Good Morning,
It is now just a few days before Christmas! SOPHIE looks like she is anxiously awaiting her presents from Santa Claus. I know she received a big package from STELLA and VIOLET last Friday…as they were busy sending out their holiday gifts. Rumor has it she opened them all immediately ! You know how it is….she just couldn’t wait!
Oh, look….I think I’m in the picture right next to SOPHIE! I so adore the fact that I am truly very special to my California families!
I know my BARN 55 pals still think of ME often! As MY JOHN said to Dottie just last night….ZENYATTA will always be a big part of our lives and in our hearts….ALWAYS!
May all of you who are busy with this year’s HOLIDAY RUSH take some extra time to enjoy spending special moments with your loved ones. Our wish is that you are ALL blessed with great health and many memorable and happy moments during this holiday season and throughout 2012!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special big hug from the SHIRREFFS’ HOUSEHOLD TO YOURS this holiday season!)
Karen Gogue
RIP Angel Chocolate Candy …
Karen Gogue
This is got to be the cutest article yet by John P. Sparkman of Lands End for Christmas … Twelve Thoroughbreds of Christmas! (Scroll down) Enjoy! Also Zenny, Zenyatta.com won for best horse-related blog! Yippeee! You go girl!
Karen Gogue
DUH!! I forgot to post the link Zenny! Geez!
Karen Gogue
Double Duh Zenny! That is you won for best racing related Facebook – and I haven’t even had a drink yet!! HONEST!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
@ signofthetimes
The elderly gentlemen you referred to who shined shoes at SA passed away either earlier this year or just last year :( In all my trips to SA, I never made a point to meet him… SHAME ON ME!
JAG ~ Zenny's Auntie Judy ~ So. California
HEY MIKEY!! Check your namesake out! :D
Little Mike Wins by Nose in Gulfstream Return
Merry Christmas to John,Dottie,Sophie and The queen. May all your wishes come true in the New Year!!!!
Karen Gogue
John uploaded new You Tube video tonight of E’s work out. His channel jonshfs05 on You Tube. One can really see the looong neck of Ebby on this video.
Lynn from nearby Hollywood Park
Hi Zenny, …. You are my holiday gift in every way. Be it photos, website, my memories of your racing – in person at S.A. and Hwd Park, visiting your stall barn, talking with your trainers (John and Michelle J.). All is a continued gift to me. … and next year a new little z! ””’ Thank You my dear Z. I love you so much.
Karen Gogue
JAG I believe his name was Eddie Logan – the shoeshine man.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Eddie’s friends and fans were many in number. His presence is still, and will always, be greatly missed by those who who were priviledged to know him. A plaque in his honor is located directly outside the Group Events Office, the former site of his beloved shoeshine stand.
Pam Homeier
Merry Christmas to all Zenyatta connections and fans!!!!
Merry Christmas, Zenyatta Claus!
Dallas from Texas
Hey baby girl. With your party at the Breeder’s Cup, your ornament on my tree and your picture on my wall, you have made my Christmas all ready. Thank you Zenyatta, and to you and your wonderful family, here’s wishing y’all a big, merry and safe Texas Christmas. Love you baby girl
Lise from BC, Canada
Super Cute! Wishing Barn 55, The Sherrif’s, Moss’ and all Z’s connections from California to Kentucky a safe and wonderful holiday season <3
Suzanne G (IL)
@Jeanie — hopefully, we’ll be able to save the 3 horses for Christmas!
I don’t get to post often, but want to take this time to wish Zenyatta and all her connections, (four legged and two legged”) a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. Especially the Sheriffs for keeping us up to date with all those wonderful postings and photos from our “Z”.Happy Holidays, everyone!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Zenyatta and Sophie, you two are so adorable! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you and yours!
@Suzanne G (IL)—Thank you for posting that lovely Christmas card “The Christmas Pony!” Too cute!
@Maryp (NY), Peggy N, LouAnn Cingel, Sharon in Seattle, Tiffany’s sister Krystal, Kari Bussell, Russ Berube and loving wife Judy, Dawn Conrad, Barbara Hawkins, Jackie (caregiver of her father) and her dad, Lewis Cenicola and loving wife Donna, Celeste in TX, Sharon Call, Gloria Jeanne in The OC (caregiver to her beloved mom) and her mother, Amanda Gilliland, and anyone else who needs a prayer for health issues or other concerns, I am sending prayers and good thoughts to you.
@Barbara Hawkins—We haven’t heard from you recently—hope you are doing OK.
@Linda and George M—Thank you for the beautiful White Christmas card—love the horse!
@Barbara Hawkins—We haven’t heard from you recently—hope you are doing OK.
@Linda and George M—Thank you for the beautiful White Christmas card—love the horse!
