Happy December 23rd!
In the midst of all of the pre-holiday rush, it appears that SANTA was so busy and moving about so quickly that his hat flew off. Luckily for him, STELLA and VIOLET found it!
Dottie told ME that Ann and Jerry are going to set it by their tree immediately to be sure DEAR SANTA gets it back as soon as possible! We’re sure he’ll be needing it to complete his CHRISTMAS DELIVERIES!
It has been a very special year for ME and the people who are so, so close to ME. We can’t thank ALL of you enough for the kindness and loving spirit you have shared with EACH of US throughout ‘my countless adventures and racing career’.
We’re all sending you one big HIGH HOOF!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(This is TOO CUTE…Stella, Violet, Ann and Jerry add their HOLIDAY CHEER to ALL!!!!)
Adorable! Merry Christmas to all!
Happy Holidaya and Happy Christmas to all of you from the UK x
Beth Buckley
Kathy S.
What beautiful poodles! They are such a SMART breed, too. And speaking of SMART, so are YOU, dear Zenny. TGIF. Enjoy the special days ahead, everyone.
Susan from Fl
Merry Christmas All & Thanx for all the sharing you do & just being u Z! Peace & Happiness to u Z, Tasty and all your family and many friends!
Dear Zenyatta, here’s wishing Santa brings you everything you want for Christmas. I am sending love to you for the holidays.
Merry Christmas and a joyous and wonderful New Year. Can’t wait!!!
Sending warm cozy wished to you, Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John, Mike, Mario, Carmen, Steve, David, Charles and ALL of your connections and fans.
Oh and a special wish for Tasty as well. Give her a big hug.
Love, hugs and kisses
Linda M
Dear Zenny – did you teach Sophie, Stella and Violet to pose? They must have learned it from YOU as everyone knows just how to look into the camera – not to take away from John’s outstanding photography!! I am wondering if Stella and Violet are sisters? Blessings to all and everyone “Z”. Love Linda & George
Janet Newman
Merry Christmas wishes to you Zenny, Tasty the people at Lanes End who take such wonderful care of you. Also sending Merry Christmas greetings to your beloved Barn 55, Ann & Jerry Moss, John, Dottie and all of your many wonderful animal companions.
Merry Christmas Queen Z – you’ve been a bright and happy part of my year! Do you ever gaze around your stable wondering what it would have been like to be in the stable in Bethlehem?
MERRY CHRISTMAS, thank you for the beautiful holiday photo. The pupsters are beautiful too. Wishing you a very happy holiday, and a wonderful and loved new year. Merry Christmas everyone, Love you “Z”.
Marian M.
Dear Queen Z,
Did you know 91-year-old John Shear, paddock supervisor, when you were at Santa Anita? I just read in The Blood-Horse that he is returning to Santa Anita on opening day, December 26, after recovering from the multiple life threatening injuries that he sustained when protecting a child from a runaway horse.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish John and his family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and much gratitude for his service to people and horses at Santa Anita.
Merry Christmas Zenyatta!! and to your wonderful family!
OraJean Stevenson
Happy, Blessed Christmas to Queen-Z & Team-Z !!!
Thank-you all so much (esp. Dottie & John)
for sharing your magical life with me…
a loyal and grateful fan.
Happy Holidays & All the Best in the New Year !!
Love & Hugs, OraJean
Merry Christmas to Zenny & Tasty and all their wonderful friends and connections
Merry Christmas Miss Z – and to Stella and Violet, too. They look just like my Lily who has gone to doggy heaven.
Beverly Gerth
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Zenyatta and Ann & Jerry Moss, John & Dottie Shirreffs and also to your friend Tasty. Zenyatta, you have brought me so much joy and I can hardly wait to see your baby. You are such a gentle, sweet horse and I will always keep you in my heart.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Merry Christmas Beautiful Zenyatta~ You are truly a gift beyond words. Thank you (Dottie) for sharing your life with us.
Stella and Violet are TOO CUTE, as was Sophie yesterday.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. So much to look forward to in 2012.
Love and Hugz~
Your #1 fan in Montana!
Lorie C
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and your Baby, also to all your family and friends that brought you to us. You have truly been a huge part of our lives, thank you so much for all the joy you give us each and every day take care to all and have a Happy New Year, XOXOXO
sue and Tony
A high hoof right back at you, Zenny and all of those who are near and dear to you.
Zenny, now this picture is “Too Cute”. Have these lovely poodle friends of yours discovered your hat trick? ;-)
Lynette Lucas
Wishing you Zenny, Moss’s & the Shirreffs a Very Merry Christmas!!! Love you Zenny!! Hugs and Kisses from Roswell,NM!!
Happy Holidays to Team Zenyatta California and Kentucky! Rainy, gray day here in Lexington. My sister loves Standard poodles (and so do I). Is there any way to find out the names of the parents of Stella and Violet? They are gorgeous, much like you Zee. Enjoyed watching John’s video of Ebby galloping. Her ears are amazing…I get tired simply watching them move about! Makes me wish I still galloped horses. Thank you Zee (Dottie) for stay in touch with us throughout 2011. Much Love!
Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a safe & happy holiday! Love you Zenyatta! You are the gift that keeps giving! ^-^
Linda A
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Team Zenyatta & Barn 55 are awesome. Thanks for all that you do.
I received the new Zenyatta throw from Exclusively Equine last night & it is absolutely the best.
Hugs to all of you. Again thank you for all that you do & keeping us updated on everything Zenyatta.
carol in utah
good morning zenny….wishing you and baby z the very best of the season…tasty and baby tt too…to all you connections human, equine, canine, and feline (misha?) the happiest of christmas’s and the merriest of new years..MERRY CHRISTMAS…HAPPY NEW YEAR…
SEASON’S GREETINGS to all who write here and to the many (like me) who just read every day since the beginning til i found something to say…love and the best of everything to all.. TO OUR BEAUTIFUL QUEEN Z AND THE LOVELY TASTY..kisses for you soft noses and stay warm and safe
Cathy Marshall
Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!
Zenny and all, High Hoof back.
LOL, Arlene in Vermont (3 or 4 inches of snow this morning !)
Sandy Cadwalader
Merry Christmas to the wonderful Zenyatta and her whole “family” ! Can’t wait for the new little one to be added in March. As you say “hooves crossed” :-)
Eveline / Maryland.
Merry Christmas Zenny, the picture is the cutest EVER!
this was just too cute. merry christmas ,zenny, to you and all of your family. and merry christmas to everyone reading this. i wish you all a very blessed holiday.