Happy December 30th to All~
As you can see, this is my very favorite place in our paddock to stand and ‘check everything out’. I just love to follow all of the activity and different things going on at the farm. From this vantage point, I can see absolutely EVERYTHING. I just love it!
Sarah wanted to come by and get an ‘end of the year’ photo of ME for Dottie to use in the DIARY….and here I was standing in MY SPOT!
At night, TASTY and I do go back to the barn and stay nice and cozy. The rest of the time we are enjoying our fabulous paddock together. HMM, that reminds ME, I’d better chat with TASTY for a bit and find out about our NEW YEAR’S EVE plans!
I’m sure you are quite busy making all of your plans and deciding upon your resolutions for the upcoming year! TASTY and I better get those things organized as well. The time is getting close!
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Elizabeeth in NM
Zenny – It is so exciting to think that 2012 is just over the horizon! Especially for YOU and Tasty! Just a few more waiting-time months for both of you!
All of us in YOUR Fan Family remind me of clucking hen aunties and puffed up rooster uncles pacing back and forth & looking so forward to YOUR special time. We’ll have to all eat some extra chicken feed to calm down!
This morning our birds out back were having such a party – taking bathes and joyfully splashing in the “icy” cold water – I think even ‘they’ were having a Zenyatta celebration! They must have seen YOUR picture today – you out in the snow! YOU just have that affect on us all – JOYFULNESS!
Love, hugs and God’s blessings to YOU and Tasty! And HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOUR Whole Family (including all of us cluckers!) Happy New Year to Everyone at Lanes End for taking such great care of our beautiful Zenny!
Have more HNY wishes, but will hopefully get to post them tomorrow.
Thank you, DOTTIE and JOHN for the wonderful posts and pics! HNY
@ Paula Higgins -Thank you for the wonderful link to the article about Sergeant Reckless. She was such an amazing horse, and hers is such a historic story.
@ Peggy (N) in S Georgia – Praise God you are cancer free! Happy New Year!
@Kathy B. (SoCal, Fl) – Will pray for you for the wonderful memories you have from your first Dog to grow even more wonderful. So glad you have a new friend to bless you with more beautiful memories and treasures of love.
Abigail from Montreal
I am wearing my Z ballcap to any festivities I will attend this New Years Eve or just sitting at home. So many people from different walks of life have come together on this page because of you! we have become an extended family, caring about each other and rejoicing and grieving with each other. Our only connection is the love of horses and YOU. Blessings to YOU Queen Z and your BFF Tasty, Dottie, YOUR John and all your connections. Happy New Year
Eveline / Maryland.
@ Peggy N- HOORAY !!!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Pattie from South Carolina, Thank You so much for the link to the special on A.P.Indy. I don’t get HRTV and have been wanting so to see that special. My eyes are swollen now good. Good News today and getting to see that special on One of my top favoirite boys. I think I feel just like Bill farish did at the end. Thank You so much again. Peggy
Zenny..we love you! Happy New Year to all. Dee
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Hello beautiful I just love to see that alert curious (nosy) face checking everything out. I had a horse like that he had to see everything that was going on or he’d whinny constantly until you let him out. Hope you and your bosom buddy, Tasty have a great New Year celebration with treats galore and tell the Mosses, Dottie and Johns and all those who wait on you hand and foot to have one too!
@PATTI FROM SC thank you soooooo much for finding that HRTV link to A P INDY…..I owe you big time. It was a great tribute to a great racehorse and stallion. It was the first time I saw a picture of him at three or four with no saddle (arriving at LE upon retirement) and he was so beautiful. What wonderful people at LE where our Queen is staying, Mr Farish actually teared up when he was talking about pensioning INDY. JUST BEAUTIFUL!!
@TERRY CROW ha ha you’ve done it again although I really did like website name. Maybe I am a closet redneck…..I’ll just have to come out one of these days!! LOL
@PEGGYN how wonderful all the prayers have worked…..cancer free…..I bet you never heard better words. Congrats. Hugs
@DAWN and BARBARA WOOD just have to tell you……guess where Gracie slept last nite……hint it wasn’t on the floor. She’s not settling in, she’s taking over! I’ll have to bone up on my dog whisperer techniques. LOL
Love you Zenny and kisses on your nose
Sally B. (Wi)
Just one look at you and my heart melts! You will always be so gorgeous big Mama.
