Dear Friends,
This is truly the season for GIVING and SHARING!
MY JOHN captured this photo of my dear baby sister, EBLOUISSANTE, while she was trying to encourage STEVE to really get into the “spirit of the season” and share his sandwich with her.
Steve not knowing E’s taste in these types of things was taken a bit by surprise! A horse…wanting a sandwich….HMMMM!
After chuckling for a bit, and acknowledging the fact that this type of ‘people’ food might NOT be the best for “E”….he was prepared to give her her favorite treat having a big bag of carrots by his side.
“E and STEVE” you are both TOO CUTE!
I so enjoy SHARING so many things with ALL OF YOU each day! Thank you for allowing ME to be a part of ALL OF YOUR LIVES!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Dottie and John want to THANK YOU for the numerous Anniversary greetings! Your kindness is deeply appreciated. SOPHIE also wanted ME to tell you ….she loved all of the “SHE IS TOO CUTE” comments as well! Again…many thanks!
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, so suprised to see Steve with Ebbie, cute picture. I thought that Steve was going to retire when you did because of his bad back. It is good to see him again. I love seeing all the Z team, it sure reminds me of you for sure. I think of you alot and it is still difficult to know that you will not be racing again. I see that you are looking good and healthy. I bet your sweet Foal is starting to dance around by now. You must be feeling very motherly and happy. I pray for you daily and wish for all to go real well for you my sweet adorable Zenyatta. Take care, sending you much love.
Michelle Cross
WOW that is one long neck E has! I saw D. Wayne Lucas say once that sometimes the secret to a great racehorse is in those long powerful necks. Here’s hoping for great things for E! I love you Z!
Here is the link about War Horse; the horse is an ex-racehorse, who played Seabiscut; Director loves “joey” because he is so experssive
@Michelle Cross
Always felt lost without a neck in front of me when I rode, no neck means you look at the ground; long necks can reach farther for the wire.
Joan Ludlow
Love the photo of Steve and Eblouissante. I bet she knew those carrots were there, too. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to one and all!
@Trina N
What a lovely poem for John and Dottie; so very touching’
And Dallas poem today is very beautiful; Happy Birthday
Thanks so much Trina for taking the time to highlight all of us and our special human attributes !!!!
Love the Tidbits about Z and by Matt; another eyes look at Z and how she is doing well lounging around and eating carrot bon bons
being pregnant; I guess she is our all night, brought in for breakfast and checking; and then back out to the paddock almost a 24 hour turn out. So glad she has a great grooming friend, that is very special in the horse world.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Eblouissante, with that long and beautiful neck, you should never lose a photo-finish.
Marshall (older girl in NC)
Zenny, great photo of Steve and Eblouissante! Thanks so much!
@Terry Crow: You are a riot! Thanks for the laughs!
@Sandy in NE Ohio: Loved the e-card — Too Cute!
@Arlene: Thank you for the wonderful musical gift of Il Divo! Stunning!
@Abigail: Happy Birthday and many more!
Thanks to all for the great links!
Dallas from Texas
Don’t mean to awake you my baby girl Zenyatta, but please allow me to thank the many birthday wishes that I received today. I want to especially thank @trina nagele for the beautiful poem. While this has not been my best year and birthday, your poem has meant a lot to me…and I thank you.
wowie! smiles! truly if you need a smile… zenyatta’s web is the place to come – the charming words of dear dottie (zenyatta) or the sweet pix of the most adorable sophie or dear johns great photo’s of his barn – they all bring the smiles – of course, zenyatta herself always brought the smiles – always – on and off track – zenyatta… again we are grateful to you beautiful girl – you and your family have been a tonic to folks – thank you for all the smiles you have ALL brought to us – in these trying times when we all need positive thoughts and images, you have brought it to us and we thank you! we look forward to rooting for sweet ebby when she starts her racing career – God Bless you all and thank you again!! love always, monica
Thank you for sharing the precious photo of Steve being surprised by E for a bite of his lunch!! That is just so wonderful!! In my heart I know that besides her immense talent, Zenyatta flourished so much to attain all her stellar accomplishments because she was so loved and so well cared for in Barn 55!! That love and care shows through in every diary post and photo and helps the horses blossom to their full potential. In my mind, this is so very special – I can’t express it very well, but I do appreciate it so much.
Thank you, Sandy for the lovely Christmas card!! I hope everyone has a blessed, beautiful holiday season. Even though I don’t post much and am out of the loop of a lot of the closeness that has developed here, I like to think I’m a silent part of the Zensters, too.
Thank you!!!
ps – Happy Birthday, Abigail! What a wonderful treat to see the plays for your birthday!!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! Eblouissante is a beautiful girl too with that long neck like her half-sister! I love this picture! Thank you! I love you Zenyatta!
Aaaahhhh, isn’t that sweet. How lucky is Steve and Eblouissante to have each other and all of Barn 55 connections.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Love to all
Love hugs and kisses
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Dallas–I missed your poem, as it appeared after I signed off–belated birthday wishes!
@Trina N.–thank you so much for the poem and “The Old One”, I had seen it before, but it brought me to tears again. When will humans learn that horses are valuable in their own right? I wish I had a ton of money (and hay) to send to Beauty’s Haven.
Your sister is really cute Z.
Best wishes to you and baby Z
Hi Zenny. Adorable photo. “E” is a looker. Unmistakeable ears. Thats for sure. I`m sure you keep your eyes out for her. Lots of love to you!!1 Alene
Sally B. (Wi)
Hi sweet Z! I sure hope I meet your pretty sis E some day too. Steve does look surprised!
