Good Morning,
The temperatures have been changing and the winter weather has definitely arrived in Kentucky. It is still ‘winter pleasant’, though, and TASTY and I are doing fine! Thank you for all of your continued interest in how WE are…and your LOVE! WE so appreciate it!
Last evening, when Dottie and MY JOHN went to Santa Anita to check on his horses there and walk SOPHIE, the film crews were set up and filming at the RECEIVING BARN AREA. There was a great deal of activity. Actually, many different projects are often filmed at Santa Anita. The setting is spectacular! As you may know, the new TV series, LUCK, has been filming at Santa Anita now for quite some time.
In California, the RECEIVING BARN is where the horses are required to go before each race. Each trainer must have his/her horses there approximately15-20 minutes before they walk over to the paddock. During this time period, several things are checked and monitored in relation to each horse. For example, the HORSE IDENTIFICATION person has a copy of each horse’s Jockey Club papers, his/her individual markings…along with photos of the horse…and the tattoo number. ALL of this is closely inspected to be sure the correct horse is there. A BLACKSMITH, who is employed by the racing association, is also on site. His role is to be sure each horse is wearing the appropriate shoes which comply with all of the regulations. Other details of this nature are constantly monitored, inspected, and recorded at this time…all with the goal of making racing a safe sport for horses, humans, and the betting public.
I know this RECEIVING BARN area very well! It will be such FUN to watch LUCK and get an opportunity to see the various locations around Santa Anita utilized in their filming. For ME, it will also be like VISITING HOME! I have such fond memories of ALL of my times at SANTA ANITA.
Have a terrific day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
In the ‘OH DEAR’ department, I was dictating so much information yesterday to Dottie that I meant to use the word…ANOTHER… instead of THE ONLY OTHER. So sorry!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th Heart.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Miss you!!! Love and hugs!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I tried to e-mail you, but don’t think I have your correct address. My first attempt landed in the box of another Dumpling—LOL! Love and hugs in return!
So glad you are first today.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you, sign. I was first in name only today. Someone else was first in heart.
Terry Crow
Cynthia-I would count myself lucky if I had a friend as true and loyal as you. Kari is a lucky woman.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Terry, I cannot tell you how much those words mean to me. You always seem to find exactly the right thing to say at the right time. Thank you.
Great shots! I don’t get HBO so I’m going to have to scrounge to find the show online somewhere. Thanks for posting the pics. Have a great day to all of Team Zenyatta
Hey Zenyatta fans. I’m in a photo contest that ends in a couple of hours and I was hoping you could help me get some votes. Please go to
and vote for the picture posted by G Ubar. It’s Out Of Bounds with Garrett Gomez winning the Sham Stakes. All you have to do is click on my picture, then click “like”. You don’t have to sign in or register. Just click on my picture, click “like” and you’re done. Thanks!!!
Eveline / Maryland.
Done, nice picture.
Thank you for your vote. I also forgot to mention this is for people with Facebook pages only. I don’t think you’re able to vote if you don’t have a FB page. Thanks again!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Really thought the picture was great. I went in and gave you my vote! Good luck!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Done. Beautiful picture! Good luck :)
Jan S. in Houston
Done. Great picture.
Marty R / Colorado
He was flying!! Super picture. Good luck.
Darlene Daniels
great picture Gloria, I voted for you too.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great shot, Gloria. I’m sorry I’m checking in too late to vote.
Happy Wednesday, Z! Can’t wait to see a bouncing replica of you! As always, love and miss you!
carol in utah
good morning lovely queen z……very interesting yesterday…lots of info about all kinds of things….keep warm…kisses for your soft nose and some for tasty too….remember…
all of us potential nannies are pacing
Doreen in CT
Good Morning Zenny – both you and Tasty keep warm. It’s definitely feeling like winter up here in New England. Have a great day.
carol in utah
CIGAR watch….he is out by front fence….
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
I’ve been watching Cigar this a.m., too!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
For all those who love Santa Anita, and for those who have never visited, and will be coming for Breeders’ Cup. It was the palace of my dreams when I was growing-up.
Terry Crow
Cynthia-Thanks for the link. You are lucky. Not everyone gets to work in the place of their dreams. Snuck in a look at Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeder’s Cup Classic win while I was on you tube. Still moves me when I watch it.
Deborah Richman
Cynthiia, thank you for the link to the lovely tribute to Santa Anita. I agree with Terry Crow that you are very lucky to work in the place of your dreams. I was there on opening day and absolutely loved it! The beauty, the sense of history, the excitement, were all just enchanting to me. And JAG is right, the Art Deco design is very cool!
