Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
Nancy from California
Happy New Year beautiful girl. So glad you are enjoying the paddock. The web sight is fantastic. Hats off and HIGH HOOFS to Tyler and Kyle..Have a wonderful day girl.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
You always look so lovely and Happy New Year to you and to your team, Ingrid.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
All who are interested, an update on Rapid Redux:
Janie (in L.A.)
You and Sarah look TOO CUTE walking along together and talking things over, Zenyatta. I’m sure you’ll have lots of questions in these next several weeks and everyone at Lane’s End will take good care of you, sweet girl.
Thank You, Margaret. Do you think this will be a really big foal? Does that make it that much harder for a mare to deliver? I so want Z to have as easy a time as possible. I know we all do.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Andrea. Don’t forget Z is a really big girl and the sire, Bernardini is not as big as she is. Bernie is 16h 2″ and Z is 17h 2″ so the baby will be a cross between the two. She’ll be fine and there will be people and a vet there to make sure she is OK. The people at LE will probably take turns on “mare watch” to have someone there when she goes into final stage labor. As I said earlier, they’ve done this thousands of times and won’t take any chances with our girl. She’s in safe hands.
Louise Castello
Zenyatta, I absolutely love the new site. It’s great! I’ve read that some people here would like to watch your baby being born. Oh gosh, my heart couldn’t take it! Scary to me, but I suppose I wouldn’t have to watch, Maybe a re-run for me. Love you beautiful lady.
Love the new website and Z you look just fabulous. Hopefully your surprise will be a baby cam watch as the time arrives for little Z to be born. That would be the most exciting thing to watch the new little one being born. Certainly would make my day as well as others. Big kiss for you and the little one.
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Rapid Redux Questionable For Jan. 4 Start
Quote: “…trainer David Wells revealed that his star “grabbed a quarter” in his right front foot a few days ago and his status is at least slightly in doubt…”
IMO time to give the guy a rest…..
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Darley Stallion Echo of Light Dies
: (((
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
@All – This weekend, Helen Donnelly (Michigan) provided some information about the new book “Horses Never Lie About Love”, by Jana Harris. Thank you Helen! I went right out to Barnes and Noble and loaded it on my Nook. While there, I found this wonderful video, about the author and her amazing horse True Colors. In a short three minutes, it touched my heart and I thought the story and the sentiments absolutely beautiful. I am already half done with the book, it is great.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Note: When you go to the link, you will have to scan down for the video.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dawn–this is just BEAUTIFUL and my wish for ALL horses to find a loving home and that their owners would value them for what each has to offer.
Bless you for posting this.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Dawn- This is beautiful. It touched my heart too. Thank you for posting this. I must go get the book now…..
Sally B. (cherish Z, Wi.)
Dawn; There are times I think I will come back to links and sometimes I can not find them again. I am so glad I decided to watch yours right away!! Thank you, this was so touching.
Sue Colvin -NJ
thx for sharing. i’ve bookmarked the link :)
maybe someday i can buy the book.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dearest Z. and Sarah–thanks for sharing the great picture. I know it is very cold there in KY. Sharah looks like she is handling it well. Hope you are too, Z.
I can’t believe that we can now start the countdown by DAYS rather than months. Your baby will be born before we know it.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Apologies that I am posting these responses in one block, but I am catching up over the last couple of days.
@Shari – Talking to you on New Year’s Eve was so special. How blessed are we that Zenyatta brought us together from half way across the US. You are truly a remarkable friend.
@Karen G – Once again I was blown away this weekend by your amazing “Smile Box” treat. I think I was crying all the way through reliving all of those great memories. JAG’s kiss was too cute! Mikey is a real sweetheart, I’m not sure I could have washed that cheek again! I am overwhelmed sometimes when I think about the experience we are all sharing with Zenyatta, all of Team Z and each other. I cherish it for the once in a lifetime gift it is. We will not pass this way again.
@JSmith – Loved your post and “yes” I agree, there really is a Santa!!
@Suzanne G – Thank you for the lovely card and glad you enjoyed the New Year’s wishes.
@Abigail – I certainly feel the same my friend! Loved your exciting news about THE VAULT. I always read it, but usually come back to this site to make a comment. It is so wonderful to see a dear friend living their dream!!
@Sandy (Northeast Ohio) – Zenyatta is such a great role model, the wishes were fun!!
@Brenda S – It was wonderful to see your post!!!! You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers.
@Maryp (New York) – Loved your New Year’s poem! Thank you!
@Eveline and Barbara Wood – I am right there with you ladies. Sometimes my mind moves faster than my hands, I think I put a word in, but when I look at what I posted it is either missing, spelled wrong or a different word all together. Eveline – The You Tube link was an amazing story. How beautiful that Sassy came home to love!
@JAG and Doreen – Thank you both for posting the names of those that are no longer with us, but running free across rainbow bridge.
