Good Morning,
I’m hearing from MY TEAM that ‘working the sale’ requires a great deal of effort, hard work, concentration, and energy! They get up very early each morning and leave for the sales grounds. By that time, David and his crew have already gone over ALL of the horses to be offered that day and come up with the ‘short list’ which Dottie, John and The Moss’ review. All aspects of the individuals are evaluated: conformation, size, pedigree, walk, and other physical qualities! Monitoring the horse’s overall temperament is also a part of this process.
Each horse on this list is inspected. If they make this ‘cut’, the veterinarian then examines the horse and his / her xrays in the repository. The VET also scopes the horse’s throat to be sure “all parts are working well’ for good breathing to take place. A good throat is essential for a race horse!
Once a horse passes all of these steps, the decision is made as to the fair market value of the horse. As many of you may know, at an auction people can get caught up in the bidding. MY TEAM tries to be very careful not to do this. They thoroughly appraise each horse before the bidding begins and really try to stay within those limits while bidding.
If all goes well and the hammer falls while a particular HIP they are bidding on is in the ring, they sign the ticket and he or she is now a part of the racing stable!
Attending a sale as this one, is really a fun process…but truthfully a great deal of hard work. Every moment of every day while there is totally consumed with the SALE. It is all about planning for the future and getting the RIGHT HORSE for the program!
As you can see, BABY REAGAN is resting up for all of the company and activity this week. I think she wants to stay up a bit late on Monday night to see my relative, HIP # 147 sell! I do too!
By the way, HRTV is carrying the first few sessions live on their programming schedule. Otherwise, the internet is the best way to follow the events.
HMMM! This baby thing is rather interesting to ME! Reagan was born on March 7th, 2011. That is about the time MY BABY is due in 2012! I just didn’t realize human babies are so small! They told ME my baby will weigh about 125 pounds or so when he/she is born.) This becoming a MOM is really a fascinating process! I’m learning!
Enjoy the week, the racing, and the sales! Dottie is attending them this week and also spending time visiting with ME! When she returns home, we will update you on all of the action. She also promises that MY JOHN will take some terrific photos of ME to share with all of you!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(To my dear fan who made the Z BLANKET as a thank you….THANK YOU! It is absolutely priceless!)
Susan in TN
@ALL: Today we were driving out to the rescue and we passed an auto wrecker place down the road. There was a black, beat-up stockcar hitched to the tow truck and on the side, in huge neon pink letters, was the word “TINY.” I kid you not.
Vicki B.
Still thinking about Winter Memories’ race, as she really applied her muscles to pushing herself flying past them all. Wonderful effort to see.
Diana S
@Lil from KY: Dottie saw your Dumpling tag and hugged you? I don’t know whether to be proud or jealous!
@Dumplings: I’ve wanted to make a special Z Dumpling name tag for Dottie, for her collection of “crazy Z fan stuff” – what say all y’all?
@All: Sorry I’ve been away from here. Trying to catch up (failing miserably) but I missed all of you! Anyone see a cloning machine on eBay lately? I so need one!
diastu in tempe
Barbara Wood
@ALL who prayed for rain for us–we had a big thunderstorm last night starting about 11:30 and got an inch of rain! It’s a drop in the bucket compared to what we need, but we are SO grateful and appreciative of those of you who have expressed concern.
Also, about the mare in need of rescue, I just got off the phone with the sheriff’s dept., and he said they were taking the horses and are in contact with a rescue. I gave him the number of another rescue in case that one was full. We can do this! Hugs and love to all.
Trina Nagele
@Barbara Wood–Hoof-ray for the rain! Hoof-ray for the rescue!
Trina Nagele
@DJ—Yesterday’s passage from Corinthians was perfectly timed for this site—“Love is patient and kind…” So beautiful! Thanks for reminding us. And as John Shirreffs has shown us, patience brings rewards.
awesom, zenyatta. I’m your number one fan. My rooom is all about you and I come on to this site everyday! YOU ROCK ZENYATTA!!!!!!
