Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
Suzanne CA/TX
Love the new site and pic of ” Z ” on her stroll
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, Happy 2012 to you too! I hope this is a fabulous year for everyone!
Thanks for sharing that lovely pic of you and Sarah. It is nice that you two were able to spend some quiet time together. I think you look fantastic.
Wow! 95,000 facebook fans. That is awesome!! Hoof, Hoof, Hooray indeed!
Love to all,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Z Fans,
Lovely photo of you and Sarah. Counting down the weeks to the Special Day. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Rose Cola
Happy Birthday to you Zenyatta and to Tasty too!
Love the new web design. Really bright and cheery!
I came on line to see how your Z was written since I wanted to copy it on to the back of my new phone. My husband Joe has the same phone and today he took the wrong one with him. So now all he has to do is to look on the back and he will see a Z done in pink nail polish. I think that solved that problem, don’t you?! Happy New Year to you and all of the great folk here at the site.
PS I recieved my Zenyatta halter bracelet (my Xmas present to my self) and I just love it. I wear it everyday to remind me of you.
The weeks are going to go fast Z, you will be a momma here very soon. Happy birthday and new year sweet baby girl. 95,000 Facebook fans and growing, I’m glad I’m one of many :) I hope your site never goes away. we love you Z
Abigail from Montreal
Just taking a moment to look @ the other photos posted here. I LOVE the “Summer Soiree” collection & especially the one of the LE staffer with a carrot in his mouth!!!! ADORABLE! Please thank Ann for sharing these with us!!!
Carole #32 Eagle, Wisconsin
Great Website, Kyle and Tyler did a fantastic job. You and Sarah sure look peaaceful on your morning stroll. (wish I could stroll with you) Getting closer to Z/B time and we are all looking forward to the new arrival. Also we are looking forward to the new TT arrival. Love you Zenyatta and kisses on your soft nose and TT too. Kisses for the babies too. XOXO Carole
Oooh, I hope the special thing coming out is that Zenyatta plush! I want three! Happy New Year, Big Mama Z! XOXO!
Carole #32 Eagle, Wisconsin
Opps, that should read Carole #42 Eagle, Wisconsin
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
What a lovely picture of you and Sarah. Although I said yesterday that I’m having a little trouble with the glare from the white background, the rest of the redesign is wonderful, and it’s especially nice that the pictures are larger and clearer. Congrats on 95,000 FB fans. Any day now, I’m going to break down and figure out how to safely join FB so that I can move you on toward 100,000.
It’s very cold here in Ohio, and I live in the “snowbelt” area which has just gotten pounded for the past two days. Can’t tell if you’ve had snow there and LE, but I know it’s cold, and I hope you and Tasty are keeping nice and warm. I wondering if the “surprise” is your “plush”? How am I going to explain to people why someone of my age MUST have one when it appears? Take care Zenny.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Eveline / Maryland.
Sandy ,you don’t have to join if you don’t want to. Press the blue “f” button and when you get to the facebook page, press “like”. You get counted that way
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you so much Eveline! All this time, I had NO idea that I could do that. I just became 95,098!
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
Sandy–maybe if every one of us (many thousands) will pledge to get ONE new fan for Zenyatta on FB, we can achieve 100,000 before her foal arrives!
Looking beautiful as ever Zenyatta! Oh how I envy Sarah, I wish I could take a stroll with you. Sarah’s very lucky!! You really look wonderful in this picture. This news sounds exciting, can’t wait to hear what it is!! In the mean time, take care Zenyatta!
@Those “awaiting moderation:”
They always come through now may be in a hour or a few minutes; where as in the past when the site first started they might not come back; so need to repost; we have moved forward. Thanks so much to Tyler and Kyle for doing such a great job with “THE NEW ZENYATTA website”.
@ Sandy from NE Ohio
Yes, Sarah is quite bundled up and Zenny has her warm and fuzzy winter coat, which she did not have when she arrived last year in December. Sorry about the snow, love Ohio, but not in the winter time.
