Happy Friday!
It is always so hard for ME to believe how quickly time is literally flying by. It is already September 2nd….and the closing weekend of racing at both Del Mar and Saratoga. Labor Day is upon us…and students all over the country are returning to school.
I hope all of you enjoy your weekend and all of the great racing that is scheduled. The 2 year olds are starting to step up to stakes activity on both coasts….and then Havre de Grace is going to take on the males in The Woodward Stakes–G1. Additionally at Del Mar, the Del Mar Derby G-2 will be showcased. All the best to all of the participants and their connections.
Yesterday, a few dear friends of mine sent Dottie a link regarding an article in the September, 2011, issue of THE AMERICAN TURF MAGAZINE. The piece is written by Mark Shrager. In it, he is listing (in his opinion) the TOP 10 AMERICAN RACE HORSES EVER!
Guess who is there at #6? ME!!
Now this is very special…and I so appreciate Mark’s ranking. The list of horses and how he rated the TOP 10 are as follows:
Click here for the article.
This is a list of some amazing thoroughbreds with massive racing accomplishments. I am so PROUD to be included with this elite company. Dottie was commenting to John last night that I AM THE ONLY FEMALE on the list. Also, I am the only horse to be included who ran in the last few decades. John Henry won his HOTY titles in 1981 and 1984. All of the other horses represent decades of racing before that time. This is truly significant and as I mentioned earlier, I am extremely PROUD and HONORED to be in such company.
I hope you enjoy the article, your weekend, and some great RACING! Cheers to great handicapping!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Thank you Camille and Jim for sharing this article with US!)
You are incredible. Has that been mentioned before? ha! Take care sweet one; you are the best and I always love to see your name in print and hear your name voiced.
Carole #42
Zenyatta – congratulations to you on another job well done. You sure deserve it, and thanks to the Z. team for everything they did for you. Love to you and your future foal. xoxo
Susan in TN
@Terry Crow: Wow- you saw all of those greats race in person except Man O’ War?!? That’s incredible! Very well-said about rankings and comparing eras- couldn’t agree more. Loved the joke and the redneck mention- did you say “might”? haha- don’t make me break out my “you might be a Californian if…” jokes! LOL!
Susan in TN
@Jeanie: I am truly curious and NOT questioning your opinion at all, but why aren’t you a Man O’War fan? Thanks!
Brenda S..
Oh Zenny, is Matt hiding those treats again or did he have an itch? Congratulations on being included in such a fine group, and YOU are the only female. Way to go Zenny.
@ Terry C – I totally agree with you Terry, toss all those names (plus a few more who have already been named) and anybody could come up with a 10 Best List. It’s always tough to compare apples to oranges but we all know that Zenny would be there no matter what. Loved the joke today and I think I might have seen Sister driving in the passing lane on the Queen Elizabeth Way this morning so I’ll apologize now if she saw any inappropriate gestures from me.
Susan in TN
@JAG and Laura J: Thanks for race and sale info! How does one go about seeing the Keeneland sales? I read there was live streaming. Is it on their website? Thanks!
Barbara Wood
Kari Bussell– I love, love, love that video!
tony and sue
Zenny, congratulations on making this impressive list of all time great hrses. Of course, to us you are number 1…always! By the way, we were at the BC in 2010 and you were at least 20 lengths behind before beginning your charge. No other horse could have equaled what you accomplished…not a one.
Zenny, you are and always will be my number 1. Thanks for all the race day memories…you always were a treat for the senses and left us wanting more of that chest thumping excitement.
Kathy S.
Zenny, we couldn’t be more proud of you. I can only imagine how over the top YOUR TEAM is over these wonderful accolades. YOU are a horse for the ages and we love YOU.
s (in San Diego)
HRH Zenyatta…what a wonderul list to be on. Well deserved!! Congratulations Beautiful Queen. Loved the article.
