To ALL of my very DEAR FRIENDS,
I would like to wish EACH OF YOU a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a LOVELY, HEALTHY and HAPPY 2012!
It is my fondest wish that this holiday season and the new year brings each of you great joy…in so many ways. May you be blessed with treasured moments with friends and family, wonderful health, and the time to really stop and appreciate the things in life that truly matter!
My pals here at Lane’s End….Mike, Charles, Matt, Donna, Sarah, David and the Farish Family all send YOU their warmest wishes as well!
Oh…..and yes, TASTY DOES TOO!

Please be safe on the roads…and enjoy your day!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~ (I do mean to ALL OF YOU!)
I also wanted to mention that Santa Anita opens tomorrow. MY JOHN and Dottie will be racing…so we’ll all touch base in the middle of the week and again share all of our holiday and racing news! HERE’S WISHING MANY WONDERFUL BLESSINGS TO ALL!
You two look GREAT! Thanks for the Christmas wishes and the pictures. Zenyatta, you are so loved! Good luck to Barn 55 on opening day at Santa Anita.
Hugs and kisses.
Anne-Marie Power
Merry Christmas Zenyatta! Love reading your posts, always so uplifting! Feel the Season! Love from St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada! Xoxo
Thank you, Zenny and TT, for taking time on this holiday and sharing all your good wishes with us. I truly wish the exact same for you and your Team.
It’s a white Christmas here in New Mexico! We are doing just what you said and staying home because the roads are unsafe.
Good Luck during the meet at Santa Anita. May all the horses and jockeys stay safe and healthy and of course, the trainers and grooms and everyone else.
Merry Christmas, my dear Zenny!
Julie DuVall
Merry Christmas to you, Zenny! My sister gave me one of your bracelets this morning; my favorite gift! I will be wearing it tomorrow at Opening Day :)
Merry Christmas to you and all your friends,both animal and human!
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta and everyone who takes care of her! Hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas. Gonna try to take it easy today because I have to be ready for…OPENING DAY AT SANTA ANITA. Good luck to John in race 5! I’m rootin’ for ya! I’ll take a John Shirreffs exacta!
Jane Raymond
A very Merry Christmas to you, Zenny & Tasty & ALL at LE!
Hope Santa brought you lots of pears & carrots, Big Mama!! Luva yoooo!!! :)
Suzanne G (IL)
Dear Zenyatta,
Wonderful pictures to see on Christmas morning! Thank you and Tasty too for the good wishes and thanks to your families for always sharing. Happy Holidays to all of you and to everyone on this site. So happy you still have some of that gorgeous Kentucky blue grass to munch the day away.
Lots of love, hugs and peppermint kisses.
Caroline Blevins
Big Sweet Z…love seeing you on Christmas day…you are as always…truly a light for us all..Merry Christmas to you and yours.. xxxoo
Kay Foley
Merry Christmas girls!!
Merry Christmas to all! That is a lovely picture of Tasty and Z!
So I hope all who travel today do so safely. Remember this: If you drive don’t drink and if you drink don’t drive. There are too many people not doing this. Thinking just this once and then bad things happen.
But have a happy day and I hope Santa is good to all!
Suzanne G (IL)
@Kari Bussell–simply fantastic video present to all of us! Thank you so much. Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
Merry Christmas, Zenny, to you, your team, your families, and to Tasty and her family too. Merry Christmas also to everyone reading this. May you all have a safe and blessed holiday!! Love and best wishes from Merrill, Wisconsin
Every day is Christmas with you, Zenny!
Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Paula Higgins
Dottie, John, Jerry, Ann, all of Barn 55, all of Lane’s End and of course Zenny and Tasty have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. Thank you for all you do for us and good luck at Santa Anita!!!
Merry Christmas Zenny and to your Dottie, John, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, your Barn 55 family and your Lane’s End family. And to Tasty too. I wish you all a wonderful day full of love and joy.
sharon in seattle
What a wonderful Merry Christmas surprise – this glorious picture of you and Tasty looking like the champions that you are!! Best of holidays wishes to all the Lane’s End people who take such good care of you two and and the other equines in residence!!
AJ from CA
Merry Christmas to you too Z looking happy with TT at Lanes End! A big THANKS to Sarah, John and Dottie for putting up all these fabulous pixs so we can all feel connected to you. For those of you who see Warhorse please let me know how it is. I’m not much on tearjerker movies so think I’ll go see Tin Tin today. Good Cheers to All!!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Zenyatta and Team Z!
Great photo of Z and Tasty. Stay healthy and happy.
Deborah Biediger
Merry Christmas beautiful Zenyatta. U were and will always be the horse love of my life. I cherish our meeting and hold it always dear in my heart.
Kathy B. (SoCal, FL)
What a wonderful thoughtful surprise to see a new post on Christmas morning! Blessings to all…especially to the Queen and all her very special people!
Merry Christmas Zenny and Dottie!!
That photo is lovely, you ladies sure look amazing.
Janet Newman
Merry Christmas to all of Zenyatta’s fans, and everyone on Team Z!
Merry Christmas Z…what a beautiful picture of you and Tasty…you look so playful and happy. I set this one as my background on my computer…I always keep one of you on my computer so I can look at you every day. I am off to walk my dogs…then going to my son’s to eat Christmas Dinner…this will be my third day of eating..and I have not had to cook once..and it sure has been good!! Hugs to you Z….
Arlan and Gayla
Merry Xmas to you all and the best New Year to you Zenyatta…..
I don’t know a lot about horses BUT, I think you look lovely Zenny for being so far along. You’re carrying that foal well. Merry Christmas to you and ALL of your loved ones. Here’s to a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year to all.
A special thanks to Dottie for all she does and in such a wonderful way.
jim mattos
god bless you Z. i love you. you were the greatset of all. my grandchildren are here. i have been showing them your races. now they all know your greatness. have a great christmas
Pamela Hill
Diana Hanson
Merry Christmas to Team Zenyatta, Barn 55, John and Dottie, Tasty and the rest of the crew! May your day be blessed filled.
Linda E (Ohio)
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!