Dear Kyle and Tyler;
Love the way the “reply” works.
Sue Colvin -NJ
me too :)
it makes it easier to reply to a comment espercially since i have bad memory
Dear Zenny,
So love the photo on todays post. You and Sarah are having a nice stroll, maybe sharing
some “mother” information since she has a little more experience. You look so warm and fuzzy, happy and in foal. Would love to see Tasty resting; was she laying down. I guess you both rest and run and rest and run; now that you are almost to foaling time. Luck of the Irish to you Zenny. XXXXOOOOO
Thanks for sharing the link on Rapid Redux and small torn quarter, hope they make sure he is 100%, everyone wants to see him win.
Happy New Year gorgeous girl!!! I think I know what is going to be told. Although originally I was anxious to know about the sex of your baby. hope it remains a BIG surprise. Its only not even 2 mons. away. Myself, I`ve been saying its a filly….We shall see. As long as you are ok and the baby is ok who really cares. We just want healthy mommy and baby! Bernie,we be a PROUD dad. Lets wish our Rachel Alexandra good luck too. Her baby is due just before yours. Well, Lots of Big Hugs and Kisses…Alene
Abigail from Montreal
I started thinking about some of the great thoroughbreds who are no longer with us that I would have LOVED to see bred to Zenyatta. Here’s my short list: Buckpasser, War Admiral, Northern Dancer, Secretariat, Alysheba & Skip Away. Who else could we add?
Darlene Daniels
I was very fond of Swale. Broke my heart when he died.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Additions from my short list (from the past): Native Dancer, Citation, Count Fleet, and Tom Fool. Especially the latter.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail – I do not know if you get the Throughbred Times or not, but just had to share that in their Stallion Directory this year, every few pages they have placed a picture and information about sires of the past. They call it the “Classic Gallery of Pensioned or Deceased Sires”. Some wonderful old photos. I love Claiborne and it was amazing how many of the greats stood there at one time or another. I know their grave yard is a who’s who of champions. It was special to see these pictures from the past and then be able to compare them in the same book with sons, grandsons and great-grandsons.
Terry Crow
I would add Dr. Fager to the list. What a combination of speed and stamina that mating might have produced.
Sue Colvin -NJ
i hafta add man o war & sham the godolphin arabian.
i loved that book <3
Abigail from Montreal
Oh, add Nijinsky II and his son, Golden Fleece!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
@Shannon J
May the blessings of safety go with your husband and his crew. I love doing miltary work on the weekend, it is so very rewarding to serve the men and women who serve
our country.
carol in utah
hi abigail…my fav is Sunday Silence….how did we let him get away i will never knw
Pam Homeier
Love the new site. Looks great! Derlene of Carlsbad, Ca. I do remember the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans tv shows and movies, too! Loved all of them. Not sure how I feel about Trigger and Bullet being preserved like that. I have seen Commanche(last survivor of Little Big Horn) at University of Kansas museum. He seemed a little worse for wear.
The Foaling Project Link
Lots of great video’s of equine births, I don’t really think anyone but a few very
close people if anyone will see the birth. Horses usually give birth in the night
alone so the mare thinks all is safe for her and the little one. Can’t imagine Zenny
in labor and delivery mode.
I’ll bet Ann will be a nervous wreck anticipating this birth. Zenny is like a child to her. :-)
In my minds eye I see her near Zen saying “push, push and falling in love all over again when little Z/B arrives.
@ Abigail from Monreal
A prominent veterinarian (US) recently passed and he said of all the
TB he has taken care of the one with the most perfect conformation
was Buckpasser.
My vote for her third date is Galileo or an equine relative; Cape Blanco!!!
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
Sign, you say the third–I guess I missed who you think the second will be–Giant’s Causeway? I mentioned him weeks ago here, but my first choice is really Galileo who, alas, is across the pond! How about we all chip in and get Galileo a round trip ticket on a plane to Lexington? Cape Blanco would be excellent as well. What do you think of Majestic Warrior? Medaglia D’Oro?
