Happy Friday!
It is always so hard for ME to believe how quickly time is literally flying by. It is already September 2nd….and the closing weekend of racing at both Del Mar and Saratoga. Labor Day is upon us…and students all over the country are returning to school.
I hope all of you enjoy your weekend and all of the great racing that is scheduled. The 2 year olds are starting to step up to stakes activity on both coasts….and then Havre de Grace is going to take on the males in The Woodward Stakes–G1. Additionally at Del Mar, the Del Mar Derby G-2 will be showcased. All the best to all of the participants and their connections.
Yesterday, a few dear friends of mine sent Dottie a link regarding an article in the September, 2011, issue of THE AMERICAN TURF MAGAZINE. The piece is written by Mark Shrager. In it, he is listing (in his opinion) the TOP 10 AMERICAN RACE HORSES EVER!
Guess who is there at #6? ME!!
Now this is very special…and I so appreciate Mark’s ranking. The list of horses and how he rated the TOP 10 are as follows:
Click here for the article.
This is a list of some amazing thoroughbreds with massive racing accomplishments. I am so PROUD to be included with this elite company. Dottie was commenting to John last night that I AM THE ONLY FEMALE on the list. Also, I am the only horse to be included who ran in the last few decades. John Henry won his HOTY titles in 1981 and 1984. All of the other horses represent decades of racing before that time. This is truly significant and as I mentioned earlier, I am extremely PROUD and HONORED to be in such company.
I hope you enjoy the article, your weekend, and some great RACING! Cheers to great handicapping!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Thank you Camille and Jim for sharing this article with US!)
Gloria Jeanne
I add 3 more photos of Zenny I took last year before she went to the Breeders Cup. This one of the days that 60 Mimutes was filming their segment on Zenyatta. Check these out.. I have a ton more photos.
judy berube
Dear Barb Zylbert:
OMG, had no idea steroids could cause laminitis in horses. Kind of sheds a floodlight on maybe why it is so prevalent. Steroids have been used for all the wrong reasons. In some cases where it’s necessary to use them to try to save a life, there is this awful side effect. Thank you for the info. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Peggy (N):
That’s OK. There are so many posts, it’s easy to miss some of them. I really enjoy reading all of them. Where still cleaning up too. Have a good day. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Oops. Meant to say We’re still cleaning up to. Hugs, J.B.
@Gloria Jeanne. Great photos. I would really like to see more because they are so nicely done. Zenyatta always looks so regal. Cameras love her.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Rooting for Havre de Grace in the Woodward. Hugs, J.B.
Hi Team Zenyatta! Long time no see, or should it be read? Anyway, I hope are doing well. I am really hoping that Harve de Grace does win. That would be so cool.
Love and blessings,
@EVERYONE– Hugs to all who need them.
Diana S
@Zenny: You would be in my top ten for any number of reasons – races, money, impact on the sport, impact on life! Havng said that, I hate lists, but I would have put Secretariat #1 and Man O’ War #2, added Personal Ensign, and drawn straws to fill out a top 20, not 10. Secretariat goes #1 for races, impact on the sport, and on the breed. Rare is the pedigree without him in there. MOW #2 for races, impact on the sport. Sadly, not so much on the breed. RA and Ruffian would be in there – races, impact on sport, impact on life. Barbaro maybe too – impact on life. How many came to the sport because of him and have taken action for horse welfare because of him as well? Sigh. Lists – Hum Bug!
diastu in tempe
Diana S
@Laura J: Thank you for the help! I’ll try that from my work computer – more horsepower than this pony laptop!
diastu in tempe
I’ve been quite busy the last couple of days so I’m trying to catch up.
Zenny – congratulations for making the list. You are truly one of the greats to ever look through a bridle.
Thank you Charlotte Farmer for bringing Noor to his final resting place where he will be honored, appreciated, but most of all – loved. RIP Noor, you’re finally home.
RIP Mikey C, your life and your service to the people of Chicago will not be forgotten.
