Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
Happy New Year all year, sweet Zenyatta – Love you!!!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
2012 is bound to be a very exciting year for you and all your fans, especially as we wait for Baby Z to arrive! I do hope each of your days is special and filled with many friends and much love.
Your new website is great, especially your photos. Please thank everyone involved for all their hardwork.
Enjoy this beautiful beginning to a great New Year, dear Queen!
Love and kisses,
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Hi Sweet Cheeks!
Good morning, my Queen! You look very, very cute in this picture! :D
I understand you are are having very cold temps! BRRR I hope they’ve put a blankie on you and Tasty… an animal print would be TOO CUTE! We are having very warm temps :D
Well, back to work for me ;-P I hope you and your BBF have a glorious day! I love you ~ you are ALWAYS IN MY HEART! XOXOXO Kisses on your nose and tummy!
John Henry sends his love and two words: March 9th (wink wink)
Gloria Jeanne in the "O.C."
Hi Zenyatta – I LOVE the new site!! Happy New Year!!! I can’t wait until the “something” comes out soon… waiting with a smile.
Thanks Dottie for taking such good care of Zenyatta’s fans. You are the best!!!
Rhonda Clements
Happy New Year (and official birthday!) Zenny! Love the new website! The photos are much clearer to view AND the lines/format are so clear cut that it is easier to read. My wish for 2012 for you is to have a healthy baby! You look mommylicious! I can’t wait until March to see your little baby! just watched some of your videos again love the one running in the snow kicking up your heels it always makes me smile, thanks for giving me a smile, love you Zenny and all who make it possible for us to share her!!
Katie Clawson
Happy New Year Zenyatta!! I trust that you had a nice time with TASTY on New Years Eve! I have to say, I DO really love the new website designe!!
Only 60 days to go until you’re DUE DATE!! I am so excited!! Are there any thoughts about who you’re next boyfriend will be?? :)
Love, Katie(future jockey)
carol in utah
good morning gorgous….see you are chatting and making plans for the day at LE…good to know that you are on top of things….schedule some naps…good for the baby…tried to check on your old friend CIGAR..but getting Pikeville video today…hope they fix it soon for us “cigar stalkers”..and i wish you and tasty a very happy and restful day…enjoy the sunshine..kisses for your soft nose..some for tasty too…..
ps-noticed someone finally updated tasty “pedigree” page…now it says shes “retired”…somehow or another motherhood just never seemed “retired” to me…just plain “tired”
JAG ~ Mamma Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Jockey Castaneda to Undergo Surgery Jan. 4
Happy New Year, Zenny!
I’ve been away from your diary for a few days and just now saw the new layout. I like it!
I was away because my own horse, Dash, who was born just 2 weeks before you were (her birthday is March 17), was ill last week and I’ve been having to go out and check her several times a day to see if she was eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, and how she was feeling so I could email updates to my vet.
We’ve done blood and urine tests and haven’t found a cause for her fever last week but she seems to have gotten better on her own and finally cleaned up all her feed last night for the first time in a week.
I’ve got a camera monitoring her now so I can get some work done but I’m eager to get her back to 100%. I miss riding her so much! I couldn’t even ride her sister this week because I didn’t want to stress Dash by having her buddy leave her.
Can you ask your people if they could make a DVD of all your races and videos of you dancing and in your stall? I think this would be a fantastic fundraiser for one of your pet charities and would be a way for people who didn’t get to enjoy your racing career to experience it after the fact.
Now I need to go read the last week’s worth of diaries and see what I missed while I was worrying about my own horse.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
So glad Dash appears better! I can imagine how worried you have been. Hugs.
Sally B. (cherish Z, Wi.)
I am so happy for you and Dash. I can tell how much you love your horse. Hope he stays well.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
I am so glad your Dash is feeling better. It can be so frightening, because we love them so much!
Sue Colvin -NJ
glad dash is getting better. its always worrisome when a pet is sick.
Mary Margaret Thompson
Zenyatta you look marv…elous, as always. You and Sarah had the best way to open the New Year with your stroll in the paddock. The Z team has done a fantastic job on the new website. Keep up the good work. Keep warm, happy and healthy Queen Z. Luv ya forever.
If I could offer a suggestion, I think that the Facebook, Twitter etc. links should be at the top of the page. Not everyone reads all the comments.
Valerie if you use Zenyatta.com and look on the right you will see the fb emblem on the main page. Although I signed up for Z’s fb page I don’t use it. I come here but that’s me.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
@Tyler and Kyle, thumbs-up on the site redesign. Thank you for the photo galleries and videos. Looking forward to some maternity pictures and then baby pictures.
My wish list includes a spell-checker and the abiity to edit my posts. I can live without them, though.
