Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
@Stephanie from San Diego
Did you also read about Rapid Redux, is that he is still wants to run? Saying he is sound after his last race is not unsusual; it is what all trainers report on their racing TB’s after every race, we just don’t hear about all of them.
It does not seem fair to retire these so very young stallions/geldings when they
have so much desire to work and really be a TB.
Sue Colvin -NJ
i agrre w/ you signs.
as long as RR is sound & wants to keep running – let him :)
plus its good for business.
Wow, look at that belly! You look so cute Momma Z!
hi Z! YOU look gorgeous!!! and TOO CUTE walking with Sarah;) I can’t wait to hear about the special thing we’ve been asking about, hopefully we can visit YOU!!! Love YOU xoxoxo
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Abigail, How about Danzig and Mr Prospector? I just read your latest addition to The Vault and loved it. Your talent is amazing.
Dawn, Thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate your support. My cousin had celebrated his 65th birthday on December 7th, I spent some time with him in the morning of the 20th when we were both doing some last minute gift shopping and he was gone when his wife returned home from work in the afternoon. As Vic said “It’s not fair”.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
That’s what friends are for my dear. I can’t believe that your cousin shared my birthday. I have experienced the loss of loved ones who left us much too soon. Vic is right, it is not fair. It does remind us to enjoy spending time with our friends and family while we can and to live each day to the fullest.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
So very sorry for your loss.
Sue Colvin -NJ
my condolences to you brenda.
at least u were fortunate to see him before he died.
if it helps, he’s in a better place now <3
Luv the new format. Much easier on the eyes. HAPPY NEW YEAR Zenyatta, Tasty and all your human connections.
Love the new website, Zenyatta! Fit for a queen, I might add!!! *wink* What surprises await us in 2012………only time will tell. Not much longer, big girl!! Take care and God bless you and Baby ZeeBee in the weeks ahead!!! Much love from Louisville, KY!!!!!
Terry Crow
Catching up on the posts. @Judy Berube, signofthetimes, Debbie G and Sally B-Glad you enjoyed the Lone Ranger joke. @signofthetimes-Thanks for accepting the Texas presidency. @Barbara Wood-In the spirit of Zenyatta, all if forgiven. @Debbie G-UK in a bowl game? LOL. @Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of the Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you claim your dog as a dependent on your income tax. @signofthetimes, president of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you have ever received a Valentine’s Day gift that has a kick starter. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if you think mud rassling should be an Olympic sport. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if your watchdogs are geese. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if your mailbox holds up one end of your clothesline. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of the Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you mow your lawn with a tractor. @Susan in Tn and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you have a fly strip hanging above the kitchen table. You might be a redneck if you’ve ever watched an entire infomercial and said “Heck, yeah, I’m gonna get me one of them.” You might be a redneck if your wading boots double as dress pants. You might be a redneck if you have used bailing wire to attach a license plate. You might be a redneck if your favorite restaurant has the word “eats” anywhere in its name.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Thank you for all the smiles again today. Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
@Terry C. Nothiing like a good chuckle to start the day.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank goodness. I’ll try to think up something special to celebrate on the 27th from now on………
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
@Terry Crow; speaking of mud rassling, I have not heard any more from Sue Fredrick about our pending match. She must have been scared when I threatened I’d spit her in the eyes with my chew!! ha
Speaking of out houses; Years ago a friend and I stopped along the way to the Northern Kettle Moraine hiking area at an old gas station. There was a 2 seater out house with a very low divider. Needless to say we could have read the same newspaper if we had one!! ha ha What are friends for? ha
Now if that isn’t redneck.
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Terry Crow – Believe it or not, UK did go to a bowl game last year! Of course we got our butt spanked, but that’s beside the point! LOL And do you mean to tell me that mud rassling is NOT an Olympic sport? That’s crazy! I like the one about mowing your lawn with a tractor, too. That reminds me of something crazy I saw this past summer on the mail route. I actually saw a guy driving a golf cart through his yard pulling his lawn mower behind it! Talk about a lazy redneck!
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing another absolutely gorgeous photo with us!! I love seeing you walking so leisurely with Sarah and without the need of a lead/rein – just passing time with a friend. That is so very special. I would imagine that Sarah must be thrilled – I sure hope it is not “just a job” for her, that she realizes how wonderful you are! Thank you for the web-site design, also. I love it!
Dr Fager
Terry Crow
I had the same thought and posted it above before I read yours. Dr. Fager was one of, if not the, fastest horses I have ever seen in person. He doesn’t get nearly enough credit when old time greats are considered. I don’t think anyone could have beat him in match races up to a mile, with the possible exception of Native Diver.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I again have to say I love the new site :) You and Sarah look so good together. She is a very special young women. She treated me and my last year’s class so nicely. She is smart and beautiful. I hope you enjoyed your day. Here in Ohio it was super cold and snowy. I would rather have summer but oh well. Tomorrow is back to work and Christmas break is over. I am sure the children will tell me all about their days off :) They are all so cute. Well I must get ready for school. Have a good night and I love you so :) Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ Dawn you always have good info :)
@ Zenyatta I want a Beenie Baby of you :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you my friend. I hope you did get to watch the video above. It is just very special. Have a wonderful day with your children back in school!!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
@ I mean Beanie Baby sorry :0
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Oh Zenyatta and Dottie – I do hope it’s a plush toy. Perfect for my birthday!!!! If it is, you probably should pre order 95,000 and counting. We will all want at least one!!!
and then, when baby Prince or Princess comes a little replica of the wonderful new baby. I can dream big, can’t I???
