Cheers…..it’s Christmas Eve!
I can’t believe it! My dear friends at BARN 55 all got together this morning to send ME…and ALL OF YOU…a wonderful Christmas HELLO!
They look fabulous wearing their new PRIDE OF BARN 55 sweatshirts with ME on the front! I am so incredibly touched! I heard MY JOHN and Dottie had them made for everyone as a fun Holiday Surprise! If I say so myself, they all look TOO CUTE!
Oh look, there’s MY MARIO standing on the left! YOU’RE LOOKING GOOD, MARIO!
Then there’s JUNIOR, FRANK, ANGEL, STEVE, BRUCE, COWBOY, HONORIO, ABI, CHEVA, and LUPE … to name a few. These wonderful people have all been my dear, dear friends for so many years. I have spent so much time with them and shared so many remarkable moments!
It is so great to see them again…as one big group…standing right out there by MY TREE at BARN 55! Such fond memories!
The holidays…they are really a special time to touch base with the people who you love and share so many fabulous times with in your life!
I hope your Christmas Eve is one to be treasured…and that you, your family, and dear friends keep in touch…just like BARN 55 did with ME today…and EACH OF YOU!
All Blessings!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Especially All of my dear Barn 55 pals!)
Janice MacKenzie
Barn 55–have a wonderful Christmas and great new year! Cheers to everyone, and Zenyatta too!
carol in utah
HAPPIEST OF CHRISTMAS’ AND MERRIEST NEW YEARS TO YOU….AND TO ALL WHO KNOW AND LOVE YOU…esp the wonderful folks who post here and raise the spirits of those of us who sometimes need a “pick me up”…KISSES ON YOUR SOFT NOSE FOR YOU AND BABY Z….SOME FOR TASTY AND BABY TT TOO!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Team,
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you. Love and Hugs, Judy and Russ
Zenny, this picture brings smiles and tears…of happiness and JOY! I love your CA family because they allowed YOU to become the magnificient Zenyatta who graces the pages of histroy for all time.
Your Mario should be so proud of YOU….he knew you perhaps better than anyone and took care of every little detail to make sure you were happy and healthy. John has a gift of finding and keeping great people. To all of them and our wonderful Dottie…THANK YOU for becoming such an important part of our lives. Zenny…you always deserved the best and surely received it thanks to your owners, trainer and the loving hands of so many in this picture. OH, what a wonderful thing it would be for your little Z/B to share the same journey.
Beth Buckley
Merry Christmas all
Bryna Dambrowski
This is a great photo of the Barn 55 folks – Merry Christmas to all and thanks John, Dottie and Zenny for sharing this with us :)
sue and Tony
Dear Zenny, we had to peek at the diary today anticipating some sort of special surprise and we got it! Cheers to your CA family for everything they have done for you and continue to do for others. God Bless John, Dottie, The Mosses, Mike and everyone at LE who are part of your life. God Bless all of you at this special time of year.
mike neville
I really enjoy your posts, are you comeing back out to the west coast after you foal?
Kari Bussell
Dearest Zenyatta & Team-Z,
I hope you All have a very, very Merry Christmas! What a great photo! Please thank Mr. Shirreffs for us….and please tell Frank Leal I hope all HIS dreams come true!…He made mine come true the day after your BCC-2010. I dearly Love ALL of YOU at Barn-55.
Dottie- Thank YOU for Everything!
Merry Christmas to everyone! ….wishing All of you nothing but Peace, Love, Health & JOY!
Thanks to you, Z, for cheering up a sick grandma on Christmas Eve who can’t spend time with the family. But maybe tomorrow….
Merry Christmas to you Z who I love deeply!! And especially I hope your friends at BARN 55 get a “special” gift for Christmas! I also hope that you never have to lose any of your friends due to the political nature of things, especially in California. Unfortunately, your work causes attention to YOUR workers/friends. Tell all that I wish them a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of your family. Good luck next year to all of them, starting 12/26/11 @ Santa Anita. Thank you Dottie & John for putting so much work into keeping Queen Z in touch with her fans. She was so blessed by you and the Mosses to be allowed to develop before expecting her to race.
