Good Morning,
It is now just a few days before Christmas! SOPHIE looks like she is anxiously awaiting her presents from Santa Claus. I know she received a big package from STELLA and VIOLET last Friday…as they were busy sending out their holiday gifts. Rumor has it she opened them all immediately ! You know how it is….she just couldn’t wait!
Oh, look….I think I’m in the picture right next to SOPHIE! I so adore the fact that I am truly very special to my California families!
I know my BARN 55 pals still think of ME often! As MY JOHN said to Dottie just last night….ZENYATTA will always be a big part of our lives and in our hearts….ALWAYS!
May all of you who are busy with this year’s HOLIDAY RUSH take some extra time to enjoy spending special moments with your loved ones. Our wish is that you are ALL blessed with great health and many memorable and happy moments during this holiday season and throughout 2012!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special big hug from the SHIRREFFS’ HOUSEHOLD TO YOURS this holiday season!)
Macy Rowan
Too cute! Merry Christmas Zenyatta all the way down here from South Georgia! <3 <3 <3
Kim Noble
A huge holiday hug to everyone involved with our beloved Zenyatta!
Joanna from TX
Wishing you, Zenny, and all your families…both horse and human…all the best in the coming new year. It’s going to be especially exciting with new babies for you and TT and my other favorite girl, Rachel A.
It’s lovely here in Bandera County today after a wonderful rain last night.
Merry Christmas all.
Dear Great One,
A BIG HOLIDAY HUG to YOU and YOURs. That includes your BARN 55 family, the Shirreffs, the Mosses, your Lane’s End family, Tasty and Bernie. Hope I didn’t miss anyone!!!! You are all in our warm thoughts and wishes for a most blessed 2012. I wish that to all my Z’isters as well.
Your humble J
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
Zenyatta will always be a part of all our lives. Love you Girl
Merry Christmas to you and Tasty!!
You know Big Mama Z., now that you’re waaaaaay over there in Kentucky, we California fans are starting to get attached to Sophie. I think I need to pet her one of these times. That is such a sweet picture of her during Christmas. I noticed the Zenyatta picture next to her. Love to the Shirreffs (and as always, props to Dottie for all the time she spends keeping us fans in the loop!) as well as The Mosses for an awesome Christmas and fantastic 2012. It’s great to be a Zenyatta fan! XOOX to you too, big girl!
Donna from Baltimore
Happy Holidays to Team Z, the Queen, and her extended family – all 95,000 of us!!!
Thank you and back atcha. Thank you for your wonderful stewardship of this extraordinary horse, for your generosity in sharing her with us, and your continued support of the wonderful community that has grown up around her and continues to thrive! Merry Christmas to you!
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
Okay, this picture of Sophie is ADORABLE! She is one lucky girl!
I’m wearing your ZENYATTA bracelet today ~ my office is going to our Holiday Luncheon :D I wanted YOU to join us LOL
I mailed my Christmas cards late this year, but I got them done. Yippee!! YOURS is on it’s way to Lane’s End, Sweetie!
Peppermint Kisses to you and Baby B/Z. A special kiss to Bernie, too! {{HUGS}} XOXOXO
Jane Raymond
That’s the very shirt I’ve been wanting!! Sophie looks SO cute sitting there, all prim & proper! Poodles are such good dogs to have; I had one growing up, his name was Jontue – VERY cool dog!
A very Merry Christmas to all!
Kisses to you, Zen!! :)
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
I hope to see YOU at Clocker’s Corner one morning :D XOXO
Zenny, you always set the right tone for the day. Thank you. Sophie looks cute in that picture, laying so close to your likeness.
Have a wonderful holiday lady Z. Can’t wait for March!!
sue and Tony
Dear Zenyatta, John, Dottie, the Mosses and Sophie, Thanks to all of you we get to smile a lot during a day. This diary has become a huge gift for so many of us…thank you for continuing to be part of our lives.
Merry Christmas Zenny! I bet you’re going to have a white Christmas this year. Wow, just think, it won’t be much longer and that sweet baby of yours will be here! Have a wonderful day…I love you very very much, sweet girl!
sharon in seattle
so much to celebrate today and everyday — among the many blessings, staying in touch with Zenyatta and her connections via this amazing diary. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all
Merry Christmas to you, Zenny, your CA and KY
Families and all of your equine and canine friends.
Waiting for Bernies artwork and so very excited for the
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, John & Dottie, Sophie and all connected with Barn 55.
Have a blessed Christmas and year Zenny, Moss’s, Shireff’s, Z Team, and fans !!!
LOL, Arlene in Vermont
Pam Green
Merry Christmas Queen Z and to all your team. Wishing you all a very healthy 2012. Also want to thank-you and your team for all you do for the racing community and for us your fams. A special thank-you to Dottie for all she does to keep us informed of what is happening in the racing world and to you. Again Merry Christmas to all the Z fams!
Shannon from Cool
HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE today!!! Thank heavens the light will be returning and our days will start getting longer. YAY!
Sue Colvin -NJ
that pic is too cute :)
wishing you & all your family Z “a happy christmas & merry new year”. <3
High hooves to all Z fans as well :)
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
Dearest Zenyatta, Dottie, John and Sophie of course – wishing you all a very wonderful Holiday Season!!!!
“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more.”
Wishing you love and joy this Christmas, and maybe…perhaps…a little bit more.
Hugs to All!!!
Gloria Jeanne
The Kennedys in San Diego
MERRY CHRISTMAS and our very best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Eblouissante asked us to add her season’s greetings — mais oui — she is bilingual.
“Joyeux Noel! Bonne Annee et Bonne Sante!”
Fran Doos
And a Merry Christmas to you Z, Dottie and John, and, of course, to all of your family (Tasty too). May you all have health and happiness!
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
Eagle Time’s Story and Beyond the Blinkers Giveaway
“You may have heard of Eagle Time, a remarkable 14-year-old horse whose final start was a 1 1/2-length victory at Thistledown Oct. 1.”
Susan in TN
Zenny- your John took another great photo. Sophie is as skilled a poser as you are! So cute! I know you are in their hearts and you are in our hearts, too. You are much loved and so are the Shirreffs! Merry Christmas, Z, to you and Tasty and all your Lane’s End friends. <3