Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Z, So glad to see your new year is off to a lovely start. I’m sure it will be a GREAT year for you!
@Dawn Conrad and Cynthia Holt—I want to thank you for your extraordinarily beautiful posts over the holidays. Thank you both so much!
@Gary Moulton—
Just a few words to say
Happy Birthday,
And I’ll be back in a bit
With a poem that I hope will fit
To celebrate your special day
And your unique ways.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Thank you very much, word lady. It is so nice to have you back! The worry-worts were out…..
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks to all for caring!
Cheryl Smirh
Love the new web site! Happy New Year! I know it is getting closer to your delivery day! I continue to pray for you and for a healthy baby!
We love you lots!
Susie Cartwright
Z, I can hardly wait til you have your little bundle of joy! I’m so happy you still write to us. I still love you Z and would be there in a minute if you needed anything, I hope to see you again someday! SC
Linda B from Va
Had to see you before I left for work. You bring sunshine to my day QUEEN Z.
I had the most powerful dream last nite. Id like to share it with you Dottie. Do you have an email address?
High Hoof Zenny – Thanks to TYLER and KYLE for their work on the new website!f Very nice. Love the pictures, as always !!! LOL & Hugz to all. Arlene in Vermont
Hi Z, Well it is that time again. Another birthday for both of us. I am giving you a Birthday kiss. Did you feel it? Another special kiss to your bump for baby Zybie. Have fun today. love you stay warm
This will be a wonderful year for you Zenny. So many good changes coming you way.
We’re all looking forward to the birth of that special baby Z.
Do you know how long they’ll let the baby stay with you??? Someone told me they start training the baby right away. That can’t be right. Babies need to be with their mommies.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Becky: Yes, they start handling the baby right away but they won’t take it away from Z for a good while. They just want the baby to be haltered and led so that it’s used to people and doesn’t get scared. Don’t worry, the folks at Lane’s End have done this thousands of times and will take good care of Z and her little one.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Repost because of “awaiting moderation” for previous post:
To Gary Moulton—
Just a few words to say
Happy Birthday,
And I’ll be back in a bit
With a poem that I hope will fit
To celebrate your special day
And your unique ways.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
I re-posted one of my comments too, because of “awaiting moderation” message, and then original one came through. Apologies for redundancy!
Happy New Year (and official birthday!) Zenny! LOVE the new layout!
You look absolutely robust and gorgeous! Hope you have a fantastic New Year and many happy moments ahead. Can’t wait for the new baby!!
Be careful and stay well. Hugs and carrots!
Jamie Smith
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. Happy New Year!
You are looking fabulous, young lady.
Maybe that very special thing is the “Z” pin?!!
Wow – love the new layout!
While we are all looking forward to Zenny’s sweet baby, I think these days are pretty sweet ones, too. It’s a true pleasure to see her so happy and content! Every day is a gift – as is every day that the sweet and glorious Zennyatta is in our lives. – Thank you again Team Zenyatta for sharing her with us!
Carmela B
Beautiful, Lady Z…you are looking so good! Can’t wait for that baby to hit the ground….just a couple more months!
Sharyn - Vermont
Beautiful picture of you and Sarah!!
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to you!!
Z you look gorgeous. Sarah is one lucky girl to have one on one time with the Queen. Like the new web site and congrats on reaching 95,000. Should go over 100,000 before Baby Z gets here. Hope You and Tasty have a great afternoon.
Mary / Lynchburg, VA
Good Morning Z….. You look so pretty taking your walk with Sarah. It is so cold here in Virginia. I hope you have grown in a nice warm coat. I had to put on a heavy coat for the first time this winter today. We had a very warm December here which I loved.
Tell Dottie that I love the new website. Hugs to you Z.
Janey Boyd
Happy New year Zenny!What an exciting time is near for You and Tasty and of course all your family and friends.You look so healthy!.Can’t wait to see the new baby and I know the excitement there is building.What a great mom you will make and how good that you and Tasty will be experiencing motherhood together.Stay healthy and get your rest.Thanks to all who make it possible for us to share in this time in your life.Web site looks great.
You look great! I can’t wait until March to see your little baby!
Zenny, this is a very cute picture of you and Sarah…I know you had some interesting “girl talk” as you strolled along. And, another surprise for us? My, you surely have our ears perked…you have become very good at keeping us on our toes.
I’m glad to hear TT was resting a bit. The two of you will be very busy in a few months.
Exciting times for sure! I continue to love this new site. Everything is so easy to find.
sue and tony
Zenny, you have the kindest eyes…we love the picture of Mama Z on this diary page.
Tell Sarah we appreciate everything she does for you and us…what a great team you make. There’s a lot of girl power in your life…Ann, Dottie, Sarah and TT!
We hope all your gal pals at Barn 55 had a great New Years, too!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Zenyatta does have the kindest eyes and the softest muzzle — how I miss kissing that soft muzzle — pure joy!
harold moore
Your getting closer to motherhood and looking real good.we love you bigZ.
The Kennedys in San Diego
A “WALK and TALK” — how wonderful! Zenyatta is “all ears” as she listens intently to Sarah.
Lise from Surrey, BC, Canada
Love the new web design:)
Happy New Year Z to you and all your connections. My mare Lexi sends her love too! (She is a great granddaughter of Secretariat) so your Baby will be a relative, TOO CUTE!! :)
Much love from Canada XO
Hey Lady Z,
Can Not wait to see your Baby .. .you are going to be an amazing mom. If you want an extra special day to deliver .. .try the 10th fo february *wink Wink* i know your close to that date and i jsut figure your baby and I could celebrate his or her birthday together
Pattie in Pickens, SC
I love the new format for Zenyatta’s website!! Thank you to all of those who help keep us connected to our favorite Queen :) Happy New Year !!
Sandra Frey
ZENYATTA! Love the new website! The photos are much clearer to view AND the lines/format are so clear cut that it is easier to read.
My wish for 2012 for you is to have a healthy baby! I cannot wait and am counting down the days!
Much love,
Susan from VA
So much easier to read! Happy new year!
Doreen in CT
Congratulations to Giant’s Causeway as leading general sire. I’m hoping that he’s next on the list for Zenny to be bred to and congratulations to Bernardini for leading the second crop sire list. His closest pursuer is S2.2 million behind him. Way to go Bernie: http://www.thoroughbredtimes.com/breeding-news/2012/01/01/giants-causeway-general-sire-list.aspx
Sue MacGray
Good to see you Zenyatta – I think I know what it is we’re all waiting for :):)
Take care of yourself girl, you look wonderful!