Terry Crow
Catching up on the posts. @Mart R-Good one with just a tinge of redneck. Do you want to join the club? @signofthetimes-MY favorite announcer was Harry Henson. I used to like Joe Hernandez but he was slipping badly at the end. One day he called the fourth race, but used the horses in the fifth race. he actually died while calling a race at Santa Anita. @Marshall, signofthetimes and Judy Berube-Thank you. @Cynthia H-Ridden by the master of masters, Shoe. @Susan in TN-Good to see you posting again. Welcome back. Perhaps the sign on the side of the truck was a message from your beloved pet saying he was in a good place and was OK. @Diana S-Good idea. A clone for you? I couldn’t handle it. A few for now-You might be a redneck if your grandmother enters wet tee shirt contests. You might be a redneck if everyone in the family learns something from the potty training video.
Trina Nagele
@Diana S–Yes, of course–what a lovely idea to make a Dumpling tag for Dottie!
"Charlie" from Delran, NJ
Cigar’s mom was “Solar Slew” & her dad was my love “Seattle Slew”” who is Bernardini’s grandpapa. Can’t wait to learn of Zenyatta & Bernie’s foal. I have “High Hopes” another possible name.
Are you OK? We have not had a post in a while. Please tell Dottie or Sarah to let us know how you are and post a picture of the baby bump
Barbara Grimaldi
SUSAN IN TN, JUDY B, BARBARA W: sincerest thanks for helping us help that mare. We are making progress and will not abandon her. Teamwork has certainly been a blessing.
Linda M
Dear Team Z – Hope you have had a fabulous week; been watching the Keenland activities online. What a wonderful experience. Looking forward to learning of the updates and cannot wait for a Team Z family pic from Lanes End! Love from SoCal!
Good morning Sweet “Z” and little “z”…I am sure it has been a very busy weekend for your wonderful family at the races!! I will see you later in your next Hoofprint :)
To Trina N: You are very welcome!! Have a blessed day!
To JB: Mine too :) We are on the same page in more ways than one! Hugs! DJ
To Signofthetimes: Thank you! I am so glad.
To Diana S: Missed you too diastu!
To TC: Thank you! Very funny today…with a big smile for ‘Grandma’ to take First Prize :)
Marty R
@ Terry Crow- So glad you enjoyed the one joke in my portfolio. Yours always make me chuckle and, occasionally groan, but in a good way. This joke actually started out life as a Polish person joke, but I like “guy” better. I started out life as a blonde and didn’t always appreciate the “blonde” jokes. Although, I do think I sometimes resembled them. My husband’s birthday is Jan.27th, so I’ll be a little too busy that day to participate in the Red Neck festivities. Thank you for the invitation to join the club, though.
@ Marshall (girls name), Susan in Tn, and Judy Berube- Thank you all for the good health wishes. I wasn’t expecting that, but should have known because of all the caring people on this site. I was just trying to let Peggy (N) know somebody else here is on that same journey.
I hope everyone has a good week and possibly we will hear from Zenyatta soon.
@Barbara Wood…Hurray for the rain!! We got some too (Pipe Creek TX; NW of San Antonio) 1-2 inches by all accounts. Thanks to everybody who prayed or did rain dances :))). Keep us in your thoughts, we have a long way to go.
Barbara Grimaldi
PROGRESS REPORT ON THE STARVING MARE IN TX: BlueBonnet Equine Rescue is out at the site right now along with the sheriff’s dept.
One thing we have learned today: teamwork works. Whatever the outcome, we have all banded together and caused positive action to occur. We do not know what judgment call these two groups will make but we are ready to assist further if needed with monetary support. This could go the other way—the mare may be euthanized. As sad as that is, it is a better release than standing on dry land and starving. Huge thank you to all dumplings who pitched in and helped with this through our website. We are now standing by…
This is a diary of compassion run by women of compassion who both are inspirational to us. Thank you precious Zenyatta and dear Dottie–we never would have known each other had it not been for you. We sincerely love you both.
