Happy December 23rd!
In the midst of all of the pre-holiday rush, it appears that SANTA was so busy and moving about so quickly that his hat flew off. Luckily for him, STELLA and VIOLET found it!
Dottie told ME that Ann and Jerry are going to set it by their tree immediately to be sure DEAR SANTA gets it back as soon as possible! We’re sure he’ll be needing it to complete his CHRISTMAS DELIVERIES!
It has been a very special year for ME and the people who are so, so close to ME. We can’t thank ALL of you enough for the kindness and loving spirit you have shared with EACH of US throughout ‘my countless adventures and racing career’.
We’re all sending you one big HIGH HOOF!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(This is TOO CUTE…Stella, Violet, Ann and Jerry add their HOLIDAY CHEER to ALL!!!!)
Suzanne G (IL)
@Dawn Conrad — thanks for the beautiful card and the best-ever Christmas story– Mad for Smarty from Three Chimneys!!!
Merry Christmas, Zenyatta! Maybe you should try pulling Santa’s sleigh sometime.
BTW, if you ever put that Santa hat on, I think I’d have to call you… ZENYATTA CLAUS!
Lovely dogs and so photogenic! Thank you and Merry Christmas to all of team Z!
maryp (New York)
All Zenny’s connections and to all Zters: all I can think to do is ” (ditto) Dawn Conrad’s beautiful words.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta and to all who visit this site so faithfully. May each of you and yours have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy and Healthy New Year. May all of your dreams come true for the coming year. My Zenyatta, may you and all of your friends, human, and four-legged, enjoy all of the joys of the holiday season with plenty of treats. Love to all.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
MERRY CHRISTMAS beautiful Zenny and what a beautiful picture this is! Reminds me of a saying by Alex Caras, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” I just have to tell you all of the wonderful Christmas news I received. After losing my adorable rescued cocker OPIE, I applied for a new rescue cocker named Precious, and was told yesterday we were approved for adoption. YIPPEE!! We will be driving down after Christmas to Indiana (8-9HRS) to meet and pick her up.
Am I nuts or what?? She had heartworm and was able to make it thru the treatment so I am changing her name to AMAZING GRACE, Gracie to us and I hope she can help fill the void left by Opie. Just had to tell you all.
@ABIGAIL from Montreal I just loved your Vault post, as usual, your history lessons are so interesting, thank heaven we have you to do the research. Hope your new dog has helped to fill the void left by your Jericho.
HUGS to all you wonderful Zster’s and again Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to you all.
Kisses on your nose Zenny.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sue Fredrick–congratulations to you for getting Gracie, and congratulations to her on getting well! Hugs.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
@ Linda M, Suzanne G (IL) and Dawn Conrad
THANK YOU for the BEAUTIFUL e-cards!!! I’ve never seen anything like them and will need to learn more about that e-card site
@Karen Gogue
THANK YOU for the poem and for your inspirational words earlier on #403
@All of you who are meeting up at Santa Anita after Christmas
Can we hope for some pictures so that we can put some faces to the names? You could post them on Zenny’s Facebook page. That would really be neat!
Beth Buckley
Merry Christmas Dottie, John, Ann and Jerry
too cute Sophie, Stella, Violet, Mikey Smith, barn 55 crew and dear Zenyatta and all of her groupies!
Carole #42 Wisconsin
What beautiful dogs Sofie, Stella and Violet are. Cute picture with santa hat.
Dawn Conrad, such a heart warming story about Mad for Smarty, I can just imagine how that girl in Texas feels.
Zenyatta Merry Christmas to you and all your caretakers at Ky. and at barn 55. Kisses on your soft nose and TT too. XOXO
Linda M
Z’sters – I am so pleased that everyony is enjoyng Jacquie Lawson’s eCards; she is an incredible artist and I LOVE promoting her work and her site! She is well known in her home country, England, not as well known here in the US – so thank you for suppoting her talent and please help spread the word about her beautiful site!
Pam Homeier
I hope this isn’t a stupid question but I really have no idea the answer. When say Zenyatta was bred, does it have to be done naturally or can they be ai’d? Hope all Zenyatta family and friends have a very merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year!!!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! Stella and Violet are bee..utiful! Thank you for the picture and best wishes to Dottie, John, the Moss’, your team and all you beloved fans! I love you Zenyatta! Kisses on your baby bump to your foal! XXXXX
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
OH! so cute and adorable,hugs Ingrid.