Looking forward to going again soon, and hope to see any available dumplings there :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cynthia – Hi!! What a beautiful video. How I love these old tracks, from Santa Anita to Churchill Downs to Saratoga Springs, they are grand reminders of the remarkable history of horse racing. Many have disappeared. How I hope we continue to try to perserve and protect them, honoring their incredible beauty and the memories they represent! Thank you for sharing!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Hope to go there one day! Thank you!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you very much, Deborah, Dawn, Susan and Terry. Like you, I love the old racetracks with a passion. To me, they are living, breathing things, with hearts and souls. The ground on which they stand is sacred. The walls actually can and DO speak, if one listens very hard, of heroes both celebrated and unsung. I grieve for the loss of these magnificent monuments to our glorious past, which are falling to the wrecking ball in alarming numbers.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Thank you for the link and the beautiful words.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
12th <3.
Terry Crow
You are so correct, Cynthia. These glorious places of my youth are fast disappearing. Hollywood Park will be the next to go. I visited Bay Meadows before it was torn down. Sad.
Wonderful link Cynthia.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you, “sign.”
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Cynthia: I can see why it was your favorite place! Thank you for the link. I’ve never have been there, but I do want to come sometime.
Vickie A Dana Point
Very nice! Thanks for the link
Elizabeth G.
And we miss you at Santa Anita more than words can say. All the horses are keeping their hooves crossed that someday you will come back for a visit. It would be a monumental occasion for all of us. Stay warm and cozy as the snow comes. XOXO to you and Tasty.
Dear Great One,
I will be watching Luck right along with you. It sounds very interesting. I finagled HBO free for 3 months from my provider so I’m hoping that is long enough to watch the entire series!
I hope you and Tasty are having a wonderful winter day and that Havre de Grace is basking in the glory of being a newly minted HOY. I hope we see more females competing against males in 2012!
Your humble J
Nancy in CA
Good morning dear Zenyatta. We sure do miss you out here. I hope someday Mrs. Moss will move you to her her area as she wished earlier so that we could see you more often. I know they love and take good care of you there though. Waiting for your baby to arrive. I hope he/she is the image of you and loves to dance. Maybe you could teach him/her. We watched the first episode of Luck and we hope it will be a huge hit. It would be good for Santa Anita and for racing as a whole.
Diana Harris
I love reading your posts. You are amazing! I just got my vacation scheduled for the Rolex three day event and the Kentucky derby I am soooooo excited! I hope I can see you and baby Z while I am there. All of these on my bucket list and at the top. You and Tasty stay warm and enjoy your time outside when you can
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Sounds like a great vacation. I might see you at Rolex; I will probably be helping to man the information booth over by the trade fair. Have you gotten your tickets yet? Don’t forget the Kentucky Reining Cup will be there too!
You are not going to be able to see Zenyatta, unfortunately. Lane’s End is closed to casual visitors in April and May, and she is not on the tour anyway. Some other farms are open around that time, though. You can check their websites or call them. A trip to Old Friends is a MUST! Be sure to make tour reservations, as they are busy when the Derby is in town. You can also visit Our Mims. If you are a Brass Hat fan, his owners welcome visitors as well.
Enjoy all the Derby Week festivities, and wear a hat!
Darlene Daniels
The Kentucky Horse Park is also awesome, and you CAN see Cigar there! I was just a foot away from him last fall. Have fun.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Rolex is at the Horse Park, so she’ll be there. :-)
But Darlene is right–you need to make some time to see the show at the Hall of Champions. The show features the great Cigar, 2X Breeder’s Cup (Mile? Sprint?) winner Da Hoss, and Derby winner Funny Cide, as well as a couple of Standardbred champions. Derby winner Go For Gin also resides there, but I don’t know if he is part of the show. The museum is great, and the park is full of wonderful sculptures. The park is also the final resting place of many notable horses, especially the great Man O’War.
Darlene Daniels
Laura, I love the Kentucky Horse Park. I am looking forward to another visit and this time I think I will go alone so I can take my time and look at everything and all the different kinds of horses for as long as I want without someone saying “come on lets go look at something else, or I’m tired, are you ready to move on”. I love my family but sometimes a person just needs to do what they want, the way they want. Thanks for the reminder of all the TB’s there. I was so enamored with Cigar, I forgot about some of them.
