Cheers…..it’s Christmas Eve!
I can’t believe it! My dear friends at BARN 55 all got together this morning to send ME…and ALL OF YOU…a wonderful Christmas HELLO!
They look fabulous wearing their new PRIDE OF BARN 55 sweatshirts with ME on the front! I am so incredibly touched! I heard MY JOHN and Dottie had them made for everyone as a fun Holiday Surprise! If I say so myself, they all look TOO CUTE!
Oh look, there’s MY MARIO standing on the left! YOU’RE LOOKING GOOD, MARIO!
Then there’s JUNIOR, FRANK, ANGEL, STEVE, BRUCE, COWBOY, HONORIO, ABI, CHEVA, and LUPE … to name a few. These wonderful people have all been my dear, dear friends for so many years. I have spent so much time with them and shared so many remarkable moments!
It is so great to see them again…as one big group…standing right out there by MY TREE at BARN 55! Such fond memories!
The holidays…they are really a special time to touch base with the people who you love and share so many fabulous times with in your life!
I hope your Christmas Eve is one to be treasured…and that you, your family, and dear friends keep in touch…just like BARN 55 did with ME today…and EACH OF YOU!
All Blessings!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Especially All of my dear Barn 55 pals!)
Debra Malone
Merry Christmas to you and Team Z and Barn 55…Happy New Year too…We love you so much Zenyatta….
Merry Christmas to all the Barn 55 group, John, Dottie, & the Z fans!
And, especially to Ann & Jerry Moss who have made all this possible.
Opening day at Santa Anita is Dec. 26th.
I know how busy all the team is preparing.
Have a blessed Christmas!
Prayers for a safe racing season.
And, waiting for Mike to reach that historic 5000 in 2012.
Merry Christmas, Zenny, the Z Team, and Barn 55!!!
AJ from CA
Merry Christmas to Z and baby on board, Tasty Temptation, Jerry and Ann Moss and family pets, John and Dottie, Sophie and all the gang at Barn 55 and Lanes’ End. Seeing the pixs of Barn 55 with their new Z sweatshirt brought tears to my eyes. Wonder if they will become available to her fans as well? I’d love to order a couple.
Joan Walls
Merry Christmas to all of the family at Barn 55. You are all so wonderful. You have been so blessed to have been able to work with Zenyatta. She has been and is a blessing to so many people. Queen Z, through Dottie and John, has been able to transfer many message of love and caring to her wide audience. All of us are wishing you and Zenny a very blessed New Year. The foal will soon be here. What excitement!!Hugs and kisses. Joan
Julie DuVall
Merry Christmas to everyone who has been part of Zenyatta’s life! I’m getting ready for Christmas Eve tea but had to take a moment to wish you all a wonderful holiday with family and friends (in person or virtually) . Big peppermint kiss to Zenny and Tasty!
jeanie langford
Merry Christmas Z. Hopefully you get some of your favorite treats for Christmas. Love you Big Girl.
maryp (New York)
It’s just wonderful to see greeting posted from Barn 55 in their special Christmas shirts. Just love them!
Merry Christmas, love and blessings to Zenyatta and all the special people in her life, past and present.
Lisag in TX
Ms Zenyatta, Merry Christmas Eve to you and all your family, CA and KY, and all you uncle and aunties in this wonderful world of Zenyatta…I love you so….Lisag
Heidi (Vallejo.Calif)
Happy Holidays to all and to all have a happy and safe Christmas weekend!
Now, Zenny, I have to tell you that our lil tree is decked out in your colors. Without even realizing it when I picked out the ornaments that they were your colors. It’s so cute… 3 ft white tree with white lights and teal and pink stars.
Also, Sorry to hear about Chocolate Candy! Saw him when he was at Golden Gate. RIP handsome boy!
Robyn Mullhausen
What a great picture! Merry Christmas to everyone at Barn 55 and especially to you Zenyatta!
” Merry Christmas Zenyatta “
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Oh, Zenny ~ I was just thinking about Barn 55 this morning… I love visiting YOUR DEAR FRIENDS! Each time I’ve been there they are singing, laughing, and seem to enjoy working for YOUR JOHN! But, John is such a nice man, so I can see why it would be nice working for HIM! :D
Last night I shared Ebby’s workout video that John had on youtube (thanks, Kennedys for reposting!) I must say Big E is shiny, BRIGHT, and sparkly ~ just like HER NAME! The Z Dumplings will be there for her first race because we want to support her and show her some LOVE. We will never put pressure on her; let her be herself, period.
