Happy Monday to All!
It’s Labor Day! It is so hard to believe that it’s technically the last day of summer.
Today at Del Mar, the race track is hosting a group who serve in our Armed Forces. MY JOHN was a Marine during his time in the service. He is going to visit with the guests today at Del Mar and participate in some of the activities with them. I gather the executive offices told MY JOHN that even if some soldiers were not really familiar with racing…they did know about ZENYATTA! (That’s ME!)
Hearing this is very special to ME! (Wink, Wink!)
MY JOHN is going to speak with the group later in the morning. We’ve heard they were going to ask him for some ‘handicapping tips’. Dottie was teasing him last night that he better start studying the FORM for the entire Monday card quickly! I’m sure he will do very well!
One of the things I remember fondly about BARN 55 is all of the YOGA type exercises we would do. My dear trainer would have ME do lots of stretches all of the time to help ME in any way possible.
Well, I gather he has his exercise riders doing the same thing. John was buying yoga mats to use at the barn the other day…so individuals could stretch any time needed. Michelle took this photo of MAX, one of the exercise riders, after he completed the daily training exercise with 3 fillies: Harmonious, Star Billing and Gelila.
From all reports, MAX agrees with ME. These stretching techniques really work!
I’d also like to send a special HIGH HOOF to Havre de Grace. Last Saturday, she ran a great race at Saratoga winning her Grade 1 with style against the boys!
Enjoy your LABOR DAY! My Team and I so appreciate all who defend our country…and those who work so hard each day to make everything in our lives better.
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
@Terry Crow
I think Zenny had to defend her Championship
As winner of BCC. To duck out and go into Ladies
Classic and win would not have won her HOY. All of
The greats lost races and had some great rivalries.
Her loss will stand in history as one of the BCC like
Winning Colors and Personal Ensign in the Distaff.
Estrogen in it’s strongest never beats Testosterone
Due to muscle mass and strenghth. The field of boys
Was less in number and not as strong as 2010. There was
Much talk about Blame and his ability, but had Zenny
Had the perfect trip, she would have blown all of them away.
I am just glad she is retired safe and sound and will
Hopefully make an impact to strengthen the TB as a breed.
Vicki B.
@judy berube – you’re right, I’ve seen 25 lengths too, and others. 16 lengths was from the “official result chart”, which at least one analyst thought was unbelievably conservative.
@Sharon Simons-Passmore – I laughed out loud at your Drive through Lexington, I woulda been feeling the same. And rather visit Zenny, than Rome.
Sorry meant 2009 BCC and she just romper on by.
Agree about HDG. She has a very nice pleasant
Personality, feminine but all business. We had a very
Flirtatious QH mare in our barn, whether she was in
Season or not she would cone up to the boys in the
Ring like Marilyn Monroe ” Hey big boy let’s get
Together sometime”. It was hilarious to watch and the
Funny thing was the were all geldings and the loved
Seruni 1/2 bro to HDG just won Labor Day stakes
At Moutaineer. Nice looking light bay gelding.
Cynthia H.
@Anne from Paramount: Hahaha! You are funny! I did hear that Jeanine Sahadi was retiring. Was at Santa Anita workouts last week. The new dirt track is looking good! Fingers are crossed. !
Shari Voltz
Zenyatta I love this post. I stretch before and after running. It is so important to stretch. Zenyatta do horses really stretch? How do they warm up before their runs? I am really asking because I am still so new at all this. My friend Dawn (Who always knows so much about racing) is teaching me about the sport. I think she is gifted :) My other friend Susan is also teaching me about horses. When your a teacher it is so nice to let someone else teach and you become the student. I want to say Congratulations to Havre de Grace for beating the boys. GIRL POWER !!! I also want to thank my husband he served in the United States Navy. I am so proud of him. When we met he was still in the Navy and I always enjoyed going to the base in Norfolk, Va. Well sweet girl I hope you have a good dry night. I love you so much. Hugs and Kisses, Shari
Shari Voltz
@ Zenny XXXOOO
Love your patriotism !
