 4 times now since Monday night, the poem read at the end of speech till makes me break down in tears.
I love you so much and miss you so much, take care my Queen, sleep well.