I’m going to the movies Christmas day to see WAR HORSE. I’m sure I’ll need some tissue… but there’s nothing life a LOVE STORY between man and his 4-legged friend.
Blessings to you, Sweetie! {{Hugs}} to you and Baby, and to BERNARDINI, too! XOXO
Judy G
Mary Copelin
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Mamma Zen~
JOHN HENRY sends his Love and Blessings… he told me if you couldn’t have your foal on March 9th, he wouldn’t mind the 8th… INFINITY! Good number John Henry! :D My birthday # is an 8 (wink wink) ;-)
Merry Christmas Momma Z, the Moss family, John & Dottie, Barn 55, and of course, to Tasty,Pappa Berni (blush, blush) and all your family at Lane’s End. Many Blessings!
Valeria (Illinois)
Merry Christmas, Lady Z, Teams Z (east and west), Barn 55, Tasty, The Shirreffs. the Mosses, Zenfamily, and friends! May all your wishes and dreams come true, and have a safe and prosperous New Year!
‘Carrot dreams and peppermint kisses…’
<3 <3 <3
May you all have a healthy and blessed Christmas and year !!! Great picture!!!
LOL, Arlene from Vermont
Barbara Wood (Texas)
What a great picture, and what a great present for the Barn 55 crew–Z shirts. It seems like a simple “thanks” isn’t enough for you, Dottie and John, for all you do for everyone you touch.
This Christmas, whether we have many material possessions or not, good health or not, we are all RICH because we have each other. I just have to sit back and marvel at what this year has brought.
@JAG and Kennedys–loved watching E. run.
I left messages at the bottom of yesterday’s, never thinking that there would be another diary today.
Love, hugs, and blessings to everyone, and in the words of Tiny Tim, “God bless us, every one!”
Love you Zenyatta. Hope you and all you family have a wonderful Christmas weekend and a rip-roaring New Year!
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta & Co. and all her many fans around the globe.
Have a joyful and safe Holiday!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
~ give me your eyes for just one second ~
Karen Gogue
Merry Christmas beloved John Henry – my sister and I think of you so often, you are never forgot.
Happy Holidays, Momma Zenyatta –
And a Happy New Year to your Team – Dottie, John, Ann, Gerry, Mike, Bernardini, and the folks at Barn 55 and Lane’s End.
We can feel the excitement building as we await the newest addition to the family. I’m hoping the little one arrives on February 29! You’ve always accomplished things differently, and with style, and a February 29th birth would be just the thing to continue your traditions.
Hopefully with your continued humility and restraint, you will further inspire others in the horse industry to show their best side rather than the excess of bloated egos.
Horse Hugs ~~HH
Karen Gogue
Have yourselves a very Merry Christmas everyone at Lanes End! And you Zenny and TT too! Love you girl! OH! and baby too!
Especially Horses / California
Judy, Judy, Judy…you beat me to it and listed most of the now so familiar “names and monikers” that contribute to this site. Here’s wishing all of the Z-inistas a Blessed Christmas. You are a wonderful group of animal lovers showing tremendous stewardship, love, enthusiasm, and even courage to all God’s creatures. A very Merry Christmas to all!
Karen Gogue
Princess E had another work today – no video yet on this one :(
Zenny, your CA pals look so good wearing those new shirts. Merry Christmas to you and all those who have touched and continue to touch you…they have inspired many to do great things.
Especially Horses / California
@JAG: The girls in my family are having a girls-day-out on Tuesday to see War Horse. There will be about 6-8 of us, and no doubt we will need the tissue.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
To Mr. John Shirreffs and All of the Barn 55 Team:
Each smiling face in the photograph is responsible for engendering countless numbers of smiles for those of us who have been so fortunate to have visited Barn 55 for the past several years. Thank you for your patience, kindness, and generosity of spirit in allowing us access to your private world. For many of us, it might as well be the far corner of heaven.
We wish you prosperity and happiness in the New Year. May all of the JOY which you have so freely given, be returned to you many times over.