Good Morning Dear Friends,
I have spent so much time this week not only enjoying myself and romping about in the paddock with my pal, TASTY, but also thinking! So many different things are always happening at the farm, in our sport, with MY TEAM, and YOU…that there is a great deal to reflect upon each day. It sure keeps ME busy…and involved. I feel so fortunate and hope in some way I am helping to make my sport more ‘fun’ for you!
During the time that Jaime was doing my life-size painting, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, (which I’ve just heard the limited edition print is completely sold out…wow, thank you. I hope you truly enjoy it)…she would come out to Lane’s End and take numerous photos of ME! Jaime spent a significant amount of time with ME. She really wanted to observe the many intricate details of each muscle of my body. She also wanted to get to know ME… ZENYATTA! I’ve been told I have a wonderful personality…a very sweet face… and a kind heart! From what I’ve heard, she observed all of these qualities in ME.
One beautiful autumn day, she took the above photo! I do have a very pensive and thoughtful side to my personality. I think she captured it here.
As a professional athlete, I was able to totally focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand each day in my training program. MY JOHN always felt this was one of the keys to my racing success…the ability to work with MY TEAM towards achieving the goals we ALL shared.
At the farm, I am still able to do this…especially when something catches my attention. Here, I am concentrating on Jaime and all of the different images she wanted to capture of ME!
As you may notice, in this photo, I’m wearing one of my ‘foal tags’. It is the small, round tag attached to my halter with my name on it. In March, when my baby is born, he or she will also wear a foal tag exactly like this one bearing MY NAME on it. This is the manner in which all mares and their foals are properly identified at a farm.
I guess you could say this is the one form of JEWELRY I wear each day!
Many of you have asked for some additional photos of ME and other items. In my new SHOP, these things…the foal tag collections…and some select photos are becoming available. This photo may be found now here. We wanted it to be special for YOU.
Congratulations to Jaime! She is not only a fabulous artist….she is one terrific photographer as well.
Have a wonderful day!
With love,
Hugs to All~(I must say, it is great to see Kari Bussell feeling well enough to post a Diary entry earlier this week. This is such fabulous news! Via your Diary comments, so many of you sent her ‘prayers and well-wishes’. I’m sure your thoughtfulness helped her ‘feel so much better’! THANK YOU! You are ALL so special!)
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
You are so Awesome Zenyatta – Love you!!!
Beth Buckley
Such a pretty girl
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. The photos you shared with us over the last few days have been so beautiful. I just received my Zenyatta poster yesterday. It is gorgeous. I can’t wait to go and pick out a frame for it. Fall weather is so beautiful and it is wonderful seeing you and Tasty romp around the pasture. Love you big girl. Have a great day, eat well for two, and enjoy these wonderful times. Love you, Angel.
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
Good Morning My Queen! You look LOVELY, as usual!
I have one of those “foal tags” (wink wink) and I wear it proudly on one of my Zenyatta bracelets :-) I own TWO Zenyatta bracelets that I alternate. I have to admit, I also have two JOHN HENRY bracelets :-)
Your Limited Edition print arrived yesterday. I haven’t opened the tube yet, but my concern is that they didn’t ship with “packaging” on either side of the tube :-( I’m hoping that the ends aren’t damaged because I can hear it shift inside the tube ~ and they are all SOLD OUT! Oh, dear!!!
I will say good-bye for now… sending BIG {{HUGS}} to you and Baby Prince/Princess XOXOXOXO
Judy G
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
Hi Zenyatta – Very cool stuff you have – I love it all – but I’m going to go broke ordering everything on here.
It’s ok, I’m supporting a great cause.
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
Hi Judy,
I got my print on Monday – and it was fine, it’s wrapped with paper around the print and had packing bubbles on each side, it’s beautiful. I’m having it framed in the next week or so!!! Can’t wait. I am a little sad that the prints were not numbered, the last print I got signed at Santa Anita was # 67 of 500. This one does not have a number- but it’s ok, I have one to be thankful for.
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
Agreement Reached Between California Groups
“We’re pleased that both sides have come together with a reasonable solution,” CHRB chairman Keith Brackpool, who hosted several meetings with representatives of the two groups, said in a statement. “With this issue behind us and the industry working in greater harmony, we hope to resolve other pressing issues as the new year progresses.”
