Happy December 23rd!
In the midst of all of the pre-holiday rush, it appears that SANTA was so busy and moving about so quickly that his hat flew off. Luckily for him, STELLA and VIOLET found it!
Dottie told ME that Ann and Jerry are going to set it by their tree immediately to be sure DEAR SANTA gets it back as soon as possible! We’re sure he’ll be needing it to complete his CHRISTMAS DELIVERIES!
It has been a very special year for ME and the people who are so, so close to ME. We can’t thank ALL of you enough for the kindness and loving spirit you have shared with EACH of US throughout ‘my countless adventures and racing career’.
We’re all sending you one big HIGH HOOF!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(This is TOO CUTE…Stella, Violet, Ann and Jerry add their HOLIDAY CHEER to ALL!!!!)
Sunny Boyd
Good evening Zenyatta
and Happy Holidays to you and yours !!!
What unusual cuts they sport, these two girls. Kind of a puppy haircut, yet, hm?
Well, they are certainly the lookers!! California girls for sure. :)
From what I have seen in the ‘War Horse’ trailer, it is quite the movie. Haunting.
Thanks for all your up-dates, have a restful night and dream sweet
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Cynthia H.– great poem! Thanks!
Now, I have a question. I was thinking about Mad About Smarty. Since they were looking for a home for him, he wasn’t going to be bred. The Pedigree Query site doesn’t say he’s a gelding, so that must mean he didn’t win enough races to qualify as a stallion. Does anyone know how that works? Is it number of races won, amount of earnings, or a combination? Is there a “magic number”?
Merry Christmas to you, Zenyatta, and all of your connections! May 2012 be one of many blessings for you and baby ZeeBee! Much love from Louisville, KY!!! =)
Merry Christmas Z, Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry, Mario, Mike and all the gang.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Kathleen Kimber KC, MO
@ Barbara Wood: Thanks for the post yesterday on Little Autumn she is really growing so nice to see her. Merry Christmast to you and yours,
Abigail from Montreal
Sweet Zenny, TT, babies-on-board, Dottie & Zen-sters: Wow! Stella & Violet are beautiful & sassy enough to audition for the “SOPHIE SHIRREFFS’ GLAM GIRLS CLUB”! Would anything be CUTER than these 3 girls on a Christmas card? (Although I wouldn’t suggest that Sophie wear the Santa hat!!!!!!) Seriously, what’s interesting about this photo & the ones I’ve seen of Sophie is that it’s absolutely clear that they are dogs used to human talk. It’s the look in their eyes that seems to say, “What exactly are you going to say next?” ADORABLE!
TO DOTTIE, JOHN, ANN & JERRY MOSS: It’s been said so many times before that’s it’s tough to come up with something original, but, then again, it isn’t really the “original” that counts.I thank all of you for the TLC you extend not only to your own four-legged family, but to we Zensters. It’s such a LOVING GRACE that animates each one of you in your own, unique way. In choosing to share Zenyatta’s life with those of us who love her you have created this dynamic community and — I know — so many others like it. I know that you don’t do all this for public acknowledgement, but each one of you is teaching the sport so much by way of your actions. My dear departed friend, Augusto Boal, who brought literacy to the poor and oppressed around the world by developing a people’s theatre used to say, “Doing is the best way of saying.” And you are the BEST SAY-ERS ever! DOTTIE: Thank you so much for being the living, vibrating chord between Zenyatta and people like me. Writing on THE VAULT where I have now published 35 entries in a year, I have a very good idea of the hours & hours you have devoted to something I know you believe in very deeply. You are a WONDER-FULL & INSPIRATIONAL WOMAN!!!!
@ Sue Fredrick: Thanks for the lovely comments. I was so proud to write about Molasses Bill & Jimmie and to help them to shine on!
@ ZENNY: My new girl, Daisy aka Doodlebug, actually has a Zenyatta Connection: she sashays from her hindquarters EXACTLY like you! Someone remarked on her “strut” yesterday and I said, “Yup — she walks just like Zenyatta!” Which, of course, prompted a who-is-Zenyatta discussion….and this lady trotted off to check out zenyatta.com!!! TOO CUTE, RIGHT? I knew you’d appreciate this, big girl.
Paula Higgins
Stella and Violet are hilarious!!! Two beautiful girls for sure and perfectly groomed. They look like supermodels of the dog world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Susan in TN
@Cynthia H: What a great poem! I especially loved “long-leggity”!
@Dawn C: What beautiful sentiments and a beautiful card- thank you! That story is incredible! Madison must have been over the moon when she found out!
@Lentenor: Congrats!