Robyn Mullhausen
You look beautiful Z. Happy New Year to you and everyone at Lane’s End….also everyone at Barn 55. New site looks good and that photo of you on the right (Momma Z) is positively gorgeous! I like the way the Archives are located one after the other.
Angie Martin
Dear Zenyatta and team,
Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.
The new site looks great. Thanks and high hoofs to Tyler and Kyle.
Zenny you look fantastic!
Doreen in CT
Well wishes for a successful surgery and easy and uncomplicated recovery for Harlem Rocker. I’ve watched him in person many a time and have always had a soft spot for the greys: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/66792/harlem-rocker-to-miss-2012-breeding-season
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
@Barbara Wood in TX, left you a reply at the end of #409.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Yes, I got it. I was away at a luncheon when the diary changed to #410. I have used that feature before on other sites, but i don’t see it here–just the usual FB and Twitter logos.
Thanks. I’ll keep looking. I’m a real computer dummy.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
It won’t be on the web page itself. It will be on the “frame” below the page, down in the very bottom. Or, use the View on the top toolbar, also not part of the web page.
Brrrrrrrrrrr! I hope you have your coat on to take your strolls. It is bitter here in VA. I hope you are warm. It looks like Sarah was warm. Here’s to an exiciting , wonderful new year. We are all anticipating the new arrival in March or April.
I do like the new web site , expeciall with your colors. I agree with Vaerie about the facebook etc icons.
Love to you and all who care for you with such devotion.
Love hugs and kisses
Lois Gillespie
Lady Z, you are really growing – I checked the foal timeline and I think your baby is at approx. 270 days – so exciting, he/she looks almost ready!
Love the website, the posts are easier my my old eyes. Thanks to Tyler, Kyle and to Dottie for everything you do for us fans.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Roughly 275 days, actually. Baby Bump is probably over 60 pounds by now!
Pamela Weaver
Dear Zenyatta,
Thank you for keeping us updated. I greatly enjoy your website and reading your posts. I admire you so much and think you are just incredible. My mare Sierra sends her love as do her colts Sky and Scout. They admire you so much and enjoy reading your diary with me! I will continue to read and watch for new and greatly anticipated events in the near future. Happy New Year!
Dear Great One,
I want to take a few monents to say THANK YOU TO:
YOU — for being YOU and for being a beacon that lights up our favorite SPORT and all of us who visit with you each day.
YOUR HUMANS — for allowing us all to be part of your FABULOUS life! How special it has been for us all to be able to come together here to be part of YOU.
MY Z’ISTERS — for your camraderie and cohesiveness to our DANCING QUEEN and your fellow and sister Z’ISTERS. I feel like I “know” many of you and yet we have never met.
I especially want to thank everyone for their ongoing support of horses in need. Since last summer, we have helped a good-sized HERD of horses that are not as fortunate as YOU, MY DEAR ONE. This warms my heart that we have helped endangered horses and gives me hope that one day there will be no more endangered horses — they will all be wanted and valued.
FINALLY, I WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION THAT OUR DEAR FRIEND MARLENE DODGE OF VALLEY VIEW RANCH EQUINE RESCUE HAS ASKED FOR OUR HELP ONCE MORE. She is preparing to feed the 45-65 head of horses at Valley View and needs help to store up alfalfa pellets for the winter. PLEASE GO TO http://www.valleyviewranchequinerescue.webs.com and give what you can so that the horses we have helped save will have a full tummy over the winter.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Hi, sweet girl,
Love the recent music tribute by our own Kari Bussell (AnimalsRock4Love): http://youtu.be/S1FPMkpJVDE
In particular, I love the soft, languid music, which in your present condition, I would think would be called for! Nice, soft, sweet music!
I’m liking the new site very much! High Hooves to Tyler and Kyle! I know they will be “tweaking” things for sometime to come, but I can tell they put a lot of work and effort into the design and functionality, and they have left room for expansion, which will be great to watch in the future. Am hoping we get to see more “live” videos of you…..loved the live stream from your paddock during your Zenyatta Celebration at the Breeders Cup…hope we can see a re-play of that soon.
The 2012 Derby prep season is gearing up soon…I’m getting excited about that, but also, the 4 yr old season promises to be one of the best in years with the return of so many of 2011’s 3 yr olds to racing, including some of those that missed most of the year with issues. Everyone misses you and it’s amazing how often your name comes up in articles, or interviews. I sure miss you, too! Big hugs, Ann Maree
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ann Maree – This is absolutely one of my very favorites by Kari. She is remarkable in so many ways.
Sarah T.
That’s a sweet photo of you just taking a stroll with her like that, Z. Happy official birthday ( a few days late)! Best wishes for this year and being a mama.