Beautifu Zenyatta, I have not posted for awhile. But, I wanted you to know that I have taken several moments to peek in from time to time. Monday was a very special day for me. My husband gave me a poster of you racing signed by Mike and Your John and I had just before Christmas saved up and gotten your beautiful Momma Z portrait. Monday I got them both back from the framers. My husband says they are beautiful too! :)
To All: I will take some time later to catch up on your wonderful comments. Kari, I took some mini-mind vacations and saw your Z tributes. Of course I love them and thank you for posting them.
I also saw a tiny little announcement in the Montgomery Advertiser that this coming weekend the largest horse fair in the SE returns to Alabama. The daily entrance fee is low and participants can see all events and activities at the fair and attend one of the largest equine trade shows in the Southeast. Veterinarians are volunteering from around the state to man the “Ask the Vet” booth. I am excited that demonstrations on driving, drill teams, dressage, high-jump exhibition, and more will be there for me to see at Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery, Alabama. If anyone is close and wants to come, but needs more information, please contact the Alabama Horse Council at http://www.alabamahorsecouncil.org or call (205)678-2882. Also you can call Dr. Cindy McCall at (334) 844-1556.
Big smiles and Z hugs to you and Tasty and Dottie and Your John and all who have taken such good care of you. The love for you extends to all of your extended family.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
DMCQ – Wonderful to see your post! Glad you are back among us Dumplings!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I’ll bet those Z pictures are gorgeous! Even non-horsey people are pulled in by her beauty, aren’t they? I’m happy for you!
That horse fair sounds like a really good one. Wish it were a little closer!
I’ll be in touch <3
sharon in seattle
The receiving barn at Santa Anita is a VERY SPECIAL place for me and brings back awesome memories. I was standing at the rail opposite the barn when I first saw Zenyatta up close in 2008, after her Ladies Classic win. I had never heard of her before that moment and the woman standing next to me said “she’s something very special.” What an understatement!!! Now I’m a lifelong Z-ster!!
Then in 2009 I stood at the same railing as Mario brought Zenyatta to the receiving barn before her Classic win. She couldn’t go into the barn with the “guys” so Mario walked her around outside of the barn while those of us watching ooohed and aaahed to see our majestic girl so close up. she did a couple of dance moves, but waited patiently while all the protocol was covered. At one point I could have reached out and patted her behind, (I DID NOT) she was that close to us. I get shivers just remembering that day!!!
All the best to Zenyatta, Tasty, and their human connections!! What a thrill ride!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Sharon in Seattle – Great memories! What a lucky lady you are!!
sharon in seattle
Hi Dawn – it’s true, I have been very blessed. I wish I could share the moment with all of you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Seattle:
What wonderful memories to have and you’re so lucky to have seen Z up close and personal. What a dream come true. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
Hi Judy – hugs back to you – I hope your dream to see Zenyatta in person comes true.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wow, Sharon- I can only imagine how thrilling it was! Thanks for sharing!
sharon in seattle
Hi Susan – I WAS speechless but recovered in time to scream at the top of my lungs when Zenny made her Classic move in the home stretch!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Sharon, How lucky you are to have seen Zenny up close. I would be so happy to say that i had seen her at all, even in the distance, and I didn’t manage to do that when I visited Lane’s End. Lucky girl!!
sharon in seattle
Hi Brenda – I hope for you and all Z fans that you’ll get to see her in person. My goodness, there are some Z-sters who have even got to kiss her nose!!!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Sharon; I am so happy for you to have been so close to Z. I was too in Oaklawn, but I did not have the nerve to ask Mario if I could give her a goodluck kiss on her nose. (Something I’ll regret forever!)
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Hi Sweet Cheeks Big Mommy Zen!
I love this track! The art deco is way too cool!
We “Z Dumplings” congregate around the paddock and or/saddling barn. We spoke to YOUR JOHN just last Sunday as he saddled G TEN ~ that’s when I ran into Cynthia H (12th Heart) :-) We asked John why G Ten didn’t have his trademark cotton in his ears. John was funny, he said “He’s hard of hearing!” LOL
Big {{{HUGS}}} and peppermint kisses to you, my Queen, and Baby Z………………………………………….. March 9th!
Judy G
p.s. Santa Anita THE GREAT RACE PLACE. I love meeting new peeps; some recognize me from fb or youtube, etc…. scary thought because I’ve had total strangers come up and ask me if I’m Judy! LOL :-))))
sharon in seattle
I’m thinking of traveling to Santa Anita for the Big ‘Cap —- I’d love to meet up with Z-sters who are there. Do you think you’ll be there? Does anyone in particular coordinate the Z fans in attendance?
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
I know I’ll be there and mostly likely the “local chapter of Z Dumplings”, too.
