Good Morning,
It is now just a few days before Christmas! SOPHIE looks like she is anxiously awaiting her presents from Santa Claus. I know she received a big package from STELLA and VIOLET last Friday…as they were busy sending out their holiday gifts. Rumor has it she opened them all immediately ! You know how it is….she just couldn’t wait!
Oh, look….I think I’m in the picture right next to SOPHIE! I so adore the fact that I am truly very special to my California families!
I know my BARN 55 pals still think of ME often! As MY JOHN said to Dottie just last night….ZENYATTA will always be a big part of our lives and in our hearts….ALWAYS!
May all of you who are busy with this year’s HOLIDAY RUSH take some extra time to enjoy spending special moments with your loved ones. Our wish is that you are ALL blessed with great health and many memorable and happy moments during this holiday season and throughout 2012!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special big hug from the SHIRREFFS’ HOUSEHOLD TO YOURS this holiday season!)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@JAG–thanks for the link to those we have lost. Now we have to add Chocolate Candy. RIP, dear boy.
@Georgia Harper–give little Autumn our love.
Watch the 2010 replay last night of your vanity win, Z is just like it was yesterday, I never get tired of watching your races, but it makes me think of how much I miss you. Here’s to everyone on your team out here in Ca and in Ky have a blessed holiday season, to all my fellow Zites may all of you have a blessed season as well. To both yourself and Tasty and babies to be a blessed season as well. Big hugs to Sophie, and your stable mates from barn 55. You have touch are lifes in so many ways Z, have a very merry and new year to come looking forward to seeing your foal.
Merry Christmas to our much loved Z and to all her fans. She has brought out the love in our lives.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
Thank you for the wonderful holiday greeting. Please give my best to everyone on your various teams (Barn 55 and Lane’s End). We are all so privileged to have you in our lives. I hope you and Tasty enjoy the day with at least some holiday treats! Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Many thanks to everyone who responded one way or another to my Christmas e-card (and especially to Diana S for reposting the link on #402 and to Trina N for her help with the distribution. It was fun to let my creative side do a little experiment.
On another note, no one will agree to go to see War Horse with me unless I can promise a happy ending. Can anyone who knows the story fill me in? I remember that earlier someone said it was a real “tear jerker” but I don’t know why.
So thankful TVG has been replaying some of Z’s races recently. For me, it’s an early Christmas present. It is so amazing how the various aspects of this wonderful horse can still bring tears of joy and awe to so many. Also, thank you John and Dottie for sharing your lives and family with us this year. God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Sharon Call, Atlanta, GA
TO ALL Z FANS and Z TEAMS from CA to KY and, of course, Z HERSELF. I’m still searching for the right words to say how much all of you mean to me. Happy together, sad together, but together through all of it. We’ve seen each other through tough times and mourned the lost ones together and celebrated together and now we have the holidays in which to reflect how much all of this means to each one of us. Just a few months from now, we’ll be celebrating a new little life, an extension of our great Z and hoping only the best things for this baby.
My heart goes out to each and every one of you for this holiday season. May it be Merry, Happy and Wonderful.
Sally L. Hopkins
Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka! Have a good and healthy New Year, Zenyatta! Also to the Moss’ and the Sheriffs family too!
Lots of xoxoxxoxoxo from Southern California
Dawn Conrad - Colorado
@Emily S – Please wish everyone at TVG a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I appreciate all of the great broadcasts throughout the year. It is fantastic to have a place to watch the sport of horse racing and the TVG broadcast crew is great! Of course it is always wonderful when they share replays of our beloved Zenyatta’s career races. Like you, seeing her dancing, watching her come behind with that fantastic kick, witnessing the jubelation for her wins and the love of all of us, her loyal fans can always bring a tear to eye.
Alex Bowdoin - MA
Sandy (Northeast Ohio), I can’t go see that movie in public. I will be crying all the way thru it….I cry in all animal movies, happy or sad! I was a mess at the Dances with Wolves movie….
Karen Gogue
Night Of Everlasting Love = NOEL
Two thousand years ago there was a night like no other. There was a star such as no other star before or after illuminating all who looked upward … it was a star of promise, star of hope, a star of faith. We go about our daily lives hurrying here and there with little or no thought to the beauty above you. How hard would it be to STOP and pause for a moment and remember one star from so long ago? … Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “If the stars should appear but one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the City of God which had been shown” … It was and ever shall be the Night Of Everlasting Love … NOEL …..Joyeux Noel
Dawn Conrad - Colorado
@Sandy (Northeast Ohio)- I have not seen the movie yet, other than trailers and interviews with the cast and Steven Spielberg, but I have read the book. I do not want to ruin the ending. Lets just say that like many animal stories, there are trials and tribulations along the way throughout this horses journey. Think Lassie, Black Beauty, My Friend Flicka, etc. If you are like me, there will be tears, I was sobbing watching the movie Phar Lap, but the War Horse is ultimatly an uplifting story. The book is short, so you might want to give it a quick read. Hope that helps!
