Dear Friends,
I truly hope each of you had a marvelous holiday! We did here at Lane’s End. Everyone celebrated together and then again with their families and friends. TASTY and I had such a terrific time! People are so kind and we sincerely want to THANK YOU for the cards, well-wishes, and goodies you sent our way. All of your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
Dottie asked ME to share with you one very special gift that she received from a very dear fan and friend, Candace Jones. The gift is absolutely amazing! It is a beautiful and very detailed scrapbook she made for Dottie and MY JOHN…which covers my entire career. It is absolutely gorgeous and something to be treasured forever!
The gift wrapping was even very unique! It is TOO CUTE with all of the Z Z Z Z Z ribbon!
I must say, you guys are so clever!
I know lots of people are busy getting all of their YEAR END things completed…however, please remember to take some time to ENJOY THE MOMENT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(YEAH, Z DUMPLINGS! I heard you were at Santa Anita on opening day!)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Dottie and Z Fans,
Glad you had a Happy Christmas. Very thoughtful gift from Ms. Jones. Sophie looks adorable in the photo (as usual). Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
hi Z! I’m happy YOU had a wonderful Christmas, I did too! It’s very quiet now since all have gone back home. Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
judy berube from Rhode Island
To Maryann Lane:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
We love the jokes. Guess we qualify as Rednecks, as I sometimes give Russ a haircut and I don’t charge him. Ha, ha. Hugs, JB
Kimberly Potter/Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ So glad you had a very Merry Christmas at Lane’s End. I had a fantastic Christmas, spending the weekend with my kids and grandkids. For me, it doesn’t get any better than that! I got your 2009 BC win poster signed by your Mikey….LOVE IT! Have to get it framed.
I love you with all my heart~
Your #1 fan in Montana!
What a special gift-just like YOU are, Zenny!
Margie in So. Calif.
Hi Sweet Zenny, I missed you lots while I was on vacation. I’m glad you had a merry Christmas with Tasty – I did, too, especially because I got a Zenyatta ornament! I wish you and all your connections the very happiest New Year ever. Good health, lots of love, and a brand new Zenny/Bernie Baby very soon now! Stay safe and warm, Big Girl, and give Tasty a “hey” from me. Love you forever, of course!
@Maryann – happy birthday! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m a Cappy, too, coming up on Jan. 12. I’ll be taking the day off from work to celebrate – wish it could be with Zenyatta :-)
@ All Dumplings – you’re all just the best! Happy New Year to ALL on this site.
Happy Holidays, and look Zen! There YOU are in the left corner! TOO CUTE!
Well, its obvious JOHN and ZENYATTA know their beers….just read this!
After the Great Britain Beer Festival, in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer.
The guy from Corona sits down and says, “Hey Senor, I would like the world’s best beer, a Corona.”
The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him.
The guy from Budweiser says, “I’d like the best beer in the world, give me ‘The King Of Beers’, a Budweiser.”
The bartender gives him one.
The guy from Coors says, “I’d like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors.”
He gets it.
The guy from Guinness sits down and says,
“Give me a Coke.”
The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered.
The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask,
“Why aren’t you drinking a Guinness?”
and the Guinness president replies,
“Well, I figured if you guys aren’t drinking beer, neither would I.”
Paula Higgins
@JAG, saw War Horse yesterday with my husband. Parts of it were tough to see but it is a very good movie. I saw a show that had Stephen Spielberg on it and he said members of the ASPCA were there for every shoot to monitor it for safety for the horses. Made me feel better, but all I can say is that I hope some of those scenes were computer generated.
Kathy Baldwin
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope you have a wonderful
holiday weekend ZENNY, DOTTIE, YOUR JOHN,
and “ALL CONNECTIONS”. Plus everyone out
there in the ZENYATTA NATION, be safe and
enjoy your weekend!
KATHY from SoCal xoxo :)
p.s. I will be watching alot of racing on
both HRTV and TVG. ;)
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
@ Paula Higgins
Yes, some scenes were very hard to watch (one scene I covered my eyes because the “sound” said it ALL). I would think some of the scenes were computer generated! I loved the movie, though, and recommend it to those who want to see a beautiful friendship ~ between man and horse, and horse and horse…
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. What a wonderful gift and the wrapping is so special. To everyone, may you all have a wonderful happy and healthy and prosperous New Year’s. Love to all. Zenyatta, please stay toasty, eat well for two and have loads of fun with Tasty and all of your friends. We will be heading to Sunland Park Race Track in NM for New Year’s. Everyone be safe. Love you, Angels.
M. Kern
Oh! Sophie is sooo cute. Hi Queen Z, I am glad you and Tasty had a great Christmas. Well if weather permits you guys have fun outside. I love you!
Rosanne Glynn
Happy New Year guys! I love you Zenyatta! Keep your belly warm! oxxoxo love you!