Keep us informed, we could meet you at a specific spot at a given time. I like to get to the track early; I go say “hello” to John Henry first thing :-)
The paddock is always a good place, too. If you have a Dumpling tag be sure to wear it. Describe what you look like (height and hair color) and what you will be wearing that day. That’s how how many of us met on Gold Cup Day at Hollywood Park last July.
We look forward to meeting YOU!
Judy G
sharon in seattle
sounds great!! I like to get there early too. And for sure I’ll have my Dumpling badge on! As the date gets nearer, I’ll let you know via the diary if in fact I’ll be making the trip. I’ll never forget the first time I saw Santa Anita – I was stunned by the beautiful track and the setting!
Terry Crow
Hollywood Gold Cup Day, other than your birthday, is the most fun I’ve had at the track in years. It was great meeting the dumplings and being able to tour Barn 55.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I know I’ll be there. I hope we all get to meet up.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I’m planning on being there for BC so now I know where the cool place to be is. Hope to see you then.
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C." SO CAL
Zenny and Dottie – you guys are just TOO CUTE!!! Thanks for the update on you and Tasty and thanks for the update on LUCK!!!
As for using the wrong – you should sweat the small stuff- life is too short! But thanks for letting everyone know that even Horses and Humans can make an OOPPSS every now and then.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Hope to visit Santa Anita for the Breeders Cup this year!
Kelly, Allentown, Pa ^-^
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Z, I think it is awesome that you gals in the barn get cable. ;- )
judy berube from Rhode Island
Laura J.:
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Reposting this TOO CUTE story!
Curious Cat Explores His Neighborhood – by Bus
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JAG – Too cute!
Kelly, Allentown, Pa ^-^
I wonder how he got his name, most likely Dodging traffic. He looks like one cool cat.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a cute story! Thanks JAG!
Julie Malida
You make us all ever more interested in racing. I got my copy of The Blood Horse yesterday and put it in my Z shrine. Wonderful photos of you in there. You are all the best qualities of humans and horses combined!
tony branson
i know there was some bad weather come through kentucky yesterday.i hope you are ok zenyatta.
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Live Video: OBS 2012 Winter Mixed Sale
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Great video, Ingrid.
Zenyatta and Team Z deserve a cameo in Luck-after the foal arrives!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Stephanie:
What a splendid idea. Hugs, JB
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
So glad to hear you are staying warm in this winter weather and that you and Tasty are doing fine. It won’t be long until the both of you will be first time mothers—you must have so much to talk about!
I am so grateful to you for posting all the wonderful pics of Santa Anita. They’re all so beautiful and I hope that some day I will get to visit that very special track. I often wonder if you think about the tracks where you raced and all the friends you must have encountered during your racing careers. If the saying that a horse never forgets, then you must be full of fabulous memories, dear Z.
Stay warm and happy! Hugs to you and Tasty!
Suzanne G (IL)
Dear Zenyatta,
Happy to hear that you and Tasty are doing well in ‘winter pleasant’ weather. Hope that means you can still scrounge some of that bluegrass. Speaking of shoes… Are you and TT barefootin’? Have a wonderful day and, as always, thanks to your families for always sharing. Love, hugs and peppermint kisses to you and TT.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ You are the gift that just keeps giving. Thank you (Dottie) for the education that you continually give us!!!
Montana is experiencing a major snowstorm and sub zero temps with wind chill…. I can’t wait till Spring….. in more ways than one!!!
Zenyatta~ My daughter and I got our plane tickets to BC 2012. We are so excited! Can’t wait to hear about your “Zenyatta Party.” Please, please, please tell me you will be having one at BC 2012. The sooner we know, the sooner we can get tickets.
Love forever and always~
Your #1 fan in Montana!!!
Zenny, I’m glad to know you and TT ae doing well. Oh, tell your Dottie I don’t care one bit about typos and such…just knowing that the two of you take time to include us in your life is enough. Once again, this is such an imformative post…kudos to both of you.
hi Z! I’m going to order HBO just so I can watch LUCK! Love the photos of Santa Anita! YOU and Tasty have a wonderful Wednesday! Love love love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Opps, I forgot an “r” in are…so you and Dottie are not alone in the grammar dept.
sue and tony
Zenny, tell Dottie not to worry. Heck, we mix up words all the time because our fingers cannot always keep up with our brain. The only thing we’d like to see added to this great site is an edit button so we wouldn’t look so dumb. ;-)
Great info. here again…my, what we have learned from the two of you is nothing short of amazing.
Say Hi to TT for us.
harold moore
Here this morning it was -30 f but sunny .nice to know about the receiving barn at sa. hope you are fine BIG Z .