Terry Crow
Catching up on the posts. @Judy Berube. Debbie G, Barbara Wood, and signofthetimes-Thank you. @Sally B -Ruin it? you are one of my major contributors. @Sue Fredrick-You are correct about January 27. It should be kept as a day of remembrance. @Peggy N-Good news, indeed. @Trina Nagele-Your poems are priceless. @maryp-Good thoughts coming your way. @Kari Bussell-If these silly jokes bring a smile to you and your husband’s face, it is all worthwhile. @Barbara Wood-I lost your email address. You have mine, so send me a message so that I can send you stuff for your and your husband’s eyes only. I am not going to post any jokes until after Christmas in consideration of the time of year. Happy holiday season to all who post here, whatever you celebrate.
Merry Christmas Z to you and all of your pals!
Merry Christmas to you too Dottie and John. I think of you every time I look at my Zenyatta ornament!
Happy Holidays to all,
Suzanne G (IL)
Dear Zenyatta,
Special thanks to YOUR John, Dottie and Sophie too for always sharing such special pictures. Merry Christmas to you, your wonderful familes and all your friends.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Zenyatta,
It looks as though sweet little Sophie is more than ready to open her gifts. Christmas is sooo exciting! Even though I’ve been rushing with shopping and cooking and all the jillion other things people do at this time of year, you are still on my mind, dear Queen. I’ve been gazing at the Beyer replica of YOU on the shelf at one of my favorite stores where I live and I do hope Santa knows to bring one! I can’t think of a better gift than a Zenyatta gift! :)
I hope that you and all of your loved ones have a Blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year!
Love, kisses, and hugs,
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
Some new photos of Zenyatta at Hollywood Park have been posted – about 6 of them. Enjoy.
Jan Doyle / Texas
Zenyatta, I received your christmas ornament today. Now I wished I had a little Sophie under my tree. Merry Christmas to all the Z fans. RIP Chocolate Candy.
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
Lost Loved Ones in 2011:
My Beloved Sister, Mary, who died suddenly On July 15th… She is always with me in Spririt! XO
Louise Castello
God bless Chocolate Candy and his connections. So very sorry. I have to admit when Zenyatta shared one of her first videos from Lane’s End of her running in the snow, my heart stopped! Surely accidents can happen anywhere in many ways, but it did frighten me! Love you so Zenyatta. Stay safe.
Kathleen Kimber KC, MO
@Abigail A. Thank you for the wonderful presents you give us each and every post on the vault. May your Christmas be Merry and you New Year Blessed.
@Dawn Conrad Thank you for you insight into things always your thoughts are always so clear and appreciated. Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New years to you always
@Terry Crow dear friend thank you always for the happyness and fun you bring to this site Merry Christmas
@Susan in TN your care and love you give to Chester and Chopper and there new friend is a joy to share in. May you always be blessed and Merry Christmas
@Kerry B: Happiness and joy to you always
And to everyone Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year
Kathleen Kimber KC, MO
To Dottie and John and Ann and Jerry thank you and bless you for sharing the lovely Zenyatta with us all Merry Christmas and the Best in the New year always
Sophie is so cute..that little face is precious. Z …I know you liked Sophie and Sophie like you. I am all ready for Christmas…just finished some cooking…the presents are wrapped …my son is coming in town tomorrow…one son lives here in my town. Merry Christmas to you Z…and to Ann, Jerry, Dottie, and John…..and big hugs to you all. Thank you for a wonderful year of sharing Z with us…and Dottie…a huge hug goes to you..the best assistant Z could ever have…we look forward to many more posts and of course can’t wait to see the baby in March.
We love you. My “Z” ornament is hanging in a place of honor on the tree. Have a very special Christmas.
I would like to wish the Shireffs family good health and a prosperous New Year. May Sophie stay as cute as a button and keep Zenny and her baby healthy and spirited. I wish the Mosses good health and good luck for the coming year. You guys are always in my thoughts. Dottie,a SPECIAL THANKS to you for giving Zenyatta to me and everyone of her fans every day..Lots of Big Hugs and Kisses, Alene
Marian M.
Merry Christmas and a new year full of the best that life has to offer, Queen Z, to you, Tasty, your barn mates, and all members of your family and all your friends.
To everyone at Lane’s End, thanks for taking good care of all the horses living on your farm. Happy Holidays!
Jan S. in Houston
Family and friends are a wonderful part of the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All.
@Sophie, You should have your own facebook site. :)
LauraJ in Cincinnati OH
Very sad news about Choclate Candy. Life isn’t fair.
Here is a nice story about someone doing the right thing. Also scroll down and read the comments.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Dottie, John and Z Team,
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sophie looks absolutely adorable. Love and Hugs, Judy and Russ
Zenyatta, what an honor to be next to Sophie under the Christmas tree. Are you excited about Christmas, girl? I am! The only thing I hate about it is that it goes by too fast. I’ll bet Sophie has been a very good girl. So have you, Zenyatta. You have been exceptionally good this year and every year of your physical existence. Santa will be exceptionally good to you. You are always working exceptionally hard and making tons of people happy. Most people can only hope to be so fortunate. If I don’t talk to you again before Christmas Day, have a very merry Christmas.