@AJ and Delrene in Carlsbad – Wasn’t the Rose Parade beautiful! I watched it on HGTV and I loved the fact that they talked about many of the horses in the equestrian units were rescued. Then they mentioned that the Roy Rogers float was dedicated to the humane treatment of horses. Good stuff!
@Trina – Great to see your post. I was beginning to worry.
@Heidi K – Glad you are feeling better.
@Gary Moulton – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Happy New Year to you Zenyatta!! What a beautiful picture of you and Sarah! You look very content. I am very curious about the surprise awaiting us… maybe your connections are going to announce foal names????? That would be fun Have a nice day!
Theresa Buck/Texas
HAPPY 2012 to you and Tasty nad of course the little ones and you all your connections
Theresa Buck/Texas
Maryp (New York)
How nice to take a stroll with a girlfriend and talk girl stuff. Zenny, you look relaxed and content to stoll along with Sarah. You are just too cute!
It’s very cold here in central NY and I hear it’s cold in Ky too. Stay warm and cozy beautiful one.
Happy Birthday Z. You look stunning as usual. Lots of love to you and your posse.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy New Year and a very Happy thoroughbred Birthday Zenny. You look very regal listening to Sarah as you stroll along through your paddock. I see that Sarah is wearing her winter wardrobe but you don’t have your sweater on – perhaps you’ve grown a nice warm winter coat. The new website is great, thanks to Dottie, Tyler and Kyle for thinking about us. I hung my new calendar yesterday and counted the days – 67 – until/if you make your Auntie JAG the happiest person in the world by giving birth on March 9th. Vic and I are going to be very happy to see a healthy foal whenever she/he decides to make an entrance. Once more, I would like to say thank you for the kind thoughts and good wishes in the past two weeks. Love to you and Tasty and please keep warm.
Shannon J
Happy New Year Big Z!! HOOF HOOF HOORAY indeed! At HorseRacingMania we have been saying that for years and I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see your beautiful equine voice finally saying it too!!!
MUCH love to you, Tasty, all your Lane’s End friends and everyone at Team Z & Barn 55!!
Can’t wait to see Baby Sis E in the coming year ahead and hope she stamps her hooves as hard and loud as you did on the track!!!
(Please keep my hubby in your prayers….he was never a big horseracing fan until Z came along and he was in Iraq in 2009 when she won the BC CLassic and he watched it! Been a fan ever since and watched and cheered for all her races…even embraced my crazy Zenyatta collection of art & stuff)! He is heading to Afghanistan for almost a year on Thursday! Hoping and praying 2012 is a safe one for him and all his crew…will be a LONG time until I see him again….with some luck he’ll be joining me at the Breeder’s Cup next year and hopefully we’ll get to see Baby Sis E there and visit with the folks at Barn 55)
Love, Laughter, Happiness & Magic to All in 2012
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Shannon J, I will put your wonderful husband in my prayers as are all our dedicated young men overseas. I saw a young husband go off to Viet Nam and spent a year alone so I know of the sacrifices the families make too. Give him my personal love and thanks for his long tour of duty. God Bless you both!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Definitely praying for your hubby’s safety. May we get to meet at BC2012!
Mary Copelin
Shannon, I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers to your husband. What is his name?? It helps to make the energy more personal with names.
Hopefully, all of the dumplings can meet your husband at the BC in just ten months.
I will look forward to that.
Celeste in TX
Will definitely keep your dear hubby in my thoughts and prayers as he heads to Afghanistan and I will keep you in my heart as well. Thank your hubby for his service for us!! My hubby is a closet Zenyatta fan – lol!
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Shannon, I will keep your hubby and you in my prayers. Thank you both for your sacrifice for us.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Certainly will be joining the others in prayers for your husband’s safe return. It will be wonderful to meet you both at BC 2012.
Sue Colvin -NJ
i’ll be praying for your hubbys safety. & for u as well <3 huygs
Lovin’ the website Queen Z!!!! Can’t wait for the surprise or the BABY Z!!! Wonder what it might be!!! The wait is killing me!!
Shannon J
P.S.~ PLEASE tell Team Z…thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for signing my BRIGHT pink cast (with teal ink) at the Z party during BC Friday!!! I am sure I am the ONLY one that has Jamie’s beautiful print autographed in teal ink and not black!! Pricless indeed & proudly framed and displayed!!