Sally B. (Wi)
Hi sweet lovely Z; I am always happy when you are happy and it sounds like we both had a great time at Christmas. Love John’s pictures. The cherries are still on the trees with a touch of icing on the branches, very pretty. Oh, Z ribbon, how unique! Sophie is Too Cute; I wish I could do the splits like the snowman! All is well in Wi. but no snow yet as much of northern Wi. tourism businesses rely on it. I wish I could have given a big cuddly hug and kiss to you Z at Christmas. With ESP I hope that you were able to feel it!! Hurrah for Mr. Commons!
love you with 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z. God Bless and stay warm my best horse friend of all.
Happy New year dear Zenny and Tasty. Have a safe and healthy 2012.
Roberta B
@Barbara Wood: Thanks for your thoughts yesterdays post. Every hose does indeed have worth all are worth saving. I read of the efforts of you and so many others. You are all very special people thank you for all that you do.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
The Diary photo is truly beautiful. I would have chosen it over any of the cards which I selected or received this year.
Jan OConnor
@Queen Zennys Auntie Judy (in California)
Thank you for your animal friendship links. There is a new book out that I just bought and I think you would enjoy Judy. It’s by Jennifer S. Holland and it’s called “Unlikely Friendships”. Check it out. Queen Zenny and BF Tasty you are looking awesome big mamas and am looking forward to your foals . Happy New Year to you and Dotty and John and all the Z team.
Hi Zenny, I forgot to congratulate Mr. Commons on his win! Did you give him any pointers? A very Happy New Year to you and TT. March can’t come soon enough for most of us.
Marie Akers
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Z girl. Have a safe and happy new year. Hope you are feeling well. Can’t wait to meet that sweet little baby of yours. I know he/she will be a beauty just like you. Love you sweetheart. Take care of yourself.
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
Zenny ~ Big Momma Z! I almost forgot my “daily message” from JOHN HENRY…………….. March 9th! However, he also sent me the most intersting message… if NOT his birthday, the 8th (infinity sign) would be wonderful, too! XO
Paula Higgins
This is the best link to the Sgt. Reckless(a girl)story and she is a REAL war horse:
Zenyatta, you sound like you had a great Christmas with the Lane’s End employees celebrating with you and the other horses and then again with their human families. Someone has to feed you, clean you up, and everything else on Christmas Day as well as any other day, after all. Not only that, but they have to give you and the other horses presents as well. I’m sure this scene is repeated at almost every horse farm if not every horse farm in the world. It’s really great that John and Dottie received a scrap book covering your entire history. I couldn’t have received a better gift myself. If that had been one of my Christmas presents, I would treasure it until the day I die. Whoever sent them that scrap book was very thoughtful and considerate and put a lot of work and a lot of love into it. Not to mention, that person sounds very knowledgable about your history. If I don’t talk to you again within the next 2 or 3 days or so, you have a great, happy, wonderful New Year’s Day!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
What an adorable picture of Sophia, she is so cute! So glad that the holiday season is going well for you Zenyatta! Wishing you, Tasty Temptaion, your family at Lane’s End, Dottie and John Shirreffs and Sophie, all those at Barn55, and Mr. & Mrs. Moss the Happiest of New Years. Wishing 2012 to be the best for everyone, may it be better than ever. And Zenyatta, you keep on sparkling and shining sweetie, you are truly brighter than any star up above! My Love & Blessings to all!
Deborah Lawson
The photo is too cute! Makes you want to pick up Sophie and give her hugs and kisses. Hope you & Tasty have a great New Year! X & O’s for you both.:))
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Dear Zenyatta you are the Queen. I hope you and Tasty enjoyed your day. Please tell Dottie Sophie is TOO CUTE. If she ever needs a place to stay Sophie can come to Steubenville and visit with my Miesha and Maximus. They love other furbabies :) Zenny I want to tell you about a gift I received from a teacher I work with. I got the Jockey TV series. It has a lot of things on it about YOU!!! I watched an episode called Zenyatta. WOW when you were racing YOU were just AMAZING!!! I watched that episode about four times. And Mike he is one GREAT Jockey. I think the best in the country. I am so glad I will have you forever on DVD. I can even show that to my 5th Graders. I just know your baby is going to be Great too. I love you sweet girl. Forever. Girl Power!!! Hugs and Many Many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
@ Dawn I will call you over the weekend. I have on my Mo tag. LOVE LOVE LOVE my gifts :) Run Secretariat Run!!!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Hi Zenny it sure sounds like you and your whole team had a wonderful holiday. Thank John for his great pics he really is quite good at it.
I have just caught up on the posts since I got back from Indiana and picking up the cutest, sweetest, skinniest cocker rescue, my Gracie (alias Precious)! She has had quite a rough go of the heartworm treatment and is very thin but so sweet and loving. She will fit in quite well with my Cisco after a little adjustment.
@Dawn Conrad thank you for asking about her I truly am one of you nuts and proud of it!
@Terry Crow your jokes continue to inspire me, I’ll never know where you get them all. LOL
@Signofthetimes thank you so much for the Indy info, I haven’t been able to see the HRTV video but I enjoyed watching his races….he’s the MAN!! I will find a brain who can do the cut and paste to browser thing, hopefully. If you Google Mr Besilu or Besilu Farms I think you can pull up recent pics of this gorgeous colt, I did not know he was with TP training though.
Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year celebration so we can all stay together for the upcoming birth.
Love you Zen kisses on your nose