To ALL of my very DEAR FRIENDS,
I would like to wish EACH OF YOU a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a LOVELY, HEALTHY and HAPPY 2012!
It is my fondest wish that this holiday season and the new year brings each of you great joy…in so many ways. May you be blessed with treasured moments with friends and family, wonderful health, and the time to really stop and appreciate the things in life that truly matter!
My pals here at Lane’s End….Mike, Charles, Matt, Donna, Sarah, David and the Farish Family all send YOU their warmest wishes as well!
Oh…..and yes, TASTY DOES TOO!

Please be safe on the roads…and enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~ (I do mean to ALL OF YOU!)
I also wanted to mention that Santa Anita opens tomorrow. MY JOHN and Dottie will be racing…so we’ll all touch base in the middle of the week and again share all of our holiday and racing news! HERE’S WISHING MANY WONDERFUL BLESSINGS TO ALL!
Linda Shull
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Katie Clawson
Merry Christmas my dear Zenyatta, everyone at Barn 55 and at Lane’s End!!
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Patty Smith
Merry Christmas to you and all of your friends and family, Queen Z! May 2012 bring you much happiness and all that you wish for! Looking forward to March! <3 <3 <3
Melissa M (Wilmore, KY)
Good morning from the west coast. All of us here in Nevada want to wish you a very Merry Christmas Zenyatta and everyone at Lanes End. May it be blissful and wonderful.
Wendy Treadaway
Merry Christmas to you and Tasty, John and Dottie, the Mosses, Mario and Carmen, Barn 55 and Lane’s End!
Merry Christmas to the Queen and her foal and her connections
Thank you Big Girl for thinking of us all on Christmas Day. What a sweet surprise and joy to see you and Tasty just loving life enjoying one another’s company. I adore how you run with your tail up. I am out of town visiting my mother who is resting on the couch after a nice breakfast together. Hope everyone is having a good holiday so far. I look forward to hearing exciting news from SA.
Rhonda Clements
Merry Christmas Zenyatta!! -Team-Z- Barn-55 & Lane’s End. We love you all, the photo is gorgeous by the way
stephanie (s in san diego)
Had to check in on this most Special of Days and wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. Love to all xoxo
Merry Christmas Miss Z to U and your family. We love U
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and to your Dear John, Dottie, Sophie, the Mosses, Team Z, Barn 55 and everyone at Lane’s End. Oh and Tasty too !!
Merry Christmas,are you and Tasty running to see what Santa brung?Love to you both and have an incredible holiday!!!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
HAPPY CHRISTMAS to our beloved Zenyatta and her dear friend TASTY, and all of Team Z and their families!
Merry Christmas to you, Queen Z! You and Tasty look mahvelous, dahling! Enjoy running through the bluegrass fields of Kentucky! We will have to wait until March for your present to us – your foal! Yippee!
Chris Balmes
Merry Christmas to all of you and to Zenyatta, Tasty and the babies to come. Thank you beyond words for all of the joy you have all brought my way this year with Z’s site and her news and your family news – it warms my heart so! You are all more special than you even know. I cannot wait until I open this and there are pictures of the babies next year. How could 2012 be anything but wonderful for all of us?
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and all your friends at Lane’s End. xoxoxoxox
Linda M
Dear Dottie – we would not be here within this wonderful Z Community without your tremendous love of Z, creativity & innovation, and desire to keep our Dear Zenny visible and accessible. Thank you again for all that you do and taking the time on Christmas Day to think of us. We Love you and are forever grateful, Linda & George. To all of Zenny’s fans: may all your Holiday 2011 dreams come true and thank you for continuing to support Z’s Community. To: Team Z: Reiterating our good wishes and another set of hugs to you and Barn 55. To Zenny and Tasty: you light up our life EVERY DAY…looking forward to there being more of you with your BABIES coming in 2012!
christine from Va
Ditto what Linda M. said !
Love you Z.
Merry Christmas,Zenyatta and Tasty! You both look marvelous…Motherhood agrees with you! Thank you to the entire Zenyatta family for sharing her and yourselves with us. You bring joy into our lives. May God continue to bless you, always. Lots of love, Jean.
Maureen P from Santa Barbara
Merry Christmas to you Zenyatta and to the entire Team here in Californis and at Lane’s End. A special little thank you to Tasty for being wonderful in her own right and for being such a DEAR FRIEND
Best wishes to everyone and have a grear day.
maryann lane
Merry Christmas Zenyatta to you and Tasty and all at Lanes End. Hooves crossed for all who run tomorrow. Safe journeys.
Santa brought me my wish! A “Z” ballcap. My eldest son Mike asked me what I really really wanted for Christmas. I told him a “Z” ballcap. He asked where to get this and why do I want this? I gave him the link to your pages and I think now he knows why this is precious to me. His brother Cody on seeing my reaction to opening the parcel said “whats the big deal”? Mike then let him know about how special YOU are not only in the racing world world but also in you and your connections doing such wonderful charity work for so many organizations and help bring a focus to retired racehorses and rescue organizations. (I think he read more than just how to order the ballcap).
So another convert Queen Zenyatta. You have conquered another heart! Kisses to you and Tasty.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
What a beautiful photo both of you look so magnificent, Merry Christmas to all yours friends, love you all, keep safe, and God Bless you, Ingrid.
Judy Sims in Florida
MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR to all connected to this miraculous, God-given gift, ZENYATTA!
Lane’s End is the land of milk & honey & peppermints & other “Tasty” treats.
God Bless you all human, equine, canine & feline.
March 2012 holds such promise for the world of horse racing!
Jan S. in Houston
Merry Christmas you two gorgeous gals, and all at Lanes End.
Kathy S.
Merry Christmas Zenny, Tasty and your Lane’s End Family. Your home is BEAUTIFUL!!! You both look “mahvelous”, darlings.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you, Zenny, and all of Team Z!
@KARI BUSSELL–Thank you, Kari, for that BEAUTIFUL Christmas present, showing us the GLORY of Zenyatta! You and she are both GIFTS FROM GOD!
Doreen in CT
Merry Christmas Zenny, Tasty, Eby, Team Z, Barn 55, and Z fans everywhere!!!
Christmas Blessings to you, Zenyatta, and Tasty and all. And a beautiful New Year filled with everything wonderful. I love you, gorgeous girl. And the picture of you and Tasty romping around is most beautiful.
Annie K
Love you Z! Merry Christmas!