Zenyatta. Stella and Violet are very well groomed and are helpful to Santa! You cannot ask for more. Great dogs like Sophie.
@AJ from CA. The John Shear story is a true inspiration and is perfect for this time of year. Best wishes for his return to Santa Anita. It is wonderful to see his recovery and return to a job that he loves. That guy is a hero.
Lisa from TN
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all. We are so blessed to have Zenyatta and her connections give us the opportunity to share their lives. Thanks a million.
Susan A.
Merry, Merry Christmas to all, once again!
Just wanted to add this thought since 2012 is coming soon! How about buying the 2012 Jockeys’ Calendar?
The proceeds go to the Disabled Jockeys’ Fund…
And, Zenyatta, as you know, your Mikie is in it!!!
All my Best,
Susan, M.A. :)
Debbie G/Kentucky
What a cute picture! Stella and Violet are absolutely gorgeous. Merry Christmas to you, Zenny, and all of your connections. Merry Christmas to your BFF Tasty, too. And last but certainly not least, Merry Christmas to all the Zsters out there. May each and every one of you have a joyous holiday.
@Sue Fredrick – Congratulations on Gracie!
Dallas from Texas
Hey baby girl. The picture is way too cute. Let’s all give a big high hoof to lentenor for his win today. Here’s to wishing you and all your wonderful family and fans a wonderful and safe Christmas. I love you big baby girl…you’re the greatest!
Merry Christmas Team Z
Your gift of accessibility is so appreciated and loved
May all your races be winning ones
Thank You for everything
Zenyatta – I wish you, Dottie, John and Mr. and Mrs. Moss the happiest of holidays. God bless you all for the spirit of heart and soul you bring to us, the kindness you show us and the love that you share with us. You have all touched our lives in the most meaningful of ways. Merry Christmas to all of Team Z.
@Susan, I could not have said it any better.
Delrene from Carlsbad - (California)
What beautiful girls and what a thoughtful post today ( as always) Thanks to all and wish to all connections and Z – dumplings a wonderful holiday with those you love most and hold most dear. Lentenor – a brother of Barbaro deserves our congratulations… http://www.equibase.com/premium/eqbHorseInfo.cfm?refno=8069133®istry=T
LauraJ in Cincinnati OH
Happy and safe holiday to Zenyatta and all her friends and family, both two- and four-legged.
@Pam Homeier, all Thoroughbreds worldwide are bred by live cover. No AI and no surrogacy are allowed. Hope that answers your question.
Congrats to Lentenor!
Merry Christmas Queen Z. Best Wishes for all your family members and all of our Z friends.
Dawn: What a beautiful story about Madison and Mad for Smarty. Thank you for sharing.
M. Kern
Stella and Violet are too cute! ***
MERRY CHRISTMAS to Zenyatta, Tasty, the staff of Barn 55, your Lane’s End Friends, Dottie, John, Ann and Jerry.
Joan Ludlow
Merry Christmas, Zenyatta, and a Merry Christmas to Dottie and John, the Mosses and all of your family including everyone here. Zenyatta, best wishes for the most wonderful New Year when you will become a mother. Your baby will be so lucky to have you as a mom.
Past the Grandstand
I wanted to share the story of King of Speed, who will have a very merry Christmas at Remember Me Rescue. Here’s the link: http://pastthegrandstand.blogspot.com/2011/12/king-of-speed-champion-in-eyes-of-many.html
Again, Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, Team Z, and Zenyatta’s fans! And as adorable as those dogs look with a Santa hat, I can only imagine how adorable Zenyatta would look!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
(with apologies to P.L. Trina Nagele)
Long-leggity aristocratic girls;
Coats of seafoam and teeth like pearls;
Sparkling neck jewels with dangling hearts;
What a treat for the eyes!
These two look the part.
They are thoroughbred canines, of that do not doubt;
From the Household of Moss;
Which is no cause to pout.
With Santa’s cap gay do they like to make merry;
Many gifts to dispense—he had cause there to tarry.
When detected by both, Santa left in a rush;
Up the chimney he rose—‘spensing lots of soot dust.
His head gear awaits, safely kept ‘neath the tree;
With attire complete, he will leave in high glee;
To visit us each, if good folk we be.
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Thank you so much for sharing your life, friends, and loved ones with us all this year. You make each day special for each of us and I’m sure there will be many Zenyatta gifts and thoughts shared this Christmas!
A high hoof to you and all your family and a very Merry Christmas!
Love and kisses,