Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful, healthy, happy, and SAFE New Year’s Eve and Day! I thought about ALL of you a great deal!
Sarah and I ushered in our New Year by talking a lovely stroll in the paddock and having a wonderful CHAT sharing our 2012 New Year’s Resolutions. It was very special and such a joy to have this quiet 1 to 1 time with Sarah! TASTY was resting and enjoying the sunshine while we were having our visit! What a special time!
Thank you for all of the comments about the new web-page design. We will share all of them with TYLER and KYLE. Tyler and she have worked together for several years now…and they will help us through this transitional stage and consider all of your suggestions. Thank you so much for your candor and kindness. We want to make it the best it can be for ALL of YOU!
One thing that many of you asked about is the FACEBOOK icon. This is the one that directly takes you to ONLY my FACEBOOK page….and you do not have to be a member of Facebook to visit. On our new site, this icon is the blue…’creatively designed F’ near the bottom of the page. If you click on this, it will immediately take you there. ENJOY!
As you may have noticed, we passed the 95,000 mark over the holiday. HOOF, HOOF, HOORAY to ALL! This is so exciting!
The New Year offers so many fun things for us to talk about and share. Please keep posted….one very special thing that you have been asking about is coming out very soon.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Happy, Happy 2012!)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Hello, Zenny! What a beautiful picture of YOU and Sarah enjoying a walk in the pasture.
Tomorrow I am going to the L.A. Zoo to see the new carousel … and ride on YOUR replica! I will post photos on your FB page, of course! I can’t wait :)
P.S. Your new website looks amazing on my Kindle Fire!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you, Judy and Russ
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Gary Moulton–Happy Birthday! Hope it’s not too late.
Dearest Z–I heard there was a 41-car pileup in KY today. every time I hear bad news around the country, I am so glad you are safe, warm, and cared for at LE. You and Tasty have a good night and a good time comparing notes. Love you always.
JAG ~ Mommy Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
2011 remembered: A to Z
I shared this on my fb wall and added this comment: ‘Z’enyatta is the last letter of the alphabet, but #1 in our hearts!
Gary Moulton
@Trina Nagele, Barbara Wood, & Dawn Conrad – Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes.
Terry Crow
Add my voice to the list, Gary. I miss seeing your posts on this site.
It seems everyone is forgetting horse don’t usually
Foal in front of people. The foal at night when no one is
Around. A few posts ago,an article about a family
Who wanted to watch their horse foal and the horse
Stopped her labor. This instinct is a protective mechanism
The mares have to protect their foal from being prey.
Dottie has given Zenny a voice, but she is not human.
Lanes End has a specia set up to respect and allow this
Instinct to be preserved, otherwise they would not
Be as sucessful as they are with breeding. The Mosses should
Keep this very special experience in their own private collection and
Post photo of Z and her foal like those posted of Life
Is sweet and her foal.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
@signofthetimes I agree that the birth of Zenyatta’s foal should be kept private between the Mosses and Lane’s End. This is an important event and in my opinion shouldn’t be treated as another realty TV show.
Marty R / Colorado
@signofthetimes, @RosemaryMcCauley- I really wasn’t aware about horses mostly foaling at night and the reasons for it. Thank you for that information. I remember Mr. Moss saying in an interview something to the effect that in early March they would be in place in Kentucky.
We three seem to be in agreement that the birth of Zenyatta’s foal should be kept private. But, oh yes, pictures of mother and foal, please.
@Terry Crow
Love the red neck jokes, today. Was real busy and
Just sat down to have a great laugh. Thanks so much.
They are all great.
Terry Crow
It is a pleasure to post them for people like you. , You are a big part of what I do, taking into consideration you are president of the Texas chapter. I am not sure whether to thank people directly with a reply or generally when I post. Still trying to keep up with the new way of doing things. After all, I still use a typewriter.
Marshall (in NC)
Queen Z, love the photo of you and Sarah! All the Best to you and Tasty T! I am getting used to the new diary look. I do agree that it is much easier to navigate; however, is it possible to make the type bolder (or darker). The contrast against the bright background would be much easier on the eyes. Alternatively, the background could be a bit softer, maybe. Kudos to the design duo! Love the archives access and the “reply” option.
Love you Mama Zenny! Stay warm!
I’m sending you an APPLE a day in 2012 pretty lady!!! Sweet Dreams & Bright Mornings. Can’t wait until you have your “Bebe”!!! Stay healthy & SAFE! Besitos
Those apples are coming to you all the way from VA!!!!
Jude from Virginia
BTW-you’re looking GORGEOUS these days-what a GLOW!!! Love you Queen Z. Have a wonderful 2012 with your darling foal. I can’t wait to see pix!!!
Helen Donnelly (Michigan)
What you ask? EVERYTHING on Z’s new website!!!!!