Lots of love,
I like seeing Z from an angle. You can see either a pair of little feet or the nose of the baby poking out from the side.
The baby is sitting width wise inside of Zenyatta. Right before the big day the baby will DROP. You see the area–the back area of Z’s tummy, right in front of the hind legs–that area will be where you will notice the dropping. Some horses don’t do this and some get here weeks before the baby.
The dropping is important because now the baby is turning lengthwise inside of Z. For a “perfect” birth the baby will come out mostly as follows:
stage 1 labor is silent. An astute groom might notice this stage.
stage 2 labor is met with the bag of waters breaking. Unless someone went to the grocery store or went to take a quick 15 minute nap or shower–you can’t miss this. Delivery is imminent. It should happen within 30 mins.
Here’s how the foal will present (perfect birthing). One foreleg slightly in front of the other. Can’t remember if ankles are crossed but the babies muzzle (nose) will be on top of the forelegs. The hardest part will be getting the front shoulders through. That’s why you want one leg in front of the other. It makes it easier.
Foal will be half in and half out. Let the mare rest if she wants. The baby can breathe because it’s still attached via the umbilical cord. Then comes the final few pushes and you have the baby.
Foal watch is going to drive EVERYONE crazy here. If she were on camera (like Mare Stare) we would all be on it 24/7. Now think about if were working at LE–and Z is your responsibility. You’d be having quick catnaps for weeks.
I think it’s a safe bet to say that LE will do EVERYTHING in their power to assure Z is monitored carefully through this time.
One thing to note labor is REALLY INTENSE. Ask questions now because if we’re allowed to watch this birth (please) it could be scary for the ones not accustomed to horses.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Margaret, for the info. I’ve read all this but have a hard time remembering (my only child is adopted, so I’m a real denso here. I seriously doubt we will be allowed to watch, but wouldn’t that be great?
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
it would be great if we could see the birth, but I doubt that will happen. However, anyone who wants to see what an equine delivery is like can go to YouTube. There are lots of them.
(Given the propensity of mares to deliver in the wee hours, I am sure I’d miss the whole thing anyway. )
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
@Margaret – What great information. Thank you for sharing.
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks for the info on birthing of a foal. It’s very interesting and informative.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
The information you provided is fascinating and enlightening. I was okay until the last paragraph. No way could I ever stand to watch Zenyatta in “REALLY INTENSE” labor. I think I had better join Berni in pacing back-and-forth outside the barn.
Barbara Grimaldi/Skip & Juliet/NJ
Thank you, Margaret, for teaching me how the birth will happen! If I could wager on the birth process, I would bet that the Mosses will not allow the filming to go public. I think it has to do with maintaining Zenyatta’s dignity and icon status, and I think they would be right to do that. We all want to see photos and films of mama and baby, and those we will have in a continuous flow. Zenyatta is a movie star with an immense reputation that is worldwide, so her privacy is so important. Let us all hope that the delivery goes exactly how Margaret so clearly explained and that we get to those mama and baby photos soon after. Dearest Zenyatta, I love you so much. (and I wonder if the surprise is your announcement of the sex of the baby!)
carol in utah
@ margaret…..just read your post about birthing…i have been a nurse for 45 yrs…last 15 or so i took care of sick/premature babies…attended so many deliveries i lost count…some things tho very different are just the same….human babies also turn (we hope) …shoulders there are also a problem…thought your post very informative and enlightening…thanks for the input for those of us that love our zenny (and tasty too) but are not lucky enough to have our own version…thanks again
Terry McNamee
I really love the new look of the website! Clean and bright and very easy to read. Z, you’re looking wonderful! Are you picking out baby names yet?
Looking Good Zenny! Can’t wait for the baby. For my 10 cents worth, I think it will be a little filly!
Love You, Big Mare
Lori K
ZENNY, You look so beautiful…. Happy New Year….. I Love your new website….. Tyler & Kyle did a WONDERFUL job….. Sending you HUGS & KISSES…… Have a wonderful day….
A NEW year, but still OUR QUEEN FOREVER! Love you, Zenny!
Joanna from TX
I like the new website format and hope it works out well for most people.
Margaret, thx for the foaling info. So interesting. I really don’t think LE or Moss’s will ‘televise’ the birth, but may share video after if all goes well (Let’s hope and pray!)
BTW, I heard yesterday that Champagne D’Oro has a date with Bernie coming up now that she’s not going to race anymore.
I have thought the same thing for quite some time now. Besides some people here might not really be into seeing that part of life. And not really sure you’d want children watching that weren’t supervised. Which is different than a child brought on a farm–they have real life in front of them so there several steps ahead of the game in that respect.
I think maybe filming the birth and “selling” the video post birth might be acceptable. Team Z could use the money for donations to Old Friends or other equine rescues.