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
English Champion Midday Retired
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Dottie and John:
Thank you for all the beautiful photos of Z and this one today. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
Numbers Down at Penultimate Keeneland Session
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
Drill Favored in Lucrative Delta Jackpot
Cheryl Smith
Beautiful photo, beautiful girl! You are amazing and are loved by many!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi there Zenny, Dottie, Baby ZeeBee & Zensters: WOW! This is a BEAUTIFUL photo of you. The lighting is just EXCEPTIONAL! It gives your face a kind of gold glow and so, catches all those little details that are so hard to get if you’re not a Jaime Corum or a Barbara Livingston or a Michael Burns (Canada) or a Lydia Williams. (These last two being my favourite North American equine photographers!) I JUST ORDERED A COPY!
I love the “foal tag” story — it makes perfect sense that this is the way to keep track of all these new babies. I wonder, Dottie, after Zenyatta foals, will she return to her same barn and with Matt? I know that on many farms, mares & foals go to separate barns, but wondered if that would be true for Zenny?
Happy as I am for Zenny and her new life, I must admit to missing all the film of her that sprouted up on YouTube after another win. So…I was off to YouTube this morning and found this VERY NICE footage put out by Oaklawn of Zenny’s 2010 Apple Blossom win. It includes her bowing to the crowd when the announcer says her name & other great moments that I had never seen before. Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M65-fxSXI8
Kisses to my Big Girl and to all Zensters.
Cynthia H./Where Zenyatta Danced
Dearest Zenyatta, you truly do have the most wonderful and whimsical personality, sweet and lovely face, and a most kind and noble heart. YOU are the most Limited Edition of all! We will never see your like again. You somehow managed to capture magic in a bottle. We love you to the sky.
Thank you for your shout-out to “Our Kari.” For her, you hang the moon in that sky.
Katie Clawson
You look beautiful, as always, Zenyatta!
I must say, I LOVE the new Zenyatta Shop! I actually have a leather bracelet like the one in you’re shop! It does not have the pink or blue on it, but it has your name engraved on it! (I got it last year for Christmas) A number of the items in the shop are on my Christmas list this year!
Have a wonderful days, sweet heart!
Love, Katie(future jockey)
Abigail from Montreal
WHOOPS! And kisses to Dottie: YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Thank you SO VERY MUCH for taking such great care of all of us!!
Delrene from Carlsbad - (California)
I’m missing out, Is the shop the place entitled “Merchandise” on this website? Or do you go to the Facebook page. Sorry, I’m such a nudnick! Picture is beautiful. Jamie captured you perfectly.
I did successfully order your poster and am awaiting it with great excitement. I may go broke too.
I found this on Bloodhorse and I think the world of Dynaformer, but don’t think I’d want him to be your baby-daddy as some other said they did. Just my opinion. Let’s have one beautful baby colt/filly and then let your family decide on what else is in store for you!
Kathy S.
Zenny, that is indeed a lovely photo of you. But of course, YOU are so photogenic it would be impossible to find a bad photo of you. Hugs to YOU and Tasty!
Hi Zenny and all, BEAUTIFUL picture!
LOL, Arlene
Gloria Jeanne - The O.C.
It’s the merchandise tab at the top of this page, I attached the link for you.
Abigail from Montreal
@ Delrene: YUP. It’s the MERCHANDISE sign @ top of this page. But for the photo, click on the link in the Diary (above) — it’s on today @ a discount!!!!
Elizabeth G.
The first glimpse of you always brings a smile to my face. What a wonderful beautiful lady you are.
An animal usually reflects the personalities of its owners. Thank you and God Bless to Dottie, John , and Mr. & Mrs. Moss.
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
Zenny ~ March 9th (wink wink) ;-) ;-)
Pretty, pretty girl!!!
D Stuart
@All Z Poster and Print people (say that fast 5 times and you might turn into a redneck!):
When you have your posters and prints framed, PLEASE ask for “conservation” or “archival” matting and framing that is acid free. Your decendants attending Antiques Roadshow will thank you. :-)
diastu in tempe anxiously awaiting the mail
JAG Adores Zenny & John Henry / So. CA
@ D Stuart
ALL my custom framed prints/photos are done this way. Even the glass is UV! Only the best for the GREATEST: ZEN & JH :-)
Judy G
D Stuart
@Jaime: WOW!
@Zenny: What heavenly planet did you come from again? You are so beautiful in this photo.
@Dottie: You continue to amaze me (and all of us) with each diary you “help” Zenny write. THANK YOU!
diastu in tempe
Cynthia H./Where Zenyatta Danced
Today—Zenyatta’s Shop.
Tomorrow—Chapter 11.
What a great shot! Zenny, you are the sweetest horse in the world!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Cynthia H — Learned that Blind Luck is back at Hollywood Park for “a visit” before going on to Washington state. HP should plan something to honor this champion even it is only parading her in the paddock between races. We have made an attempt to reach someone in their Publicity Department, we thought you may have some connections that could help.