Donna from Baltimore
Queen Z – you have the classiest friends, family and fans anywhere! Merry Christmas!!!
That is an awesome picture of your friends at Barn 55…and so kind of John and Dottie to give them the shirts with you on it. You have touched so many peoples hearts…you are one amazing mare …and we love you Z…all your friends, family, and your fans. Merry Christmas to you Z…hugs to you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
To Terry C., Susan in TN, Kari B., Sharon in Seattle, Sharon Call, Mrs. Voltz, Abigail in Montreal, Cynthia H., Sunny B., Barb W., Skip, Counselor Kate, Kate C., DJ, Kim P., Stephanie in San Diego, The Kennedys, Sarah Powell, Laura J., Ann from Paramount, Dawn C., Ingrid Arnone, Max, JAG, Karen Gogue, Diastu, Ensign, Peggy N., Joan P., Jean, DMCQ, Eveline, Signofthetimes, Christine B., Mary J.,
Linda in NJ, Especially Horses, Sue and Tony, Rosemary McC., Marilu V., Margaret, AJ from CA, quarterhossgal, Sue Fredrick, Paula H., Vicki S., Sally B., Elizabeth in NM, Celeste and all Z’sters and Dumplings; wishing you a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Love and Hugs, Judy and Russ
Past the Grandstand
What a great group at Barn 55. Merry Christmas!
Karen Gogue
I LOVE BARN 55!! <3 <3
The Kennedys in San Diego
@JAG,Dawn Conrad, Kari and signofthetimes –Posted messages to you at the end of Post 404.
@ALL — In case you missed it, I am reposting the link to Eblouissante’s gallop that JAG posted on 404 — not to be missed.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Let me try that Eblouissante link again.
Janet Holub
Merry Christmas to all at Barn 55 and to all who love the great Zenyatta!!
Great picture of the hard- working Barn 55 employees. Nice shirts! Hope they all have a Merry Christmas as well as all the connections of Zenyatta and her fans. Merry Christmas, Zenny! Hope Santa brings you everything you desire and deserve. XOXO!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Eblouissante worked this morning. Three furlongs in 37 Handily.
Mucho Macho Man clocked a bullet work at Gulfstream — 4 furlongs in 46:50 Handily. He was 1/93 at that distance.
Merry Chistmas and wishing Barn 55 best wishes for a great New Year. They are all looking FABULOUS in their Zenny shirts! Hugs and kisses to Zenny.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
What an exceptionally great picture of everyone at Barn 55! Definitely a pic of more than a thousand words for sure. Wishing you Zenyatta, everyone at Barn 55, The Shirreffs clan, Mr. & Mrs. Moss and all those reading this, the most wonderful holiday season ever as well as a super happy safe & Merry Christmas! Take care everyone and spread your love around! Love you lots Zenyatta!
Merry Christmas Everyone.
Great gift idea, Merry Christmas to everyone at Barn 55!
Mary Catherine (Rome, Ga)
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and Team Z. I love you!
JSmith CA
FABULOUS! Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to all. Guess where I am spending Christmas Eve? With people I met through you Zenny! Also looking forward to seeing lots of others at Santa Anita on 26th, which in UK is known as Boxing Day, also a holiday. It dates back to Victorian times, when the day after Christmas day was reserved for packing all your Christmas stuff away in boxes. I’m pretty sure they have Boxing Day in Canada & Australia too. Off to pick up my mince pies, a must at Christmas time if u r English. If u have a Cost Plus near you, see if they have any packaged mince pies on sale after Christmas, warm up, and of course, you must have a cup of tea with them. Delish.
Barb France
Great picture…wishing all of you a Very Merry Christmas!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Zenny!