Dear Friends,
I truly hope each of you had a marvelous holiday! We did here at Lane’s End. Everyone celebrated together and then again with their families and friends. TASTY and I had such a terrific time! People are so kind and we sincerely want to THANK YOU for the cards, well-wishes, and goodies you sent our way. All of your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
Dottie asked ME to share with you one very special gift that she received from a very dear fan and friend, Candace Jones. The gift is absolutely amazing! It is a beautiful and very detailed scrapbook she made for Dottie and MY JOHN…which covers my entire career. It is absolutely gorgeous and something to be treasured forever!
The gift wrapping was even very unique! It is TOO CUTE with all of the Z Z Z Z Z ribbon!
I must say, you guys are so clever!
I know lots of people are busy getting all of their YEAR END things completed…however, please remember to take some time to ENJOY THE MOMENT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(YEAH, Z DUMPLINGS! I heard you were at Santa Anita on opening day!)
Past the Grandstand
That is a beautiful picture your John took! I’m so glad you and your connections had a wonderful Christmas, Zenyatta! Love you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z,
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Only about ten more weeks to go. Love you, Judy and Russ
Kathleen Sullivan
Happy New Year to you Zenyattaa, Tasty, John and Dottie. Thank you for your postings. It really cheers me to see your messages. I am holding good thoughts for your special foal.
Lover of Horses
Thank is such a beautiful gift! This Christmas was my almost sister-in-law’s first Christmas with my family. It was really special! Love you, Zenyatta!!! Your amazing!
Lover of Horses
Not thanks. I meant that. Sorry.
Marty R / Colorado
There have been such wonderful pictures with the past few diary entries. YOUR John’s photography skills match his horse training skills…TOPS!!
I’ve appreciated all the reviews of the movie “War Horse”. And as always, the links shared have been awe inspiring, entertaining and very informative on so many topics.
@Peggy N- Praying you get good news at your appointment tomorrow.
candi carter
sophie is so adorable,very cute.happy new year my lady ZENNY have a good health and long life as well as to TASTY your best friend.Take good care you both as well as you both babies to be.We love you Candi!!!xoxoxo.
Got the article from Judy B regarding Rapid Redux and his retirement; looking at Old Friends, KY Horse park (third party) and
a rescue in South Carolina. It is so very nice that his owner wants
him to do some advertising and marketing for TB retirement.
Dear Zenny,
What a very beautiful photo of the berries with ice and lovely Sophie with that beautiful present for John and Dottie.
Glad you had a good Christmas, no cake and cookies from Santa I hope. Soon maybe 10 weeks little Z/B will be here. You have been the model broodmare and I wish you a “quick” labor and delivery.
I hope Matt gives us the details after. I know that you are going to have a beautiful bed of straw in your lovely stall, or will you to to the foaling barn. Best of luck to Tasty T in L and D as well.
Sorry about The Horse Journal link from Judy B, guess you have to have a subscription.
@Sue Fredrick
AP Indy is truely “the Man”, a LE homebred
and Street Cry is “the Man”, a Darley homebred
It so amazes me that horse people can create these wonderful/talented/gorgeous
horses through their intuition and great horse experience.
I like the Street Cry look, just a little more masculine, and rugged.
Zenny very much has the Street Cry look.
@ Terry Crow
Another great group of jokes for us to laugh our hearts away.
I’m from Houston, Texas; the land of cowboy rednecks, rodeo’s, ropin’, workin’ and raisin’ cows; expensive ostrich and whatever other exotic skin you’d like your cowboy boots made of or not made of, large brimmed stetson cowboy hats; huge silver belt buckles with “tooled”leather belts; and chewing tobacco with that special spitin’ can.
JSmith CA
Beautiful photography by your John. How nice of Candace to make such a wonderful gift, I’ll bet she had a good time making it, reliving all your special moments Z. I saw something simerlar at a silent auction, it was a large scrapbook of all Curlin’s accomplishments, it was really a treasure and I was very suprized that somebody had been so generous as to put it in an auction. I know I wouldn’t have been able to part with it, and a Zenyatta scrapbook album, no way, they’d have to wrestle that away from me. I’m sure it’s spectacular. Today was Photography Day at Santa Anita, so some dumplings were out again, camera’s in hand, another fabulous sunny day, perfect for picture taking. We had a great day, I highly recommend it if you live in So Cal. This time, Doug O’Neil was fielding questions at the Q & A (last time it was your John). What a funny man Mr O’Neil is, he had us all laughing, and what a treat, he invited all of us to join him inside the paddock walking ring before the races he had horses in. Thanks to every one who made it a special day, and it’s always a special day when you can say hello to your John & Dottie.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Zenny it’s almost the New Year. I hope you have had a wonderful week.
@Marty, Thank you and everyone for the prayers
@Barbara Thank you for saying you would check on me tomorrow.
I do go tomorrow at 220. I hope everything is ok. I will post later tomorrow. This makes my 3ld week going back.
I have been on vacation this week and tring to catch some races on TVG, but was so dissappointed that they didn’t air Santa Anita’s opening day. Do you think they will air the races Saturday. Hope So. Doesn’t Turbulent Decent race Sat.?