The picture of your (and E’s) half sister on your FB page is wonderful. Your Mama sure has pretty babies and I think she looks a little like you in your baby days. Pray she ends up in loving hands with a team like Your John. What does your David think of her? Maybe bring her into the family?
@Kari..Thank you for the link to the tribute video. I had not seen it before!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Can’t help but cry and cheer at the sametiime watching it.
Hope you are having a good day.
Happy Weekend everyone (2 and 4 legged friends) be safe and enjoy.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Happy Friday to you. You belong on that list. To US you are Numero Uno. Another great photo of you and lucky Matt (thanks Dottie). Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Susan in TN
@Gary Moulton: Love the poem! Hope you had a good day!
@Dawn Conrad: Thanks <3
@Kari B: Thanks for the link! But you are too modest!
@Shari V: If I taught 129 children a day, I would be WAY too exhausted to post! Hope you have a restful long weekend! <3
Hope the storm headed to the Gulf Coast is not damaging and I wish it would somehow blow inland and give Texas some rain. Praying for that!
@ALL: Have a great labor day weekend!!
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Loved the joke. Very funny. Also, “you might be a Redneck if”, too funny. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Gary M.
Good luck today and over the long weekend. Hugs, J.B.
Miss Z., I would have you much higher on that list. Definitely top 3.
judy berube
Dear Kari B.:
Have seen this wonderful video before. Was great to watch it again. Thank you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Agree with all of you you stated it is tough to pick ten great ones. There are so many who deserve the honor. To me, Z really is Number One. Hugs, J.B.
Abigail from Montreal
Hi there Zenny & Dottie and fellow Zen-sters….WHOOPS! Cat lying on keyboard….wants his dinner…..just edging him off to the right a little….GEEZ! You’d think this furry family of mine were starving!!!!
Anyway….great to see you acknowledged, big girl, but like several others above, I do WONDER about the character who made the list. In the end, even for an expert, it’s tough to rank great thoroughbreds. And it’s the same in education, I might add. Every student is unique and has their own unique gift(s).
Well, I’m looking forward to watching Havre de Grace & So You Think this weekend. Can’t wait to see how each of them do!
@Kari: Thanks for the great Zenyatta link. I had seen it awhile back but it’s just so beautifully done that I’m still wiping away tears…..
Love & hugs to all!
Sharon Call
@Kri Bussell. Thanks for the video link. I hadn’t see that one before but I’ll remember it now.
Selene McCarthy
I will always have a huge place in my heart for Ruffian! She definitely should have been on the list!
Congratulations for being on the list! I see you have a half-sister (same Mom, Dad is Henry the Navigator) who will be offered for sale soon. She is pretty, I also read your Mom is carrying your full sister. I hope that soon your Mom’s owners give your Mom a well-deserved rest from babymaking. She is such a lovely horse.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. We had big waves here along the coast Z… Big waves by Del Mar. Fun to watch the surfers out there.
Not as much fun as watching you race though.
Kisses on your nose! and a hug for baby-Z
Shannon From Cool
That’s quite a list and OF COURSE YOU are on it.
The BIG GIRL along with all the big boys.
Sandy, New Jersey
Congratulations Zenny! If it had been my list, you would have been #1 with Ruffian at #2 and Winning Colors at #3.
Gloria Jeanne
Not sure if this has been posted here already – but just in case…. enjoy.
@KariB – just watched the video and started out all cool and calm. By the time it ended, I had re-lived all racing things Zenyatta and was crying like a baby! :-) That’s a happy cry, by the way – lol Thanks so much for the great link.
Everyone – a safe and happy holiday to you.
Gloria Jeanne
Zenny is only 50 facebook likes away from 90,000 fans – this is truly TOO CUTE and such an amazing feat – Great Job.
Zenny…he is wrong….to me you are the greatest race horse ever…..
Cynthia H.
@Gary Moulton: “And we went home plenty flush.” Does that mean they went home drunk, or with winning money?
Oh, Zenyatta, doesn’t seem like a day goes by that your name and face isn’t on something. ;);) You will always be #1. xoxo