RIP Beautiful Princess, what a fitting name for you. You will now be able to run pain free with the likes of Secretariat, Affirmed, Sunday Silence, Barbaro, and Kip Deville, among others who have died because of this dreaded disease.
@Signofthetimes – (from post #331), thank you for letting me know about Steve Haskin’s blog regarding Stay Thirsty.
@Steve Haskins – I hope you’re feeling better. The tragedy of Ruffian’s breakdown took me away from racing for awhile, but a tragedy (Barbaro) brought me back. His indomitable spirit made me realize how truly amazing these TBs are – they’re heart and courage are endless. It will be a tragedy if you were to leave this sport too. You’re an incredible writer and I for one am happy that Stay Thirsty reignited that passion within you.
@Cara Ezzell – my condolences to you and your friend. RIP Mercy Merci. IMHO, we don’t need that type of an attitude from those we entrust to take care of our four-legged friends.
I found this link and I’m amazed that this horse wasn’t seriously injured, if not outright killed: http://www.thoroughbredtimes.com/national-news/2011/09/02/jockey-club-helps-identify-horse-wandering-indiana.aspx
@All – have a safe, happy and relaxing Labor Day weekend. I hope you enjoy the racing this weekend.
Good luck and safe trips for all who are racing this weekend. Good luck especially to HDG – you go girl!!! :)
Gary Moulton
@Baby Plays ————————————- 09-03-11 (12:34 pm est.)
Today there are three baby races at the Spa, race 2, 7, & 12. Two nice specials and one State Bred special for 10k less. Where the surf meets the turf there are four high school races, 1, 3, 5, & 8, highlighted by the G1 “Del Mar Debutante Stakes” for the girls. Zenny, we better kept a close eye on this race so we can size up the competition for Miss Moon. The other three are 63K specials, two for the girls and one for the boys. Could be all Baffert, all day. Looks like he is breaking out some good ones. He better win the 3rd race or he better not go home for dinner, LOL
Race 2 – #4 “O’Prado Again”, #6 “Da Vinci” #10 “Winston C”, #11 “Todd Cole”
$1.00 Triple Key – 6 // 4, 10, 11 // 4, 10, 11 = $6.00
Race 7 – #1 & 1A “Alpha” “Nandino”, #3 “Invocation”, #6 “Hierro”, & #9 “Africanist”
$1.00 Triple Key – 6 // 1, 3, 9 // 1, 3, 9 = $6.00
Race 12 – $10.00 to WIN on #7 “Coalition”
Race 1 – #2 “Princess Ash”, #3 “She’s a Minx”, #4 “Nihilist”, & #5 “Customer Base”
$1.00 Triple Key – 5 // 2, 3, 4 // 2, 3, 4 = $6.00
Race 3 – #1 “Contested”, #4 “Fluxx”, #8 “Twitch”, & #10 “Chick Flick”
$1.00 Triple Key – 1 // 4, 8, 10 // 4, 8, 10 = $6.00
Race 5 – #1 “Hurry Home Clover”, #4 “Mental Giant”, #8 “Cloud Hopper”, & #9 “Liaison”
$1.00 Triple Key – 9 // 1, 4, 8 // 1, 4, 8 = $6.00
Race 8 – “Del Mar Debutante Stakes” – #4 “Self Preservation”, #6 “Weemissfrankie”, #7 “Emerald Gold”, & #10 “Dreamcaster”
$1.00 Triple Key – 10 // 4, 6, 7 // 4, 6, 7 = $6.00
Bet $46.00 Starting out today +$125.20 Good Luck Everyone
To “Z” Friends who would like to share a Morning Prayer:
We bless you, Creator of all things,
for you have given us the goods of the earth and brought us to this day.
Look with favor on us as we begin our daily work,
let us be fellow workers with you.
Make our work today benefit our brothers and sisters,
that with them and for them we may build an earthly city, pleasing to you.
Grant joy and peace to us,
and to all we meet this day.