Love Ya Zenny
To Zenny , Tasty, Dottie & John, Ann and Jerry Moss, and the Lands End team, and all those who have made it possible to share Zenyatta with us, a profound THANK YOU for your great kindness. I wish you all a very happy New Year and the VERY BEST it can bring! Love to you all! Jean.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. What a beautiful picture from John. Please tell him how much we love his photography! I am so happy that you and Tasty had a wonderful holiday and received lots of cards and goodies. The scrapbook Candace made for our Dottie and John is so special and definitely from the heart. It is one of those forever gifts and since it is all about you Zenny, it just has to be amazing! The Z ribbon was a great touch. Of course seeing little Miss Sophie just made my day. Looking at her brings an immediate smile. I cherish every moment all of us have had together with you Zenyatta. These have the greatest of times. Sweet dreams for now my love. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
@Peggy (N) – Dear Sis, I may not be able to be with you in person tomorrow, but know I am there in spirit. Keep thinking those positive Z thoughts and believe in the best. I will be waiting for the news. Blessings to you always. Love and hugs.
@Shari – You are just too cute sweetie. It makes me so happy that you are enjoying your gifts and believe me, we are even because I absolutely love mine also. Looking forward to talking to you this weekend!!
@Diane S – I am so relieved to hear you are feeling better and heading home. What a scare. I am looking at my priceless Dumpling Tag right now and sending loving Z friendship your way!!!
@Amanda Gilliland – We were as excited to see your post as you were making it!! You are truly missed. You are often in our thoughts. Know that we are always here with prayers, love and support anytime you need us.
@JSmith – It is so much fun hearing about the Dumpling days at the races. Thanks for posting the picture. You are all just TOO CUTE!!
@Karen – Thank you for sending my Smilebox today!!!!! You are amazing, girl!
@Cynthia H – Yes, isn’t it fantastic how much we have in common. You would think we had been friends for years, yet we have never met. That is the magic of Zenyatta!
@Kari B – Hello, beautiful!!! Thinking about you! I hope you had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed every moment spent with family and friends. You touch my heart and give so much joy! Thank you!
@Maryann – HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope your day was extra special!
@Sharon in Seattle and LouAnn Cingel – Hello my friends. How I hope everything is well with you both!
@Sue Fredrick – What a special little love you have been blessed with in Garcie and what a joy the two of you are to each other. Fate brings us the most glorious gifts. Our little rescue kitty Noel is gaining weight and wrapping Mother around her furry paw. Too cute!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Sis Dawn, Thank You so much. You guys are just so great. Love You All.
Yikes it is really late, but I don’t have to work tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.
Love Ya zenny
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Sis Dawn, Thank You so much. You guys are just so great. Love You All.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So sorry thought it didn’t post the first time.
Hi Zenny, Glad you had a good Christmas and wish you and all at Lanes End and California a very Happy New Year. I love John’s beautiful pictures and Sophie is so cute.
@Jag Thanks for the candle link, I have it book marked.
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Hovdey: Seven-time champ Bailey gets his Eclipse say
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
My Miss Aurelia to Miss Some Training
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Washington Star Military Hawk Dies of Colic
Glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday with your farm friends. I hope everyone had a great Christmas! And thanks for these adorable photos of Sophie! One of my highlights for the past year has also been being able to keep up with what you’ve been up to by reading these diary posts. I really would like to thank your entire team, with special thanks to Mrs. Ingordo-Shirreffs, for allowing us to still have access to you and being able to keep in touch with you. It has been very special.
On a final side note, I have to say Mr. Commons looked absolutely stupendous, I was there on opening day as well, and he looked amazing winning the Sir Beaufort. I can’t wait to see him race in the coming year!
Dear Lady Z, Team Z, and all the incredible Z Pals,
Thank you – all of you – for the inspiration and joy you have brought to so many in what has been an extremely challenging year for some people. I feel so blessed to be even a small part of this incredible community, which is characterized by amazing generosity of spirit and caring. Thank you for all the eloquent words, the beautiful poetry, and informative information you have all contributed.
Dear Lady Z, just look what your legacy has created! You truly are one amazing Lady!
Love you all and wish you only the best in 2012
Joanna from TX
I was just browsing thru diary items of yesterday since I posted really early.
@signofthetimes@Sue Frederick-Wisconis…I guess there was some discussion re ‘homebreds’ and I want to weigh in on that.
There was a comment made on I think HRTV by commentator(s) trying to compare breeders vs owners I think re Eclipse awards. In my book? No comparison; both have their place. But breeders are the apex. It’s usually their knowledge, foresight, vision, reputation and money on the line to produce the best possible representative(s) of the species to carry on into the future.
Marty R / Colorado
Good Morning, All. Something struck me funny:
@JAG~Zenny’s Auntie Judy- I live in Denver Bronco country (please, nothing Tebow here)and we have a defensive player, Champ Bailey. Yep, that’s his name. When I saw the link you provided about: seven time champ Bailey gets his Eclipse say, I went, “What?” I had to read it. Laughed at myself as soon as it came up. It was a good way to start the day.
LauraJ in Cincinnati OH
@Peggy (N), you can always watch Santa Anita on your computer. Go to Calracing.com to sign up. It’s free.
LauraJ in Cincinnati OH
@Anybody who has donated to a 501(c)3 charity this year, such as Old Friends or Valley View Ranch: check to see if your employer has a matching gifts program. Depending on your employer’s requirements, your gifts could be doubled. Wouldn’t that be great?
You and tasty have a happy new year Queen Z.