Abigail from Montreal
Good afternoon sweet Zenny, Dottie, TT, 2012 Bundles and all Zen-sters: GREAT photo! I just love the “walk & chat” theme and I sure LOVE that BABY BUMP!!!! Such a gracious response to our feedback on the look of the new site, Dottie. I’m hoping Zen-sters take note of that because, based on my experience working with adults in groups, it was RARE that they could take (constructive) feedback so graciously!!! Among other news that I was catching up on post-Christmas is that new sire Scat Daddy, a favourite of mine, has had a BRILLIANT year as a relatively new sire. I just adored his daddy, Johannesburg, and felt he’d been vindicated as a sire himself by Scat Daddy’s promising start. ( I’m still unhappy with Coolmore for selling Johannesburg to Japan. I subscribe to the theory that young sires should be entitled to at least 5-8 years before they are evaluated as successful or otherwise. True, some do get off to a brilliant start, like Tiznow or our Bernie, but others need time, like Lemon Drop Kid and, in all likelihood, Smarty Jones. Coolmore should have extended that courtesy to Johannesburg, in my opinion. He certainly deserved it — he was an absolutely BRILLIANT 2 year-old and fizzled at 3 due to poor trainer decisions, as his trainer Aidan O’Brien has admitted.)
I must reiterate how much I LOVE the “new look” on your site, big girl. And what treat — other than Zenyatta’s “first edition” — awaits us? Can’t wait!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
I agree about Johannesburg. Coolmore should have treated him better. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
thanks, Judy. At times one feels like a raving not-case about this sort of thing.
Abigail from Montreal
Whoops! Meant nut-case!
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Please take the time to light a candle for Zen and her unborn foal. Thank you!
Zenny, I’m going through Zenny withdrawl since I had to put my 2011 calendar away. Do you think that there may be another soon?
PatB from NM
Happiest of birthdays, my beloved Zenyatta. You indeed look gorgeous and happy. Seems like you’re always available to hang with pals.
Love you always, Z.
Have a blessed year, Zenny! I like the new website layout! It’s very clean, bright, and pretty!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
@ Joanna from Texas…. Would love to know where you saw/read info: re: date with Bernie for Champagne d Oro! I saw her on Saturday @ Santa Anita with my friend Judy. Her trainer invited us back to see her and said, Win or Lose she will be retired and on to the Mommy-trail. She did not run in the money on her last race.
She is a very beautiful mare and was so kind and really enjoyed the attention we were allowed to give her ( I’m repeating myself, as I think I posted about the same info yesterday). I was just so excited to see another poster who is interested in her future plans. High hoofs to CdO and Bernie!
and Margaret, my thanks too for informative insight into the foaling of Z’s baby. Let us all hope for a easy/ safe delivery for our beautiful girl.
Love the picture today!!!!
I see some new names among the posters…WELCOME! I just love reading what everyone has to say about our Queen.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
@ Dawn – Just saw your post re: Rose Parade. I’m so glad I saw the horses @ Equestfest because the coverage re: equestrian /teams etc., wasn’t that great on the two channels I recorded. Wish I had seen ( I did after the fact) about HGTV doing the Rose Parade. I really did appreciate the post yesterday from an L.A. area poster on KTLA – they did a great job of showcasing.
In the one I saw on NBC ( I think) in the large Palomino group right at the end , one of the Shriner’s took quite a spill and his horse was really upset and it appeared someone from the crowd picked up his reins. KTLA had some of it, but not the initial rearing up and spill. Apparently some fellows on bicycles were going by rather fast and the reins somehow got hooked up on the bicycle handlebars or something close to that in explanation. Could have been much worse, for horse, rider and crowds. Hope they ejected the cyclists!!! Should not have been anywhere near the horses. I was amazed at how well behaved they all were as they had to stop so many times – and such a big group. Hats off to horses and riders!!!! Have to say, I was a bit squeamish (sp??): about the float having the “preserved” Trigger and Bullet. I am of “that certain age” that had all the Roy Rogers goodies, lunchbox, guns, chaps, membership , and followed his t.v. show religiously. Kids should be so lucky now!!!!! Any other Z-Dumplings have a recollection of the great Roy and Dale? And KTLA coverage I could hear his son & grandson sing “Happy Trails” Too much, tears flowed. And watching the B-2 flyover. What memories, having seen my son do the same thing 2 short years ago. It was a gorgeous sunny day then too.
and to the lady poster whose husband will be in Afghanistan. I will keep you and your husband and family in my thoughts and prayers. My son Steve headed back too for his additional remaining time in Afghanistan after being home with his family in Mo. for his vacation break. May they all come home safe and very soon.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
That is fantastic that you got to attend the Equestfest. So many beautiful horses in one place! I am so glad the horse that was part of the Palomino group and it’s rider were not harmed. It was interesting that they had the real Trigger and Bullet on the float. I did not see Roy and Dale much growing up, but I have watched some of their old movies and enjoyed them. You, your son and his family will be in my prayers. May you all be blessed and kept safe.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Delrene, my brother and I watched the Roy Rogers show and always sang “Happy Trails” with Roy and Dale at the end. He had a Roy Rogers lunch box. I had an Annie Oakley lunch box. Happy memories of lots of western shows on TV :)
Thoughts and prayers for your son. May all come home safely.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
A bit of new information on fabulous Rapid Redux… http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/66796/rapid-redux-questionable-for-jan-4-start