@DJ: Thank you for the beautiful prayers you post. I hope you are doing well.
@Diana S, actually, Man O’ War was a successful sire. His sons War Admiral and War Relic were also successful at stud. His sire line hasn’t been dominant. However, he has numerous excellent descendants, including Zenyatta herself. It’s just that most are through a female intermediary somewhere along the line. His Y chromosome isn’t yet lost to posterity; it continues with Tiznow and his sons. And Secretariat is not a sire-of-sires. His long-term influence on the breed is due to his daughters and their progeny. Of the horses on the above list, only Seattle Slew can be considered a great sire-of-sires. Through him, the Bold Ruler line will probably continue for decades to come, and maybe indefinitely.
Hope the computer stuff works for you. :-)
Ann Maree
@Judy Berube…don’t want to step on your efforts at providing the great links for horses…you have used Spiletta before, and they have a pretty thorough bio of John Henry: http://www.spiletta.com/UTHOF/johnhenry.html Of course, there is a lot about John Henry that has been written, including a very good movie. YouTube has some tribute videos there, as well.
Another site with most stats for great horses is WikiPedia. They don’t have Zenyatta’s pps, but they have one of the most thorough listings of the important details of her racing career I have ever seen, including her awards and records. It is obvious whoever keeps up her Wiki page is a huge fan, and they update it whenever another award is added to her already hefty award list. Hugs to you Judy….appreciate all your info.
Terry Crow
@Sunny Boyd-You lit the first on Jerry Lewis. As you say, too bad. I am enjoying your jokes. Keep them coming. @Judy Berube-I was somewhat concerned after I posted that Californian joke. I did not mean to imply that the joke was ABOUT you, just directed TO you. @signofthetimes and Susan in TN-Thank you. @LauraJ-Praise from you is praise indeed. I highly respect your horsey knowledge. @Gary Moulton, quarterhossgal and Barbara Grimaldi-We don’t need lists to know that Zenyatta is number one in our hearts. @Vicki B-from what I have learned about Kincsem, she belongs in any discussion about great horses. How would she have done today? Tough call. But then again, how would Babe Ruth be doing if he were playing today? I would suspect that he would be a superstar, if not as a hitter, then as a pitcher. @Diana S-Impact on the sport is a good topic of discussion. You have to list Zenyatta at the top because of the revitalized interest in racing when she was running. I will post a joke later.
@ Gary Moulton- Have fun in Timonium, one of my favorite race meets. Don’t forget to cheer for Rapid Redux, who on sunday is going for 16 straight! @ Quarterhossgal- so sorry about your mare, let us know if you’re going to be able to use stemcell therapy. @ Judy Berube – I have the feeling that you and Barb Zylbart are not talking about the same thing. I think you’re thinking about anabolic steroids like equipose, winstrol and testosterone used to increase appetite and bulk up muscle. Barb is talking about dexamethazone (azium) a common drug to treat hives, swollen legs etc. Some horses are very sensitive to this drug and it causes laminitus . I’m sure there other people on this site who are more qualified to comment on this than I am. @ Sunny Boyd- regarding the walnut tree; some people have no respect for nature! Love your lines/jokes. @ Doreen- It’s beyond me how someone can not notice that a horse falls out of the trailer!!! @ Cara Ezzell – sorry about the arabian mare. @ Signofthetimes – my friends Henry the Navigator colt is exactly the same color as Zenny’s half. His mommy is blood bay. @ Judy Berube – forgot to thank you for all the great links!
Abigail from Montreal
SO YOU THINK wins the IRISH CHAMPION STAKES!!!! And the WONDERFUL Snow Fairy ran massive and finished second!!! The two were 5 lengths clear at the finish!!!! I’ll post the race footage as soon as its available.
Thank you Lucia..I am! Have a beautiful day!
Cynthia H.
Post-times of today’s biggies: (EST)
SARATOGA Race 8 Personal Ensign 4:39; Race 9 Forego 5:12; Race 10 Woodward 5:45.