I was so so frustrated today. It is terrible when your computer goes down. I miss keeping in touch with you!!
love you with 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z
Denise AZ RedNeck
Redneck horse blanket picture posted on Z’s facebook page :)
Sally B. (Wi)
@Terry Crow; haha, love your jokes!
@Sue Fredrick; just read your reply to both Terry and me; ha ha! my computer has been down, you both probably won’t see this. I’ll post on 402 if this darn internet connection continues.
Dear Z, I love all your shares about your baby sister. she’s such a beauty!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Everyone, especially those who have barns/ multiple animals,–you will love today’s Horse and Man: http://www.horseandman.com
hi Z! TOO CUTE!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Thank YOU, Zenny. You will be in my heart forever!
Yes, sandwiches and anything else I’m eating. My horses think that if it’s good for me, it must be good for them. My old stallion once ate a half of a hamburger!
Zenyatta, that is a great, wonderful picture of your baby sister trying to get a bite-if not much more than that-of Steve’s sandwich. I would have let her have the sandwich if I were Steve. You can always get another sandwich and eat it nowhere near horses. I hope John and Dottie had a great wedding anniversary.
Elizabeth in NM
Zenny, so excited for Santa Anita’s new big screen!
Dottie, how do you find the time to do everything at Christmas-time and keep us all included in Zenny’s life?! We are so appreciative. Have been wrapping presents all day – how do you do it?
Sophie must be running back and forth with ribbons in her hair and her teeth!
@Terry Crow – You are such a hoot! You are so true to the truth – Yes we are proud rednecks here in the wilds of NM!
To set you straight – we don’t have cats on either side of the fireplace like the folks in New England – we have mountain lions – but with cactus spines in their teeth – due respects to Judy Berube’s NE folks.
Back @ Terry – well the taxidermist used to be a regular visitor in our canyon (still is, sorry to say), but most of us hang paintings or bronze (or metal or perhaps pop-top lid sculptures) now.
You are absolutely right about the RAID! Of course it’s a necessary staple on every counter-top. How else can we slightly deter the gophers from the biscuit tin?!
When did JR Ewing give up the Cowboys? We hadn’t heard of that out here!
Terry – have so many more Redneck updates from NM, but they may have to wait until we replant the tree after we take the ornaments off after Christmas.
@ Everyone – thanks so very much for you wonderful posts! Just have snippets of time to check emails every day, and you are all so kind-hearted, generous, creative and inspiring. Even if I don’t have time, I work in time for ZENNY and you all!
@ Dallas – I think it was your birthday, so we wish you a GREAT one with God’s many blessings!
@ Everyone who is saving the HORSES, esp Barbara Grimaldi – thank you and God Bless You All – as I know HE will! So many here in NM we find out about. I pray that many more will be helped until every one is!
ZENNY, YOU are Beautiful and it is so exciting and comforting to see YOU and Tasty and Ebby! MANY BLESSINGS from above are our wishes for You ALL.
Daina Ryan
Ebby is soo cute, funny AND beautiful too. Horses are so funny – and it’s all about food. My horse Dutch or Dutchiedoodlehead (one of his many nicknames) apparently tried to eat my very nice sunglasses last week. We found them in his stall in pieces (oh my, could have been a big problem but he was ok) and he had a delicious meal of leather gloves the week before. They belonged to his neighbors rider. She set them on top of my saddle which was on the rack right below the feed hole where that cute muzzle of his can reach through to inspect what goodies we may have left for him. His naughty/nice stocking is resting on the naughty side this week. He’s quite the character – if I’m not paying attention to him when he wants me to – he’ll toss my saddle to the ground, pull his bridle off of the stall door and throw it on the ground and shake his head at me. I know that is not good practice and he does get scolded but you can’t help but laugh. When he’s upset or angry he gets a little crinkle above his nostril. He lets me know that he’s very jealous of his neighbor Chance whom I love (he’s an exracehorse out of Quiet American – ran under the name of Railbirder). If I try to give Chance love in front of Dutch he will always come over and interfere and then they start to fight like little kids – funny! And so I usually sneak into Chances stall quietly so he doesn’t know. I taught Dutch how to kiss for a treat which ended up not being such a good idea because he about breaks your nose doing it sometimes so I don’t do that anymore BUT he still trys to kiss me. Some of you are probably thinking I’m lucky to even have a nose if I did that. When I first got him – I had to put him thru boot camp (with my instructor) for about 8 wks. He was very naughty and I believe it’s because he needed a mommy. He was a bit neglected. Anyhow, with only kindness, patience AND a water bottle (yes a water bottle) he has become such wonderful boy – he is a BIG LOVE. It’s hysterical – if he starts to act up at all – out comes the water bottle and a spritz to his nose and oh my goodness – he looks at me like I just ruined his day. All you have to do is put the bottle on the ground in front of him and he stands like a statue. It’s just terrific!! Oh Dutch – he is a piece of work but I love him dearly. I have so many stories about him but I really should write a book. Well, God bless them all and may they all have someone to love them and appreciate each and every one of their quirky personalities. AND, MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone – this such a great thing Dottie and the Z girl started – just LOVE reading everyone’s stories. I don’t participate as much as I’d like – life is moving too fast – not enought time but I look forward to this when I can take the time. It’s really cool hearing about all of the friendships that have materialized out of this. It’s also a wealth of info and a great tribute to an amazing horse, ZENYATTA. I look forward to the New Year and many more posts. Will be lots to talk about in 2012 when Zenny has her little one!! Can’t wait!!
Happy hoidays to you Z and your entire family.