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: Congratulations on reaching 95,000 fans. Wow girl, that’s a milestone. Again I love YOUR new site. Tyler and Kyle really did a remarkable design. The home page with the FLASH ppt of photos is great. They show a lot of action, which is really cool. I also love the section “Get to Know Zenyatta.” I also read the bio section– Very nicely done. I think it is Too Cute that Sophie is included in Dottie’s bio. May I point out that the first sentence in Dottie’s bio needs the word “is” added to the sentence.
Lover of horses
I love your new website, Zenny! It’s beautiful! I am so excited about your baby! He/she is coming very soon! I love you, girl; you are so gorgeous! Love and best wishes!
OMG! love new website! and you look wonderful! hope your having a wonderful week! FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Zenny you look beautiful~!!
Marty R / Colorado
This is such a lovely picture. Two friends walking along enjoying each other’s company and , oh wow, one is a human and one is a horse. So special. Thank you for sharing it.
Since this subject has been discussed earlier in the comments, I guess it’s an ok time to express my thoughts. I have thought about this quite a bit and maybe have over thought it. Do we really have the “right” to see the birth of Zenyatta’s foal? Mr. and Mrs. Moss have been so generous in just about every aspect of her life, shouldn’t there be something private just for them and maybe the “Z Team”? I would certainly love to see earliest possible photos, videos of Z/B, but the actual birth seems almost interferring to me. Maybe my age is showing, I don’t know. I know there are lots of videos of foals being born, but there is only one Zenyatta. I would welcome others thoughts.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I think it would be appropriate to make a video of Z’s foal’s birth available AFTER the fact. Some people will be interested and the footage could be edited to show just the “highlights”: the actual birth, not Z in labor, which could distress some people. This foal’s life will be documented like no foal’s life has ever been. I trust the Mosses to respect Z’s privacy (and their own) while still making all her fan’s a part of this momentous occasion.
Marty R / Colorado
Julie, Thank you for your reply. I hadn’t thought about the editing prospect, it gave me something to ponder. However, I still think Zenyatta’s foaling experience should be kept private. Ultimately the choice is up to Mr.and Mrs. Moss, and like you, I trust their judgement.
Mary Alice Ker
Team Zenyatta…absolutely love the new website it beautifully reflects what the Queen is all about and a joy to surf. I found myself totally caught up in viewing every video and every photo and it immediately transported me back in time to where it all began!! Congrats on reaching 96.000 fans and I have no doubt that will double in no time! Zenyatta continues to look as magnificent as ever as she reigns regally in her paddock!
Hail the Queen!
mary bobolis
Fantastic new website! Steve Williard looks positively terrified trying to hold on during your work. I love it.
Paula Higggins
Zenyatta and Sarah look beautiful walking together. They also look mighty cold. I hope they keep our girl warm during these 20 degree nights we are having down here. This site is looking just wonderful! Good job to everyone who worked on it. I love that “the adorable Sophie Shirreffs” is in Dottie’s profile picture!
Isabelle Giagni
Help!! When I go to facebook and press like the count number doesn’t go up. Can someone advise me if I’m doing something wrong………thanks
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Z,
New Year’s resolutions? Ha, stay away from those, nby ever keeps’em :)
Your heart would have been aflutter had you seen all those horses and their riders and flags. It was sthg on the telly, just gorgeous, wished I had seen the entire parade. What an exquisite event.
Sleep tight and dream sweet
Kim S in Tampa FL
Zenny, your new website is great! Tyler and Kyle are to be commended for their hard work.
@Dawn Conrad–thanks for the tip about Horses Never Lie About Love. Put that on my list of must haves.
@Shannon J–thoughts and prayers to you and your husband. Thank you both for your sacrifices.
Zenny, still have to really check out all the new things on your site, but keep those photos coming. Always love those starting out on the site. I’m with everyone else, can’t wait for Baby Z. And baby Tasty :)
Everyone keep warm and comfy. Gonna be really cold here in Florida.
Lotsa love to all.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
It is a wonderful book. Did you watch the video? It is very special.
karen noble
I love the new format, although the old one was great too. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and creativity! Karen Noble, San Diego, CA
Kelly J. /ND
HAPPY 2012 ZENNY! What a nice picture of you and Sarah. I am SO curious about your foal, I wonder if it will be a colt or a filly.
Patricia Player
Just checked out the new website! It is fabulous! Just listened to the Zenyatta song and it brought back so many memories! Zenyatta you are great and brought so many happy memories to many. Love ya!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Just love the new website. As always, you look gorgeous walking with Sarah. We just got back from El Paso, what beautiful country. I will have to catch up on your diaries. Stay toasty, eat well for two and enjoy your time with Tasty and all of y our other friends. Love you, Angel.
I want Sarah’s job! :))
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi sweet Mama Z; there is nothing like walking and talking with a good girlfriend!! I love the picture of you and Sarah. I am getting used to this new website, but I love being able to get to view pictures of you Z!!
Do you think the stuffed animals (of you & baby z) are going to be available soon!? I still want one since I don’t have you. I am looking forward to 2012 so much because of you, your Z team, your precious baby z, and with everyone that writes on your post. 2012 is going to be so exciting with you as a mama!!!!!!!
Goodnight my lovely queen Z. love you , 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z