Versus will probably be airing, as NBC is covering Notre Dame game (go Irish!).
Barbara Wood
On pins and needles hoping and praying for safe trips for all this weekend, especially HDG.
Barbara Wood
@Gulf Coast Dumplings–please stay safe and ditto our message to East Coast Dumplings earlier. Please check in after the storm, ok?
Cynthia H.
For those who missed them, VERSUS is now showing last week’s Travers and King’s Bishop Stakes (4:00-5:00 EST).
The Woodward, etc., will be aired immediately following, 5:00-6:00.
Wow Z. You’re on another impressive list!!! You never cease to AMAZE us!!! Does anyone know if there is a 2010 DVD on Zenny yet? I have the one that goes up to the Breeder’s Cup 2009?????
Quarterhorsegal your mare needed cryotherapy immediately via ice water in rubber tubs,ice boots,or via some method. Water should be kept at approximately 40 degrees farenheit for a minimum of 2 hours(depending on how long it would take the medication to exit her system.) If she still has pain or heat ice water might still prevent further damage but it is probably too late for that. You should be educating yourself as to all the possible causes of laminitis and colic. These things are best prevented. Stem cells can heal the damage but if it is not too severe may not be necessary. Horse owners learn how to care for your horses. Get knowledge. http://www.thehorse.com has many veterinary approved articles and there are other sites also. There are many things that can cause laminitis such as drugs,allergies,grain overload,too much sugar(researchers have used it to cause laminitis),insulin resistance,black walnuts,obesity and lack of exercise,retained afterbirth (which should be cleaned out asap if the mare does not pass it normally using oxytocin),etc. Preventing colic articles are also available. Horses should always have access to as much clean water as they want with their food to prevent impactions. Gas colic can usually be prevented also. Grain if fed should be in several small feedings. Sweet feed is best avoided. It is obvious you have much to learn. You owe it to your mare to learn as much as you can.
Just wanted to send congrats for placing on that list. I wouldn’t have doubted that you should be on it for a minute. Also, love that photo of you.
Susan in TN
@Peggy N: Thanks for comment on Keeneland and- WAIT- did I just hear someone shout “TIMBER”?!?
@Quarterhossgal: Praying for a speedy recovery for your mare <3 Keep us posted!
Terry Crow
Here is today’s joke. I heard it originally as a polish joke but now those are called dumb guy jokes.–Three dumb guys died and are at the pearly gates of heaven. Saint Peter tells them that they can enter the gates if one of them can answer one simple question. St. Peter asks the first dumb guy “What is Easter?” The first dumb guy replies “Oh, that’s easy! It’s the holiday in November when everyone gets together, eats turkey, and are thankful.” “Wrong!” replies St. Peter, and proceeds to ask the second dumb guy the same question, “What is Easter?” The second dumb guy replies, “Easter is the holiday in December when we put up a nice tree, exchange presents, and celebrate the birth of Jesus.” St. Peter looks at the second dumb guy, shakes his head in disgust, tells him he’s wrong, and then looks at the third dumb guy and asks “What is Easter?” The third dumb guy looks St. Peter in the eye, “I know what Easter is.” “Oh?” says St. Peter, incredulously. The third dumb guy then says “Easter is the Christian holiday that coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper and Jesus was later deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. The Romans took him to be crucified and he was stabbed in his side, made to wear a crown of thorns, and was hung on a cross with nails through his hands. He was buried in a nearby cave which was sealed off by a large boulder.” St. Peter smiled broadly with delight. The third dumb guy continues, “Every year the boulder is moved aside so that Jesus can come out. And, if he ses his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.”
YAY!!! HVG won the Woodward!!! Girl Power!!! Man, she rocks!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Well, I’ve had a perfect Saturday, Zenny. First SO YOU THINK and now HAVRE DE GRACE.
Wouldn’t her daddy, St. Liam, be proud? He won the Woodward and then went on to win the BC Classic……