Happy December 30th to All~
As you can see, this is my very favorite place in our paddock to stand and ‘check everything out’. I just love to follow all of the activity and different things going on at the farm. From this vantage point, I can see absolutely EVERYTHING. I just love it!
Sarah wanted to come by and get an ‘end of the year’ photo of ME for Dottie to use in the DIARY….and here I was standing in MY SPOT!
At night, TASTY and I do go back to the barn and stay nice and cozy. The rest of the time we are enjoying our fabulous paddock together. HMM, that reminds ME, I’d better chat with TASTY for a bit and find out about our NEW YEAR’S EVE plans!
I’m sure you are quite busy making all of your plans and deciding upon your resolutions for the upcoming year! TASTY and I better get those things organized as well. The time is getting close!
Enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Lover of Horses
You are so beautiful, Zenny! You totally are a queen! Love you and Happy New Year!
Nancy C from California
What a beautiful photo; you look very relaxed and contented. Have a very HAPPY NEW; you and Tasty take care. What a year 2012 will bring for you; just think you will be a Mom very soon. By the way that was quite a race Mr. Commons ran. Way to go.
Janie (in L.A.)
You look so regal, Zenyatta. What a beauty you are. Happy New Year wishes to all!
JAG ~ Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
@ GrannyP (Patricia M. Littlefield)
Bless you! My mother is pushing 91! She turned 90 on August 31st. Bless both of YOU!!!!
anita renee pabst
You will be the best MAMA! Can’t wait to see you in action in your 2nd career:) Just watched your races again the other day.. You will forever be #1 in my book.
JAG ~ Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
RACE 2 ~ JANERO / Moss / Shirreffs/ Mikey
approx post time 1:31
Good luck! Safe Racing today!
p.s. I’ll be at the track tomorrow :o)
Anita in Ca
I Love You, Zen. So glad you can keep tabs on things as you love to do!! You are the most Awesome being!
@GrannyP, I just returned from spending the Christmas holiday with my 89 year old mom. She also loves Zenny and always asks about this diary. Zenny, this picture is “so you”! Always inquisitive, ears pricked hopingnot to miss a thing. I’m sure you and TT will have a great New Years eve. We have much to look forward to in the new year…little Z/B among them.
sue and Tony
Zenny, what a great surprise to find another post from you. We thought you and Dottie might take a few days off before the New Year but, true to form, here you are looking mighty fine. Tell TT we are wishing her a happy, healthy new year. You moms to be must have lots to gab about these days.
Your beauty and intelligence shines in your gorgeous face, Z. THE most happiness to you and all who are involved with you in 2012. We continue to love you.
Edie Dickenson
Zenny, I smile whenever I think of you! Happy New Year; 2012 will be a special one for you!
JAG ~ Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Rapid Redux entered for Wednesday race at Laurel
Paula Higgins
Happy New Year to Zenny, Tasty, and all of her family! Thank you to Lane’s End for taking such good care of the Queen.
Great pic.Happy NY
Love ya Z
Darlene Daniels
Hello my angel Zenyatta. I am so glad to see you are the “woman in charge” I know you wouldnt want it any other way. I would like to take this time to wish you, the Mosses, Sherriffs, Lanes End, Barn 55 and all zenyatta lovers a Happy Blessed New Year. I would like to especially thank Karen Gogue, Dawn Conrad, Kari Bussell, Trina Nagelle, Rosemary McCauley, Judy Gadwood for all the awesome posts and videos and links. You are all an enrichment in my life. May God bless and protect all the horses and all animals from cruelty, abuse,and torture. God bless you my angel Zenyatta. Love to all. Darlene Daniels
Kelly Ruf
Happy New Year and good health in 2012! All the best to Jerry and Ann, Dottie, Sophie and John, Tasty and baby, and of course to you Zenyatta, and your baby!
I wanted to wish everyone at Lanes End espically you and Zenyatta a very special New Years Eve and Day. Lots of love.
Happy New Year to you and your team Zenyatta!!
I Love You.
Hope 2012 is gonna be a healthy and happy year full of joy and happiness, and I hope everything goes well with your foal.
xxxx Annika
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Zenny, Tasty, Dottie & Zen-sters:
Yup! The New Year is definitely on its way and I’ve already taken a stab at one of my resolutions for 2012: clean-up my 31 year-old son’s former bedroom….and his Star Wars Memorial Museum, as we call it. James is a SERIOUS Star Wars fan and spent years accumulating all the ORIGINAL Star Wars toys. Even at 31, his eyes get all soft & dewey when he looks at them, Zenny, just the way yours do when you are visiting with YOUR JOHN, OR DOTTIE OR ANN & JERRY OR MARIO OR YOUR LE BUDDIES!