Barbara Wood
@Ingrid A– what was the terrible tragedy? Someone referred to Ruidoso Downs yesterday. What happened? Was that it?
@signofthetimes–I agree with you. If Zenny had ducked the BCC last year, she would not have won HOY. I think her “loss” was the most jaw-dropping performance I’ve ever seen.
Cynthia H.
@Anne from Paramount: Sorry, Anne. I read the entries from the bottom up, and missed your earlier post. I know very little about the little girl for whom John Shear risked his life. I have heard from good sources that the father did visit John in the hospital shortly after the accident, to express his gratitude to him for placing himself in harm’s way for his daughter’s sake. I believe that it is the father’s wishes that his child be kept out of the limelight. It was most certainly a horribly traumatic incident for a child to witness.
Debbie G
@Charlie in Delran – I enjoyed your post. I deliver mail to Paul Mallory, who foaled Seattle Slew. He worked in the horse industry for many years. He’s elderly now and in a wheelchair and I guess you could say he’s kind of a crusty, grumpy old fellow, but all you have to do is mention Slew’s name and his whole face lights up. You can see his eyes filling with tears as he talks about his beloved Slew. After all these years these great horses may be gone, but they will never, ever be forgotten.
Terry Crow
@Vicki B and signofthetimes-I understand your position and somewhat agree. Its just that in 40 years we will all be gone and all that will be left is the paper record and very few will remember the circumstances involved. When you look at 2009 and 2010, it just seems strange that when Zenyatta proved herself in the 2009 BCC she did not win HOY but when she lost in 2010 she did. Don’t get me wrong when I say this, but I think the 2010 HOY award was a makeup for 2009 when the voters knew they had it wrong.
We were at the 2010 Classic and some men around us who seemed to know more about horses than we did commented she was easily 25 lengths behind before beginning her massive assault on the field. After that race they were believers and said she was easily the best horse on the track that day.
@Terry Crow
Interesting comments. I am definately not a
Trainer or even close. I think Zenny lost HOY
In 2009 because RA beat the boys and won some
Great races and became the first and second female
To do it. She made a dramatic campaign that probably
Cost her and her fans her 4 year old racing year.
Zenny won in races she had already won in 2009.
The Mosses and John had to step our if the “box” and
Run her against the boys and she bear them all Euro
And US and then she defended her title and never
Went down a notch. I think you have a lot more experience
And knowledge of horse racing than I, bur I think the BCC
2010 will be remembered like Secretariat’s Belmont
Win. That race really showed her professionalism, determination
Talent and huge huge heart. The races against the girls
were a game for her often not a challenge. But remember
Had she liked the track had a perfect trip like HDG did in the
Woodward we may have seen a 7 or 8 length win over
The boys in 2010. She will go down in histor as a great if not
The greatest female racehorse for sure.
How lucky to be at BCC 2010 and very definately
A very important comment. Most horses who don’t
Like the track or the dirt in their face just quit.
Zenny did not and that is what is so very special
About her.
One of the characteristics Darley markets Street
Cry on is his determination and Zenny definately
Has that in bundles from him.
@ Barbara Wood – http://www.drf.com/news/paralyzed-jockey-jacky-martin-critical-condition Needs a lot of prayers and good wishes right now.
Terry Crow
@signofthetimes–I am certainly not going to my grave with this position on Zenyatta. I am merely putting out some ideas for discussion. I like to read your opinions and agree with your scholarly discussion about RA and Zenyatta. It is difficult, at times, to have a dispassionate exchange of ideas and opinions. I may or may not have more horsey knowledge, but you present your arguments well and I have a lot of respect for you. Other than Personal Ensign, not one top horse has retired undefeated. It is just a shame that Zenyatta did not and I sometimes let my disappointment with that fact get the best of me. For those who think that Zenyatta’s best race was her last one, you get no argument from me.