Susan in TN
Zenny- Stella and Violet were VERY thoughtful to leave Santa’s hat in such good condition! They look like fun girls- I’ll bet there’s never a dull moment at the Moss’s house! Hope you and Tasty have a wonderful Christmas. If you pulled Santa’s sleigh, he wouldn’t need 8 tiny reindeer- just 1 big, beautiful Zenyatta :) Love you <3
Michelle Cross
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!! Love you forever Z!
Susan in TN
@Abigail: Well-said about Dottie, John, Ann and Jerry. I couldn’t agree more! I’m so glad you have a new dog- Daisy/Doodlebug sounds too cute! Also, I loved your piece on Molasses Bill and Jimmie. Where do you get your vintage photos? They are amazing!
@quarterhossgal: How is Bailey getting along? Hope she is feeling good!
Dear Zenny,
Stella and Violet are absolutely gorgeous and look they are having and always have fun. Maybe even a little bit of mischief in The
Moss household. Hope you are having a great week leading up to the holiday. XXXXOOOO
My Favorite Budweiser Clydesdale holiday video
And here is another Budweiser Clydesdale Christmas with George Clooney as the voice.
@Cynthia H
Love your poem; it is so fun when posters start others thinking and working on the things they have started (Trina with her poems and Terry Crow with his jokes). That is what shraring and being a part of a family is.
Janie (in L.A.)
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, John & Dottie, Ann & Jerry, Sophie, Stella & Violet, all of Zenyatta’s peeps at Barn 55 and Lane’s End and everyone on this site! May all your dreams and wishes come true. And congrats to Barbaro’s baby brother, Lentenor!!
@Dawn Conrad
A lovely story about Mad for Smarty; sometimes the well bred and pedigreed don’t like to race for what ever reason; what a lucky young girl to have such an awesome horse for her own and a son of whom she was his greatest fan; Win win for both the farm, the young girl and the horse. He will be cherished forever.
Jeff Goldstein
To Zenyatta and Family, Have a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Fulfilling 2012!!!
Merry Christmas to all! And Zenyatta a beautiful Christmas to you, gorgeous girl. I love you.
Sally B. (Wi)
Sweet Z, are you sure one of the girls did not swipe Santa’s hat? They look cute yet a little mischievous. ha
Ann and Jerry are so special, I am happy they know how we all feel about them.
My Christmas family gathering begins tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. Goodnight and sweet dreams. I Love you and once again Merry Christmas to you & your loved ones.
2 kisses on your soft nose one for baby z
Happy Holidays to you Big Z and all your connections in CA and KY. Love you all!!!!!Lori
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Abigail from Montreal–thanks for the great link to the story of Molasses Bill. Our grandhorse has all thse “greats” in his lineage too. Also, our Daisy prances like Z. (we call her “little Z). She’s a German Shepherd.
@signofthetimes–LOVE the Clydesdales! I could watch them all day. My favorite was the one with the little guy watching the big guys.
Sally B. (Wi)
@Dawn Conrad; WOW!! You’ve spoken such wonderful words. Liked the message from Three Chimneys.
@signoftimes; I have always loved those Clydesdales. A team and wagon were here in Wi. nearby me 2 yrs ago. Ran there to see them twice. The second time, the demonstrations were all over but I got to touch a couple, kiss one and definitely take pictures. Thanks for the videos
@all; This season always has me realizing health is the greatest blessing. I wish you all good health always. Merry Christmas! Goodnight Mrs. Kalabash, wherever you are!! (anyone know that one?)
Merry Christmas and safe holidays to everyone in the “Z” crew, and to all the fans here!
LOL!!! there so CUTE!!!
Adorable Stella and Violet, and the wonderful Zenyatta family, Jerry and Ann Moss, Dottie and John, Mike, Mario and Carmen, and all those at Lands End who take such good care of The Most Perfect Horse, Ever…The Ideal horse of horses, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing her with us. May you have the most blessed Christmas ever and a New Year that brings you even Greater blessings. Love, Jean
Carmela B
Greetings from So. Caifornia, 20 miles from Santa Anita…Merry Christmas to all, Lady Z & Team Z, Tasty & Team Lanes End…a blessed holiday to everyone!
Pam Homeier
Thank you Laura. I have had several arguements about that. I thought I had seen a tv show that said that but when you get a little older sometimes one doesn’t remember correctly. I love reading all the blogs. I have learned a lot. I have loved horse racing since they started carrying the triple crown on tv back in the late 50’s. I remember betting my dad. I always had my favorite and let him have the rest of the field. I didn’t win very often. I was in high school at the time. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
Kim Noble
Happy Holidays to everyone in the Zenyatta family!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
Lentenor Scores At Tampa Bay Downs