But there they have sat (and sit still) for over 2 decades. The trouble is that I am a pretty serious artist (mostly collage these days) and I can’t get to my art materials nor can I set up my brand new drafting table because…..the shelves are filled with STAR WARS ….. with Yoda & Darth Vader and the Ton-Ton and Luke….the whole gang & all of their accessories. Meaning: small jets and Wickee Village and Yoda’s Place and….well, on & on.
The thing is, Zenny, I’m not really supposed to even handle these treasures. So today I worked around them, dealing with pots of paint & glazes & gel medium & glosses and papers of mine and trying to organize them so that I don’t need a COMPASS to find them!!!! ONE SMALL STAB FOR HUMAN-KIND, sweet Zenny!
Then Daisy & I took our afternoon walk. Like you, Miss Daisy is a watcher: specifically, a squirrel watcher. So, in 20 degress below zero weather, my Daisy Doodlebug was standing statue-like at the base of two gigantic trees, ears twitching, while the squirrels scolded her. Then we skipped around the neighbourhood some, Daisy sticking her head into every doorway (the supermarket automatic doors being a particular favourite!) and even making a dive to get into the liquor commission (store), much to the delight of the patrons!!!!
Linda M
Sweet Zenny – I don’t think you and Tasty need to think to hard about resolutions, which are usually focused on things we want to change ala loose weight, save money, be better people to those around us. You both have that down! As we turn the corner to 2012, I look forward to you both being outstanding Moms!
Diana S
@All: Home safe and no further symptoms. Maybe I’m allergic to California? Oh NO!
@No redneck jokes today – I’m too busy adding the peppermint flavor to the moonshine for tomorrow night!
@Time to start planning our “Virtual Waiting Room” for Zenny and Tasty. Who’ll take first watch?
@Also time to get going on BC 2012 plans. Early next week, I will post the first “stuff” to help us all get together.
@JAG: Give high hooves to anything Moss/Shirreffs/or Mikey tomorrow! Lucky you!
@All my Dumpling and EANDO family – love to all and may 2012 be our BEST YEAR!
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@ALL: One more – plan to see War Horse sometime this weekend, maybe with Montreal friend visiting from Canada this week. Thanks to all the reviewers – I think I’ll be okay watching it now.
diastu the wimp
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
You always look so pretty in all yours photos, I love all of them, I wish you my adorable Zenyatta to you and to your team best for the new year, and to all your fans the same, God Bless you all, love Ingrid.
hi Z! YOU and Tasty enjoy YOUR day!!! YOU look gorgeous in YOUR SPOT;) Love YOU sooo much xoxoxo
Donna in El Paso
Glsd you don’t mind the cold, Zenny. Things look a bit icy there. Happy New Year and just think of the excitement in the coming year with a baby of your own.
Bless you, Tasty and Team Z.
Kari Bussell
My Queen,
I love you so! One need only to look upon you to know there is a God. It is my deepest heartfelt wish that YOU & Tasty, Jerry & Ann Moss, Dottie and Mr. John Sheriff’s, Sophie, all of Barn-55…. Isabell, Carmen, Cheves, Mario, Steve, Junior, Michelle, Frank Leal–and Sarah Campions–all Dumplings & Z-sters are ALL blessed with Great health, love peace and Joy this year!..I love you ALL.
Happy New Year!!
carol in utah
wishing zenny the best and happiest of new years…to all her “connections” ..she looks to be definitely in charge…curiousity is a sign of high intelligence…my mom is 89 too…she will make 90 in july..since she is very close to oaklawn…wish it was jan instead of july…can not begin to tell everyone who visits here how much joy zenny and all friends bring…just
HAVE A HAPPY, SAFE AND MOMENTOUS NEW YEAR…kisses for your soft nose…some for tasty too
carol in utah
read link about RR race for jan…
looked him up at keenelands 2007 yearling sale…had trouble finding him til i remembered his alias….storm leopard… when i watch him race i remember the scene in seabiscuit where the narrator talks about how they used him to teach others to win…and in the process they taught him to lose…i think RR connections HAVE TAUGHT HIM TO WIN… and he likes it
JAG ~ Zen's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Queen Z’s boyfriend ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR BERNIE ~ you “Stud Muffin”, you! Your babies did you proud this year!
Lisa in CO
Beautiful, regal, calm and confident…and the most photogenic creature on the planet.
Happy New Year, Z. You are so special.