Rosemary McCauley
@Barbara Grimaldi: I’m in for a donation if it well help save the starving mare in Texas.
If anyone knows any more details about the abandoned 15-year-old mare here in California mentioned in an earlier post, please post any information, like where she will be housed, what will happen to her, etc., etc.
Terry Crow
@DJ-I’m rooting for her. Not that I ever attend such things. @Marty R-Thank you. Your joke was very funny. I have had to rework many of mine from their original form, so I know of what you speak. If you have any more in any form, please share. And, if your husband’s first name is Thomas and, seeing as how his Birthday is January 27, you are automatically in. Just for fun, here are some redneck Jedi jokes. You might be a redneck Jedi if you hear “Luke, I am your father and your uncle.” You might be a redneck Jedi if wookies are offended by your B.O. You might be a redneck Jedi if you have a cousin who bears a striking resemblance to Chewbacca. Will post a joke later.
Darlene Rutledge
@Barbara Grimaldi: I am in for a donation for the starving mare in Texas…just let me know what needs to be done.
Kimberly Potter
@Barbara Grimaldi~ Thanks for the update on the starving mare in TX. I pray that the people on scene will do what is the best thing for HER. I sent an email to the Sheriff late last night. I hope it made a difference.
Zenyattta’s #1 fan in Montana!
Kimberly Potter
@Barbara Wood and ALL in Texas~ so thrilled to hear you finally got some rain…it surely must have smelled and sounded sooo good! I hope it continues for you!
Barbara Wood
Thanks to all who expressed joy because of our rain.
And thanks to all concerned for the mare. It has been quite a day. We’re still not out of the woods, even though we thought we were. Just waiting now.
I’m sure Team Z is still at Keeneland. We’ll hear something soon, I’m sure. Maybe by then, I’ll be able to catch up. Love the jokes, and we always appreciate health reports.
Hi Sweetie Big Mama.. Hope you are enjoying your visit with your family. :) Can’t wait to see pics.
@ Barbara Wood. Here in Houston, we had a couple days of rain, but not enough.
Terry Crow
Here is today’s joke-One day Adam sat outside of the Garden of Eden and wondered about man and woman. So, looking up at the heavens, he said “Excuse me, God, but can I ask you a few questions?” God replied “Go ahead, Adam, but be quick. I have a world to create.” So Adam says, “When you created Eve, why did you make her body so curved and soft, so much unlike mine?” God said “I did that Adam, so that you could love her.” Adam said, “Oh, then why did you give her long, beautiful hair but not me?” God said “I did that Adam so that you could love her.” Adam then said, “Oh, then why did you make her so stupid?” Certainly not so I could love her.” God then said, “Well, Adam, I did that so she could love you.”
Hi Zenny – love you!
@Susan in TN: you have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your beloved Tiny. I totally get it as I felt the same way when I lost my best friend (Elvis the Golden Retriever, also a gently giant). I wish I had known Tiny; he sounds like an angel on earth (like Zenyatta and my Elvis boy). Tiny is watching over you now, nudging you forward in your life. He wouldn’t have left you if he didn’t believe you were okay and on the right path. He’ll live in your heart forever.
Love, Margie
@Shari Voltz – loved the video of Mistletoe and the race won by Mistletoe’s “elderly” friend. What great lessons and fun for your class!
Marilu V
@ Barbara: Please let me know about the starving mare. I can help with some donation. Thanks for this awareness that would not have been possible if we did not have Zenyatta’s website. Marilu
When are we going to get an update here? Although , I love to see the precious little one swaddled in the “Z” blanket , but I’m ready to see some more news on Zenny or something. We have aren’t use to having to wait so long. I understand you guys are probably at the Keeneland sale , we just hope to see an update soon. Thank you Dottie, for all you do. You have spoiled us…..
Especially Horses
Another busy day for the Z Team. The Moss’ bought Hip 2327. A chestnut colt by Proud Citizen, out of Magic Pearl.