Kari Bussell/Tn.
My Queen,
You and Sarah look so content and happy. What a great way to spend time, two friends having a chat and sharing. Please thank Shelley for sharing such a great photo. I think about YOU a great deal!! I am very excited about your “special thing.” Anything that comes from YOU will be special. YOU are the most amazing, wonderful girl in the whole wide world. I love everything about YOUR new site! Congratulations on reaching 95,000! I love YOU ZENYATTA 2010 HORSE OF THE YEAR and ALL your connections both, human and equine and I always will.
stephanie in San Diego
Hi Z, love the picture of you and Sarah…Your Momminess is showing so nicely. You look wonderful.
The only surprise we are really waiting on ….your healthy baby arrival…the big question…Prince or Princess?
@Karen G. Thank You Thank You. Smilebox really makes me smile. You’re re amazing.
@JAG…I hope they don’t run him (RR) if there are any questions. (Actually I wish they would not run him again) The last interview I read quoted David saying….they were going to run him again because “he came out of the last race sound”. That comment really bothered me.
Hope everyone is having a great day, wish I could finish reading every post, but I am at work …..More catching up tonight. xoxo
Abigail from Montreal
@signofthetimes: Richard Stone Reeves, the artist, said the same thing about Buckpasser! I certainly agree re: Galileo….wouldn’t that be something….although I doubt Zenny’s connections would let her go off to Ireland. Would you agree?
carol in utah
“rags” went off to ireland….have a lot trouble getting info on her
Abigail from Montreal
You can write to the folks @ Ashford in Kentucky and they WILL answer with news about Rags. She IS having a Galileo — probably soon. Here’s something I wrote about her in a 3-part series on my blog, THE VAULT, based on correspondence from Ashford about her whereabouts!
Sue Colvin -NJ
thx for the link. i loved it
Sally B. (cherish Z, Wi.)
@Patti from So. Carolina; Thank you ever so much for that great link on A.P. Indy with the Farrish’s memories. I just found it!! It is on 408 I believe in the event any one else missed it. A.P. looks simply awesome.
@Ann Marie; So kind of you to share the link of Kari Bussell’s works of art of our Zenyatta. I missed it before. How beautiful it is!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, don’t you just love the paintings of Richard Stone Reeves. I purchased one of his books of equine portraits, “Royal Blood: Fifty Years of Classic Throughbreds” from a great bookstore in Lexington. His work is amazing.
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Old Friends Acquires Diamond Stripes
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARETT GOMEZ (riding at SA on his day) !!!!!
I just love you! I love seeing your pictures and love Dottie for keeping us informed. Your Team is the BEST!
@ Abigail from Montreal
Definately agree, don’t think Zenny will be going “across the pond”.
Maybe someone could visit her her???? Cape Blanco is not proven
so was just wishing for his sire.
Was thinking about Rags to Riches the other day, when watching
the AP Indy speical; Wonder if she will come back??? Her first
filly was injured in training and never ran, sad.
carol in utah
just posted about “rags” above…her first (by giants causeway)..i think…second was a ‘henry the navigator…colt (i think*….now i believe she is having second galileo….thank zenny and all her “folks” for this wonderful site and lets us keep up to date….
,,,,,another lady overseas is azeri…..she’s in japan…and cant get any info….frustrating
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Don’t think any stallion would travel from Europe to service one mare, even if she’s Zenyatta. Way too much lost business. Zenny’s got years ahead ofher, though, so she could always go to Cape Blanco after he has had a chance to prove himself as a sire.
My guess is that Rags will stay in Ireland. With her distance abilities, it may be that there will be more opportunities for her offspring across the pond. And maybe they think she will make good turf babies.
I am still hoping her GC filly will be able to start. She’s only 3, isn’t she?