@Sherry Skinner—Nice to hear from you. I see you are in Lexington—have you met Debbie Godby (Debbie G)? She’s in Lexington, too.
@JAG—Great articles about the 14-yr-old racer Eagle Time and about Stay Thirsty (love him!). And what a wonderful gift from the Jacksons to provide early childhood education for the children of backstretch workers! Prayers to you as hold your dear sister Mary in your heart.
@Abigail in Montreal—Thanks for the Christmas greetings on The Vault. I’m still working on your promised birthday poem.
@Emily S—I second Dawn’s comment! Please tell TVG we appreciate seeing the Queen’s races replayed.
@Julie DuVall—Thanks for the race card notes for the 26th. Will you be joining Dumplings there?
@Signofthetimes, Karen Gogue and Cynthia H—Thanks for the link and the personal remembrance about Eddie Logan, the 98-year-old shoe shiner at SA who passed in Feb 2009—he had worked at SA since opening day! What a gentleman! So nice that they have a stakes race in his name.
@Delrene—Thanks for the link to John Shear’s return to SA. He’s a true hero, and he’s marking FIFTY years of working at SA! I’ll make a point of saying hi—hope to get to shake his hand! I hope he gets a stakes race in his name, too.
@Gloria Jeanne (OC)—Thanks for the link to the article about Z and Blame a year later. Will we see you on the 26th?
@Lynn from near HP—Will you be at SA on the 26th?
@Jeanie—Thanks for letting us know that Marlene of Valley View has three more horses to rescue before the year ends. I made a donation. Will we see you on the 26th?
@Eveline—I’ll send you the “Collected Poems.”
@Lynne Langill— Nice to see your post—I’m pleased to see another Canadian joining Abigail Anderson from Montreal, Brenda S. from Fort Erie, and Linda in posting here.
@Karen Gogue—Sweet Christmas poem—-brings a tear to the eye. Merry Christmas, and I’m looking forward to seeing you on the 26th.
Helen Donnelly (Michigan)
Blessings to you Zenyatta, and all those who love you this Holiday and always.
Kay Hawkins
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and all Team Z!
Celeste/ Massachusetts
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you Zenyatta and ALL your team. Thank you Dottie for all the time you spend sharing Zenyatta with us. It is so wonderful to be able to follow what is happening in her life.
Yesterday I received the most wonderful Christmas present– a Zenyatta ornament!!! I am so thrilled to have it. It is very beautiful and it is front and center on our tree!!!
Have a merry, restful Christmas everybody!!!
sophie you are so adorable!!!! merry christmas to john and dottie – to sophie and zenyatta – thanks for the great year of smiles and joy you all bring to us – we truly wish you a blessed holiday and great healthy and happiness in the new year!! zenyatta… its all because of you! you are the best in so many ways – we love you forever! with love and thanks from a grateful fan – monica
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Zenny, I have a few minutes, as I drink my morning cup of tea, to quickly check your diary and enjoy the picture of the delightful Miss Sophie. The last few days have been very hectic and sad and today is the church service for my cousin. I send my very loving wishes to YOU, Tasty and all the Z family for a very Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel, Felice Navidad. I am missing you all.
Julie Malida
Happy Holidays to Dottie, John, and Sophie. I think you are wonderful people and deserve to have the most wonderful of holidays. I am certain Z will! I hope she enjoys the box of pears I sent her!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! I so love this pic with Sophie in it! She’s a beauty! Kisses to you and Sophie! Wishing you, your family and your team a wonderful holiday season! I Love You Zenyatta!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
@ Sally: Many thanks for your kind comments!
@ Trina: A birthday poem? For ME? I can’t wait!!!!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Delrene–thank you so much for the link about the 91-year-old paddock guard–simply amazing!
@Peggy (N)–writing down next Friday on my calendar. We’ll be coming back from the bowl game and going to a basketball game, but I’ll not fail to check in on you. Praying hard in the meantime. Also for ALL who have health issues.
Robyn Mullhausen
TOO CUTE!!!! Merry Christmas to you Zenyatta and also to you human family member….The Mosses, The Sherriffs and all the Lanes End folks too.
Terry Crow
@Kathy Kimber-Thank you. Some of the best times of my life were spent in the Kansas City area. @Sally B-I will be “back” after Christmas. @Barbara Wood-Thanks for your message. Hope your husband enjoys the items. @Judy Berube-Thanks for all your posts during the year. Hope you and Russ are doing well@Karen Gogue-Thanks for posting the Christmas poem. I think a lot of us would not mind if time stood still. @Diana S-Good luck on Monday. @Don-I miss you, old friend. Happy holidays to all.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@ALL– there are GREAT updates on Autumn and little Hope on the Horse and Man blog.