Sorry, I have to play “catch-up” here. Hubby has been in an extended care facility (post hospital) since December 23 so I don’t get a chance to gather all the great news about Z and T and ALL of you on a regular basis. That said: know that all of you have me grinning every time I get home and crank up my iMac!!!! Oh, Thanks!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Prayers for you and your dear hubby. Please say hello to him from me, a former Michigander, and tell him we are thinking of him and praying for his health.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thinking of you and your husband. May everything work out so he can be home very soon. God bless
Sue Colvin -NJ
hugs & prayers to you & your hubby <3
Darlene Daniels
Good morning my angel Z. Had to work some overtime so didnt get to post much yesterday. I have a couple of questions to ask. 1. Zenny since you live in Ky now, are you now a Ky Wildcats fan? 2. What are Rainbow Bridge, 12th heart, and Smile boxes. Terms I have seen in the posts but I dont know what they are. Also I feel blessed and honored to be part of 95000!! What a miracle it would be if every one of us 95000 sent $1 to help rescued horses. Wouldnt that make a great difference? Just thinking out loud. Love you my angel. Stay well. Love to all. Darlene Daniels
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Darlene, The “Rainbow Bridge” comes from the beautiful poem in which it is said our beloved pets will wait for us there after they pass from this life to the next. http://www.petloss.com/rainbowbridge.htm
12th Heart is the special term of endearment used by our dear Kari Bussell and her dear friend (also OUR dear friend) Cynthia Holt, deriving originally from the Johnny Mathias song in which it says, “I’ll love you to the Twelfth of Never, and that’s a long, long time.” Smileboxes are e-cards created by talented people such as Karen Gogue.
Abigail from Montreal
CORRECTION on Rags To Riches! I appear to be “one Galileo behind”! You were right — according to The Bloodhorse in May 2011, Rags birthed a Galileo colt & is in foal to Galileo again. Pretty clear what Coolmore is planning, right? Either a new British Triple Crown winner or a colt that can run in the American Triple Crown, on the dirt!!!!!
This is great. We get to watch her races over and over and over again. What a wonderful sight to see her race.
Thank you
Z……you look so happy and healthy……can’t wait for your little one. You are fabulous!
Shannon J
@ ALL~
OH THANK YOU for all your prayers, well wishes & kind wishes on my hubby’s deployment!! I was in tears at all the words of support. Yes, being a military spouse & service member does have it’s sacrifices but it is one sacrifice I couldn’t be prouder to make. It is equally nice to be married to a Z fan! LOL! You should have heard him when he called me on BC Classic day in 2009 from Iraq! He called a few races before the Classic but said he was only rooting for one horse and that was Big Z to win it all…and she did! He called me about 5 minutes after the race and said he took command of the television over there and he and all his guys watched it….Santa Anita was so loud that day (the big girl really rocked the house didnt’ she) that I could barely hear him but to hear how happy he was thjat she won and how he got all the guys there (can you imagine a group full of guys in fatugues screaming for Big Z down the stretch in IRAQ??) to root for her too!! It was a PRICELESS Z moment and a priceless Z day. I still replay that win all the time and relive the stretch run and the elation I felt….not to mention the quuiet visit with Big Z and Life Is Sweet the Sunday morning after the big weekened @ Barn 55. A visit my friend Bree and I shall cherish forever!
@ Zenyatta & Team Z,
I concur with all!! A plush would be perfect…what would be even more perfect would be a plush with Z laying down with her baby by her side…..that way we could snuggle with BOTH of them!!! I agree too they will have to order AT LEAST 100,000!! I KNOW my 10 year old niece would have to put one in her Zenyatta bedroom and I of course would have to have one and I can think of a couple friends that would cherish them as well. Better order 200,000 initially just to be on the safe side. PLEASE keep us Z Maniacs informed on when they come out so we can hastily reserve ours! Maybe make a series of them…Zen and her baby…Zen in her racing silks….and Zen and Tasty!! I WOULD BUY THEM ALL!
This might be the most beautiful picture of you I have ever seen…..
My dear you looking like you’re blooming. You look healthy and round.
My dear you are looking like you’re blooming. You look healthy and round.
Debra Malone
You look wonderful and healthy and happy….Can hardly wait for Baby Z to be born…Love the new look of your website…You are the Queen….Love you..
M. Kern
Oh! yes the new website is GREAT! You and Sarah look wonderful. Wow! 95,000 fans! Hooray! I love you and hug and kisses to you and Tasty.
That is now my phone wallpaper
Zenyatta, it’s nice that you can get together with your friends-human and horse-and chit chat about things. It was also thoughtful of you to let your stablemate rest for a while. I, like you, am thinking about how I can make the year 2012 the best it can be and try to achieve some of my goals. This new website will take a little getting used to, but I will get used to it over time and then, second nature will take over.
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
I’m late wishing you a Healthy and Joyful New Year. You look great! Glad to read that you and Tasty are doing so well and enjoying the mild winter.
I was surprised by the new website. It looks different, but has the same sections.
A few more months and you will be the proud, beautiful mother of a gorgeous foal. I forgot, is Tasty foaling in March also? I’m glad Ann and Jerry will be close by when you foal.
It is late, so I’ll sign off for now.
Love You Always,