Susan in TN
@Charlie in Delran and Debbie G: Your stories touched me so- thank you for sharing <3
@Barbara Wood: Couldn't agree more about BCC 2010!
@Michelle: How cute! That baby was getting it from both ends, wasn't she? Thank you for the link.
@signofthetimes: Thank you for ALL your contributions to this site-very interesting info. Funny story about the mare at your barn!
@Sharon Simmons Passmore: LOL! And forget Google Earth- doesn't work!
@AJ in CA: What marvelous experiences you've had! Thanks for sharing!
@HDG: I really like that horse! I like Larry Jones, too, and it's good to see him happy again.
@Brooke: Nice to see you post! Dusty must be beautiful! You are learning a lot- good for you! That was such a sweet P.S. you left Mrs. Volz and Zenyatta <3
@Vicki B: Thanks! I know it's kind of silly, but it makes me happy for Chester (and Sass) that people ALL OVER know and care about him. It makes me happy-cry. He has persevered for almost 30 years and doesn't want or expect much. He just wants to live. Yes, I am smitten!
@Sarah Powell: Thank you, too, for comments about Chester and Sass! Yes, the more opportunities you give them and the more you pay attention, the more they let their personalities out (in my experience) and I do just love it!
Cynthia H.
A HIGH HOOF to John Shirreffs for his service. Young people who were not alive during the tumultuous 60s and the Viet Nam War era may not realize the ramifications of what service to country meant during those controversial times. Thank you, Mr. Shirreffs. I hope that you had a great day, and I was impressed by the late run of Gelila in the 6th race. Good luck to you both.
Susan in TN
@Eveline: Am praying for Jacky and Tracy Martin. Thank you for posting that.
My neutered male cat acts the same way around female cats. My vet says this will still happen. Each Fall he becomes restless and begs go outside and “prowl”. So glad when cold weather sets in and he calms down. Chuckle.
What a spectacular job Havre de Grace did. Another girl who beat the boys! She made the girls proud! Love you Z!
Susan in TN
@Vicki B: (I’m working my way up)- heartbreaking story.
@Susan: That was one of the first things I noticed- the #18 jersey and wondered the same thing! We are Colts/Peyton Manning fans, too.
@signofthetimes: Just read your story about your greyhound and horse- too funny! I can just see it!
Susan in TN
@Terry Crow: RE: Chester: Yep! Funny jokes- especially liked pumpkin one! Yes, Judy B emailed me and will send the “item”- you are on stand-by!
Linda in Fla.
I have followed racing for 63 years and have seem many of the top 100 in person, visited Secretariat twice and on the same day saw him, Seattle Slew, and Affirmed but I have never before seen the likes of Zenyatta. She never failed to show up for any of her races, and many times had to go wide to avoid the problems that face a late closer. She always brought her A-game and did everything she was asked to do, and no horse has ever done it with the grace, beauty, and personality that she did. She is one of a kind and I’m so thankful that I was priviledged to see her in person. Her 2010 Classic was the most impressive, exciting race I’ve ever witnessed. I cannot perceive any horse being able to do what she did on the track that day. She was phenomenal.
judy berube
Dear Michelle:
Thank you for the video of Blind Luck’s little sister, Successful Luck. She’s adorable and that dog is too. Looking so forward to seeing little Z. Hugs, J.B.
Shari Voltz
@ Brooke I miss you so much. I will call you and let you know about the Peppermint Pals. We have adopted Mistletoe. She is a 2 year old and just starting out. She runs at Arlington Park for now. Her trainer and his wife will be at the Breeder’s Cup. It would be so nice if we could all go. Have a great week sweetie. Love, Mrs. Voltz :)
judy berube
Dear Linda in Fla.:
I only ever saw her on TV and in videos. Everyone that has been able to see her up close is so lucky. You’re right, she is one of a kind. Hugs, J.B.