Dear Friends,
I truly hope each of you had a marvelous holiday! We did here at Lane’s End. Everyone celebrated together and then again with their families and friends. TASTY and I had such a terrific time! People are so kind and we sincerely want to THANK YOU for the cards, well-wishes, and goodies you sent our way. All of your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
Dottie asked ME to share with you one very special gift that she received from a very dear fan and friend, Candace Jones. The gift is absolutely amazing! It is a beautiful and very detailed scrapbook she made for Dottie and MY JOHN…which covers my entire career. It is absolutely gorgeous and something to be treasured forever!
The gift wrapping was even very unique! It is TOO CUTE with all of the Z Z Z Z Z ribbon!
I must say, you guys are so clever!
I know lots of people are busy getting all of their YEAR END things completed…however, please remember to take some time to ENJOY THE MOMENT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(YEAH, Z DUMPLINGS! I heard you were at Santa Anita on opening day!)
One of the highlights of 2011 has been knowing you, Zenyatta, and sharing all of your “adventures”. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to all of us. May the new year be filled with special blessings, especially “Baby Z”. Love to you and Dottie & John, the Mosses and all of the current and former members of “Team Z”. You are GREATLY loved!
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. California)
My Favorite Races of 2011
I like #10 ~ nice picture of Mikey and Mr. Commons! :D
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
So good to hear that you had a nice Christmas at Lane’s End. I don’t know what kind of “goodies” you’re allowed to have at this point, but I hope there were some special treats for you and Tasty to enjoy.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
OK – now to catch up a bit (I was waiting for a new post because I always seem to wait too long and #406 had been going on for a long time
@Diana Stuart – so glad to hear that you are feeling better; that must have been a really scary episode (sounds a bit on the asthma side so I hope somebody figures it out quickly)
@Barbara Wood – the end of War Horse being like “Gone with the Wind” was EXACTLY what one of the “Christmas orphans” had to say. I’m so glad it was such a wonderful movie because I had to talk this group into going; almost everyone enjoyed it and one member said she was “exhausted” by the time it was over. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, there are some very tense moments, but just hold onto your seats and know it will be “OK”
@Kari Bussell
You’ve posted many wonderful things here, but I especially want to thank you for “Ode to Joy.” As I was listening and watching the words of a familiar hymn, I kept thinking – “gosh, that is a WONDERFUL choir!” Then the credits rolled, and I should have KNOWN it was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! Anyone in my generation (in this neck of the woods, anyway), who was in a high school choir, grew up with arrangements from that wonderful group! (Our other favorite was Robert Shaw who defected from Cleveland to Atlanta).
Anyway, any chance to see or hear them is a very special treat for me. A few years ago they were guest performers at Blossom Music Center (the summer home of the Cleveland Orchestra). It was a terrific concert, and I got to meet some of the choir members spouses etc who were also in the audience. I went through quite a few tissues that night.
A former colleague and BYU graduate who had to move back west because of family problems has an in-law who is currently in the choir. They have suggested that maybe . . . if all the stars are alligned . . . (not to mention that I could actually get on a plane) I might get to hear them in Salt Lake City. So thanks again for a beautiful treat.
Jan S. in Houston
Great looking present.. That Sophie is such a cutie pie, although she does look pretty mischievous. :) Glad everyone had a good a Xmas. Wishing all a happy and safe New Year. New Years Eve is my birthday guys, so celebrate it with me.. Stay healthy, happy and warm Big Mama. xoxo.
Terry Crow
@signofthetimes, Rosemary McCauley, Barbara Wood and Marshall-Thank you. @signofthetimes-If you would identify your area of residence I will add you to the appropriate chapter or appoint you president of your own. @Denise in AZ-Sorry, I just noticed that I had left your name off the chapter members recently. That mistake will be rectified. Hope all is well. @Cynthia H-you are too modest. @Barbara Wood-Thank you for the word on Diana S. @Diana S-great to see you posting. Things would not be the same around here without you. @rednecks-It is noted that “our” day is coming up on January 27.@Rosemary McCauley-Good one. @Don-I miss you, old friend. @Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if, in an effort to watch your cholesterol, you eat Spam light. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if your wedding was held in the delivery room. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if neither you nor Russ have ever paid for a haircut. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if there are more dishes in your sink than in your cabinets. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wuisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if every magazine on your coffee table has a piece of toilet paper for a book mark. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you start all of your email messages with “Howdy Y’all.” You might be a redneck if you have grease under your toenails. You might be a redneck if there has ever been a crime scene tape across your bathroom door. You might be a redneck if your stove is on the porch and your lawn chairs are in the kitchen.
sharon in seattle
Sophie is a total cutie pie, for sure. JAG, thanks for posting the HRN links – I met the writer – Candace Curtis – at Oaklawn when Zenyatta ran – was that 2009 or 2010?? Anyway, she’s a good writer.
maryann lane
Today is my Birthday and one of my treats today and every day is reading your posts. Thank you Dottie for keeping us updated and helping Z communicate with her fans.
Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year.
How are you coming along with your and TASTY’s pregnancies. I hope well.
I ordered one of the bracelets (the leather one that has your name on it) and I can’t wait to get it. It was a Christmas present to ME!
I’m raising a HIGH HOOF for your managing to get through NY’s Eve in one piece! Now if you feel you have had enough, please call a cab. Don’t worry about the money, Just tell him I’ll get your fare and it will be worth his while.
Or my best friends has used Heidinha for ever and ever so I like HEIDZINHA!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
@Sherry Drish—I’m so glad you had a great birthday yesterday.I have that afghan throw you got too and I love it! Maybe next year the statue! You’re most welcome for the birthday poem–it was short, but heartfelt nonetheless.
Zenny, a very Happy New Year to you and all your “peeps”. The pictures today are lovely…everything about this diary is magnificient including all who read and post here.
I have been thinking of you Zenyatta. It has been cold and windy in VA for the last week. I hope you have been dry and warm. Charles make sure to take good care of our girl. 2012 will bring a new and exciting time for you girl. Can’t wait.
Wishing you and all your connections and fans a very happy , safe and prosperous New Year.
Love, hugs and kisses
sue and Tony
Zenny, lovely photos today! I am sure John and Dottie are enjoying the scrapbook … such a work of love from a great fan.
Happy New Year to you, your entire team and all the Z Dumplings!
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
OH! So cute, so cute, love you love you, Ingrid.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Maryann,
It’s so great
You’re a Z fan
And let us know
Today’s your special day,
We with you can celebrate
This date
And to you say, “Happy Birthday!”
We hope it’s first rate!
That sounds wonderful about the Scrapbook …that is so nice to do something so special for two very kind and special people, John and Dottie. I know they will treasure that and Candace was very thoughtful. The weather is great her in Central Virginia…supposed to be 58 the next two days…but winter is showing up finally next week….will be in the teens at night….just got to get through Jan and Feb….then will start thinking spring…and most of all……thinking about your baby in March. I cannot wait to see a picture of him or her….oh Z…such an exciting time. All us fans love you so much…I bet you will be the best mom!!! Hugs to you …..
Stephanie Q
Love the Light a candle link!! Eveyone should do it! Happy New Year Team Z!!
Your lucky you have snow! in IL. there isnt! FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Paula Higgins
Happy birthday Maryann! Thank you for the links everyone. Sophie Shirreffs, what a hoot you are!! Absolutely adorable. Candace, that was a lovely gift and one from the heart. It is something they will have to look at all their lives. A gift that will give them enjoyment whenever they look at it. Just wonderful. A Happy New year to everyone and especially The Queen, Tasty and their new foals.
Happy New Year to all. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog. I love you always Z.
Jan S. in Houston
Happy Birthday Maryanne to a fellow Capricorn. :)
A Blessed New Year to you Zenny, all your connections, and all you wonderful Dumplings!
This website has been a wonderful way to enjoy the moment. Thanks and LOL to all! Arlene
Thanks so much to Zenyatta and Dottie for being so FABULOUS and taking the time to update all of us “Zenny Fans” with her diary. It lights up my days. Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone.
Katie Clawson
I am so glad you had a good Christmas Zenny! Congratulations John and Dottie on the win with Mr. Commons!!
9 weeks to go Zenyatta until we see you’re lovely foal!! Do we have any thoughts on names from the Mosses?
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Sharyn ~ Vermont
What a special gift for Dottie and John!! Sophie looks so cute all dressed up for Christmas!!
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
RACE 2 coming up 3 mins ~ Mosses have 2 horses running!!
Good luck; be safe!
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
VALERIA got 4th trained by YOUR JOHN :-)
Happy New Year Zenyatta, Tasty and All. Have a Blessed one.
Happy New Year to all!
Hugs and Prayers
Carole #42 Wisconsin
Zenyatta, What a wonderful 2011 we had on this site with all the posts to Z. and making some great friends along the way. We will have to thank Dottie for all her work. (hope she didn’t mind it too much.) Margaret, thanks for reminding everyone about New Years eve, and everyone stay safe. Wishing everyone the happiest of new years, as we have some special foals to look forward to. Kisses on your soft nose Z and TT too. XOXO
JAG ~ Queen Zen's Auntie Judy (So. California)
Disney’s “War Horse” opened Christmas Day with $7.5 million and will now stretch its legs over a full holiday weekend with a likely gross in the $15 million range. The Steven Spielberg film is based on the 1982 children’s novel and the 2007 stage adaptation, and has received two Golden Globe nominations, including for best picture.