I tend to break all my New Years resolutions! But one I can think of, is reading more of your responses on a daily basis. I will be leaving for a couple of days to have New Years with long time friends. God bless you in the New Year Z, and Ann & Jerry, John & Dottie, all your connections for good health and dreams fulfilled. The same wishes to all here on this post. HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!!! I am looking forward to 2012 with you.
love you with 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
Debbi M
Happy New Year to you,TT, baby Z and all the wonderful people who take care of you and to Dottie for taking the time to pen your well wishes to all your adoring fans!
Karen Gogue
Santa Anita
Marty R / Colorado
@Peggy N-WONDERFUL NEWS!! Hope 2012 is extra special, too!
cindy albrecht from seattle
oh you little SNOW ANGEL, love you and a very healthy, memory making new year to you and your huge family..relay same message to TASTY, she is a cutie.
georgia in seattle
@Granny P so good to see you here I thought I was the oldest fan :-)
@Penny N what fabulous news hope 2012 is the best year ever
@Barbara Wood oops I guess I was cheering against you last night but obviously our defense needs a bit of help
Karen Gogue
Peggy N.
Z prayers were answered! WooWhoo!
@Sue Fredrick
Glad you saw that post from Pattie Smith #407,
it is such a very well done Inside Information
stephanie(s in san diego)
@peggy(n)….what wonderful news to end one year and begin a new one. I pray others, we love here, will get such news in the near future
Our dear Z ……i am so excited for you, as we await the arrival of your first little prince or princess in 2012.
Happy new year xoxo
@Terry Crow and Judy B
Left posts for you on #407 at the end.
Dear Zenny,
Wishing you the happiest New Year and the
Wonderful thing that awaits you in a few week,
your foal, Z/B. I love you looking out from your
Favorite place. Putting your paddock close to the
“action” at Lanes End has really allowed you to
Keep your inquisitive personality, that Barn 55 stall
Was very small. XXXOOO
@Peggy N
Thanks for sharing your great news!!!!
Zenny-aren’t you excited about 2012. Baby “Z” will be here before we know it. BTW, Zenny you must see War Horse. Wonderful movie.
Love you, big mare
@The Kennedy’s
Zenny is the equine CEO of Lanes End. Will Farrish
Has a force to recon with, girl power. I think his
Wife Sarah, is definately a girl power type, too.
So glad Rapid Redux is ready to go in 2012, what a
Work ethic he has. Sounds like his owner has his
Best interest in mind. What a lovely boy!!!!
charlene blankley
when is your and tasty’s due date??
Deborah Lawson
You are too cute! Sometimes you remind me of my mother-in-law (93 years old) who lives at the beginning of our 1 1/2 mile road. She doesn’t miss a thing either!
May you & Tasty have a wonderful new years eve out in the paddock & barn.:))
Beautiful Zenyatta and Dottie, Your John, Barn 55, Your Lands End Team, Tasty T, Ann and Jerry Moss, I wish each of you the kind of new year that you are dreaming about. May you be richly blessed for all you have done to bring the Dumplings, Z-sters, the EANDO family that was inspired by you and your wonderful giving hearts, through this year as friends brought together by you. We hope for another year of that friendship and caring. And you, Beautiful Zenyatta are at the center of this circle of friendship.
@ALL: I want to share a link that I hope you will enjoy. You may have to right click on the link and choose Open the Hyperlink, or you may have to copy and then paste it in your browser. My best wishes to each and everyone. Be safe!!
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
Janet Newman
Best Wishes to John, Dottie, Jerry, Ann and all the great people at Barn 55, Lanes End. A very special Happy New Year to the 2 mama’s in waiting Zenyatta and Tasty. It was also heart warming to see Mr. John Shear back at his post at Santa Anita this past weekend. Hope everyone rings in the new year safely.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Z Fans,
Love those ears. It will be a very exciting Spring for you and TT and all of us. Love you Z and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Found your post to me On #407. You’re welcome. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
You got me laughing out loud again. I take my title (President of the N. E. Chapter of Rednecks) very seriously. Hugs, JB